Choi Jae-geun


Best Friend
Daekwon is the team leader of the surveillance team on the verge of getting a demotion. His mission is to be as an unemployed head of a household and monitor the politician's family who's been house arrested right after arrival from abroad for 24 hours a day with his team. Members of the surveillance team, who have moved into the next door disguised as a neighbor, discover secrets one by one, through monitoring all the sounds and behaviors of suspicious family members, from requests for a radio show to midnight rustling noises…
Jazzy Misfits
An aspiring singer Sun-deok is visited by her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to in years. The abrupt encounter leads to the news of her younger sister Yuri, who had vanished with their savings. The mother-daughter team is now hunting for the missing girl and their money, poking around in Itaewon, the international hub of Seoul. Little do they know that soon they will be faced with Yuri’s unlikely secrets.
President′s 7 Hours
The film traces PARK Geun-hye's life back to the 1970s, when the leader-follower relationship began between PARK, who became the first lady of the Yushin regime, and CHOI Taemin, the leader of a pseudo-religion. It then examines the Sewol ferry incident, CHOI Soonsil Gate, candlelight rallies, and finally the impeachment.
Listen to Your Heart. The Beautiful Mind
'Ensemble'. An orchestra made of kids with different handicaps. The teacher, parents and many others get together to complete the orchestra. The orchestra 'Ensemble' is a small community of people who understand the difference of each other, and music is a communicative medium for them. Now listen to their stories and music.
Miss Baek
Sound Supervisor
A woman's past as a convict follows her everywhere and because of this she doesn't open up to others. But then she strikes up a friendship with a broken child who has suffered from domestic violence and decides to save the girl from the cruel world. A man who holds feelings for the woman, tries to protect her in his own way.
Brothers in Heaven
In a big city of Busan, twin brothers were left in the orphanage after the tragic death of their parents. Taeju, the older brother, becomes a cop and Taesung, the younger one, holds a significant position in the local gang. Their ironic fate adds up to have both of them love the same girl, Chanmi. As the feud between two different gangs surrounding the casino heats up, Taesung’s best friend betrays him and places him in a trap. As police line approaches, Taeju comes to persuade Taesung to surrender but first they have to face the truth about the traumatic incident which caused them to drift apart.
Два огонька
Романтическая история о слепнущей девушке, её парне и об их общей любви к фотографии.
Journey to My Boy
Deaf and dumb couple is sufficient for Neanderthals to communicate with their child a family story to go.
Шпион на полставки
Последние 15 лет Ён-щиль никак не может устроиться на нормальную работу, поэтому перебивается как может разными подработками. Чон-ан же наоборот — вполне реализовалась как полицейский детектив, только разговаривать без мата и задержать подозреваемого, предварительно хорошенько его не отпинав, для неё большая проблема. Вернее — для окружающих. И вот Ён-щиль наконец-то получает временную должность в Национальном агентстве безопасности, но по истечении срока начальник её увольняет. И сразу же после этого его разводят на крупную сумму финансовые мошенники. В обмен на постоянное место работы Ён-щиль обещает поймать преступников, находит эту мошенническую фирму и устраивается туда на работу. И тут же сталкивается с агентом под прикрытием Чон-ан.
I'm Doing Fine in Middle School
Sound Supervisor
A story about mothers and their achievements through a mother who was once a Taekwondo champion but is now an ordinary mother with an adolescent son.
Dad for Rent
A unemployed father, due to his laziness, is supported by his wife. Their daughter decides to put their lazy dad up for rent on a secondhand site.
Bad Sister
Professional astrologer Huang Ershan lives her life by the rules of the stars. When she learns that her brother is in Korea and is about to marry his astrology incompatible fiancée, she decides to fly straight to Busan to try and cancel the wedding. On the flight there, she meets the fiancée's father, and together they try to break up the marriage.
Вот уже полгода окрестности Сеула терроризирует серийный убийца, который использует канализационные люки для похищения и убийств своих жертв. За это время бесследно исчезло уже десять человек и теперь похищена молодая девушка Су Чжон. Старшая сестра похищенной Ён Со пытается спасти свою сестру прежде, чем для Су Чжон станет слишком поздно…
Innocent Thing
A high school teacher whose wife is about to give birth finds himself tangled in temptation and obsession when a student falls for him.
