Mirjana Joković

Mirjana Joković

Рождение : 1967-11-24, Belgrade, Serbia


Mirjana Joković (born November 24, 1967) is a Serbian film and stage actress, best known for her role as Natalija Zovkov in Underground, the film of Emir Kusturica (1995). She currently is Director of Performance for Acting and an acting teacher in the Theater Faculty of the California Institute of the Arts near Los Angeles.


Mirjana Joković
Mirjana Joković


Forever Hold Your Piece
Two days before the wedding, Dragana decides that she will not marry the weak and predictable Momo. His headstrong father Leso strikes a deal with her – to act as the bride just for the day. But instead of saving the family’s honor, it only starts a traumatic farce for everyone involved.
Лёгкая жизнь
Беженки из Сербии, Ясна и её дочь Нина, мигрируют в Канаду. Отношения между ними становятся всё более напряжёнными, поскольку адаптация к новому образу жизни после всего пережитого на родине даётся им непросто. Опытный архитектор Ясна вынуждена стать разнорабочей, а Нину приходится тяжело в школе из-за бедности её семьи.
Name: Dobrica, Last Name: Unknown
This is a story, actually a fairytale for adults, that expresses how life could be beautiful, if only mankind would get out of its own way and enjoy it for a change.
Professor Riley
Мужчина и женщина влюбляются друг в друга во время тура по устройству своих детей в колледж.
Storks in the Fog
Švaba, Marina, Ekser and Dule live and work peacefully in Baranda. However, a few days before the New Year, Špricer, Ekser and Dule's friend from early youth, arrives, who is in trouble and asks for their help. This TV film was made as a continuation of a popular Serbian TV series "The Storks Will Return".
Private Property
A woman living alone on an island must fight for her life in the directorial debut of filmmaker Elizabeth Dimon. Although reluctant to do so, island recluse Tess (Mirjana Jokovic) offers her home to Sam (David Thornton) and Nigel (Tomas Arana), a pair of tuxedo-suited (and blood-soaked) strangers who arrive via motorboat with an exotic animal in tow. Allowing them to heal their wounds but desperate to get them out of her home, Tess immediately hides her valuables and frequently makes for the cellar where she appears to speak with an unseen housemate.
Госпожа горничная
Роскошный отель на Манхэттене видел немало любовных историй. Но та, что случилась с одной из его служащих — молодой горничной Марисой Вентурой — самая удивительная. Однажды, убирая номер богатой дамы, Мариса увидела платье — белое, роскошное и безумно дорогое. Искушение оказалось слишком велико, и она осмелилась примерить наряд. В этот момент в гостиную вошел молодой миллионер и будущий сенатор — красавец Кристофер Маршалл. Красота Марисы поразила его в самое сердце. Он влюбился с первого взгляда и начал ухаживать. К тому же решил, что незнакомка принадлежит к высшему свету. А у девушки не хватило духу сразу сказать, что она всего лишь служанка…
Лучший способ умереть
Полицейский из Чикаго уходит в отставку, и ему начинает угрожать мафия. Во время путешествия по дорогам в самом сердце Америки, его непреднамеренно втягивают в яростную схватку между ФБР и криминальным миром Чикаго, которые разыскивают пропавшего федерального агента. В его руках находятся улики, которые должны привести к распаду синдиката.
Задворки Нью-Йорка
Elena Iscovescu
Нью-Йорк — это самое «Большое яблоко» в мире, разделен на пять основных районов — Манхэттен, Бронкс, Бруклин, Квинс и Стэйтен Айлэнд — пять разных континентов с разными языками, запахами и вкусами.
Бочка пороха
Что значит человеческая жизнь, когда вокруг бушует война, делающая сердца людей каменными, а умы — безразличными ко всему? Еще недавно цветущая, а ныне — разодранная на куски и обильно орошенная кровью, земля Югославии жестоко мстит за свою боль. Лишь вера в себя помогает молодым героям противостоять мраку, сгустившемуся над пороховой бочкой Европы — Балканами…
The Hornet
A love story between a Serbian girl and young Albanian set against the background of current Balkanic conflict.
Shooting Days: Emir Kusturica Directs Underground
While his country Yugoslavia gradually turns into a battlefield, director Emir Kusturica guides his film crew to overcome this reality. A new world, which carries the signs of the old, comes to life.
Three Summer Days
Serbian film about the life of refugees from Bosnia is Serbia during the war years.
Liability Crisis
