David Weisman


Edie: Girl on Fire
Model, film star, muse, socialite, icon. Edie Sedgwick was the very first "it" girl of the Andy Warhol Factory scene. The arc of her life traced the rise and fall of the 1960s recklessness. After being the toasted by the whole of New York City, Edie died alone of a drug overdose in California at the age of 28. She was both the harbinger of celebrity culture and someone who stood entirely outside of it, an artist who painted life, bravely and spontaneously, with her own hand.
Edie: Girl on Fire
Model, film star, muse, socialite, icon. Edie Sedgwick was the very first "it" girl of the Andy Warhol Factory scene. The arc of her life traced the rise and fall of the 1960s recklessness. After being the toasted by the whole of New York City, Edie died alone of a drug overdose in California at the age of 28. She was both the harbinger of celebrity culture and someone who stood entirely outside of it, an artist who painted life, bravely and spontaneously, with her own hand.
Tangled Web: Making Kiss of the Spider Woman
Rare documents and details of the film's story. From its initial option to its critical reception and legacy. Director David Weisman, who also produced "Kiss of the Spider Woman", comes off as rightful creative force behind the production, as it was his true passion. Very detailed comments from all the participants, from the author of the book to the lawyer for the production company, the actors, director, writers, producer, and crew members.
The Foreign Eye
Fantasies and clichés about Brazil and Brazilians as reinforced by international films, even those actually shot in Brazil. This documentary features interviews with non-Brazilian directors, writers and stars who have been involved in some of those films.
Обнаженное танго
Ослепительно красивая юная француженка Стефани, путешествующая вместе с супругом — богатым судьей преклонного возраста в самом изысканном светском обществе на роскошном океанском лайнере в Буэнос-Айрес, пускается в отчаянную авантюру. Она занимает место Альбы — беженки из Польши, бросившейся в океан с палубы лайнера. И из-за своей склонности к рискованным приключениям оказывается в ловушке. Зико, жених Альбы по переписке, с которым встречается Стефани, отправляет ее в один из борделей Буэнос-Айреса. Владельцем Стефани становится загадочный гангстер Чоло, пробуждающий в ней жгучую страсть, которая мешает ей вырваться из плена, хотя Стефани понимает, что ценой этой нервной роковой любви может оказаться ее жизнь.
Спайк из Бенсонхерста
Спайк Фумо это итальянский подросток, мечтающий стать боксером. Он влюбляется в богатую девушку, которая оказывается дочерью босса мафии. Спайку угрожают бандиты и требуют чтобы он покинул Бенсонхерст, и тогда он едет в нищую Пуэрто-Риканскую часть Бруклина.
Raiders of the Living Dead
Associate Producer
In an abandoned prison, a doctor has revived executed convicts as the living dead. Teenager, Jonathan creates a laser gun from a videodisc player and pursues the walking dead, aided by his girlfriend and grandfather. Also tracking down the zombies is a tabloid reporter.
Поцелуй женщины-паука
Двое в южноамериканской тюрьме делят одну камеру, один — гомосексуалист — за недостойное поведение, другой по политическим мотивам. Пока первый пытается убежать от реальности, другой думает о причинах сложившейся ситуации. Им придётся научиться понимать и уважать друг друга.
Дурной тон
Executive Producer
Фильм рассказывает о группе подростков, которые сбегают из католического приюта для сирот, чтобы спасти одного из своих приятелей.
The Killing of America
Art Direction
A documentary of the decline of America. Featuring footage (most exclusive to this film) from race riots to serial killers and much-much more.
Ciao! Manhattan
Warhol superstar and icon of sixties bohemia Edie Sedgwick delivers her final performance in this semiautobiographical look at the price of fame. Fiction and documentary—including snippets from Sedgwick’s own audio dairies—mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar (Sedgwick), a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral. Released after her death from an overdose of barbiturates, CIAO! MANHATTAN endures as a testament to Sedgwick’s unique magnetism and as a haunting elegy for the counterculture she embodied.
Ciao! Manhattan
Warhol superstar and icon of sixties bohemia Edie Sedgwick delivers her final performance in this semiautobiographical look at the price of fame. Fiction and documentary—including snippets from Sedgwick’s own audio dairies—mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar (Sedgwick), a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral. Released after her death from an overdose of barbiturates, CIAO! MANHATTAN endures as a testament to Sedgwick’s unique magnetism and as a haunting elegy for the counterculture she embodied.
Ciao! Manhattan
Warhol superstar and icon of sixties bohemia Edie Sedgwick delivers her final performance in this semiautobiographical look at the price of fame. Fiction and documentary—including snippets from Sedgwick’s own audio dairies—mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar (Sedgwick), a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral. Released after her death from an overdose of barbiturates, CIAO! MANHATTAN endures as a testament to Sedgwick’s unique magnetism and as a haunting elegy for the counterculture she embodied.
Ciao! Manhattan
Warhol superstar and icon of sixties bohemia Edie Sedgwick delivers her final performance in this semiautobiographical look at the price of fame. Fiction and documentary—including snippets from Sedgwick’s own audio dairies—mingle in a freewheeling portrait of Susan Superstar (Sedgwick), a New York celebrity on a drug-fueled downward slide that mirrors Sedgwick’s own self-destructive spiral. Released after her death from an overdose of barbiturates, CIAO! MANHATTAN endures as a testament to Sedgwick’s unique magnetism and as a haunting elegy for the counterculture she embodied.
The Telephone Book
Assistant Director
A sexually voracious young woman receives a dirty phone call from a stranger; so satisfied by the experience, she sets out to find him somewhere in New York City.