Steel Cold Winter
A boy transfers to a school in the countryside, where he finds himself attracted to a mysterious girl. The girl lives alone with her mental patient father and enjoys skating alone on the lake at night. Villagers and classmates spread rumors about the girl, but the boy doesn’t care. Then one day, her father disappears and the boy becomes witness to suspicious activity. Other than a few documentaries, this is Choi Jin-seong’s first feature film. Steel Cold Winter is no normal teenage love story.
Good friends
K (Yeon Jeong-Hun), Tatsuya (Kazuki Kitamura), Joon-Oh (Lee Ji-Hoon) and Yuuji (Kim Young-Hoon) are best friends. They work for Sung-Ho's gang in a Korean neighborhood in Japan. A power struggle over their territory erupts between their gang and the yakuza.K, Tatsuya, Joon-Oh and Yuuji try to revenge the death of a gang member, but they are soon chased by the police. As a result, Tatsuya is arrested and the relationship between Joon-Oh and K becomes frosty. Meanwhile, K robs the yakuza to bail out Tatsuya and Joon-Oh tries to find the snitch in Sung-Ho's gang. They learn that someone is behind the series of deaths of their members. A plan for revenge is set forth.
Чудо в камере №7
Любящий свою дочь умственно отсталый отец получает ложное обвинение в совершении преступления и отправляется в тюрьму. Его дочь, студентка юридического факультета, пытается доказать его невиновность.
A former jockey who became blind after losing his wife in an accident gets a second chance with the help of his daughter and an injured horse.
Сезон хороших дождей
30-летний кореец Дон-ха отправляется в командировку в китайский Чэнду, где его компания занимается разработкой проектов по восстановлению города после землетрясения в 2008 года. Здесь он случайно встречает старую подругу, вместе с которой учился в школе в США. Она вернулась в Чэнду после окончания учёбы и работает экскурсоводом. Дон-ха и Мэй, возможно, были больше, чем просто друзьями. Но их пути разошлись прежде, чем они это смогли понять. Теперь, когда они снова встретились, они уверены, что старые чувства никуда не ушли.
Young, a careless person, suffers from terminal illness and gets admitted in a hospital for treatment. There, he falls in love with a patient. After recovering, will he get back to his former life
Lump of Sugar
The daughter of a poor rancher, Si-eun's only hope is to one day, become a jockey. With her mother passing away at her birth, her favorite horse, Chun-doong, has become not only her friend, but also a soul mate. She is devastated when Chun-doong is sold to another owner, but when they are reunited two years later they have a chance to create a miracle by teaming up in a race.
Непослушные девочки Дасепо
Дело происходит где-то в Корее в мультирелигиозной частной школе. Есть здесь и класс буддистов, и кришнаитов, и католиков, и протестантов, и мусульман, и конфуцианцев, но имеется и класс обычных корейских школьников. Хотя, в этой школе нет обычных учеников или учителей. Все словно сошли с ума и творят всё, что придёт им в голову. Ни секунды покоя: учителя-мазохисты, директор-монстр, ученики без стыда и совести, целая когорта разных фриков и трансвеститов.
Горечь и сладость
Молодой многообещающий гангстер Ким управляет отелем, который принадлежит местному мафиози. Босс поручает Киму задание — проследить за своей молодой подружкой и зафиксировать факт возможной измены. Поручение становится событием, навсегда изменившим его жизнь.
Never Ending Peace and Love
"Never Ending Peace and Love" (or "N.E.P.A.L.") is part of the South Korean omnibus film "If You Were Me" (2003). Comprising six short films directed by six prominent Korean directors and commissioned by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, "If You Were Me" deals with discrimination in the country. The directors were given free rein with regards to subject and style. Park Chan-wook's short tackles the theme of human rights abuses towards foreign laborers in Korea, telling the sory of a Nepalese woman named Chandra who spent six years in a mental hospital after she was mistakenly accused of losing her mind.