Vivian Hsu

Vivian Hsu

Рождение : 1975-03-19, Taiwan


Vivian Hsu (born March 19, 1975 in Taichung, Taiwan) is a Taiwanese singer, actress, and model who has gained remarkable popularity in East Asia, mainly in Taiwan and Japan. Hsu rose to prominence in Japan, where she made her first appearance in 1995 and has become a highly-recognized celebrity with her countless appearances in media during the late 1990s. She was also the main vocalist for the Japanese dance band Black Biscuits. Black Biscuits released four singles, Stamina, Timing, Relax, Bye-Bye, and one album Life. All of these four singles reached the top 5 spots of the Oricon singles chart, and Life reached #6 in the album chart. Description above from the Wikipedia article Vivian Hsu, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu
Vivian Hsu


Маменькин сынок
Theme Song Performance
История застенчивого молодого человека, который оказывается увлеченным матерью-одиночкой, в секс-отеле.
Маменькин сынок
История застенчивого молодого человека, который оказывается увлеченным матерью-одиночкой, в секс-отеле.
Маленькие большие женщины
Executive Producer
A story about a karaoke-addicted old woman struggling with her self-worth and a sense of betrayal at her long-lost husband's funeral where she encounters his younger and more sophisticated girlfriend while she finds out her kids might have been secretly in touch with her late husband all these years.
Маленькие большие женщины
A story about a karaoke-addicted old woman struggling with her self-worth and a sense of betrayal at her long-lost husband's funeral where she encounters his younger and more sophisticated girlfriend while she finds out her kids might have been secretly in touch with her late husband all these years.
The Confidence Man JP – Episode of the Princess –
Bridget Fuu
Set in Langkawi, Malaysia, professional scammers Dako (Masami Nagasawa), Boku-chan (Masahiro Higashide), and Richard (Fumiyo Kohinata) target the Fuu Family for their next heist. Raymond Fuu, who was the head of the Fuu Family, passed away and he left behind 10 trillion yen. Dako, Boku-chan and Richard scheme to gain the inordinate inheritance. --asianwiki
Mayday: тур длиною в жизнь
Mayday Life Tour is linked by four distinct segments and the story is unveiled in “Yesterday’s Rumbling Fun”.
The Tag-Along: Devil Fish
Huang Yahui
When a spirit medium is called to exorcise a demon from a possessed man, he is unknowingly captured in the act by two students looking to document the process. When the students accidentally release the devil fish demon into the world, it is up to them and the spirit medium to send it back to the hellish world from where it came.
The Kid from the Big Apple
Executive Producer
Sarah, raised in New York, visits Malaysia for the first time and learns why her grandfather, Gen, and mother, Sophia, have not seen each other since she was born, and why they care so much about their cultural traditions.
Cексуальная привлекательность
Fang Anyu
Хуэйхуа, первокурсница музыкальной школы, изнасилована профессором Ли. Она подает на него иск с помощью другого профессора, в котором участвует его друг-адвокат Фан Анью. Поскольку фильм фокусируется на вторичном насилии над Хуэйхуа, он сужается до внутренней жизни персонажей. Почему Фан Аньюй защищает Хуэйхуа, когда его брак рушится? Почему адвокат Лин так активно защищает своего мужа? Прежде всего, сложная психика Хуэйхуа проявляется в словах «Возможно, я любил профессора Ли», превращающих фильм в нечто большее, чем простая драма в зале суда.
Запри меня, свяжи его
Тиффани - актриса, карьера которой не задалась, зато на съемочной площадке Тиффани встретила любимого человека, с которым счастлива уже 8 лет. Однажды, вернувшись домой, Тиффани застает в своей квартире незнакомца, который показывает ей видео с похищением ее мужа. Незнакомец требует, чтобы Тиффани неделю побыла его женой и тогда он отпустит ее мужа...
Убийство в - 197°C
Zhou Jin
В Шанхае произошло необычное преступление — убита молодая женщина, чей труп был найден в безупречном макияже и наряженным в костюм медсестры. Детектив Фан Ювэй и его молодые подчинённые принимаются за расследование. Вскоре происходит новое убийство, но на жертве уже другой костюм и всё такой же безупречный макияж.
Rhythm of the Rain
Allen and his friends find new light in their music career when a company is interested to help his band release an EP. Allen also falls in love with Yujie, and meets his old lover somewhere down the road. Then, Yi Le (Allen’s friend) has a love interest towards Yujie.
