Diane Adler


Percy & Thunder
A veteran trainer takes a promising fighter under his wing and lives his dreams through his protégé.
Подполковник Вооруженных Сил США Алан Колдуэлл и инспектор полиции Сан-Франциско Джей Остин не особенно ладят. Откровенно говоря, они просто не выносят друг друга. Пару лет назад между мужчинами вспыхнул конфликт, который со временем перерос в стойкую ненависть. Теперь же эти заклятые враги вынуждены вместе заняться расследованием жестокого убийства, произошедшего на военной базе «Президио».
She's in the Army Now
Akin to Private Benjamin, this comedy deals with the tough life of female army recruits going through basic training. Through their training they come to realize that there is more to being tough than having muscles.
Off the Minnesota Strip
A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to regain her parents' understanding and love.
Friendships, Secrets and Lies
Six former sorority sisters are suspected of murder when a baby's skeleton is found in the ruins of the sorority house.
The New Maverick
Gambling brothers Bret (James Garner) and Bart Maverick (Jack Kelly) are, as usual, hot on the trail of a fast buck.
Dr. Scorpion
A retired spy is reluctantly lured back into action to take down a mad scientist living on a tropical island.
Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
Thursday's Game
Harry Evers and Marvin Ellison have been playing poker Thursday nights with their friends for years. When a disagreement breaks up the game, they decide to continue meeting and doing different things together, instead of staying home with their wives. When the wives find out that the games stopped some time ago, they are a quite upset. Just what have they been doing on Thursday nights.
The Girl Most Likely to...
An ugly girl undergoes plastic surgery and becomes beautiful. She then takes revenge on all the people who mistreated her when she was ugly.