Kim Roi-ha

Kim Roi-ha

Рождение : 1965-11-16, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea


Kim Roi-ha
Kim Roi-ha


A Good Son
A comical horror movie about a commotion that happened after the sons decide to fulfill their filial duties to their mother who returned as a zombie shortly after her funeral.
Королевство зомби: А Син с Севера
История загадочной китаянки А Син, которую принц Ли Чхан и его спутники встретили у северных границ Чосона, когда искали продавца живоцвета.
Bok-Soon runs a street stall, cares for her younger sister, and is feared by many because of her quick temper. When Tae-Soo murders her sister, rage consumes her completely as she stalks the killer.
The Stone
Coming to grips with the truth that he will never earn a living playing baduk, a young man's chance encounter with a local gangster finds him with a new pupil in this drama about the vastly different past and future of the two men.
Книга Судного дня
Seok-woo's father
Три уникальные истории о человеческом самоуничтожении в современную эру высоких технологий. В надежде восстановить гуманное сострадание в наше бесчувственное время, фильм демонстрирует альтернативную сторону подлинного человечества. Вы станете свидетелем мира будущего, где вас ожидает серия неожиданных историй. Все эти истории происходят на Земле.
A Brave New World
Seok-woo's father
A geek is left home alone and his negligence causes the spread of a deadly contamination that infects the entire local population and turns them into flesh-eating zombies.
A Little Pond
Gae-bi's father
The Korean war does not start well for the US. They are being routed by the North Koreans and In July 1950, the early stage of the Korean War, at the Jugok Village in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, Chang-yee and his friends grow excited over the amateur singing contest knowing nothing about what is going on around them. At the time, the US Army keeps losing and are pushed back to the village, evacuating all villagers to head south. The villagers took refuge like going on a picnic believing that the US Army is protecting them, they just follow their orders moving south bound.
The Weird Missing Case of Mr. J
Inspector Park
On the day of the hundreds billion dollar contract deal just ahead, Jung suddenly disappears after he leaves for a convenient store. Inspector Kim who is desperate to get an exclusive crime case in the hope of drawing media attention finds out that Jung had many jealous colleagues and starts to investigate the case focusing on embezzlement and kidnapping. On the other hand, inspector Park finds out that Jung’s fiancee Mi-sun, a sales manager at the insurance company, has recently took out a life insurance policy on Jung’s life and points her as a suspect. The more investigation goes further the more case gets mysterious and things start to get out of control as a missing case develops to an assault, a kidnapping and finally to a murder.
Dachimawa Lee
General Kim (uncredited)
Under Japanese imperialism, Korean national treasure Golden Buddha is stolen. More important to national security, the statue contains vital information concerning Korean freedom fighters and their whereabouts as well as their true identities. The interim Korean government appoints legendary Korean spy Agent Dachimawa Lee to recover the fabled statue and reveal the dark plot behind the theft.
Radio Dayz
Noh Bong-al
In April 1933, Korea’s Japanese occupiers launched the country’s first radio station, JODK. It broadcasts propaganda so as to better brainwash the Korean people into becoming loyal Japanese citizens. In need of a Korean producer for a radio drama about the greatness of Japan’s Asian Empire, they appoint Lloyd Park, a young man who has only joined the radio station through his father’s connections.
Lee Myung-Suk
A young boy experiences anesthesia awareness while undergoing surgery. Unable to respond because of a muscle relaxant administered to him, the boy is severely traumatized. The result is his killing of a young girl soon after the operation. The boy is admitted to a mental institution, and with the help of a team of psychiatrists, his memories are blocked and he is able to lead a normal life. Twenty years later a series of events unlocks his memories and once again transforms him into a murderer. As the killings continue, the secrets from twenty years earlier are slowly revealed.
Magang Hotel
Two rival gangs decide to send two men each to a rural hotel to force the owners to repay their debts, but they underestimate the will and resourcefulness of the hotel staff.
Вторжение динозавра
Yellow Suit at Funeral
Прямо посреди Сеула, в реке Хан завелся огромный монстр. Растревоженная зеваками, зверюга выбралась на берег и устроила форменную вакханалию. В центре событий оказывается одна корейская семья: пожилой отец семейства, трое его детей и внучка.
