Living a troubled home-life, a teenager becomes so stressed out with everything around her that she disappears into a series of fantasy-related books. While trying to escape her situation, she soon finds herself living in feudal Japan with a ninja master and his students who inform her that she's in a separate dimension from her regular life and are to help train together in the way of the ninja. When the training's complete, the girls learn that an evil warlord that left them orphans has intentions on killing them all as well, forcing the girls to team up together with all their training to defeat the madman and live in peace again.
Год 2346-й. В кошмарном мире будущего люди соседствуют с киборгами, ставшими могущественным оружием тоталитарного государства. Здесь заправляет жестокий безумец, диктующий всем свою волю и нещадно карающий непокорных. Ничто не может пошатнуть власть злодея, но вскоре его владения станут ареной беспощадной битвы двух несокрушимых репликантов, чья вечная вражда вплотную приблизит человечество к чудовищному апокалипсису.
Brazilian-Japanese gangster Mario rescues his Chinese girlfriend Kei as she's about to be deported from Japan. Desperate to escape, he hides in Tokyo's booming Japanese-Portuguese community and seeks passage from the country from a Russian mobster. To meet his price, they hold up a bigtime drug deal between the Chinese Mafia and the local Yakuza.
Банда Рюичи стремится обрести свое место под солнцем: грабит банки, устраивает разборки с китайскими и японскими гангстерами, пытается взять под контроль пригороды Токио и поставку наркотиков с Тайваня.
The story follows a trio of Japanese youths of Chinese descent who escape their semi-rural upbringing and relocate to Shinjuku, Tokyo, where they befriend a troubled Shanghai prostitute and fall foul of a local crime syndicate. Like many of Miike's works, the film examines the underbelly of respectable Japanese society and the problems of assimilation faced by non-ethnically Japanese people in Japan.