Texan farmers the Frake family head for the Texas State Fair in Dallas. The parents are focused on winning the competitions for livestock and cooking. However, their restless daughter Margy and her brother Wayne meet attractive new love interests.
Mario "Cantinflas" Moreno is a hired hand, Pepe, employed on a ranch. A boozing Hollywood director buys a white stallion that belongs to Pepe's boss. Pepe, determined to get the horse back (as he considers it his family), decides to take off to Hollywood. There he meets film stars including Jimmy Durante, Frank Sinatra, Zsa Zsa Gabór, Bing Crosby, Maurice Chevalier and Jack Lemmon in drag as Daphne from Some Like It Hot. He is also surprised by things that were new in America at the time, such as automatic swinging doors. When he finally reaches the man who bought the horse, he is led to believe there is no hope of getting it back. However, the last scene shows both him and the stallion back at the ranch with several foals.
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920's stage star Jeanne Eagels.
Сразу после второй мировой войны Великобритания была вынуждена освободить Индию от колониальной зависимости. Желая сделать это организованно, командование английских войск разработало план постепенного вывода своих вооруженных сил. Но борющиеся за власть всевозможные индийские партии и группировки пожелали ускорить этот процесс, провоцируя население на бунты и неповиновение европейцам. Началось это с мятежа в индийском флоте, после чего целый ряд восстаний прокатился по всей стране. Именно на борьбу с этими анархическими выступлениями и в качестве подкрепления для гражданских властей был командирован на узловую станцию Бховани английский полковник Сэвидж.
Керли — веселый и добродушный парень, работающий на ранчо. Лори Уильямс — дочь фермера, в которую Керли влюблен. Между ними пытается встать злобный Джад…
Фильм повествует об истории Марджори Лоуренс — успешной австралийской оперной певицы, сражавшейся с полиомиелитом.
Sailors on leave in San Francisco get mixed up in love and show business.
A prince has a romance with a barmaid before he must give up personal happiness for duty.
В посольстве государства Маршовия в Вашингтоне узнают, что одна из их соотечественниц - Кристалл Радек стала вдовой и ей от покойного мужа достались восемьдесят миллионов долларов. Посол и атташе бегут в дом вдовы с приглашением посетить родную отчизну, где должно состояться открытие памятника ее покойному мужу, но это только предлог, чтобы выманить женщину из США. Главная цель этих ребят и их короля, чтобы вдова не вышла замуж за иностранца: иначе ее деньги будут потеряны для родины. Надо, чтобы мужем вдовы стал подданный Понтеведро. Все высокопоставленные мужчины страны женаты, холостяк один - граф Данило, и ради "интересов государства" он должен жениться на ее миллионах...
Римская империя I века н. э. Военные победы. Кровавые зрелища в амфитеатрах. Гонения на новую веру. Запретная любовь патриция к пленнице-христианке. Пожар в Вечном городе (дело рук одержимого манией величия Нерона). Приговор императору, вынесенный разгневанным народом.
Three young girls try to help their divorced mother find the right husband.
Известный судья Касс Тимберлэйн влюбляется в красивую девушку из низшего сословия Вирджинию Маршланд. Касс женится на Вирджинии, которая скоро забеременела. К сожалению, их дочь родилась преждевременно, и ее смерть отдаляет супругов друг от друга. Во время ссоры Касс говорит жене, что она может уйти к молодому привлекательному адвокату Брадду Крайли. Но когда Вирджиния тяжело заболевает, пути её и Касса снова пересекаются.
Сирота Роберт Шеннон покидает Ирландию и едет в Логангфорд (Шотландия) в дом родственников матери. Воспитанием мальчика занимаются его прадед, дед и бабушка. Наставником Роберта в его юные годы становится добрый и понимающий прадед. Он помогает подростку преодолеть проблемы в отношениях с близкими и друзьями. Старик всегда рядом, когда нужен Роберту. Окончив школу, юноша хочет поступать в медицинский вуз, и прадед поддерживает его в этом стремлении, несмотря на протесты своего сына, деда Роберта.
Экранизация одноименного романа Арчибальдa Джозефa Кронинa.
Классический мюзикл рассказывает о поездке американской семьи Фрейк из Айовы на ежегодную ярмарку штата. Все чего-то ждут, чего-то нового. Кто-то - приз, а кто-то - романтических отношений и, возможно, любви.
Биографическая лента о жизни Джорджа Гершвина, знаменитого американского композитора и пианиста. Прежде всего им движет потребность успеха. К сожалению, в этом стремлении Гершвину пришлось пожертвовать своим личным счастьем. Он разрывает отношения с отчаянно в него влюблённой певицей Джули Адамс, чтобы завести роман с богатой светской львицей Кристиной Гилберт.