Detective Mr. Gong
Mr. Cheon
Gong Pil-du is a detective recruited for his athletic skills and achievement, a bronze Universiade medalist in wrestling. Since then, however, he has had little success in his career, and remains a 40-year old bachelor with a terrible credit record. His greatest crisis comes when his beloved father needs money for crucial surgery. To get the money, Gong makes a deal with a vicious crime boss. This makes him more miserable than ever, as he is now suspected as a corrupt cop. Gong goes on a quest to prove his innocence. Will he be successful for once in his life?
Forbidden Quest
Eunuch Jo
A noble, high-class scholar starts to write erotic novels in 18th century of Chosun dynasty and falls in love with a king's woman.
Горечь и сладость
Молодой многообещающий гангстер Ким управляет отелем, который принадлежит местному мафиози. Босс поручает Киму задание — проследить за своей молодой подружкой и зафиксировать факт возможной измены. Поручение становится событием, навсегда изменившим его жизнь.
Воспоминания об убийстве
Detective Cho Yong-koo
В 1986 году, в корейской глубинке, две местных женщины были убиты одним и тем же извращённым способом. Детектив Ду Ман Пак и его помощник Ён Гу Чжу, доброволец, вызвавшийся помогать в расследовании этого ужасного дела, со всевозможным рвением пытаются распутать таинственные обстоятельства происшедшего. Но скоро становится очевидно, что они не имеют ни навыков, ни характера для подобного рода оперативной работы. После неудачной попытки обвинить в совершении убийства невиновного человека, дело предаётся гласности и полицейские неохотно принимают помощь полицейского Тхэ Ён Со, который прибыл им на помощь из Сеула…
Спасти зеленую планету!
Бён Гу — обычный корейский юноша. Он трогательно ухаживает за своей матерью, лежащей в коме последние 5 лет, и старается доискаться до причины ее болезни. В этих поисках он неожиданно решает, что раскрыл заговор инопланетян, направленный на истребление жизни на Земле. За считанные часы до лунного затмения, после которого события примут необратимый характер, он должен встретиться с принцем Андромеды, добравшись до него через его земных агентов, во главе которых — зловещий Кан Ман-Шик, легко переносящий удар током в 300 вольт и другие невзгоды. Но спастись злодею не удастся! Бён Гу мечтает изобрести надежное средство против пришельцев… Черная комедия, фантастика, триллер?… Так ли уж безумен герой, решивший спасти планету от козней инопланетян?
A notorious serial killer is finally arrested. But even as he is in custody, for some unknown reason, his killings continue outside.
Jungle Juice
A Korean mobster's bumbling assistants team up with a street-smart hooker to find their employer's missing drug money.
Лающие собаки никогда не кусают
Shadow Man
Молодой университетский лектор с беременной подружкой живет в густонаселенном жилом комплексе. Когда постоянно лающая где-то по соседству собака переполняет чашу его терпения, скромный очкарик решает действовать.
Rainbow Trout
A group of city dwellers make a trip of three days and two nights into the isolated countryside to visit a friend in the hills. Their true nature begins to reveal itself: love hidden but never forgotten, primitive desires suppressed in the city, nasty pride that triumphs only over the weak and a strong will for survival that sacrifices even love and friendship.
The Soul Guardians
When the police raid the compound of a religious cult, they discover that almost all of the members have committed suicide. The only survivor, laying on an altar in the middle of the room, is a very pregnant woman who goes into labor as the raid begins. The woman dies in the hospital, but her child survives. 20 years later, strange things are starting to happen around the child, now a grown woman. A group of religious warriors from a mix of faiths join together to try and protect her from whatever supernatural horrors are seeking her out.
Whispering Corridors
Math teacher
The ghost of a student who died at a Korean school comes back to seek vengeance and protect her friends.
White Man
One day, W, a very run-of-the-mill, average middleclass man finds a severed index finger on his way to work. He is not curious about whom the finger belongs to or what accident caused it to be severed. To him, the finger is merely an interesting plaything. A little while later, a television news broadcast reports that a man has assaulted his boss after losing his finger in an industrial accident. The next day, W throws the finger to a dog on his way to work.
Трое, казалось бы, не связанных мужчин совершают мелкие преступления накануне важного телевизионного разговора о социальных беспорядках в Корее.