Saving Mother Robot
Cao Yi
Taipei, late Dec 2012. The city is going through an unprecedented winter heatwave, with temperatures in the 30s. Eight-year-old Tiger (Antoine) lives with his divorced mother, Cao Yi (Vivian Hsu), 36, who is struggling to make ends meet with her job as a magazine editor and reduced alimony payments from her ex-husband (Tang Kuo-chung). Tiger, who has a hyper-active imagination and sees his mother as a run-down robot who needs a new model, is not very bright at school and worries his art teacher (Mini Yang) with the dark pictures he draws in class.
Machi Action
What happens when a costumed universal space hero is put out to pasture? Or, rather, the actor portraying him is?
The Files of Young Kindaichi: Lost in Kowloon
Korean foreign exchange student Kim Yong-Dong (Seung-Ri) studies in Hong Kong and works part-time at a hotel. A murder then takes place in the hotel and Kim Yong-Dong is the prime suspect. Hajime Kindaichi (Ryosuke Yamada) works to uncover the truth.
New Perfect Two
Ah Bee, a former superstar motorcycle racer who gave up on the sport after a bad fall on the track left him physically and emotionally scarred. Now Ah Bee is a self-loathing, boozing, gambling layabout with a faithful girl named Maniu, a spunky tomboy who cooks his meals, launders his clothes and constantly reminds him of what a loser he is. Of course, she needles him in an adorably sassy way, making her one of those awesome in-the-movies-only girls who'll love a man faithfully even if he's a boozing, gambling layabout.
Sleepless Fashion
Ying Hong
A Devil Wears Prada comedy and Meryl Streep’s role played by Chinese actor Alan Tam, best-selling 80s pop singer from Hong Kong. Zhou Xiaohui is a rising star in journalism that won professional recognition from Alex and joined Ming Shang Magazine three years ago. However, Alex gradually begins to feel exposed to threats from Zhou Xiaohui so Alex plans to set him up and get him fired. Zhou Xiaohui is so angry that he leaves Ming Shang with Assistant Editor Yinghong and Xiaopang and starts his own fashion magazine called Modern Magazine, which is financed by his best friend Wuyang.
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 2: The Rainbow Bridge
Obing Tadao aka Hatsuko Takayama
After the uprising at Wushe, Mona Rudao faces a guerrilla war against the militarily superior Japanese and Seediq clans. He and his followers must fight for their dignity and honor so that they can truly be "Seediq Bale" or "real men." Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 2: The Rainbow Bridge is Part two of the two-part, four-hour Taiwanese edition of the film Warriors of the Rainbow.
Чародей и Белая змея
Snow Demon
Фильм основывается на легенде о Белой Змее, которая хвалит смелую любовь, между змеиным духом Бай Сужен и ее мужем-человеком Сю Сяном. Колдун Фахай изображен монахом, который верит, что любой демон это зло. Его вера приводит к тому, что он разрушает семью Бай Сужен и Сю Сяна. Шенг Хуанг исполнит роль змеи, а Рэймонд Лам ее мужа. Актриса Шарлин Чой играет зеленую змею — доверенное лицо белой змеи. Остальные кадры показывают роман между зеленой змеей и Нэнгреном.
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag
Obing Tadao aka Hatsuko Takayama
An indigenous clan-based people living in harmony with nature find their way of life threatened when violent interlopers from another culture arrive, intent on seizing their natural resources and enslaving them. Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag is Part one of the two-part, four-hour Taiwanese edition of the film Warriors of the Rainbow.
Hsiu-Chu (Segment "Juliet's Choice")
A triptych reinterpreting Shakespeare's classic character Juliet. The three stories are directed by 3 different directors; Juliet's Choice (By Hou Chi Jan), Two Juliets (By Shen Ko Shang), and Another Juliet (By Chen Yu Hsun) Juliet's Choice : In the 70's, Ju worked in a printing store where a boy with a banned article changes her life. Two Juliets : Mei is told that in the 80's, a woman faked insanity to be locked up just to wait for her lover. Another Juliet : In 2010, "Juliet" tries to commit suicide but a TV commercial crew gets in the way.....