Питтсбург, 1873 год. Мэри Рафферти, девушка из бедной рабочей семьи, устраивается в качестве прислуги в дом Уильяма Скотта - владельца сталелитейного завода. Между Мэри и сыном мистера Скотта Полом возникает сильное чувство...
Вторая мировая война. Войска США помогают Китаю в войне против Японии. Дочь американского миссионера находясь взоне боевых действий, находит восемь детей-сирот ирешает перевезти их в Америку, где они начнут новую жизнь. Но прежде чем это произойдет, девушке предстоят тяжелые испытания, которые она преодолеет благодаря своему обаянию, жизнерадостному характеру и веселому нраву.
Бродвей зажигает огни и на этот свет, как мотыльки, слетаются девушки, в поисках легкой жизни и головокружительной карьеры. Новое бродвейское «Шоу Зигфилда» делает очередной набор участниц и среди других приглашает на работу трех милых девушек: их роли различны, но сцена объединила их судьбы в одну.
Сюзен профессиональная певица, живущая со старым эксцентричным папашей-композитором, Шейла — симпатичная блондинка с рабочей окраины, делящая постель с пожилым миллионером, а Сандра — жена безработного скрипача, который не может вырваться из душевного кризиса.
С этого дня девушкам надо забыть обо всем, что их тревожит, ведь теперь они «Девушки Зигфилда» — лучшие модели Бродвея. У каждой из них появился шанс изменить свою жизнь и стать суперзвездой грандиозного музыкального представления, но у любого шоу есть финал и для каждой из участниц он не будет одинаков…
Звонарь Собора Парижской Богоматери Квазимодо, его опекун и верховный судья Жеан Фролло, поэт Пьер Гренгуар и капитан королевской гвардии Феб де Шатопер влюбляются в цыганку Эсмеральду, но не предполагают, что тем самым обрекают её на верную смерть.
Время войны за независимость между Англией и американскими колониями. Флаг Соединенных Штатов был усыпан всего лишь 13-ю звездочками. Молодожены Джил и Лана отправляются в приграничный район Долины Махонке перед самым началом революции и войны. Переход от обеспеченной, привилегированной жизни к приграничной потребовал от них недюжинной силы и твердости характера. Спокойная жизнь только-только стала налаживаться, когда в окрестностях небольшого укрепленного форта, стоявшего увыхода из Долины, объявился отряд индейцев, которым руководил жестокий командир-англичанин. Краснокожие грозились уничтожить все и всех вокруг, но обитатели форта стойко выдерживали осаду.
Мэри Смит не может посещать ночные заведения или расслабляться любым другим подобным образом, потому что любой намёк скандала может повредить политической карьере её отца. Однажды ей это надоедает и она с двумя другими девушками отправляется на свидание с участниками родео. Своему новому кавалеру — Стречу — Мэри говорит, что она горничная и что она сбежала из дома, так как её избивает отец. Возлюбленные решают убежать. Теперь Мэри стоит перед выбором: продолжать ей авантюру со Стречем или вернуться домой.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
The sons of a disgraced British officer try to clear his name.
По рассказу Нивена Буша. В центре фильма история трех сыновей вдовы Молли О'Лири - Боба, Дайона и Джека. Братья попадают в детстве в Чикаго и достигают там значительного успеха, но в конечном счете оказываются конкурентами друг другу.
Newspapers around the world proclaim the birth in Moosetown, Canada of the 3,000th baby brought into the world by the doctor, John Luke, known for delivering the famous Wyatt quintuplets. To honor the doctor on his retirement and to publicize their town, the Moosetown chamber of commerce decides to hold a reunion of all the babies delivered by the doctor, some of whom have become famous.
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
A wealthy, eccentric collector of stuffed birds (Pinky Tomlin) and a beautiful Russian singer (Rita Hayworth) provide refuge to an orphaned Irish child (Jane Withers) who has arrived illegally in New York. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 comedy, with numerous songs, also features Jane Darwell, George Givot, Robert Dudley, Vera Lewis, Louise Carter, Francis Ford, Russell Simpson and Clarence Wilson.
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
A Hawaiian naval nurse weds a widowed officer partly because he has a crippled daughter.
Catherine and Mack and their close friends Chris and Madge graduate from a West Coast college and fly to New York City to find work.
As Husbands Go charts the romantic misadventures of Lucille Lingard .
