Lois Hall

Lois Hall

Рождение : 1926-08-22, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA

Смерть : 2006-01-01


Hall was born in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, the daughter of Lois Grace (née Lambert), a teacher, and Ralph Stewart Hall, a businessman and inventor. Hall's television appearances included Studio One, The Cisco Kid, Episode 112 of The Lone Ranger, Adventures of Superman, Highway Patrol, Marcus Welby, M.D., the penultimate episode of Little House on the Prairie and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Hall has been seen in such classic films as Every Girl Should Be Married (1948), Love Happy, My Blue Heaven, Carrie, Night Raiders, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers in small roles, as well as in starring roles in pictures like Daughter of the Jungle and Pirates of the High Seas. She is perhaps best known for her supporting role as Sister Constance in Kenneth Branagh's acclaimed 1991 drama Dead Again, which also featured Raymond Cruz and Steven Culp. She also guest-starred in TV series such as CSI, Cold Case, Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck, and The Unit. She was also seen in the hit films Gone in 60 Seconds and Flightplan


Lois Hall


Иллюзия полёта
Main Deck Grandma
Во время авиарейса Берлин-Нью-Йорк, выполняемого сверхсовременным "Боингом-474", у Кайл Пратт неожиданно бесследно пропадает 6-летняя дочь Джулия. Переживая эмоциональный стресс после безвременной кончины мужа, Кайл отчаянно пытается доказать свою вменяемость не верящим ей членам экипажа и пассажирам. Однако ситуация выглядит настолько абсурдной и фантастичной, что она уже сама начинает сомневаться в адекватности своего восприятия реальности. К тому же факты свидетельствуют о том, что Джулии вообще не было на борту самолета. Понимая, что разгадывать эту тайну и спасать свою дочь ей придется в одиночку, Кайл решает целиком и полностью положиться на свой ум и смекалку.
Дорогой смерти
Old Woman
Оказавшийся в лабиринте дорог и преследуемый незримой угрозой Джереми Стэнтон пытается преодолеть самый долгий и опасный путь в своей жизни.
Угнать за 60 секунд
Old Woman
Что можно успеть за 60 секунд? Выкурить сигарету или выпить чашку кофе. Но только один профессионал в мире, легендарный вор по кличке Мемфис, может за считанные секунды угнать любой автомобиль. Однако на этот раз ему предстоит сделать невозможное: чтобы спасти своего брата, Мемфис должен за одну ночь угнать 50 первоклассных машин. Чтобы вырваться из двойного капкана мафии и полиции, он должен следовать одному принципу — не останавливаться…
Умереть заново
Sister Constance
В 1949 году композитор Роман Штраусс был приговорен к смертной казни за убийство собственной жены, знаменитой пианистки, совершенное при помощи ножниц. Далее — Лос-Анджелес, наши дни. Частный детектив Майк Черч, специализирующийся на поиске пропавших людей, берется помочь странной молодой женщине по имени Грейс, страдающей тяжелой формой амнезии. Девушку постоянно преследуют кровавые ночные кошмары. Черч обращается за помощью к эксцентричному гипнотизеру, и на сеансе гипноза выясняется невероятное: оказывается, Грейс и Черч таинственным образом связаны с тем ужасным убийством далекого 1949-го.
Первостепенный риск
Dr. Hall
Двое не нашедших себя в жизни парней придумали некое устройство для обмана кассовых автоматов. Из-за этого они вплотную сталкиваются с грандиозным заговором, инспирированным иностранными шпионами, целью которых является дестабилизация Федеральной резервной банковской системы США.
Schoolboy Father
Mrs. Rogers
High school senior discovers his summer girlfriend has given birth to his child, and decides to fight for custody.
Mary Ann's Mother
In an attempt to be rehabilitated, a rapist goes to therapy while in prison.
A Woman for All Men
Irascible and domineering millionaire Walter McCoy marries the beautiful, but shady and duplicitous Karen Petrie. Walter's son Steve automatically becomes smitten with Karen while both Walter's daughter Cynthia and loyal housekeeper Sarah suspect that something is up. This provokes a tangled web of deception, infidelity, and even murder.
Night Raiders
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Whip arrives to investigate why night raiders are ransacking cabins but taking nothing....
