Mei Fang

Mei Fang

Рождение : 1936-05-30, Taichung, Taiwan


Mei Fang


Laugh for 24 Hours
Bong-tshio is your ordinary countryside grandma, raising four kids in an impoverished environment; however, the kids that grew up and started their own families do not respect her, fostering her in turns for one month, while bargaining with each other about the number of days in different months. But the optimistic Bong-tshio always just laughed it off. Until one day, she got lost and wandered into a police station, and then accidentally won the top prize of the lottery. Her children began to look for her desperately, rushing back to their old place in the countryside, and kicked off a ridiculous competition of filial piety.
Nie Feng's Mother
Китай, время правления династии Танг. Главная героиня — убийца, влюбившаяся в человека, которого ей приказано убить.
10 Plus 10
The Great-grandmother (segment "La Belle Epoque")
10+10 is a project initiated by the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival to demonstrate the solidarity between Taiwanese film-makers. 20 directors are invited to make a 5-minute short film each on the theme of the “Uniqueness of Taiwan,” but allowed total freedom in all other aspects.
Grand mother
Юмико Яно вместе со своими сыновьями, Ацуси и Токи, отправляется из Токио с прахом покойного мужа в его родной дом, расположенный в горной деревушке на юге Тайваня. Юмико, вышедшая замуж против воли своих родителей, после смерти мужа вынуждена полагаться только на себя. Ее сын Ацуси, ощущая себя «посторонним» в моноэтнической Японии, бунтует против общества и своей матери. Но в сельском доме, окруженные заботой стариков, которым пришлось пережить немало драматических политических перемен и стать свидетелями разрушения традиционной системы ценностей, мать и сын вновь находят то, что их соединяет. Отправляясь в путешествие на старомодном грузовике-дрезине, Ацуси познает окружающий мир по ту сторону дома и школы и приходит к пониманию того, что значит быть «сыном» и «старшим братом».
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
Colorrblind girl A-Kuei feels alienated and misunderstood. She is raised by her grandmother who would rather believe she is possessed than hear her feelings. The only person in the village who understands her is her bookworm cousin A-Hsien. He tells her that there is an island far away in the South Pacific where everyone is also colorblind due to a genetic mutation.
Orz Boyz
Liar #2's Grandmother
More than just naughty, they play tricks on classmates, tease girls at school, fight with other boys, and lie to everyone until their teacher breaks down. They are named Liar No. 1 and Liar No. 2. The most important act planned in their life is to go to the mysterious water park, where they can leap through the portal at the end of the water slide to the fairy-tale world OZ and live as grown-ups happily ever after. However, the commitment is torn by a careless betrayal.
Three Times
Old Woman
In three separate segments, set respectively in 1966, 1911, and 2005, three love stories unfold between three sets of characters, under three different periods of Taiwanese history and governance.
Cop Abula
Cop Abula arrests a pregnant illegal immigrant, Xiao Qing, who came from mainland China to look for the father of her baby. Upon arrest, Xiao Qing gives birth to a baby girl in the police station, causing disorder in the place. Abula takes care of her and even helps to search for the father. On the other hand, Abula has to face other worries, like the problem between him and his son, Ah Yi. In addition, there is the Mafia who makes life difficult for Abula as he refuses to accept bribery. In the end, Abula resorts to the improper way of solving the problem, resulting in a hilarious ending to the story.
Good Men, Good Women
An actress preparing to play in a historical epic is terrorized by someone faxing her pages from her stolen diary; has colorful flashbacks of her affair with a now-deceased man; and imagines black-and-white film-within-a-film scenes of the movie she is about to appear in.
T Day
Город скорби
Wu's Mother
Тайвань, 1945-1949 гг. История четырех братьев семейства Линь, которых судьба развела в эти бурные годы.
The Digger The Suona Player
Farewell to the Channel