After losing their Missouri home during the Great Depression, the Skitch family pulls up stakes and heads west to California to begin life anew. Comedy, released in 1933.
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
Семья Фрэйков отправилась на ярмарку штата Айова. И пока отец с матерью принимали участие в различных соревнованиях и конкурсах, их сын с дочерью нашли свои вторые половинки.
Фильм «Кавалькада» охватывает исторический период с празднования 1899 Нового года до 31 декабря 1933. Перед глазами героев проходят такие события, как англо-бурская война, смерть королевы Виктории, кораблекрушение «Титаника» и Первая мировая война.
When Captain Howland decides that his daughter Tess is getting a bit to old to continue to go to sea with him, they move into a small cottage on the coast of Maine, but not for long. A local millionaire, Frederick Garfield, lays a false claim to the property and has them evicted. Later, when Tess saves a young man about her age from drowning, she is a bit dismayed to learn that he is Garfield's son. But when her father is jailed on a false-accusation charge of murder, the younger Garfield comes to their aid and proves he himself.
A young girl from Sunnybrook goes to live with her wealthy relatives and falls in love with a doctor. Adapted from Kate Douglas Wiggin's famous novel.
In the Depression, Pete and Sidney are good kids, working hard, giving money to their parents, and engaged for three years while they save to get married. Each has a selfish mother: Sydney's is cold, Pete's is clingy. Sidney's mother is looking for her own happiness, no matter how much that search harms her daughter and long-suffering husband; and, the longer the engagement lingers, the more pressure Pete's mom puts on Sidney to break it off and set her son free. "After Tomorrow" is Pete and Sidney's favorite song, but with illness, poverty, and temptation: will that good day ever come?
A comic group of Europeans coming to the USA have romantic and immigration troubles.
Story of French prisoner in Germany who falls in love with a German general's daughter. From the novel "Axelle" by Pierre Benoit.
A society novelist brings a brash young chorus girl home in order to study her for inspiration for his new novel. His family is distraught, but soon her behavior has forever altered their snobbish ways.
Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor.
A spoiled carefree rich kid gets into too much trouble for his father who sends him out on his own to prove himself capable of making a respectable man of himself.
Lightnin' and Mary Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on a state border, used by divorcing wives so they can pretend to be in California while establishing residency in Nevada. When Lightnin' refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of crooks, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself.
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
Broken hearts in Ireland. Sean is a great tenor, in semi-retirement, living in a village close to Mary, the woman he’s always loved. Mary’s aunt convinced her to marry a man for his money; he has recently deserted her, leaving her penniless. She and her two children, Eileen and Tad, move in with the selfish and austere aunt. Eileen is falling in love with Fergus, a young man who’s off to Dublin to seek his fortune. Sean is drawn out of retirement and goes on tour in America. At his first concert, he’s nervous and out of sorts until the last song, when peace descends on him like a gift. What has happened, and can family life be set right?
Hiram Draper is an all-American self-made man who profoundly distastes everything British. Yet he must travel to London with his family. When Junior falls in love with an aristocratic girl, whose father despises Americans with equal intensity, fireworks are just about to start.
A French girl raised in the south seas is brought to prim and proper New England by her New England born and bred sea captain husband. She wears short skirts and shocks the puritanical New Englanders in her new home with her wild candid ways...
Drama set in Alaska
Oklahoma mechanic Pike Peters finds himself part owner of an oil field. His wife Idy, hitherto content, decides the family must go to Paris to get "culture" and meet "the right kind of people." Pike and his grown son and daughter soon have flirtatious French admirers; Idy rents a chateau from an impoverished aristocrat; while Pike responds to each new development with homespun wit. In the inevitable clash, will pretentiousness and sophistication or common sense triumph?
Mary, a poor farm girl, meets Tim just as word comes that war has been declared. Tim enlists in the army and goes to the battlefields of Europe, where he is wounded and loses the use of his legs. Home again, Tim is visited by Mary, and they are powerfully attracted to each other; but his physical handicap prevents him from declaring his love for her. Deeper complications set in when Martin, Tim's former sergeant and a bully, takes a shine to Mary.
Дядя богатой наследницы Евы Мэннеринг нанял частного детектива, чтобы тот выяснил подноготную женихов, претендующих на руку и деньги племянницы - полковника Битэма и красавчика Эрика Дюрана. Детектива убивают, а Ева выбирает в мужья Дюрана и оправляется с ним в Индию.
