Édouard Delmont

Édouard Delmont

Рождение : 1883-12-05, Marseille, France

Смерть : 1955-11-22


Édouard Delmont


Али Баба и 40 разбойников
Али-Баба — добрый, веселый и немного чудаковатый слуга богатого господина Кассима. Он немолод, беден и некрасив. Но зато как обаятелен! Али-Бабу полюбила красавица Моржана — наложница, которую он сам выбирал на невольничьем рынке для Кассима. Что же делать? Нужно найти способ разбогатеть. Но, как бывает в сказке, богатство само находит доброго человека. Надо лишь вовремя оказаться в нужном месте и сказать: «Сезам, откройся!».
Такие разные судьбы
Le docteur Marius Bollène
Когда-то название французской деревушки Трезиньян знала вся Европа — ведь именно здесь родилось сразу пять мальчиков- близнецов. Однако, когда юноши выросли, отец поссорился с ними и выгнал из дома — в большую жизнь. Прошло 20 лет. Старейшины деревни решили помирить отца с сыновьями, а заодно и отпраздновать это событие с привлечением самого президента республики. В поход за братьями был отправлен их крестный — доктор Болен. Старому врачу предстоит пять удивительных разноплановых встреч с подросшими близнецами. К счастью всей деревни, ему удастся вернуть братьев в родные стены дома и помирить их с отцом. Ну, а самое главное и удивительное в этой истории, что жена одного из братьев родила в этот судьбоносный день сразу шесть близняшек, вновь прославив деревеньку на всю Европу.
Возвращение Дона Камилло
Le docteur Spiletti / Il dottore Spiletti
Во втором фильме о пасторе доне Камилло, герой возвращается в родной городок, после вынужденной ссылки за плохое поведение.
Призыв судьбы
M. Galibert
Фильм о знаменитом мальчике-музыканте, из которого в будущем получится всемирно известный дирижер — Роберто Бенци. Это рассказ о его непростых взаимоотношениях с матерью и отцом-алкоголиком, о его юношеском стремлении разобраться в окружающей действительности.
Manon of the Spring
Marcel Pagnol's adaptation of his own novel Manon des sources, the story of a shepherdess who exacts her revenge on the townsfolk she blames for killing her father, in two parts: Manon des sources and Ugolin.
Her Last Christmas
Le père Gallès
A very ill little girl having expressed the wish to live until Christmas, the whole neighborhood agrees to anticipate the celebration.
L'éternel espoir
The war will separate the members of the Valon family, two sons Alexandre and Antoine being prisoners, while the youngest Gilbert enters the secret army. Only their sister, Denise, will stay on the farm with her grandfather and grandmother. The Germans invade the free zone.
In the Land of the Sun
A band of Marseilles, lazy and happy to live, are involved in trafficking; Titin, put in prison for a while, is finally released and can marry Miette.
The Hunting Ground
Capucet, le garde-champêtre ivrogne
In Cantagrel, Urbain Coindet, a farmer and town councilor in his forties, finds his wife hanging from a beam in the barn. Aurélie Coindet has committed suicide but not everybody is convinced. The village is soon divided in two conflicting sides, the Republicans who support Urbain and the clericals accusing him of murder, which particularly suits Frédéric, a tobacco smuggler who hates the farmer. Urbain's case becomes even worse as he develops a tender feeling for Jeanne, a sweet young lady who happens to be Frédéric's sister...
Жюльетта, или Ключ к сновидениям
La garde-champêtre
Этот фильм «грустный и поэтичный рассказ о юном герое, которому нет счастья в реальном мире, и который ищет забвения в мире грёз».
Trafic sur les dunes
On the Franco-Belgian border, large and small traffickers engage in their illicit activities. For his part, a policeman is working to put an end to smuggling in the area.
Here Is the Beauty
A prison guard
Melodrama of two struggling artists whose love for each other is thwarted.She has some success as a ballerina despite being wounded by him in a fit of jealousy. His career as a sculptor is stymied when he is arrested.
The Man Who Returns from Afar
A man, after a fight, believes he has killed his cousin, and hides the body. The dead man had only passed out, but when he regained consciousness, he became amnesiac. When she sees him again, the woman who loved him takes him for a ghost.
The Inn of Sin
Two murders are committed in an inn for the possession of a bag containing a fortune.
