Eddie Byrne

Eddie Byrne

Рождение : 1911-01-31, Birmingham, England, UK

Смерть : 1981-08-21


Eddie Byrne


Звёздные войны: Эпизод 4 - Новая надежда
General Willard
Татуин. Планета-пустыня. Уже постаревший рыцарь Джедай Оби Ван Кеноби спасает молодого Люка Скайуокера, когда тот пытается отыскать пропавшего дроида. С этого момента Люк осознает свое истинное назначение: он один из рыцарей Джедай. В то время как гражданская война охватила галактику, а войска повстанцев ведут бои против сил злого Императора, к Люку и Оби Вану присоединяется отчаянный пилот-наемник Хан Соло, и в сопровождении двух дроидов, R2D2 и C-3PO, этот необычный отряд отправляется на поиски предводителя повстанцев — принцессы Леи.
Человек Макинтоша
Британский разведчик притворяется вором бриллиантов, его сажают на 20 лет, чтобы поймать банду, готовящую побеги для богатых преступников. Только непосредственному начальнику – человеку в плаще – известно о его настоящей личности, но он мертв!
Never Mind the Quality: Feel the Width
Father Ignatious
Two London tailors horse around, wind up robbed, go to Rome and disrupt the Vatican.
All Coppers Are...
A young policeman and a small-time crook are both involved with the same girl.
I Can't... I Can't...
The tale of a young Irish Catholic bride who is devastated when her pregnant mother miscarries and dies on her wedding day. The young woman, one of seven children, blames her father’s lust for the death. When her own wedding night arrives she is terrified and refuses to consummate the marriage with her husband. Her parish priest forbids her to accept her doctor’s suggestion that she should use contraception and she is driven to desperate measures.
Guns in the Heather
An American foreign exchange student in Ireland, Rich Evans (Kurt Russell), gets caught up in espionage when a dying man gives him a message to pass to his older brother, who is an American intelligence agent unbeknownst to Rich. Rich and his friend are then kidnapped by an Eastern Bloc agent pretending to be from the American Embassy in the hopes that they will lead him to a scientist who is attempting to defect to the West. Originally aired in 3 parts on 'Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color' TV series, then re-edited into a theatrical feature in Europe under the title, 'The Secret of Boyne Castle.'
Where's Jack?
Rev. Wagstaff
Based on the adventures of Jack Sheppard, the thief and jail-breaker who became a folk hero in 1720s London.
Gold Is Where You Find It
Tyg McMahon
A millionaire returns to Ireland and loses his gold nuggets before disappearing and sparking a gold rush.
Месть Фу Манчу
Ship's Captain
3-й из серии британо-немецких фильмов 60-х годов о зловещем докторе Фу Манчу. Решив избавиться от своего заклятого врага, инспектора Скотланд-Ярда Нэйланда Смита, Фу Манчу похищает известного пластического хирурга и заставляет его сделать из одного из подручных Манчу двойника Смита. С его помощью китайский гений решает убедить весь мир в том, что знаменитый инспектор стал убийцей-психопатом...
Остров террора
Dr. Reginald Landers
На побережье небольшого ирландского островка находят тело фермера, полностью лишенное костей. Прибывшая на остров для расследования столь странного случая группа специалистов вскоре обнаруживает и другие такие же трупы и приходит к выводу, что инциденты могут быть связаны с деятельностью некоего доктора Филлипса, одержимого идеей изобрести средство от рака. А вскоре они встречают и самих виновников смертей - химерических монстров, высасывающих костную ткань из живых существ.
Devils of Darkness
Dr. Robert Kelsey
A secret vampire cult, which has its headquarters beneath the town cemetery, searches for victims for its human sacrifice rituals.
