Mel Damski

Рождение : 1946-07-21, New York, New York, U.S.A.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Melvin Damski (born July 21, 1946 in New York, New York) is an American film director and film producer. Description above from the Wikipedia article Mel Damski, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia​


Рождество дома
После того,как Мэдди перестает возглавлять компанию,работа в которой долгое время была ее мечтой, она решает поехать в свой родной городок на праздники,надеясь,что ситуация в ее жизни прояснится. Там она встречает свою школьную любовь Картера, и между ними быстро вновь вспыхивает искра. Оба они ответственны за организацию школьного рождественского бала,и во время всех приготовлений к нему,они забывают то,что отличает их друг от друга, зато вспоминают,почему они когда-то полюбили друг друга.
Darrow & Darrow: Body of Evidence
Executive Producer
Claire finds herself defending a woman already convicted of murder, while Miles questions his role as prosecuting attorney and helps her on the case.
Darrow & Darrow: Body of Evidence
Claire finds herself defending a woman already convicted of murder, while Miles questions his role as prosecuting attorney and helps her on the case.
Garage Sale Mysteries: The Mask Murder
When Jennifer buys a storage locker at auction, she discovers a dead body inside - along with a mask matching the deceased woman.
Love at Sea
Organized and structured event planner Olivia has been meticulous in organizing logistics for an Internet lifestyle series set on a Caribbean cruise ship. But when the ship’s new cruise director, Tony, puts his personal stamp on the cruise experience, Olivia realizes that some things can’t be anticipated or scheduled – like falling in love.
Darrow & Darrow: In The Key Of Murder
Executive Producer
A simple offer of legal advice turns into the biggest challenge of Claire Darrow’s legal career when her new beau, D.A. Miles Strasberg, introduces her to his younger half-sister, Phoebe, a singer fresh off her first album. Following a legal dispute between the two, Phoebe's producer ends up dead and all signs point to Phoebe. Claire is the only one Miles trusts to uncover the truth and save his sister.
Darrow & Darrow: In The Key Of Murder
A simple offer of legal advice turns into the biggest challenge of Claire Darrow’s legal career when her new beau, D.A. Miles Strasberg, introduces her to his younger half-sister, Phoebe, a singer fresh off her first album. Following a legal dispute between the two, Phoebe's producer ends up dead and all signs point to Phoebe. Claire is the only one Miles trusts to uncover the truth and save his sister.
Рождественский отпуск
Эмори - путешественница и писатель. Но ей не везет в личной жизни. Она снимает домик в горах, чтобы поработать над книгой "Рождественские традиции". По ошибке бронь на этот же домик получает Скотт со своей дочкой. Эмори благородно уступает домик, но сильный снегопад мешает ей уехать.
Домой на Рождество
В канун Рождества Лиззи Ричфилд оказывается на перепутье. Она рассталась с парнем, потеряла работу и не знает, чем хочет заниматься дальше. Но судьба благоволит ей: Лиззи устраивается управляющей в дом богатой и влиятельной семьи Марли. Произойдёт ли с Лиззи рождественское чудо?
My Favorite Wedding
Executive Producer
Potential Northwestern fellow Tess Harper lasers through her best friend's wedding planning like the star doctor she hopes to soon become. In fact, Tess puzzles through any problem - provided it's not her own. When she meets divorce lawyer and groom's best friend, Michael, Tess maneuvers around him like a gurney in the emergency room until she discovers this best man has a few moves of his own.
My Favorite Wedding
Potential Northwestern fellow Tess Harper lasers through her best friend's wedding planning like the star doctor she hopes to soon become. In fact, Tess puzzles through any problem - provided it's not her own. When she meets divorce lawyer and groom's best friend, Michael, Tess maneuvers around him like a gurney in the emergency room until she discovers this best man has a few moves of his own.
Лунный свет в Вермонте
После расставания с парнем Фиона сбегает в Вермонт к своему отцу для переоценки жизненных ценностей. На одном из городских фестивалей девушка встречает бывшего парня Нейта с его новой девушкой, и у неё созревает коварный план. Фиона просит местного повара Дерека притвориться её парнем, чтобы вернуть Нейта обратно.