Texas City
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Johnny Mack Brown substitutes brains for brawn during most of Texas City. Cast once more as a U.S. marshal, Johnny investigates when several government gold shipments are hijacked. Someone has been tipping of the outlaws as to when and where the supposedly secret shipments will take place. The principal suspect is dishonorably discharged cavalry officer Kirby (James Ellison), but Johnny has a gut feeling that Kirby is innocent on all counts.
Slaughter Trail
Susan Wilson - School Teacher (uncredited)
Three outlaws rob the stage and then flee. When their horses give out they murder some Indians to get fresh ones. But this puts the Indians on the war path and they have to take refuge in an Army fort to avoid them. The Indians then arrive offering peace if the three men are turned over to them. The fort's commanding Officer wants peace but the rules say the men must be tried in a white man's court leaving the Indians no choice but to attack.
Secrets of Monte Carlo
Susan Reeves
A U.S. businessman (Warren Douglas) abroad is the patsy for the theft of a rajah's jewels.
Blazing Bullets
Carol Roberts
Following his refusal to let his daughter Carol marry cowhand Bill Grant, rancher John Roberts is kidnapped, and Bill is hunted for the crime.
Colorado Ambush
Janet Williams
As was customary in his late Monogram westerns, Johnny Mack Brown plays an undercover agent in Colorado Ambush. Brown is sent to Colorado to stem the activities of a particularly vicious outlaw gang
Frontier Outpost
Alice Tanner
Federal agent Steve Lawton works undercover with his assistant, Smiley Burnette, to track down an outlaw gang that is raiding government gold shipments bound for Fort Navajo.
Joe Palooka in the Squared Circle
Anne Howe Palooka
Joe Palooka encounters gangsters and tries to alert the law.
Pirates of the High Seas
Carol Walsh
For decades, pirates roamed the seas, searching for booty to plunder and coastal villages to terrorize. Who were these men and women? As you dig beneath the myth of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd and other legendary warriors of the waters in this docudrama, you'll discover who they were and what motivated them to wreak havoc wherever they sailed. Includes the movie Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island.
Cherokee Uprising
Mary Lou Harrison
The title insurrection in this low-budget Whip Wilson Western consists mainly of Iron Eyes Cody, who is conspiring to raid the wagon trains with crooked sheriff Marshall Reed and nefarious Indian agent Forrest Taylor.
Texas Dynamo
Julia Beck
Charles Starrett plays The Durango Kid in the 1950 Columbia western Texas Dynamo. As a novelty, Starrett not only plays Durango and his "alter ego" Steve Drake, but also takes on a third identity, that of a hired gun in the employ of the film's bad guys. As one critic noted, this may be the only western in which the hero is obliged to chase himself. Jock O'Mahoney -- later known as Jock Mahoney -- plays a secondary role, and also doubles for Starrett during the riskier stunt sequences.
The Adventures of Sir Galahad
Lady of the Lake
Sir Galahad, a knight of the Round Table, searches for the legendary sword of Excalibur.
Horsemen of the Sierras
Patty McGregor
When Robin Grant inherits a valuable range, certain evil interests try their best to kill off Robin and claim the land for themselves. US Marshall Steve Saunders comes to the boy's rescue.
Roaring Westward
Susan Braden
After claim jumper Sanders kills a miner, he changes clothes with Perry. In pursuit, the Marshal kills Perry claiming he was the murderer. Setting out to clear Perry's name, Jimmy works his way into the outlaw game. But Sanders overhears Jimmy's plans and he and his boss Morgan set a trap to kill Jimmy.
Duke of Chicago
Helen Cunningham
To save his publishing firm, a prizefighter comes out of retirement in a fixed match.
Daughter of the Jungle
An airplane carrying a pair of police officers escorting gangsters to prison crash-lands in the African jungle. They are rescued from an attack by savage natives by a white woman who appears out of nowhere, and it turns out she is a lost heiress who herself crash-landed in the jungle years before.