The Big Circus
le paysan
During the second World War. The lives of three comrades fighting in the Forces Françaises Libres' flight. Pierre is a valiant pilot, afraid of nothing. Jean is reported missing during the Normandy landings. Jacques gets killed on the very last day of the conflict, leaving behind him a weeping widow.
Troubled Waters
A woman returns to her hometown along the French coast, seeking answers about the death of her brother.
Школа бездельников
Arnaud, the old master
По произведению Элизы Фрейне. Паскаль (Бернар Блие), молодой студент педучилища, тяжело раненный на фронте в 1918 году, в октябре 1920-го получает работу в школе деревни Салез департамента Верхний Прованс. Он отказывается от формалистской и армейской дисциплины своего предшественника, старого Арно; например, разбирает на дрова кафедру, чтобы покончить с сыростью в классе. От этой новости старого учителя чуть не хватает удар. Цель учебных методов Паскаля - раскрыть душу, личность каждого ученика и пробудить в детях жажду знаний. Взрослые (в особенности - уважаемые жители деревни) не доверяют его добрым намерениям.
Two Loves
Mr. Vincent
Sylvain is the town clerk of the small Provençal village of Coursoul. He is the darling of all the girls in the country. His brother, Désiré, a disabled carpenter, secretly loves Toinette, the lumber merchant's daughter. She falls in love with Sylvain. This one, convinced by the director of a traveling circus of the excellence of his voice, is about to leave everything to follow his career. But Désiré learns from Toinette that she is expecting a child from Sylvain. He goes to inform his brother, who reconsiders his decision. But Désiré will leave in his place, not to sing, but with his bruised heart to play Paillasse.
A proud femme fatale who works at a mountainous farm property manages, after being prodded by her lover, to become the heiress, but she plays the rival men against each other.
The Execrable Fate of Guillemette Babin
Maître Pierre Pasquier
Being born a witch's daughter did not bode well for your future in the Middle Ages. Guillaumette tries to stay on the straight and narrow with a little help from a priest she visits.
Le Dessous des cartes
Claude Géraudy, a banker responsible for a financial scandal, is forced to flee and hides in the mountains with the help of Manu, a young smuggler. Florence, his wife, refuses to join him. Desperate Claude commits suicide, Florence then decides to pass her suicide off as murder in order to receive her late husband's life insurance.
The film is set shortly after the 1815 Battle of Waterloo, around 1818, in which the hero Lieutanatn Orso fought for the French. In Marseille, returning to Corsica and his family estate, of which is now the head, Orso meets the Irish widower Colonel Sir Thomas Nevil and his beautiful daughter Lydia. The Colonel also fought for the British at Waterloo and they strike up a military-based friendship. They also share a passion for hunting. Orso convinces the colonel to come and hunt there. France ruled Corsica then, as they still do. Sadly, in his absence Orso's father has been assassinated by the influential Barracini family. Orso's sister Colomba is bent on him revenging the murder - in the Sicilian vendetta style. Orso doesn't agree with these old ways and the scene is set for a terrible conflict involving Corsican bandits and the French prefect. The book was made into an Italian one with the same title in 1948 and remade in 1950 in Hollywood under the name of "Vendetta".
La renégate
Tio Lopez
Conchita married the caïd Tahamar who deceives her about her “race”. She had to leave her love, Jean Costa, who is a prisoner of Tahamar. She decides to flee with Jean.
Ploum, ploum, tra-la-la
A shy but resourceful seller of corks helps a young man get married by passing himself off as a wealthy uncle in the eyes of the mother of the future bride, a marquise hostile to any misalliance.
Endless Night
Father Toine
Fleeing Paris where he killed, Olivier takes refuge in the Giraud farm and falls in love with his daughter, to the chagrin of her suitor, a man named Joseph. When the latter is found dead, Olivier is accused and the young woman will arrive too late to clear him, the poor man having fallen into a ravine while trying to flee.
Le gardian
Marius Audiffred
The guardian is engaged to a girl from a good family, but the intervention of a gypsy will make his heart lean. This one comes in fact to take revenge and will try to kill him.
Solita de Cordoue
Pierre lives with his wife Marie in a small village in the Landes. He dreams of leaving. On the occasion of the passage of a caravan of gypsies, he meets Solita and plans to continue the journey with her. However, he will give up this project out of love for his wife.
The Grand Hotel Affair
le Marsouin
In Marseilles, the fisherman Tonin closely monitors the actions of the wreckage workers led by a certain Mr. Léon. Could these bizarre individuals have something to do with the double murder at the Grand Hotel?
