Doze Niu Cheng-Tse

Doze Niu Cheng-Tse

Рождение : 1966-06-22, Taipei, Taiwan


Doze Niu Cheng-Tse


Paradise in Service
Set in the island Kinmen, often seen as the most dangerous military base because it’s geographically close to China, "Paradise in Service" follows the adventure of a boy who serves his military service in Unit 831 from 1969 to 1972, in preparation for a war that could erupt anytime. Through an unlucky lottery draw result, Pao, a twenty-something young man from Southern Taiwan has to serve the military in the remote and perilous Kinmen. Moreover, he is assigned to the Sea Dragon (ARB), a unit noted for the toughest physical training. It never occurs to Pao, however, that the greatest challenge in his military service lies not in the Sea Dragon but in Unit 831, a special task he is later appointed to… In this peculiar assignment, Pao vows to keep his virginity against all odds.
Paradise in Service
Set in the island Kinmen, often seen as the most dangerous military base because it’s geographically close to China, "Paradise in Service" follows the adventure of a boy who serves his military service in Unit 831 from 1969 to 1972, in preparation for a war that could erupt anytime. Through an unlucky lottery draw result, Pao, a twenty-something young man from Southern Taiwan has to serve the military in the remote and perilous Kinmen. Moreover, he is assigned to the Sea Dragon (ARB), a unit noted for the toughest physical training. It never occurs to Pao, however, that the greatest challenge in his military service lies not in the Sea Dragon but in Unit 831, a special task he is later appointed to… In this peculiar assignment, Pao vows to keep his virginity against all odds.
Uncle Lu
Eight people try to end their loneliness by searching for that one person to love, who can make their life complete.
Eight people try to end their loneliness by searching for that one person to love, who can make their life complete.
One Mile Above
Shuhao is a 24 year old Taiwanese university graduate. His older brother Shuwei, whom he has idolized since childhood, dies on a bicycle ride to Lhasa. He decides to complete Shuwei's journey, hoping to prove himself through this challenging trip. Shuhao's inexperience almost sees him headed over a cliff one dark night. Food poisoning nearly costs him his life just after surviving an attack by a pack of menacing Tibetan Mastiffs. In the end, Shuhao arrives in Lhasa to see the Potola Palace. His lonely journey, filled with laughter and tears, brings him to the discovery of a new purpose in life.
Фильм рассказывает о пяти мальчиках из исторического района Монга в Тайбэе, которые присоединяются к банде, чтобы не быть запуганными и обижеными другими уличными бандитами. Поскольку молодые люди наслаждаются своим новым статусом гангстеров в Монга, они понятия не имеют, что другие бригады также обратили свое внимание на эту преуспевающую область. Старые гангстеры передают молодежи наследие, созданное основателями городка Монга. Но они понятия не имееют, что назревает буря, которая сломает любой намек на оставшееся великолепие старого города Монга.
Фильм рассказывает о пяти мальчиках из исторического района Монга в Тайбэе, которые присоединяются к банде, чтобы не быть запуганными и обижеными другими уличными бандитами. Поскольку молодые люди наслаждаются своим новым статусом гангстеров в Монга, они понятия не имеют, что другие бригады также обратили свое внимание на эту преуспевающую область. Старые гангстеры передают молодежи наследие, созданное основателями городка Монга. Но они понятия не имееют, что назревает буря, которая сломает любой намек на оставшееся великолепие старого города Монга.
Taipei 24H
Taipei 24H divides 24 hours in Taipei into 8 shorts. It opens with Cheng Fen-fen's upbeat and comedic "Share the Morning", and ends with Lee Kang-sheng running the final leg of this relay with "Remembrance" at 4am. Well-known director Tsai Ming-liang makes a rare appearance visiting a late night coffee shop. Taipei 24H is a contemporary urban chronicle of a city rarely at sleep.
Taipei 24H
Taipei 24H divides 24 hours in Taipei into 8 shorts. It opens with Cheng Fen-fen's upbeat and comedic "Share the Morning", and ends with Lee Kang-sheng running the final leg of this relay with "Remembrance" at 4am. Well-known director Tsai Ming-liang makes a rare appearance visiting a late night coffee shop. Taipei 24H is a contemporary urban chronicle of a city rarely at sleep.
What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!
Doze runs into many problems as he tries to secure funding for what he thinks will be the next mockumentary blockbuster.
What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!
Doze runs into many problems as he tries to secure funding for what he thinks will be the next mockumentary blockbuster.
What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!
Doze runs into many problems as he tries to secure funding for what he thinks will be the next mockumentary blockbuster.
What on Earth Have I Done Wrong?!
Doze runs into many problems as he tries to secure funding for what he thinks will be the next mockumentary blockbuster.
Миллениум Мамбо
Фильм рассказывает о молодых людях в Тайване первого года нового тысячелетия — 2001 года, которые прожигают жизнь, встречаются и расстаются под ритмы мамбо. Вики и ее дружок Хао-Хао все время ссорятся. Хао-Хао требуется постоянно убеждаться в том, что Вики, любящая погулять и повеселиться, ему не изменяет. Он роется в ее сумочке, проверяет записи на мобильнике и даже обнюхивает, пытаясь определить, где она была и чем занималась. А при малейшем подозрении пускает в ход кулаки. И хотя у Вики есть верный друг, мафиози Джек, всегда готовый протянуть ей руку помощи, она постоянно возвращается к ревнивому и грубому Хао-Хао…
A Chance to Die
Burned by the desire to avenge her dead boyfriend, a Japanese woman learns to shoot a gun, and goes after the local Mafia in Taiwan. Mizuno Miki excels in her role as the grieving and estranged, then vengeful and cold-blooded foreigner.
