Jane Badler

Jane Badler

Рождение : 1953-12-31, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA


Jane Badler is an American actress and singer, best known for her role as Diana in the television series V.


Jane Badler
Jane Badler
Jane Badler


Рики Стэники
Miriam Summerhayes
Двое друзей в детстве придумали приятеля по имени Рики Стэники, чтобы сваливать на него все проблемы. Со временем Рики помогает друзьям обманывать жен. Супруги едва не ловят своих благоверных на лжи, но те вовремя успевают нанять актера на роль Рики.
Lauren Balmer
A ghost horror about single mother and nurse Natalie who falls mysteriously ill and struggles to stop her family from being destroyed.
Свободное падение
Сара приходит в себя и ей сообщают, что она пыталась покончить с собой из-за смерти родителей. Она ничего не помнит, а ее муж Ник уверяет ее, что она нуждается в его заботе и контроле. Однако, чем больше усилий женщина предпринимает, чтобы вспомнить о прошлом, тем более властным и жестким становится ее муж.
Ethan struggles with addiction to love and drugs. He creates an alter ego in the glamorous Sapphire but will his fantasy life be enough to save him from his inner demons?
Cult Girls
Dalia and her two young sisters grow up in a pagan apocalyptic cult led by an ancient Baltic goddess of death and reincarnation. On the night of an important cult ritual, a police raid rescues Dalia as cult members flee with her two sisters. Years later, as the guilt eats away at her, Dalia finds a potential link to the cult through a prominent and despised black metal artist sequestered in the woods. Dalia journeys to find her sisters but her quest for the truth becomes a descent into Hell.
Mrs. Baxter
A reluctant private investigator is hired to track the tail of a suspected suicidal girl.
Наемный убийца должен доказать верность своему наставнику и лучшему другу, но его девушка хочет чтобы он оставил свою опасную работу.
Daisy Winters
An eleven year-old girl's unconventional yet deeply loving relationship with her mother is harshly broken. Along her journey, including her quest to discover her father, she learns how to embrace every moment with determination and unrelenting self-confidence.
Виртуальная революция
2047-й год, Париж, большая часть населения проводит время в сети. Подключенным к виртуальному миру плевать на реальность. Тайный агент Нэш работает на одну из мультинациональных корпораций, стоящих за виртуальными мирами, и выслеживает террористов, угрожающих этой системе.
Girl Gets Girl
A deliciously lighthearted comedy from the team of the successful web series Girl Seeks Girl. A hot and hilarious LGBT comedy that shows the different ways to understand love & family.
Bitch, Popcorn & Blood
La Femme Fatale
Lily, a popcorn seller, deals with daily frustrations. Stuck in a boring life, she hates people and society.
Good Samaritan
A young man who videotaped a fatal assault and didn't intervene finds himself haunted by his own guilt and something far more insidious.
Birthday Cake
Jane Badler
Soap actor Steven and his husband Daniel decide to throw the ultimate first birthday party for their daughter. What Daniel doesn’t know is that Steven has invited Daniel’s estranged religious mother and sister to the party. Now, Daniel sees the festivities beginning to spiral out of control. There’s now a dead clown, a demanding diva, a cake that unfortunately looks like a lifeless baby, and a manhunt in the neighborhood for a murderer!
Professor Banyon
Студенту-археологу Бену Резерфорду достается по наследству старинная вещица XVIII века, которая представляет собой необычный механизм. Бен спешит похвастаться новым приобретением перед друзьями. Однако уже на следующий день вещицу похищают. А через некоторое время один за другим при загадочных и ужасающих обстоятельствах погибают его друзья. Бен, вместе со своим братом Маркусом, должен срочно найти пропавший предмет и вычислить: кто стоит за этими убийствами.
Like Mother Like Son: The Strange Story of Sante and Kenny Kimes
Mrs. Fox
The real-life case based on the horrific crimes of Sante and Kenny Kimes, the mother and son duo who specialized in theft, fraud and murder.
Под прицелом
Мистер Торренс в тяжелом положении. Он забрал деньги, данные за героин, который он должен был продать. Он продает ночной клуб, не уведомив об этом мафию, имеющую в клубе свой интерес. При таких обстоятельствах на хвосте у него еще сидит и полиция. Мистер Торренс хочет улететь в Мексику, но ему этого сделать не дают…
Black Snow
Shelby Collins
Travis Winslow is an honest man trapped in the middle of a drug war, deliberately placed in the crossfire by Shelby Collins, a woman as deadly as she is beautiful. After his brother Matt's death, no one knows the location of the last shipment of cocaine Matt smuggled into America. The cops think Travis has the answer, and so do the two rival crime lords. When Travis's daughter, Jennifer, is kidnapped, Travis realizes that he can rely on no one but himself. He races against the clock to find a way to rescue his daughter and save his own life, even if it means becoming as deadly as his enemies.
Fine Gold
Two European winemaking families' friendships are destroyed by false accusations after a theft in this melodrama.
Easy Kill
Jade Anderson
Frank Davies is a bar owner and ex-cop. The lovely Jade Anderson walks into the bar one night and Frank is smitten. He learns that her husband is a diplomat gone bad, smuggling drugs in from Peru. He decides to help her but Jade has her own machinations. She thinks that she's got him twisted around her little finger, but he knows a lot more than he's letting on. He knows about the bomb. The money...
The Natural Way to Meet the Right Person
A video that teaches you modern and new fresh way how to probably met someone for dating
The Penalty Phase
Katie Pinter
Things looked pretty simple: the confessed murderer had all the evidence against him. The Prosecutor Jansen could not have been more relentless, conservative and incisive. Furthermore, the jury already had a verdict: guilty of the more than 30 charges against him. But suddenly Judge Kenneth Hoffman finds out that the evidence was not obtained legally, so the procedure is void. Judge Hoffman is in the middle of this legal storm, although he wants to apply the law strictly, he will find everybody against him.
Dana Noble
A powerful family that controls the world's banks has made a deal with Satan to help the forces of evil take over the world. An underground group named The Judges bands together to try to stop them.
The First Time
Karen Watson
A young film student pursues a woman while studying under a bizarre, eccentric film professor.
Terror Among Us
A police sergeant and a parole officer endeavor to stop a rapist-on-parole before he can follow through his threats on five women whom testifed against him years earlier.
Jessica Frost
The horrifying death of her father forces a young woman to team up with a troubled ex-Marine in order to figure out why a time-traveling psychopath is hunting her.