The Bride of Darkness
Sylvie, a girl who believes she is cursed having seen her two lovers die in tragic circumstances, lives in the town of Carcassonne, in the South of France with her adoptive guardian, Mr. Toulzac. This one, a retired school teacher, has a passion: to discover the secret of the Cathars, a Christian sect of the Middle Ages that glorified death over life. One day Sylvie meets Roland, a pianist and composer back home in Carcassonne. A handsome and good man, he instills new hope into Sylvie's troubled mind. Unfortunately her uncle asks her then to renounce the world and to follow him down into a secret cathedral he has just found...
The Island of Love
A Corsican fisherman is the victim of a vendetta, when he was wrong to date the niece of a businessman proposing to create a seaside resort, much to the anger of the islanders.
The Ménard Collection
Renée Ménard, a young mixed-race Indochinese, arrives in France to find her French father, whom she only knows is called Paul Ménard. In the hope of identifying her father, she meets a series of men with that name.
My Love is Near You
Father Louis
An opera singer is stricken with amnesia and, on the evening of a premiere (in his stage costume which is that of a tramp), he goes to wander with real tramps.
Valley of Hell
Le père Bienvenu
Noël Bienvenu, owner of a career, is a widower and lives with his parents. His son Bastien, whom he despises, was sentenced to six months in prison for theft. Noël goes to see a dying friend, Romieux, who asks him to take care of his daughter Marthe, who has settled in Paris (Batignolles district). Noël goes there and discovers that Marthe is destitute (her lover Gaston being an incarcerated mobster): he then offers her to come and live with him and soon, marries her.
Adieu Léonard
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
A Dog's Life
Mr. Gustave Bourdillon loves hopelessly the wife of the director of the institution where he is the only teacher. Soon a widow, the pretty wife of Mr. Calumet, agrees to marry the brave professor, but believes each onstant that her husband has returned in the form of his brave little dog Medor. After incredible situations and an immeasurable pursuit, Gustave Bourdillon and widow Émilie will live a deserved happiness.
The Lucky Star
Auguste, a somewhat simple-minded Provençal fisherman, loves and admires Mireille. This concerns only Maurice, son of an important wholesaler, whom scruples do not stifle. Seduced and abandoned, Mireille moves Auguste who tries to mend his poor happiness. The local priest, with wise words, leads Mireille to offer her hand to Auguste.
Le Cloaguen
Леди Дюмон переезжает из своей квартиры на улице Дюрантин, 102, на улицу Пикпюс. Когда она открывает шкаф, который принесли грузчики, выпадает труп женщины. Расследование в тупике. Инспектор Амадье, некомпетентен, должен уступить место комиссару Мегрэ, который инкогнито отдыхал в кампании под псевдонимом М. Альберт. Мегрэ начинает с допроса жильцов улицы Дюрантин; нуждающийся романист Арно де Бедарье встретился с жертвой незадолго до совершения преступления. В здании напротив, старик также, похоже, был свидетелем убийства, но... он слепой, и его тоже убили. Тайна сгущается с появлением некоего Маскувина, который случайно обнаружил в кафе на Монмартре следующую надпись, повторенную в прессе: «Сегодня, в 6 часов утра, я убью гадалку. Подпись Пикпюс.» Преступление происходит на самом деле, до 18 ч 05.
Father Garda
A discharged seaman winds up on an old man's farm: his children left the place for the broader horizons of the evil city; the walls are near decay ,the fields lie fallow.
Le soleil a toujours raison
Tonio, pretty Micheline's fiance, meets Georgia ,a gypsy who makes advances to him.
Sacred Fire
Papa Bricard
A young woman from the countryside travels to Paris to become an actress. Despite all kinds of difficulties, affronts and emotional adventures, she succeeded in gaining a place in the world of entertainment and becomes a great movie star.
Cap au large
Father Boquet, old and sad, hopes that François, his son, will be a fisherman like him. Alas, François follows his evil genius Simon to town and succumbs to the charms of the great Lisa. The wise village teacher sets out to find him when his father is ill, and brings François back in a violent storm. Love is on the way
A simpleton turns out to be the lucky charm of a village.
In the Camargue a local young playboy named Frédéri falls in love with a young woman from Arles. His family thinks she is unsuitable as a wife because she had a fling with a soldier. His entourage attempt to cheer him up but he intends to commit suicide.
