Maria Rosada


Idea di un'isola
A documentary about Sicily and its peculiar customs, with an emphasis on religious rites and the clash of modernity versus traditional values.
Idoli controluce
Having been assigned by his publisher to write a biography of Omar Sivori, the great footballer, Ugo Sanfelice heads for Torino. Given he is not very knowledgeable about soccer, Ugo tries -several times but in vain - to obtain an appointment from Sivori. Forced to fall back upon persons being or having been in contact with the elusive star, he gets to know young forward-center Moretti and soon becomes friendly with him. The young man confides in him and tells him the whole truth about his own "career" : the training in a small provincial team, the promising debut alongside Sivori, the desertion of his fiancée, the premature decline due to a dissolute life. When Sanfelice finally meets Sivori, he finds that the star is no match - humanely at least - for Moretti and he gives up writing the book at all.
Magia Lucana
Short documentary about pagan rites in the countryside.
I misteri di Parigi
Il piccolo vetraio
A poor fisherman entrusts his children Piero and Nino for money to the Frenchman Neroni who recruits young men to work in his glass factory.
Украли трамвай
О водителе трамвая Чезаре, который очень любит свою профессию. Уволенный с работы за незначительный проступок, он как-то ночью приходит в парк и, увидя «свой» трамвай, отправляется на нем в путешествие по городу. Обвинив Чезаре, что он «украл» трамвай, его отдают под суд. Суд оправдывает водителя, и он снова возвращается на работу
Crossed Swords
Nobleman Rainiero, Sidonia's duke son, comes back home with his friend Renzo. Soon after arrival, Renzo will get in a big trouble and he will be forced to choose between going to church for marriage or going to prison.
Маленький мир Дона Камилло
Вся драматургия запутанных дружеско-вражеских отношений пастора с коммунистами основывается на том, что мэр Пеппоне и его соратники — простецы. Таковых же Господь любит — «блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они Бога узрят»…
Yvonne of the Night
Carlo Rutelli falls in love with the beautiful variety singer Yvonne la Nuit, but his father opposes the wedding. World War I breaks out and Carlo is killed while Yvonne has a son, but on orders from Carlo's father, she is told he is dead. Her career descends and only Nino, an art partner, remains close to her and helps her earn her living by singing in taverns.
L'abito nero da sposa
La locandiera
One of the most famous movie stars of the moment has a problem with his car. The actor is obliged to stop in a provincial hotel, where he finds himself surrounded by his admirers.
This propaganda film was partly inspired by the story of the first Italian heavyweight champion Primo Carnera who, after winning the title with Al Capone’s help in 1933, was beaten the following year by the Jewish Max Bear and then again by the ‘Brown Bomber’ Detroit Joe Lewis in June 1935, on the eve of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. This match provoked numerous racial skirmishes on the streets of Harlem between the Black community and pro-Fascist Italian-Americans. The film overturns historical facts and here, obviously, it is the white boxer who wins in order to demonstrate the superiority of the “Aryan Italians” over the “sinister Jewish entrepreneurs” and the “savage Afro-American fans in Yankee Stadium”. In the film, these were played by South African prisoners-of-war interred in a work camp, which the German and Italian propaganda ministries had set up near Cinecittà “for cinematic purposes”.
There's Room Up Ahead
A witty tram driver helps out a jobless girl in wartime Rome.
Sleeping Beauty
Venice Film Festival 1942
La maschera di Cesare Borgia
Capitan Fracassa
Алые розы
Однажды Альберто Верани снимает трубку и принимает заказ на две дюжины алых роз. Звонивший ошибся номером, а Альберто приятно удивлён и уже в предвкушении от приключения с незнакомкой. Цветы доставляют и их получает Мария, жена Альберто. Среди цветов она находит карточку с подписью «Загадка». Ею обуревает желание встретиться с этим таинственным мужчиной. Альберто понимает, что произошло, и желает продолжить розыгрыш, чтобы проверить, насколько Мария верна ему и как далеко она может зайти. Он каждый день посылает ей розы и ревнует к несуществующему сопернику.
La última Falla
Scandalo per bene
You Love Me, I Love You