Constance Bannister enters into a trial marriage contract with Dr. Thorvald Ware and finds happiness with him. She defies his wishes by dancing at a charity ball in a revealing costume, however, and he dissolves the contract, not knowing that she is with child. A year passes. Constance marries Oliver Mowbray, and Thorvald marries Constance's sister, Grace. Both couples are quite unhappy and later obtain divorces. Oliver and Grace go to Europe, and Constance and Thorvald are married in a civil ceremony, united by their love both for each other and for their child.
Soap-opera about a social-climbing Jewish man and his old-world parents who are heartbroken by his rejection of them. Young Morris Goldfish follows his immigrant father into business. His ruthless business practices cause him to become a big success, and he moves the family to Park Avenue. They go, but were happier back on the East Side. Morris is ashamed of this parents and his humble origins, but learns in the end that there is more to life than money.
The naive newspaper cub Clem lands a scoop when he's sent out to cover a murder. In his enthusiasm he writes that the main suspect is Jane. When she confronts Clem, she convinces him to help her prove her innocence.
Film which tells the story of immigrants coming to the United States.
A Harp in Hock, also known as The Samaritan, is a lost 1927 American silent melodrama film directed by Renaud Hoffman, produced by DeMille Pictures, and distributed by Pathé Exchange. The film starred Rudolph Schildkraut, Junior Coghlan, May Robson, and Bessie Love, and was based on the short story by Evelyn Campbell.
To enliven their business, the O'Tooles, restaurant owners in Hoboken, New Jersey, transform their restaurant into the Russian Inn when they hear that a famous Russian princess is stranded in Chicago. Sheila, the daughter, is persuaded to impersonate the princess, who unfortunately arrives at the restaurant on opening night.
When her circus-performer parents die in an accident, Christine (Pauline Garon) is raised by other circus-performers, including Hagan, a balloon-vender, and Pete Barman as her guardians. When she grows up, she asks to also become a performer, and Barman agrees. Bob Hastings (Cullen Landis) joins the traveling circus as its doctor, and he and Christine fall in love. This angers Barman, who is also in love with her.
Trusting country girl Marie Downey falls in love with touring stage-actor Clifford Dudley. As he becomes a matinee idol on Broadway, she turns a chorus girl.
A young East Side Jewish reporter gets into a sticky situation when she finds that her new beau is indicting a banker she owes money to.
Ronnie Rand, Required to marry before she is 21 or lose her inheritance, Ronnie Rand meets Pierre Martel, member of a gang of thieves, and, convinced that he is a "real man," she marries him. Pierre's confederates attempt to blackmail Ronnie, and when she refuses to sign a check they try to kill Pierre; but police arrive in time to save him. Pierre is revealed to be a U. S. Intelligence Service agent. Ronnie, though somewhat disappointed that her husband is not at all a crook, accepts the situation.
The owner of vast diamond mines, John Quelch is constantly fearful of theft and convinced that any woman will "sell her soul" for diamonds, he deals harshly with any employee caught stealing and has Lady Margot Cork watched while she is visiting Lorraine Temple. John and Margot fall in love, but she cancels their engagement when she learns of the "brutal" punishment of Jim Wingate for swallowing a diamond.
Hilda lives in a tenement apartment with her aunt, Mrs. Brady, and her crippled younger brother Micky, and works in a department store where her boss lusts after her. But happiness comes into her life when she meets artist Emery Gray. Gray's wife deserted him long ago, leaving him with their daughter Susan (Mary Jane Irving) to raise. While Susan and Micky become playmates, Hilda restores Gray's faith in womanhood.
The O'Donnells are a typical, everyday family -- Tad (George Hernandez) is a sensible working man, his wife (Fannie Midgely) is a good mother and their daughter Kathleen (Constance Binney) is pretty and innocent to the point of naiveté. Kathleen works in a factory and its owner, Donald Holiday (Warner Baxter), has taken a shine to her. But instead she falls for slick cab driver Harry Stanton (George Webb), who insists, "Honest, kid, you're the only girl I ever loved." Kathleen falls for this, and when her perceptive father makes clear he doesn't approve of Stanton, she moves out on her own.
Sonya Schnoema, a Jewish girl, comes to the United States as an immigrant and works in her father's ghetto grocery store, where she gains the affections of a young settlement worker, David Dahlman. But she loves Mischa, a young doctor who soon arrives from Odessa, and to aid him financially, she distinguishes herself in the local Yiddish theater.
Rosie Sanguinetti's parents arrange her marriage, against her will, to Antonio Mosconi, "Tony the Barber." At the wedding ceremony in her Little Italy, New York neighborhood, Rosie flees to the settlement house where she meets Jerry Van Tyne, a wealthy young man who agrees, in a drunken state, to marry her. The next day Jerry realizes the consequences of the situation.