Eberhard Schmidt


Жизнь и удивительные приключения барона Иеронимуса Карла Фридриха фон Мюнхаузена, «всегда говорившего только правду», до сих пор будоражат умы любознательных читателей и серьезных исследователей. Популярность барона оправдана его редким талантом — никогда не терять присутствия духа и находить выход из самых ужасных ситуаций.
Line Producer
On New Year′s Eve 1871 Annelie is born – 15 minutes too late, since her parents had calculated her birth to be exactly at midnight. These 15 minutes will again and again become the girl′s fate.
Der Kleinstadtpoet
Executive Producer
A young woman works for two different men, both of whom fall in love with her. In the mornings she is secretary for a popular author and in the afternoons for a singer. Which of them will she settle for?
Her First Experience
Line Producer
A young country woman in Paris is temporarily drawn to her married, middle aged art teacher before she realizes she belongs instead with people her own age.
A Night in May
A reckless young woman has her driving license withdrawn, drives home anyway and gets involved in a traffic accident. Realizing this was a little over the top she decides that she has to flee the country. As fate has it, she misses her train and instead meets a handsom young man who imidiately falls in love with her. This marks the beginning of a long night of misunderstandings, chases and courting.