Matthew Leutwyler


Wrong Swipe
When Anna has a difficult time getting close to people, her sister creates a dating profile for her online. Anna starts to message a handsome man until she starts getting disturbing messages that a match is close by.
Первый в мире «идеальный» искусственный интеллект проявляет неожиданное поведение, когда его создатель начинает встречаться с журналисткой.
Первый в мире «идеальный» искусственный интеллект проявляет неожиданное поведение, когда его создатель начинает встречаться с журналисткой.
Охотники на демонов
Executive Producer
Жители Нью-Йорка организуют «Орден Святых из ада», чтобы противостоять демонам, решившим вторгнуться на территорию Бруклина. Они сделают все возможное, чтобы вернуть нечистую силу в преисподнюю…
Answers to Nothing
Against the backdrop of a missing girl case, lost souls throughout Los Angeles search for meaning and redemption and affect each other in ways they don't always see.
Answers to Nothing
Against the backdrop of a missing girl case, lost souls throughout Los Angeles search for meaning and redemption and affect each other in ways they don't always see.
Answers to Nothing
Against the backdrop of a missing girl case, lost souls throughout Los Angeles search for meaning and redemption and affect each other in ways they don't always see.
Executive Producer
Главный герой Фрэнк — обычный парень. После того как его жену соблазняет драгдилер, бедняга воображает себя супергероем, а отсутствие суперспособностей успешно компенсирует вооружившись гаечным ключом.
Рыболов оставляет свою жизнь в большом городе, чтобы опробовать себя в диких условиях.
Рыболов оставляет свою жизнь в большом городе, чтобы опробовать себя в диких условиях.
Рыболов оставляет свою жизнь в большом городе, чтобы опробовать себя в диких условиях.
Miranda Bailey follows the production of a movie that tries to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
Каждый божий день
У Неда — кризис среднего возраста. Работа уже давно не приносит удовлетворение, дети — сплошное разочарование. В довершение ко всему, жена привозит своего сварливого, больного отца в их дом в Нью-Йорке. Каждый день Неда проходит в борьбе с членами семьи. Ему придется пережить неожиданные повороты событий, которые являются просто частью действительности, такими как старость и смерть; обязательства и свобода; любовь и понимание. Этот фильм — бескомпромиссный взгляд на обычную семью, пытающуюся разобраться в своих взаимоотношениях...
Wonderful World
Ben Singer is a failed children's folk singer, a career proofreader, a less-than-extraordinary weekend dad, and perhaps the most negative man alive. Floundering in all aspects of his life, Ben's only comfort comes from regular chess games and friendly debates on game theory with his Senegalese roommate Ibou. When Ibou is suddenly struck ill, Ben's pessimistic worldview seems unequivocally confirmed. It takes an extended visit from Ibou's sister Khadi for Ben to realize that cynicism may be all a matter of perspective.
Executive Producer
Unexpectedly pregnant with no means to raise a child, Dina and Ronnie decide to sell their unborn baby over the Internet. Their plan begins to unravel when the couple they've chosen, Paul and Maria, turn out to have an agenda of their own.
Из-под земли
Во время раскопок в Нью-Мехико археологи пробуждают ото сна отвратительное чудовище. Эта инопланетная тварь пролежала там почти тысячу лет! Разъяренный монстр уничтожает все живое, что попадется на его пути. Местная женщина-шериф, в последнее время часто злоупотребляет алкоголем. Поэтому ей хватает и своих демонов! Но именно ей выпала участь возглавить отряд бойцов, которые пытаются уничтожить это исчадие ада.
Из-под земли
Во время раскопок в Нью-Мехико археологи пробуждают ото сна отвратительное чудовище. Эта инопланетная тварь пролежала там почти тысячу лет! Разъяренный монстр уничтожает все живое, что попадется на его пути. Местная женщина-шериф, в последнее время часто злоупотребляет алкоголем. Поэтому ей хватает и своих демонов! Но именно ей выпала участь возглавить отряд бойцов, которые пытаются уничтожить это исчадие ада.
Оргазм в Огайо
Executive Producer
Присцилла, мечтала выйти замуж за мужчину, которого она любила с детства, и с которым надеялась прожить идеальную семейную жизнь. И вроде бы мечта сбылась, есть семья и рядом тот, которого так страстно желала, но вот беда — в свои 35 она ни разу не испытывала оргазм. В итоге Присцилла бросает своего мужа, считая что в этом виноват именно он и отправляется в поисках того, кто может доставить ей это наслаждение. Ее муж, в свою очередь, пытается убедиться в своей мужской состоятельности, преследуя молодую студентку, которая стала оказывать ему знаки внимания.