Бегущий человек
Sam Crewdson
Английский летчик Рекс Блэк проворачивает смелую аферу: инсценирует собственную смерть, а сам бежит заграницу. Его жена Стела, получив приличную сумму от страховой компании за смерть супруга, присоединяется к нему в прекрасном испанском городе Малага. Оба не могут нарадоваться своей изобретательности. Однако дело принимает неожиданный оборот, когда на их пути появляется подозрительный страховой агент, способный нарушить их бесмятежное счастье. Остается единственный выход — бежать…
The Cracksman
Johnny Domino
Ernest Wright's peerless prowess as a locksmith comes to the attention of a tough big-time crook, who feels that the little man would be a valuable asset to his crime kingdom. In order to inveigle him into a series of jobs, he sets up a beautiful hostess as a trap, into which the hapless Ernest inevitably falls..!
The Punch and Judy Man
Ice Cream Man
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.
Мятеж на Баунти
John Fryer
1789 год. Экипаж британского корабля «Баунти» под руководством жестокого капитана Блая наполнив трюмы, отчаливает от берегов Таити. До этого дня в течение шести месяцев команда корабля подвергалась физическим и моральным издевательствам со стороны капитана и его приспешников. Изнурительная работа и отсутствие пищи вынуждают моряков поднять бунт. Зачинщиком мятежа становится матрос аристократ Кристиан Флетчер. Ссадив с корабля капитана и преданных ему людей, «Баунти» взял курс обратно на Таити, именно там Флетчер и другие мятежники решили провести всю оставшуюся жизнь… Но их мечтам не суждено сбыться, дело дошло до королевского суда, и «по заслугам» получили все: Блай, Флетчер и вся команда бунтовщиков.
Locker Sixty-Nine
Simon York
A shady business man has perpetrated a fraud that has resulted in the death of a large number of people. His business partner has evidence of the fraud and threatens the fraudster with exposure in the event of any further dishonest dealing. But when the fraudster suddenly receives death threats he decides to fake his own murder in a plan both to get his hands on the evidence.
The Pot Carriers
Chief Officer Bailey
New inmate Rainbow has just been imprisoned for a year for his part in a fight over his girlfriend Wendy. After being assigned to kitchen duty, he becomes involved in a food-trading racket. When the scheme is betrayed to the prison's governor, its prime mover is threatened with an extended sentence - unless Rainbow can come up with a way to save him.
The Break
Judd Tredegar
A group of inmates escape from Dartmoor prison. They hide out in the English country side but are doggedly chased by police.
Johnny Nobody
Landlord O'Connor
When the atheistic ranting of Irish-American author James Mulcahy upsets the inhabitants of the Irish village to which he has retired, a mob threatens him. But moments after he has dared God to strike him dead, a stranger appears and does so. The man, dubbed "Johnny Nobody" by the press, claims no knowledge of Mulcahy or even of himself. He asks the help of the village priest, Father Carey, in his upcoming trial for Mulcahy's murder. While the amnesiac Johnny goes to trial, Father Carey mulls questions of belief raised by the case. And then, the good father learns a little more about Johnny Nobody...
The Mark
A man who served prison time for intent to molest a child tries to build a new life with the help of a sympathetic psychiatrist.
Sam Hare
Back in London after serving time, an ex-convict learns that his wife is not willing to return to him. He plans to crack a safe at a club.
Козел отпущения
Путешествуя по Франции Джон Баррэтт сталкивается с обедневшим французским дворянином, который в точности походит на него. Он опоил двойника, чтобы выдать его за себя, а самому отдохнуть и получить передышку от неурядиц в семье и работе. Проснувшись, Джон-двойник пытается убедить всех с кем сталкивается, что он не тот, о ком они думают, но постепенно все более привязывается к этой семье, включая несчастную жену, властную мать, одинокую но талантливую молодую дочь, несчастную сестру — старую деву и домохозяйку. Джон все больше узнает их, и чувствует, что может помочь им с их проблемами, но он также привыкает и к новому образу чужой жизни, которая впервые дала ему цель.