Soyez les bienvenus
Before the war. Mr. and Mrs. Boisleroi, well off, lived in their castle while their son Jacques courted Geneviève, the manager's daughter. On mobilization, the manager becomes flight captain, Boisleroi a simple waykeeper and Jacques wants to enlist. Refugees arrive: an actress, a player, an old marquis, former owner of the castle and who will die there. All this life together culminates in the marriage of Jacques and Geneviève.
Parade in 7 Nights
In the pound, Pipo the dog recounts his adventures to his fellow inmates.
The Italian Straw Hat
Fadinard is going through the woods on his horse en route to his wedding. Unfortunately, his horse eats the straw hat of a married woman who is having a secret rendezvous with her lover. In order to save the woman's honor, Fadinard must find the exact same type of hat to replace the one his horse ate and still be able to get to his wedding on time.
Notre-Dame de la Mouise
Le père Didier
Father Vincent is trying to build a church in the California neighborhood. Greeted by stones, he must face a sinister band of deviants excited by a shady cabaret performer. The abbot resists, gradually builds his church and regenerates all the wretches with whom he lives and especially the hardest, Bibi.
Trois Argentins à Montmartre
The guitarist Moncho, singer Roberto and their impresario, arrive in Paris to find the fortune and the celebrity. They live in Montmartre in a pension that receives an impressive sampling of circus artists and music halls. They meet Maria-Rosa with whom they make a number, and this is glory.
The Wonderful Night
Le vieux berger
A couple of refugees arrives in a village: he is a cabinet maker, she's pregnant and the innkeeper refuses to give them a room; they wind up in the cowshed of a farm where she gives birth to her baby, the very night of Christmas.
The Mondesir Heir
Firmin, Le majordome des Mondésir
Bienaimé, a modest postman, in love with Janine, the village postmistress, does not know that he is the illegitimate son of the old Baron de Mondésir. The Baron dies and in happy amazement, Bienaimé finds he is the sole heir to the deceased's estate. But he should be careful, for two crooks, Waldemar and Erika, are after his newly-acquired wealth.
Le paradis des voleurs
A fairground boss is ruined. He steals his aunt's jewelry, but being chased he gives the jewelry to a couple of dancers. They are mistaken for the Morton Sisters and perform in the Folies Parisiennes with the jewels, with enormous success.
Berlingot and Company
François and Victor sell hard candy at the fun fair. They also bring up Gisèle, a one-year-old child they found by the side of the road. Although the two men are often at each other's throats they are the best friends, getting on well with the other fairground people. But when they defend Lisa, the fortune teller's daughter against Dédé, a thug who pesters her, they provoke his anger. Dédé sets fire to the two friends' stand and they are forced to take the road.
The Deserter
M. Marchand
During WW1, a train is stopped by a bombing, a young soldier takes advantage of the opportunity to go to his native village to see his parents.
Heroes of the Marne
Bernard Lefrancois is a prosperous farmer on the River Marne, while his neighbor is impoverished. Lefrancois objects strongly to the romance between his son and the neighbor's daughter, but it continues in secret. WWI begins and the son becomes an aviator with the French army, and the unwed girl presents Lefrancois with an unexpected grandchild. The German army occupies the area, and the girl is serving France as a spy and securing information needed by the French to drive out the Germans. While his son is engaged in air-combat against the Germans, and the unwed mother of his grandchild is serving as a spy against their country's enemy, Lefrancois also joins the battle as a soldier.
Жена пекаря
Maillefer dit Patience
О жизни Анабеля Кастанье, пекаря средних лет из прованской деревни. Когда его молодая жена Аурелия бросает его ради симпатичного пастуха, парень перестает печь хлеб, и жизнь в деревне замирает. Все деревенские жители, испокон веков испытывающие друг к другу неприязнь, вынуждены объединиться, чтобы вернуть пекарю его жену.
Firmin, le muet de Saint-Pataclet
Firmin, who returned mute from the war of 14-18, has never displeased anyone for twenty years in terms of political life where low blows, jealousy and betrayal are rife in his Provençal village. But an explosion gives him the floor.
The Little Thing
L'abbé Germane
Now that their parents are ruined, Jacques Eyssette and his younger brother Daniel, are driven to fend for themselves. Jacques becomes the secretary of a marquis who exploits him by making him work so hard that his health gets damaged. Daniel, on his part, is hired as a supervisor and Latin teacher in a school in the province. It soon happens that he is in a bad situation too as, after being subjected to repeated harassment, he ends up being fired. Daniel then decides to join Jacques in Paris, hoping to embark on a literary career. Unfortunately, Irma Borel, an actress, sets her sight on him and drags him into a life of vice.