Dancing Without You
Vivian Hsu and Tony Yang (In Case of Love) star in My DNA Says I Love You director Robin Lee Yun Chan's latest urban fairy tale Dancing Without You. The theatrical version of a mini-series exhibited exclusively in metro stations in Mainland China, the whimsical romance drama is an inspiring and humorous tale of love, dreams, and dancing. The film also features the supporting appearances of Taiwan and Hong Kong stars like Tammy Chen, Gabriel Lan, Joelle Lu, Michael Tong, and Eileen Tung. On the eve of the premiere of Swan Lake, ballet dancer Xia Xuan (Vivian Hsu) is forced to withdraw from the troupe after spraining her ankle. Losing all hope, the dejected dancer strays into the forest by the lakeside. Just when she is about to attempt suicide, a young truck driver named Ludi (Tony Yang) pops out in front of her. Full of fanciful ideas, Ludi mistakes Xia Xuan for an alien and brings her home, taking care of her and rekindling her passion in life...
Угрызения совести
История полицейского, которого мучает совесть из-за смерти жены. С момента её гибели он пытается найти её убийцу, но все безрезультатно. Терзаемый ненавистью к убийце и невозможностью найти его, он все сильнее начинает ненавидеть самого себя. Но ему поручают дело, обычное на первый взгляд — убийство местной проститутки, расследуя которое он все больше понимает, что все куда сложнее, чем кажется, и за этим кроется нечто более серьезное, чем простое убийство.
Теплые летние дни
Пять истории о лете, жаре и любви. О необыкновенных отношениях, завязывающихся с одной случайной SMS. О силе юношеской влюбленности, что заставляет стоять месяц под изнуряющим солнцем. О таинственной незнакомке, гоняющей на своем байке со скоростью света. И еще пара историй.
Если ты единственная
Pregnant candidate
Цинь Фэнь — сорокалетний холостяк, проживший много лет в Америке, возвращается в Китай в надежде найти жену, «современную снаружи, старомодную внутри». Он дает объявление на брачном портале, и начинает встречаться с соискательницами романтической любви. К сожалению, времена изменились, и сегодняшние обитательницы Поднебесной стали весьма прагматичными и раскрепощенными. Однажды во время своих брачных поисков он встречает ослепительно красивую стюардессу, влюбленную в женатого мужчину, который кормит ее «завтраками» относительно скорого развода. Быстро поняв, что деревце ему не по плечу, озабоченный матримониальными планами «возвращенец» сваливает в сторону, но жизнь закручивает древний как мир сюжет по-своему…
One Last Dance
An assassin is hired to kill the men responsible for kidnapping an important man's son. With every death, the killer gets closer to the last kidnapper's name... his own.
The Knot
Wang Biyun
They fell in love; Chen Qiushui was 20. Wang Biyun was 18. When Qiushui fled Taiwan after the 228 Massacre, Biyun gave him a gold engagement ring and they promised to meet again. Qiushui served as an army doctor during the Korean War, where he met Wang Jindi, a nurse from Shanghai who fell in love with him instantly. Years had gone by, Qiushui married Jindi and settled in Tibet. While in Taiwan, Biyun buried Qiushui's mother and continued to pray for his return. Flashback to modern time, Biyun is living in New York. Her niece played by Isabella Leong, a writer, has travelled to Tibet to find out what happened to Qiushui. Through the pictures she sends back via internet, Biyun finally gets to see the familiar face once again.
The Shoe Fairy
Dodo is indulged in collecting and wearing beautiful high heels until she encounters an accident and loses her legs.
Случайный шпион
Сирота Бак всегда мечтал стать спецагентом. С детства изучал боевые искусства. Однажды помог полиции в задержании грабителей банка. Бак постоянно сталкивается с подозрительными фактами о прошлой жизни своего отца, который по словам частного детектива Лиу является миллионером. Детектив убедил Бака отправиться на встречу с «отцом» в Турцию, а затем Корею. Бак и не догадывается, что его отец фактически оказывается северо-корейским шпионом. Таким образом сирота становится адресатом для посещений его рядом таинственных людей. Он даже не предполагал, что окажется запутанным в деле с воровством вируса, вызывающего рак легких, из американского правительственного научного департамента. И теперь ему придется использовать все свое умение и храбрость, чтобы остановить вирус от попадания не в те руки…
A Tale of Rascal
A-Wu (Nicky Wu) is a high school dropout who uses tricks to get food and sympathy from others. He's destined for life in the streets, until he met Chichi (Vivian Hsu), an up-and-coming actress, who gives him hope and motivation to change the past and clean up his act. With Christmas around the corner, will romance be far behind for them?