The Bridal Path
Mike Flanagan
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
Inspector Mulrooney
В 1895 году группа британских археологов из клана Бэннингов на раскопках в Египте обнаружила и вскрыла гробницу легендарной жрицы Анаки. Ослушавшись совета одного из местных жителей не вскрывать гробницу, ибо «тот кто ограбит гробницы Египта — умрет», археологи проникли внутрь захоронения, чем и навлекли на себя проклятие почитателей древнего божества. Через три года, уже в Англии, с членами семьи Бэннингов начинают происходить неприятности, приведшие к смерти двух из них… Приехавший из Лондона инспектор Малруни сначала отказывается верить в то, что причиной смерти явилось древнее проклятие, а непосредственным убийцей является ожившая мумия, но дальнейшие факты заставили его кардинально изменить свою точку зрения…
Jack the Ripper
Inspector O'Neill
A serial killer is murdering women in the Whitechapel district of London. An American policeman is brought in to help Scotland Yard solve the case.
Floods of Fear
A man framed for murder escapes from prison during a flood and helps a young woman in distress.
Wonderful Things!
Set in a beautiful fishing village in Gibraltar, Wonderful Things! stars Frankie Vaughan as Carmello, a young fisherman who, unable to earn enough from fishing to marry his tempestuous fiancée, decides to come to England to seek his fortune and finds fortunes are not quite so easy to come by.
Micky Hart
The life of James Ignatius Rooney, a Dublin rubbish collector during the week and a Gaelic sportsman at the weekends.
Commander (Tough's Yard)
Две истории в одной: беззаботный британский капрал, находящийся во Франции, узнаёт, что он оказался ответственным за жизни своих людей после гибели их офицера. И он должен найти способ вернуть их в Англию. Тем временем британские гражданские лица оказываются втянутыми в войну при помощи операции «Динамо», целью которой было вернуть французские и британские войска на побережье Дюнкерка. Есть и те, кто готов прийти на помощь, и те, кто действует не столь охотно.
These Dangerous Years
A Liverpool gang member wins a singing contest is then called up for National Service where he clashes with another soldier.
Menace In The Night
A woman (Lisa Gastoni) witnesses the theft of soiled banknotes from a mail delivery truck, then is threatened by the perpetrators of the crime.
Abandon Ship
Michael Faroni
After a massive luxury liner sinks into the ocean, the ship's officer must command a rickety lifeboat, built for only nine, that is stuffed with over twenty desperate and injured passengers. As a hurricane approaches and the many wounded passengers struggle for life, difficult decisions must be made about who will remain on the boat and who must be cast to the sea in order to give others the chance to survive.
The Man in the Sky
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
It's Great to be Young!
Mr. Morris
IT’S GREAT TO A YOUNG stars John Mills as Dingle an easygoing high school teacher. When autocratic new headmaster Frome (Cecil Parker) begins imposing all sorts of repressive rules, Dingle does his best to stand up for his students, only to be dismissed for his troubles. The kids conspire to not only reinstate their favourite teacher, but to circumvent Frome's refusal to purchase new instruments for an upcoming music festival.
Reach for the Sky
Flight Sergeant Mills
The true story of airman Douglas Bader who overcame the loss of both legs in a 1931 flying accident to become a successful fighter pilot and wing leader during World War II.
Козлёнок за два гроша
Sylvester the Photographer (uncredited)
Мама маленького Джо работает в ателье господина Кандинского швеёй, и Джо иногда бывает у неё на работе. Они кое-как сводят концы с концами на мамину зарплату, но в их бедном квартале есть соседи, которые даже голодают. Джо не знает, как помочь всем этим людям и маме, но очень хочет этого. Кандинский однажды говорил ему, что любое желание человека может исполнить только единорог из сказки. Джо покупает на свои сбережения маленького козлёнка, у которого по-особенному растут рожки. Он решил вырастить собственного единорога…
One Way Out
Supt. John Harcourt
A tragedy played in standard cops and robbers costume. A policeman faced with deep moral choices finds that once he's set foot on the path of corruption he is trapped by an ever more complex web of lies and intrigue. A lifetime of personal honour is at stake and we wonder if redemption is possible.
Stolen Assignment
Inspector Corcoran
Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week's holiday with her aunt. But when her aunt comes to see him, worried because her niece has not arrived, a police investigation into her disappearance begins. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?