Набережная туманов
Солдат колониальных войск Жан приезжает в Гавр, надеясь сесть на корабль и уплыть далеко, далеко — для этого у него есть причины, точно в фильме не указанные. Он знакомится с прекрасной девушкой Нелли и между ними возникает любовь с первого взгляда. Сильный, сдержанный и немногословный Жан может и хулигана проучить, и вести себя с достоинством и гордостью парижанина. Ему везет — он получает в подарок и гражданскую одежду, и паспорт; корабельный врач предлагает ему место в своей каюте, но пощечины, выданные публично местному молодому бандиту, обусловили печальный конец этой романтической истории.
Strange M. Victor
Outwardly, Monsieur Victor would appear to be the model citizen. A respectable Toulon shopkeeper, he has a devoted wife and is courteous and considerate to all who know him. However, beneath this veneer of respectability hides a notorious receiver of stolen goods, who trades with hardened criminals. Victor manages to keep up his double life without any difficulty until the fateful day when one of his partners in crime threatens to expose him. Fearing a scandal, Victor kills the crook in a moment of panic, using a shoemaker's tool. Naturally, the murder is blamed on a local shoemaker, who is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. Seven years later, the former shoemaker reappears in Toulon, having escaped from prison. The first person to recognise him is Monsieur Victor...
Hercule, a young peasant, inherits a Parisian newspaper with a large circulation. The editor-in-chief, Vasco, takes advantage of his ignorance to make corruption prevail. But Hercules gradually realizes the role that we make him play.
Anatole Roux dit 'Cabri'
Сюжет построен на истории трех добровольцев-марсельцев. Трое героев в колонне марсельских добровольцев идут в Париж, чтобы спасти родину и завоевания революции. Марсельцы идут с победной песнью. Они приходят в Париж 10 августа, когда национальные гвардейцы, марсельцы и бретонцы с боем берут Тюильри и низвергают монархию.
Following a slight accident, a stranger appears in a Provençal village and knocks at the door of the Philippes'villa, asking them for help. Albert Philippe is suspicious but his wife shows some interest in the man. After leaving the Philippe family, the unknown man goes to the village, meets the mayor and buys an island opposite the Philippe villa. It suddenly appears that the mysterious fellow is none other than Balthazar Lemonnier, a well-known millionaire. No sooner is the news disclosed than everybody, including the initially distrustful Mr. Philippe, wants to become his friend.
Le chanteur de minuit
Jean Bonnefoy, who has a talent for singing, is unemployed. So he is very happy the day he is offered a post as a music teacher in a college for young women. But he soon realizes the job is only a mixed blessing as a group of girls have set about making life tough for him. Among them is Anny Laforcade, a student who finally changes sides, taking pity on her teacher and falling in love with him. At one point, Jean meets Zébulon, a talent agent who decides to launch his singing career. Zébulon has a far-fetched idea: He asks Anny to disappear for a few days thus making people believe that she has committed suicide out of love for Jean. The latter, who is not aware of the scheme, is devastated.
le père Gaubert, forgeron
In the 30s, a small village in the Provence is losing its inhabitants because young people prefer to go to the city to find easy jobs and escape from being farmers living in relative poverty. Only a few old people and the poacher Panturle remain. Panturle dreams of bringing the village back to life, finding a wife, founding a family and work as a farmer. One day, the village is visited by a traveling knife-grinder, Urbain Gedemus and a young woman, Arsule. Gedemus treats Arsule like a slave, but Arsule accept this because she has nowhere to go and -we guess- her 'work' with Gedemus is the last thing that saves her from being a prostitute. When she meets Panturle and knows about his dreams, she escapes from Gedemus and decides to stay with him. Together, they start a new life, made of hard farming work but mostly of happiness to have each other - fulfilling the earlier dreams of Panturle. Can anything break the happiness of their new life?
The Secrets of the Red Sea
Said Ali, an old and sick noble Arab, living on an island in the Red Sea, has no other occupation than collecting pearls. The spiteful Nadir tries to take possession of the treasure, he kills Said Aly but finds a terrible death by desecrating his tomb.
A guy from the South spends his time chasing sentimental adventures.
Franco de port
Bartender (uncredited)
Monsieur Fred is a friendly Southerner who recruits pretty girls down on their luck to send to South America. After some dramatic incidents and an eventful chase, a policeman manages to lock up the gang he runs.