Red Rain
Choong's title is secret agent, but in reality, his duties are limited to ferrying and running errands for Hong Kong agents when they come to Taiwan - hardly the stuff of "Mission Impossible". Until one day, when an assignment to help two Hong Kong police officers find a missing girl turns into a wild goose chase for $30 million of loot involving Hong Kong top assassins and Taiwan's most powerful triads.
March of Happiness
A Bao
1945-1947, Taiwan. A teenage couple were deeply in love despite objections from the girl’s family. Their tragic story is played out in travelling troupes, tea-houses and western-style cafes, with the backdrop of Japanese occupation and the 28 February Incident.
The Personals
An attractive and successful doctor places a personal ad in a newspaper to try to meet (and eventually marry) Mr. Right. A succession of blind dates ensues, featuring men who are lonely, desperate, dangerous and perverted.
Мокрая псина
Бывший якудза Юдзи живет на самом дне тайваньского преступного мира. Неожиданно одна из бывших любовниц привозит к нему предполагаемого сына и бесследно исчезает. Теперь Юдзи приходится поставить свое мастерство киллера на службу воспитанию сына.
Accidental Legend
Xia-dou and Ji-dan left their families and friends in Thief Village to sit in a dungeon as subsitute prisoners in exchange for favor from the local law enforcer. The warden, knowing they are good in physical skills, sent them on a side job. The kids broke in a heavily guarded examination ground, swapped two exam papers for the client and stole a pair of golden eyes from a big lion chop for themselves. The missing gold detoured the detective's trail to the master schemer. As the conspiracy unfolded, the governor decided to eradicate the whole village to cover up his involvement with the master schemer. Life in Thief Village has never been easy. But fate never mocked them so hard. It turned out that the gold they so cherished was fake. So were many other things they believed in. In despair, Xia-dou's Great grandfather, the 125-year old personage called upon the sky and recevied a most fantastic answer.
Young Soldier
Young Soldier is a Taiwanese Comedy starring Alex Man
Banana Paradise
"Door Latch" and his friend followed the KMT army and moved to Taiwan in 1949. They conceal their real name and get many trials and afflictions to adapt the circumstances in that special situation. Yueh-Shiang is a classic traditional woman from China country. For requiting the graciousness of being saved by Door Latch, she becomes Door Latch's wife. She suffers hardship to raise and teach their children without any complains. Door Latch wasn't well educated and can hardly read. However, he uses Yueh-Shiang's late husband's name and diploma to get himself a job. Even though there are a lot of embarrassing situations and he suffers many difficulties, Door Latch survives. Door Latch also looks after his old pal Lee Der-Sherng when Lee loses his mind. However, the KMT government released the restriction to visit Mainland China. They are able to visit their parents and relatives there. Their son finds "their" parents, but bigger secrets will unfold.
The Game They Call Sex
The whole story revolves around a woman from marriage, marriage to divorce encounter sexual problems as the main axis, reflecting the Taiwan society in this regard subjective and objective taboos. The first paragraph of the description of the actress Xiao Xiaomin arranged with the parents of the scholar if strong engagement after the agreement with the high school students often travel, and finally cancel the engagement. The second paragraph to write her marriage in order to fight for a wounded into her young Wu Dawei testify to her husband's misunderstanding, but also the end of the divorce. The third paragraph to write her commitment to kindergarten education work to recognize the disabled young boy odd, she did not dare to face the problem of love, but the other's cheerful outlook touched her.
Love Is Grown with Flower
A farming village is undergoing change. Some of the young people want to live in the city, while others stay behind and try to help the older residents adjust to a new scheme of growing flowers to sell at market instead of rice.
Семейные бомбы
Кинмен был до 1949 г мирной территорией, пока Чан Кайши не превратил остров в оборонительный укрепрайон против коммунистов, вытеснивших его национальную армию с материка. Его изначальным планом было организовать на острове лечение раненых солдат и подготовиться к наступлению на позиции Мао Цзе Дуна, однако всё случилось иначе. На острове было объявлено военное положение, и он превратился в последнюю горячую точку гражданской войны. Кинмен подвергался массированному артобстрелу с материка в течение 1950-х и 60-х гг. В частности, 23 августа 1958 г коммунисты устроили сильнейший артиллерийский обстрел Кинмена. Всё полыхали огнём, имелись большие жертвы. Фильм рассказывает о 823 артиллерийской батарее под командованием полковника Килианга Чена и событиях того времени.
The Glamorous Boys of Tang
A surreal uninhibited adventure between two boys, their mysterious love interest and two Japanese monks in the Tang dynasty. Feature debut by the acclaimed scriptwriter Chiu Kang-Chien.
The Boys from Fengkuei
Ah Ching
Ah-Ching and his friends have just finished school in their island fishing village, and now spend most of their time drinking and fighting. Three of them decide to go to the port city of Kaohsiung to look for work. They find an apartment through relatives, and Ah-Ching is attracted to the girlfriend of a neighbor. There they face the harsh realities of the big city.
Growing Up
Shiao Pi
The story follows a young man as he changes from an intelligently aware youth, to a teenager with much less confidence than he once had, and finally, to a stable adult.