Three Cases of Murder
Snyder ("The Picture" segment)
Three stories of murder and the supernatural: A museum worker is introduced to a world behind the pictures he sees every day. When two lifelong friends fall in love with the same woman and she is killed, they are obvious suspects. Is their friendship strong enough for them to alibi each other? When a young politician is hurt by the arrogant Secretary for Foreign Affairs Lord Mountdrago, he uses Mountdrago's dreams to get revenge.
Children Galore
Zachariah "Zacky" Jones
As a going away gift to a small village, the local Lord and Lady promise a new cottage to the local couple with the most grandchildren. Competitive instincts and petty jealousies ensue.
Aunt Clara
A wealthy old man dies and leaves his holdings--including a brothel and a gambling den, racing greyhounds and a sleazy bar--to his eccentric Aunt Clara. Clara vows to "clean up" her new establishments, but complications ensue when she visits the crooked gambling den--just as it's being raided by the police.
The Divided Heart
Second Justice
During World War II, a German woman, Inga, goes missing and is presumed dead. Her infant son is placed in an orphanage where, years later, he's adopted by a childless couple. The adoptive parents' happiness is shattered when Inga reappears and insists on custody of her son.
Beautiful Stranger
An ex-chorus girl lives on the Riviera, supported by a married man she doesn't know is a crook.
Happy Ever After
The whole village mourns when General O'Leary, owner of a hunting estate in South Ireland, is killed in an accident. His nephew, Jasper O'Leary, takes over the state and soon has aroused the displeasure of all, with the exception of Serena McGluskey, as much a schemer as he is a cad. Led by Thady O'Heggarty, the villagers plot to drive Jasper away. They use the occasion of "O'Leary Night", when the ghost of the first O'Leary walks the halls, to create general chaos.
Trouble in the Glen
Dinny Sullivan
Major Jim "Lance" Lansing, an American ex-pilot of the U.S. Air Corps, returns to Scotland after the war and finds much trouble in the glen where he settles because of the high-handed activities of the local laird, Sandy Mengues, a wealthy South American who, with his daughter Marissa, has returned to the land of his forefathers. Led by Lansing, the people eventually prevail upon Mengues to restore peace to the glen, but not before a brief and unconvincing fight between Lansing and Dukes, the Mengues foreman. Written by Les Adams
The Sea Shall Not Have Them
Petty Officer Porter
During autumn of 1944, an RAF Hudson carrying a VIP passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft's dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. The film's title reflects the motto of the RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.
Albert R.N.
The British inmates of a POW camp think they have an informer among them after several escape attempts fail. One of the prisoners constructs a dummy which they christen "Albert" and use at roll call in order to foil the German guards.
The Square Ring
Lou Lewis
Boxing drama following the lives of 5 different fighters and their reasons for becoming boxers.
Time, Gentlemen, Please!
Dan Dance
Because of its high productivity and "almost" 100 per cent employment, the town of Hayhoe, England is expecting a visit from the Prime Minister. The "almost" is because of Dan Dance (Eddie Byrne), an old rogue who would rather drink and philosophize than work. The Village Council are determined to have a perfect record so they connive to have the old man put into the alms-house which has been unoccupied for many years, where he must abide by rules laid down 400 years ago. A new Vicar arrives and discovers that, because of the circumstances created by the Council, Dan Dance is entitled to 6,000 pounds a year at the expense of the village.
The Gentle Gunman
The relationship between brothers Terry and Matt, both active in the IRA, comes under strain when Terry begins to question the use of violence.
Леди Годива снова в седле
Eddie Mooney
Симпатичная официантка ради смеха решает участвовать в конкурсе красоты и неожиданно его выигрывает. Но погружение в шоу-бизнес оказывается не таким радужным, как казалось ранее. Её начинают преследовать неудачи, и она чуть не скатывается до стриптиз-ревю. Но есть надежда, что всё кончится хорошо.
Captain Boycott
Sean Kerin
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Выбывший из игры
Policeman in final scene
Раненый лидер ирландских националистов пытается спастись от полиции после неудачного ограбления в Белфасте.
Hungry Hill
Life becomes a tragedy for the wife of an Irish heir to a 19th-century family feud and fortune.
I See a Dark Stranger
Irish Sailor Lookout (uncredited)
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.