Hermann Dunzendorfer

Hermann Dunzendorfer

Рождение : 1956-01-01, Wels, Upper Austria, Austria


Hermann Dunzendorfer


Letzte Bootsfahrt
Camera Operator
Zu neuen Ufern
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Der Tote im See
Director of Photography
Мой друг Зигмунд Фрейд
Director of Photography
Оказавшись в Вене, молодой парень встречает свою первую и, как ему кажется, последнюю любовь. В тонкостях желаний и соблазнов ему помогает разобраться тот, кто знает об этом всё, - сам Зигмунд Фрейд.
The Children of Villa Emma
Director of Photography
According to true events, the moving drama "The Children of Villa Emma" tells of a dangerous escape that took place during the Second World War. In 1942/1943, the Italian village of Nonantola was indeed a refuge for 73 Jewish children who wanted to escape the merciless access of the National Socialists on their way to the "Promised Land" of Palestine. Director Nikolaus Leytner describes the dangerous journey as an exciting test, presented by a talented young cast.
Белая змея
Camera Operator
Сын крестьянина Эндрес случайно попадает в услужение могущественному королю, о мудрости которого известно далеко за пределами королевства. Когда Эндрес выясняет источник знаний короля, он сам оказывается в смертельной опасности…
Strafsache Luther – Wie Rom die Reformation verhindern wollte
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
An aging renowned art history researcher falls in love with a younger woman who struggles and tries to cover his ongoing Alzheimer's's.
Die Mutprobe
Director of Photography
Half a Life
Director of Photography
A young woman is found raped and bludgeoned to death. Her father can’t reconcile himself with her death, and even less with the fact that the murderer was never found. Half of his life he continues the search. Finally, after more than 20 years, as DNA-analysis becomes a factor in forensic medicine, new perspectives open.
Визит старой дамы
Director of Photography
Небольшой немецкий городок Гюллен из-за экономического кризиса находится на грани разорения. Высшие чины и простые жители теряются в догадках, как и чем можно спасти город. И тут в Гюллен приезжает одна из богатейших женщин мира — Клара Цаханассян, много десятилетий тому назад жившая тут. Она предлагает городу фантастическую сделку. Клара готова выплатить Гюллену два миллиарда евро, если один из жителей города, её давний знакомый, Альфред Илл… умрёт. Настоящая буря поднимается в Гюллене сразу после заявления Клары…
Back To Africa
Director of Photography
Freddie Mercury: The Untold Story
Director of Photography
Freddie Mercury (1946-91) was not just a man with one of the most pure and amazing voices the world has heard, but he was also the lead singer for Queen, the most enthusiastic rock band in history.
Daydream Nation
Director of Photography
Garbage men. Garbage women. They swarm out daily to eliminate the excrement of the good life from the metropolitan circuits. The film documents the thorny path from a Viennese civil servant's comfortable life into the Privatopia of Greater Los Angeles. Our protagonists are five trash collectors. They live in Vienna, Genova, Amsterdam, New York and Los Angeles.
Debt of Love
Director of Photography
Simon Granderath has been found dead in his appartment. His only daughter, Monika Besse, who lives in Luxembourg, arrives to arrange the funeral and settle his estate. She wishes to get back to Luxembourg and to her normal life as quickly as possible. However, she quickly realizes that in fact, she hardly knew her father, and tries to trace the various stages and encounters that made up his life. Much later, she realizes that the search for the identity of her father has actually become a search of her own identity – though still she believes she can get closer to her father after his death.
Steinweißer Mann
Director of Photography
"Stone-White Man" is an epic documentary in compact form which tells the life story of Viennese artist Richard Erdoes. Erdoes has chronicled the lives and resistance of Native Americans in the United States since the 1950s.
Охота на зайцев
Director of Photography
Начало 1945 года. После отказа выйти на поле боя на стороне немецко-фашистских войск пятьсот русских военнопленных дожидаются казни в концлагере близ Маутхаузена. Однажды ночью они решаются на побег. Большинство тут же погибает, но несколько человек успевают укрыться в близлежащих деревнях. Тогда охрана концлагеря призывает местное население открыть собственную «охоту на зайцев», то есть на спрятавшихся беглых пленников.
Wall of Silence
Director of Photography
In the small town of Rechnitz a terrible crime against humanity was performed during the holocaust. Until now, no-one dares to talk about it.
Das Auge des Taifun
Director of Photography
Performance conceived by Erich Wonder & Heiner Müller for the 300th anniversary of the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. The band, Einstürzende Neubauten, is located on a glass palace/stage on wheels (accompanied by the slavish trotting of huskies) which is slowly moving on the nightly ring road of Vienna.