A young man is pulled into crime and then murder. He falls in love with a beautiful young prostitute who sells herself to a brothel to pay off his debts. When the young man tries to buy her contract from the brothel owner, he kills one of the bosses' thugs in a fight. A crime syndicate that the young man willingly affiliated himself with failed. Now on the run from both criminals and the police, the star-crossed lovers flee through Taiwan. A powerful morality tale, the film exposes the dangers of the underworld economy, and the ubiquity of crime and violence on the island.
The Missing People
An insight into the lives of young prostitutes and a drug addict.
Dust in the Wind
Wan's Mother
A-yuan and A-yun are both from the small mining town of Jio-fen. They move to Taipei, where A-yuan is an apprentice by day and goes to night school, and A-yun works as a helper at a tailors. Everyone thinks they are meant for each other, and so do they. They fail to see time and fate are beyond their control.
The Time to Live and the Time to Die
Ming's Wife
The semi-autobiographical film on director Hou Hsiao-Hsien's childhood and adolescence, when he was growing up in Taiwan.
Лето у дедушки
Dong-Dong's Grandmother
Маленького мальчика и его сестренку на время болезни матери отправляют в деревню к дедушке и бабушке. Обычное, казалось бы, событие становится для городских детей открытием новой, неведомой ранее вселенной. Вселенной со сказочной природой, где происходят невероятные и увлекательные приключения - рыбалка, лазанье по деревьям и поиски пропавшей коровы.
Nature Is Quietly Beautiful
A Flower in the Rainy Night
A girl, who was sold by her stepfather at the age of 14, has had been a prostitute for 14 years. Her family, despite enjoying a comfortable life with her help, avoids her. She thus decides to have a son of her own and succeeds by sheer determination. She is now hopeful that her son will have a life better than hers.
That Day, on the Beach
Jiali's Mother
Two friends who haven't seen each other for thirteen years reunite. One is a successful concert pianist just back from a European tour and the other has just started a new business.
Зелёная трава родного дома
Suyun's Mother
Молодой мужчина, Та-ньен, приезжает в небольшую деревню, чтобы заменить свою сестру на должности учителя в начальной школе. Он сразу же понимает, что несколько учеников класса нуждаются в особом присмотре, а именно «Три мушкетёра» и молчаливый Хсян-ван. Мальчик живёт вместе с сестрой и отцом, который нарушает закон и убивает рыбу электроудочкой, дабы прокормить семью. Из-за этого Хсян-ван стал объектом насмешек одноклассников. Сам же Та-ньен влюбляется в свою коллегу, учительницу Су-юнь. Он пытается добиться разрешения, чтобы встречаться с ней, и помочь Хсян-вану.
Play While You Play
A photographer travels with her boyfriend to a seaside village in Penghu. There she strikes up a relationship with a blind man. When they reencounter one another back in Taipei, where he is preparing to undergo an operation to restore his sight, their connection intensifies.
Golden Fists of a Duo
A crime drama directed by Cheung Chi-Chiu.
Love Comes from the Sea
Romantic drama by Karen Yang Chia-Yun
Wenqi's Mother
Вэнвэн – дочь состоятельного промышленника. Её родители считают, что ей пора выйти замуж, и уже присмотрели для неё жениха из богатой семьи. Желая немного развеяться перед неизбежным замужеством, Вэнвэн уезжает в деревню к тёте. Там она случайно знакомится с молодым бедным инженером Дайганом, также приехавшим из Тайбэя. Знакомство быстро перерастает во влюблённость. Их пасторальный роман прерывает один телефонный звонок: отец Вэнвэн требует, чтобы его дочь немедленно вернулась в город, где её уже ожидает жених. Не желая противиться воле отца, Вэнвэн уезжает, ничего не сказав Дайгану. Однако он решает во что бы то ни стало отыскать её.
Drunken Fish, Drunken Frog, Drunken Crab
Rare drunken film, featuring Alan Liu and Hsu Buh Liao: as two likable swordsmen, who get injured by the white haired general whilst trying to save a young damsel in distress. As they recoup they invent seafood boxing to prepare them for the inevitable duel with the white haired general
An Unforgettable Day
Taiwanese romantic drama set in a mining town starring Brigitte Lin.