Heavenly Legend
Lady Dragon
Based loosely on the Monkey King legend, but set before he was sent to languish under a mountain for 500 years. The movie mainly focuses on two kids, a young Piggie (played by a fat kid with quite good makeup and a deadly fart weapon) and a young martial art master whose identity I didn't quite recognise. They get caught up in the affairs of The Dragon Princess Of The West Sea who rebels against her father by refusing to marry the Dragon Prince of The East Sea (or something like that!), and along with the Monkey King they have to fight various "fairies" (immortals) to ensure that justice is done.
Your Place or Mine!
Vivian Tsui / Ah Yu
Your Place or Mine! explores the difficulties of finding true love in the modern Hong Kong setting via the encounters of two advertising executives, Wai and Patrick. Wai is a faithful guy who often falls for the girl that he grooms. However he is often dumped by them once they found fame and someone better than him. Just when he was about to give up on finding true love, he met an innocent fish ball seller and a tough boss who both falls for him and left him even more undecided in love. Patrick on the other hand is a playboy who keeps a girlfriend at home while frequently has one night stands outside. Can a colleague who has crush on him since school days change his cheating ways?
Chivalrous Legend
Liu Wen-Ying
After Japanese soldiers kill 12-year-old Ten-din's (Shiao Sheih Long) mother during an invasion, Ten-din must hide in order to save his own life. He takes refuge with a Peking opera company, where he perfects his fighting skills and turns into a kung fu expert. He later uses his skills to help those in need, by robbing the rich to help the poor. When Ten-din's actions are discovered, a group is sent out to intercept him and his friend Ying.
We're No Bad Guys
Tinny Chung
Plane (Ekin Cheng), a troubled cop who hits the skids when his girlfriend Carrie (Gigi Leung) is killed by a stoic hitman named Angel (Alex Fong). One year later he finds himself saddled with new partner Turkey (Jordan Chan), an immature cop who is in love with up-and-coming idol singer Tinny Chung (Vivian Hsu). There are the usual growing pains as the two partners learn to like and trust one another. Plane meets Tinny's friend Mandy, her looks resemble Carrie's and they fall in love. Angel then returns to settle old scores.
Shoot, My Darlin'
A contract killer accepts a final assignment: to act as a bodyguard for a Chinese girl wanted by a criminal organization...
L-O-V-E...... Love
A super rich tycoon (Michael To) decides to become an ordinary person and joins a sushi bar. He and the other three people in the bar (Jerry Lamb, Natalis Chan, Eric Kot) go on a girl-hunting spree and meet up with girls participating in a beauty contest (Shu Qi, Angie Cheung, Vivian Hsu, Teresa Mak)
Adventurous Treasure Island
Kids are sucked into their TV and have to fight pirates to return home
Dragon from Shaolin
A youthful Shaolin initiate inadvertenly separated from the rest of gang joins forces with dashing adventurer (Biao) on a request to protect a priceless artifact from his greedy brother.
Devil Angel
Tsui Siu Suen
Chi Kit worked in a stock company. One day, the stock market crashed and Chi Kit ran into bankruptcy. He called his girlfriend Siu Suen and told her everything. Siu Suen loved Chi Kit so much that she took all her savings and ran away with him to Singapore to hide away from their debts. Unfortunately, Chi Kit met a wealthy woman with an interesting proposal, and it changed everything.
Angel Heart
Having spent a harrowing time in prison, Miao Wei looks up both former, casual lovers but also his childhood sweetheart Wennie. It's not long until they're married and off on a perfect path together but Miao Wei takes scars from his prison time into his intimate moments with Wennie. Claiming he loves her too much, the relationship begins falling apart in dangerous ways...
Hunting List
Siu Hung
Chu Chi Kit returns to HK from Taiwan after many years in hiding, and immediately resumes his relationship with old flame May and rejoins his old friend Cramp in a drug operation. But times are different, and their big boss Lui now cares more about business than loyalty.
Shaolin Popey
A high school loser dreams of winning the heart of the principal's daughter, but his chances are slim as long as her bruiser boyfriend's around. Fortunately, a chance meeting with a pair of Shaolin-trained kids (previously seen in DRAGON FROM SHAOLIN) gives him the fighting skills needed to come out on top. An unusual but entertaining blending of teen romantic comedy and martial arts slapstick