Ihr glücklichen Augen
Director of Photography
Gianna Nannini: Giannissima
Camera Operator
Shalom, general
Director of Photography
The reality the conscientious objector Roman is confrontend with at an old-age home is something he has previously been spared: suffering, frailty, death. He has to take care of "General" Kulat, an old Wehrmacht officer, a fanatic militarist. Their confrontation becomes war.
Die Stadt der Anderen
Director of Photography
Two women in two different countries leading different lives. One lives in Austria, one in Yugoslavia, yet their lives become strangely entangled for a moment in time. What if you wake up in somebody else's head and the city around you isn't the one you used to know?
T4 - Hartheim 1 - Sterben und Leben im Schloß
Director of Photography
When the busses left, the nurse said to the children, 'Today you have to pray a lot, because today you go up the chimney and meet the good Lord.' The children of the area knew these vehicles and said, 'Look, there is another one of these killer busses.' And they said to one another, ' You are not very clever, you, too, are going to end up in the oven in Hartheim, you, too, will be hung up in the chimney.' Hartheim Castle near Linz was one of several places of destruction of 'unworthy life' within the framework of the euthanasia program of National Socialism. Over 30,000 mentally or physically handicapped, psychiatric patients and inmates of concentration camps were gassed in Hartheim between 1940 and 1945. Today Hartheim Castle is rented and inhabited. In a place where 40 years ago thousands if lives were destroyed by industrial methods, today life asserts itself in the trite daily function of living. The documentation is about Hartheim Castle, in the past and in the present.
Director of Photography
Two apartments are joined together, the demolition of a wall transfers two small flats into a big one. Seven young people move in and share the living quarters. They all have definite ideas about life and living together and want to make them come true. But they don´t really know what they want. Everyday life causes problems and when a merry-go-round of changing relationships among the young people begins to run quicker and quicker, the constant moving from one room to the other ands before the eyes of the astonished house superintendent with the setting up again of the wall which separated the two walls.
Drinnen und draußen
Director of Photography
Renate is finishing her trainee year as a social service worker when she is assigned her first patient: The young Alfred Hauser, who was submitted to the psychiatric ward four years ago because of a psychosis. Alfred's anxiety condition is worsening while the hospital staff is lying to him about the possibility of an early discharge. Renate is commited to help him.
Look 84
Director of Photography
Unfinished early documentary by Ulrich Seidl about a foto shooting with Sonja Kirchberger and Peter Baumann at the Tunisian seaside.
Parodontose Now
In order to obtain his rehabilitation with his professional association because of malpractice committed in the past, Dr. Wilhelm Andacht, a dentist, must track down an ex-colleague, Dr. Engelbert Lang, and do away with him. The latter has been using rather unusual, very successful but unapproved methods of treatment. In addition, he enjoys great popularity among the population of the Totes Gebirge. To help him do his job, Dr. Andacht has been given a doctor, a masseur and an operating room aid. All of them are to be rehabilitated too. Their undertaking is a disastrous flop.
Parodontose Now
In order to obtain his rehabilitation with his professional association because of malpractice committed in the past, Dr. Wilhelm Andacht, a dentist, must track down an ex-colleague, Dr. Engelbert Lang, and do away with him. The latter has been using rather unusual, very successful but unapproved methods of treatment. In addition, he enjoys great popularity among the population of the Totes Gebirge. To help him do his job, Dr. Andacht has been given a doctor, a masseur and an operating room aid. All of them are to be rehabilitated too. Their undertaking is a disastrous flop.
On the Road to Hollywood
Director of Photography
Bernhard Frankfurter, a young Austrian filmmaker, follows the trails and roots of several German-speaking filmmakers who had been forced into exil by Hitler faschism. He interviewed prominent and less well-known artists who were forced to leave their (artistic) heimat because they were politically or racially no longer "acceptable"... A documentary film in which the personal commitment of the filmmaker is purposely brought to the attention of the viewer.
The Prom
Director of Photography
Ulrich Seidl applies his characteristically gentle eye to the wonderful people of his hometown of Horn, documented making fools of themselves during an annual student ball.
Ab morgen wird sich alles ändern
Director of Photography