Рождественское путешествие
События фильма «Рождественское путешествие» начинают развиваться во время Второй мировой войны, когда муж Ханны отправился воевать на фронт, а сама она устроилась работать медсестрой, чтобы помогать солдатам в госпитале. Война заканчивается, но ее муж так и не возвращается. Она впадает в отчаяние и с ужасом осознает, что может больше никогда не увидеть своего возлюбленного. Чтобы хоть как-то побороть грусть и печаль, Ханна устраивается работать в больницу, сделав смыслом своей жизни помощь тем, кто по-настоящему в ней нуждается. Нужды страдающих она ставит на первое место и только потом заботится о самой себе.
Love on a Limb
Aimie Roarke is always up for a cause and when the town’s beloved Oak tree is set to be cut down, she takes it upon herself try and save it. When the Mayor hires a handsome new landscaper to cut it down, she decides the only way to save the tree is to chain herself to it. As Kyle attempts to wait her out and the two start to spend more time together, they may find the Old Tree brings them both more than they could have imagined in life and love.
Умный, начитанный подросток попросился в школьную команду по борьбе, чтобы выиграть соревнование, ведь его отец был легендарным чемпионом 10 лет назад.
Still Kicking: The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies
Executive Producer
A year in the life of the Palm Springs Follies, featuring beautiful, ageless performers from around the world in a show that is always Standing Room Only. The film intercuts colorful interviews with the participants and footage of auditions, rehearsals, and the actual performances.
Still Kicking: The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies
A year in the life of the Palm Springs Follies, featuring beautiful, ageless performers from around the world in a show that is always Standing Room Only. The film intercuts colorful interviews with the participants and footage of auditions, rehearsals, and the actual performances.
The Care and Handling of Roses
A fondness for old movies brings together two fortysomethings, each happily married to other people.
Wild Card
Thriller about a former preacher, now a professional gambler, who heads down New Mexico way to visit an old buddy, only for him to be killed. It is not long before the Preacher is uncovering a hotbed of corruption and murder in the seemingly peaceful town, aptly named Farewell.
Back to the Streets of San Francisco
Mike Stone's back and his old partner, Steve Keller, is missing. So Mike heads up an investigation. At the same time, he is investigating another brutal murder. And he is trying to decide which of two inspectors shall he recommend for the position of Lieutenant; a woman who has a "Dirty Harry" tendency or a man who reminds him of Steve Keller.
Wife, Mother, Murderer: The Marie Hilley Story
Based on the true story of an Alabama woman who was convicted of killing her first husband and attempting to poison her daughter. Out on bail, she flees in order to start a new life with two new identities.
Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance
A San Antonio, Texas policeman must stop his best friend, a fellow officer turned vigilante.
Blood River
Executive Producer
Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan's son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy's parents for their land. Trying to get away from Logan's vengeance, he goes to ground in the mountains and meets Winston Patrick Culler, an old trapper, who becomes his traveling companion and protector. Jimmy doesn't understand though why Culler is helping him...
Blood River
Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan's son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy's parents for their land. Trying to get away from Logan's vengeance, he goes to ground in the mountains and meets Winston Patrick Culler, an old trapper, who becomes his traveling companion and protector. Jimmy doesn't understand though why Culler is helping him...
The Girl Who Came Between Them
A home is divided when a 13 year old Vietnamese girl moves in with a family of an ex-GI who believes that she may be his illegitimate daughter in this fact-based movie.
Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура
Чернокожая школьница лет одиннадцати упала с лошади и потеряла сознание. В себя она пришла в 8 веке во времена короля Артура и его рыцарей круглого стола. Благодаря фотоаппарату и магнитофону, её принимают за волшебницу, и она борется со злым мошенником Мерлином, выдающим себя за колдуна, и со злым Мордредом, племянником короля-лопуха, пытающимся захватить трон при помощи коварной матери, сестры короля.
Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure
Based on the true story of baby Jessica McClure who fell into a drain pipe in her back yard while playing. She was stuck in the pipe about 20 to 30 feet down and it took rescuers 58 hours to get her out. There was fear that if they shook the earth too much with machinery they could cause Jessica to fall further down and die.