Paul (Jim Helsinger) is a morose young advertising executive and aspiring film maker whose obsession with the Holocaust has gone way out of control. Paul has been compiling interviews with World War II survivors for a documentary film, and the project has propelled him to a state of paranoia. Listening to Beethoven, Paul worries that the composer wrote "Nazi music" and imagines that the plush sound on a Furtwangler recording owes to the violins' strings having been made out of "Jewish intestines." When his Yugoslav-born fiancee Dunia (Mirjana Jokovic) returns from China, where she has been studying, the two enter into an agonizing debate about whether to marry. She bluntly questions Paul's religious convictions, since he doesn't observe Orthodox Jewish traditions.
Natalija Zovkov
В дни Второй мировой войны в Белграде подпольщики-антифашисты организовали целую фабрику по производству оружия. Война давно закончилась, а они продолжают свою деятельность. И все эти годы «наверху» жизнь течет своим чередом, а в «подполье» — своим.
Казалось бы, ничто не может помешать счастью молодоженов Анны и Тома, несмотря на то, что она хорватка, а он серб. Ведь светлое чувство навеки соединило их сердца. Но страшная Югославская война врывается в мирную жизнь, круша и ломая все вокруг. Бывшие добрые соседи в одночасье становятся злейшими врагами. Города и села превращаются в поле битвы. Сохранить любовь и уберечь счастье в этом аду — непосильная задача…
The Little One
In the suburban environment of 1960s Belgrade, thieves and vagabonds were first who escaped from poverty, while simple individuals who believed in ideals, paid a costly price for their misconceptions. Life is very difficult to a family of a pilot who spent 14 years in prison on the basis of false testimony. Her husband's prosecution is his wife's fate, while his daughter doesn't even know that her father is alive. After many migrations and wanderings, the mother meets a soft-spoken yet unscrupulous man who'll promise her marriage, and rape her daughter. The mother eventually ends up at asylum, and the father returns from prison at the right time to help their daughter in life which crucial lessons she already mastered.
The Serbian Girl
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.
The Border
The story interleaves the destinies of two families, a Serbian from Bosnia and a Hungarian, in a village on the border.
Eversmile, New Jersey
Traveling dentist O'Connell traverses South America on his motorcycle for the 'Eversmile' foundation of New Jersey, in a fight not only against caries, but also against fear, ignorance, indifference - and established antediluvian dentists. During a stop at a lonesome garage he meets Estella, who is supposed to marry a few days later. However she'd rather come with him - to meet a former boyfriend in another town, she says. Expecting problems, he refuses to take her, but she tricks him into it and then tries hard to convince him of her qualities and let her stay with him.
Time of Miracles
September 1945. The new communist authorities go into the church, hang the flag of the Party and paint over the old frescoes, but each time the frescoes miraculously return. A stranger comes to town and works miracles; the townsfolk are convinced he is the Messiah. Director Paskaljevic cut his TV miniseries, based on the novel by Borislav Pekic, to feature film length.
The Forgotten
The story about two boys and a girl escape from a home for abandoned children for a wild weekend. TV series (11 episodes) with the same name and same story was released 1988.
The Way South
Jana / Anita
A thirty year old man returns from South America to his native village, in the mountains of Yugoslavia, to find his spouse and take her along. He chooses the youngest daughter of self-supporting Jewish woman. The deceit gets discovered on the way to South America. Seven poor girls, among whom is his future wife, are imprisoned in ship's deck. He took them, promising rich marriage, and his real intention is to employ them in bordello houses of Buenos Aires, where the girls, not knowing the language, would be left to his mercy.
The Last Race
Twelve-year-old son of a divorced parents live in a skyscraper, but the drab of urban living is somewhat improved by the proximity of hippodrome and horse farm. Boy's favorite is a former champion named Evergreen, a stud whom the administration decides to sell to the slaughterhouse. After an unsuccessful attempt to change their mind, children steal the horse and disappear. After realizing what this horse mean to them, they give it as a present to the boy's class.