Dead & Breakfast
The Leg Wrestler - Loser
Six friends on a road trip stop for the night at a bed and breakfast in the sleepy town of Lovelock. After a night that leaves both the inn's owner and chef dead, the gang finds themselves under suspicion by the local sheriff. But that's only the beginning as nearly all of the town's quirky residents become possessed by an evil spirit and pin down the friends inside the B&B.
Dead & Breakfast
Six friends on a road trip stop for the night at a bed and breakfast in the sleepy town of Lovelock. After a night that leaves both the inn's owner and chef dead, the gang finds themselves under suspicion by the local sheriff. But that's only the beginning as nearly all of the town's quirky residents become possessed by an evil spirit and pin down the friends inside the B&B.
Dead & Breakfast
Six friends on a road trip stop for the night at a bed and breakfast in the sleepy town of Lovelock. After a night that leaves both the inn's owner and chef dead, the gang finds themselves under suspicion by the local sheriff. But that's only the beginning as nearly all of the town's quirky residents become possessed by an evil spirit and pin down the friends inside the B&B.
Dead & Breakfast
Six friends on a road trip stop for the night at a bed and breakfast in the sleepy town of Lovelock. After a night that leaves both the inn's owner and chef dead, the gang finds themselves under suspicion by the local sheriff. But that's only the beginning as nearly all of the town's quirky residents become possessed by an evil spirit and pin down the friends inside the B&B.
This Space Between Us
It’s been two years since his wife’s sudden death, and once-promising young filmmaker Alex Harty has allowed both his life and career to come to a standstill. But after he assaults a Hollywood studio executive, Alex returns to his hometown of San Francisco to reconnect with old friends for a bittersweet odyssey. Even if Alex can manage to run away from his life, will the memory of his late wife drag him back into it?
This Space Between Us
It’s been two years since his wife’s sudden death, and once-promising young filmmaker Alex Harty has allowed both his life and career to come to a standstill. But after he assaults a Hollywood studio executive, Alex returns to his hometown of San Francisco to reconnect with old friends for a bittersweet odyssey. Even if Alex can manage to run away from his life, will the memory of his late wife drag him back into it?
This Space Between Us
It’s been two years since his wife’s sudden death, and once-promising young filmmaker Alex Harty has allowed both his life and career to come to a standstill. But after he assaults a Hollywood studio executive, Alex returns to his hometown of San Francisco to reconnect with old friends for a bittersweet odyssey. Even if Alex can manage to run away from his life, will the memory of his late wife drag him back into it?
This Space Between Us
It’s been two years since his wife’s sudden death, and once-promising young filmmaker Alex Harty has allowed both his life and career to come to a standstill. But after he assaults a Hollywood studio executive, Alex returns to his hometown of San Francisco to reconnect with old friends for a bittersweet odyssey. Even if Alex can manage to run away from his life, will the memory of his late wife drag him back into it?
Road Kill
Alex is the film student forced by his college professor to stop making Jackie Chan "homage" films and make "something from the heart" in order to graduate. Lars is the painting student and Alex's roommate who is looking for a way to become a tortured artist... as long as he can keep his BMW and American Express Gold Card. Together, they meet Blue, who has recently moved into their apartment building. After discovering that she's a "hit woman," Alex appeals to her senses as a film fan and persuades her to let him film a documentary on her last "hit." As Alex becomes increasingly blinded by his obsession with capturing his documentary he risks everything and everyone, by convincing Blue to travel to New Orleans to find her foster father. Will they get back to LA in one piece... or will they become... Road Kill?
Road Kill
Alex is the film student forced by his college professor to stop making Jackie Chan "homage" films and make "something from the heart" in order to graduate. Lars is the painting student and Alex's roommate who is looking for a way to become a tortured artist... as long as he can keep his BMW and American Express Gold Card. Together, they meet Blue, who has recently moved into their apartment building. After discovering that she's a "hit woman," Alex appeals to her senses as a film fan and persuades her to let him film a documentary on her last "hit." As Alex becomes increasingly blinded by his obsession with capturing his documentary he risks everything and everyone, by convincing Blue to travel to New Orleans to find her foster father. Will they get back to LA in one piece... or will they become... Road Kill?
Road Kill
Alex is the film student forced by his college professor to stop making Jackie Chan "homage" films and make "something from the heart" in order to graduate. Lars is the painting student and Alex's roommate who is looking for a way to become a tortured artist... as long as he can keep his BMW and American Express Gold Card. Together, they meet Blue, who has recently moved into their apartment building. After discovering that she's a "hit woman," Alex appeals to her senses as a film fan and persuades her to let him film a documentary on her last "hit." As Alex becomes increasingly blinded by his obsession with capturing his documentary he risks everything and everyone, by convincing Blue to travel to New Orleans to find her foster father. Will they get back to LA in one piece... or will they become... Road Kill?