Счастливы вместе
Кристофер — амбициозный студент, мечтающий стать писателем. В общежитии к нему в комнату по ошибке подселяют девушку Александру, которая производит на Криса неизгладимое впечатление…
The Three Kings
The made-for-TV film stars Jack Warden, Lou Diamond Phillips and Stan Shaw as three patients in a Los Angeles-area mental institution. Dressed as the Three Wise Men for a Christmas pageant, the trio is suddenly struck with the delusion that they are really their Biblical counterparts on a quest to find the Baby Jesus. As TV cameras grind away, the three ersatz Kings surreptitiously ride out of the gates of the asylum—on camels—and into the mean streets of LA. As the story draws to its conclusion, the three escapees find themselves providing a Christmas miracle (but not in the form of rap) for a group of homeless people on the outskirts of the city.
Murder by the Book
Mild-mannered mystery writer D. H. Mercer has become so immersed in his material that his creation, hard-boiled private eye Biff Deegan, constantly appears to him as a hallucination. Intent on getting rid of Biff, and replacing him with a more civilized detective, Mercer soon finds himself in a genuine mystery involving art fraud, murder, and a beautiful lady in peril.
Hero in the Family
A teenage son of an astronaut tries to help his father after he and a chimpanzee switch brains as the result of a space flight mis-hap in which the boy must protect the "chimp" in which his...
A Winner Never Quits
Fact-based story of a young boy who lost his right arm in a childhood accident, but went on to fulfill his dreams of playing major-league baseball. The story of Pete Gray.
Неудачи Джонатана в общении с девушками отступают, когда он в последнем классе школы знакомится с Джином. Поскольку Джин пользуется успехом у девушек, он решает преподать Джонатану несколько уроков по общению с прекрасным полом. Но Джин вообще-то предпочёл бы жить в любви и согласии только с одной девушкой — Банни.
Badge of the Assassin
Three black revolutionaries gun down two New York City police officers. The subsequent investigation puts a white assistant DA and a black police detective on the trail of the killers that leads from New York to San Francisco and down to New Orleans.
Attack On Fear
Married journalists who run a small town newspaper expose corruption and cultism at a once respected rehab center.
Жёлтая борода
Фильм "Жёлтая борода" о приключениях морского волка и корабельного дьявола по прозвищу Желтая борода. Его жизнь прошла под флагом "Веселого Роджера", перед его жестокостью спасовали бы самые именитые флибустьеры. Собрать команду головорезов, пойти на абордаж и найти сокровища – для настоящего хозяина морей все это детские шалости. Но сможет ли пират быть любящим отцом? Ведь даже отъявленный негодяй может в один прекрасный день познать радость отцовства...
Group Madness
A behind-the-scenes documentary of the making of 1983's Yellowbeard
An Invasion of Privacy
A woman on a remote island is raped by a local resident and finds her fight for justice impeded by community prejudice.
The Legend of Walks Far Woman
Walks Far Woman is a squaw of the Blackfoot tribe. She takes revenge on two men who killed her husband and then she is ostracized by her tribe. She then is adopted by the Sioux, the tribe of her mother, and there she tries to start a new life.
For Ladies Only
An aspiring young actor moonlights as a male stripper while looking for work in the theatre.
American Dream
A family moves from an affluent Chicago suburb to the mixed inner-city neighborhood where the father grew up, with the idea of giving the kids, who are becoming materialistic snobs, the feel of a big city environment.
Word of Honor
A reporter refuses to reveal his source in the case of the murder of a young girl. As a result, he and his family are shunned by the residents of the small town in which they live. Virtually no one comes to his daughter's wedding, and at his office, the police search his desk, and his boss threatens to fire him.
A Perfect Match
A successful fashion designer who learns that she has a mysterious illness that threatens her life searches frantically for the one suitable donor for a bone-marrow transplant -- the daughter she, as a teenager, had given up for adoption.
A Perfect Match
A successful fashion designer who learns that she has a mysterious illness that threatens her life searches frantically for the one suitable donor for a bone-marrow transplant -- the daughter she, as a teenager, had given up for adoption.
The Child Stealer
A young mother battles to get her children back after her ex-husband kidnaps them and the law won't help her in her efforts.
Long Journey Back
True television chronicle of a teenage girl who is determined not to let a crippling accident ruin her life.
Love on a Canvas
A woman out of place, a man falls in love, an art museum.