Blanchette, unable to find a job, prostitutes herself in Paris. She then finds the man she loves when her morale is at its lowest.
Le docteur Felicien Venelle
Honoré Panisse is dying, cheerfully, with friends, wife, and son at his side. He confesses to the priest in front of his friends; he insists that the doctor be truthful. But, he cannot bring himself to tell his son Césariot that his real father is Marius, the absent son of César, Césariot's godfather. Panisse leaves that to Fanny, the lad's mother. Dissembling that he's off to see a friend, Césariot then seeks Marius, now a mechanic in Toulon. Posing as a journalist, Césariot spends time with Marius and leaves believing tales he is a petty thief. Only after the truth comes out can Marius, Fanny, César, and Césariot step beyond the falsehoods, benign though they may be.
In the 1920s, the Provence is a magnet for immigrants seeking work in the quarries or in the agriculture. Many mingle with locals and settle down permanently - like Toni, an Italian who has moved in with Marie, a Frenchwoman. Even a well-ordered existence is not immune from boredom, friendship, love, or enmity, and Toni gets entangled in a web of increasingly passionate relationships. For there is his best pal Fernand, but also Albert, his overbearing foreman; there is Sebastian, a steady Spanish peasant, but also Gabi, his young rogue relative; there is Marie, but there is also Josefa.
Angèle is a 1934 French drama film directed, produced and written by Marcel Pagnol. It stars Orane Demazis as a naive young woman who is seduced and abandoned. It is based on the novel Un de Baumugnes by Jean Giono.
Les bleus de la marine
Le quartier-maître
Lafraise and Plumard, two rookies on the ship Le Victorieux, are on leave in the port of Toulon. At a time they get lost and in order to escape the Navy patrolmen, they disguise themselves and board a train. Now it happens that in the convoy a delegate of the government is on his way to Paris, with the mission to inaugurate a monument there. But the circumstances are such that our two friends are mistaken for the Minister and his secretary. Unabashed, the pair does the job, in other words, they deliver the expected speech, eat like horses, live it up - until they are recognized. Which eventually results in a prolonged stay in an unpleasant kind of hotel room named - the hold.
Le train de 8 H 47
l'éteigneur de réverbères
In 1885, La Guillaumette and Croquebol are two cavalrymen who are constantly victimised by their superior, adjutant Flick. One day, the two men are given an opportunity to redeem themselves by recovering four horses that have gone astray. Unfortunately, they follow the horses' example by taking the wrong train. When they finally make it back to barracks, after a long series of mishaps, they are rewarded with sixty days in prison.
Ways of Love
Jofroi sells his orchard to Alphonse. Alphonse wants to use the land for crops, so he starts to cut down the trees. Jofroi is furious: how can someone cut down those trees? He threatens to commit suicide so that the small town will blame Alphonse and Alphonse’s life will be miserable. Alphonse, the curate, the teacher, and some of the townsfolk spend the rest of the movie trying to keep Jofroi from committing suicide…
Au pays du soleil
Life is good in the port of Marseille but Titin is accused of murder!! ... His girlfriend is very unhappy and does not know what to do to prove her innocence .
Roger la Honte
1871. Roger Laroque accuses himself of a crime he did not commit to save his mistress, Julia de Noirville, from dishonor. He escapes from prison and is considered dead for fourteen years. Then he returns in the guise of a rich American in order to unmask the real murderer.
Dr Félicien Venelle
Picking up moments after the end of Marius, this film follows Fanny’s grief after Marius’s departure—and her realization that she’s pregnant. Panisse continues courting her and embraces the baby’s impending arrival as a gift, so long as its paternity remains a secret. Fanny and Panisse wed, but after her baby’s birth, Marius returns unexpectedly and demands what he believes is still his.
Mardi Gras
Mam'zelle Nitouche
Célestin, the organist of a convent, has written and composed a light operetta under the name of Floridor. One day, the Mother Superior asks him to chaperone one of the boarders, Denise de Flavigny, who is returning home to get married. Now, Denise, for all her goody goody looks, soon proves as saucy as can be. Things get even more complicated when Célestin starts courting Corinne, the star of his operetta, to the great displeasure of a commander of dragons, the young woman's lover. Worse, the latter is none other than the Mother Superior's brother... To say nothing of Lieutenant Fernand de Champlatreux, who happens to fall in love with Denise, his fiancée that he has never seen before...!