Martin Davich


Пресная вода
Original Music Composer
Действие картины будет разворачиваться в 1886 году в Нью-Мексико. Лента расскажет о молодой вдове, которая рискует всем, чтобы отомстить жестокому владельцу овцеводческой фермы за убийство своего мужа.
Nora Roberts' Tribute
Original Music Composer
A former child star buys her grandmother's house to rescue it from ruin but her hope for serenity is soon eclipsed by haunting dreams of her famous grandmother, who died of a supposed overdose in the house more than 30 years ago.
Золотые руки
Бен Карсон рос без отца среди бедности и предрассудков, у него были ужасные оценки и вспыльчивый характер. Но при этом его мать никогда не теряла веры в сына. Побуждая его пользоваться возможностями, которых у нее никогда не было, она способствовала развитию его воображения, интеллекта и, что самое главное, веры в таланты, заложенные в него Богом. Обретя в детстве мечту стать врачом и миссионером, он через всю жизнь пронес свою веру в Бога, которая изменила жизни многих…
Youssou Ndour: I Bring What I Love
Original Music Composer
Senegalese pop sensation Youssou Ndour has spent the last 20 years in the spotlight as a world-renowned musician and the iconic representative "voice of Africa." At the height of his career, Youssou became frustrated by the negative perception of his Muslim faith and composed Egypt, a deeply spiritual album dedicated to a more tolerant view of Islam. The album's brave musical message was wholeheartedly embraced by Western audiences but ignited serious religious controversy in his homeland of Senegal. The film chronicles the difficult journey Youssou must undertake to assume his true calling.
У родного порога
Original Music Composer
После отчисления из колледжа братья-близнецы из неблагополучной семьи вынуждены возвратиться в родной город. Здесь они сталкиваются с многочисленными семейными проблемами. Но их поддерживает мечта стать профессиональными бейсболистами и выбиться в люди…
Шальные деньги
Original Music Composer
В центре сюжета - история домохозяйки Бриджит, которая после увольнения ее мужа вынуждена устроиться на работу ночной уборщицей в Федеральный резервный банк. Чтобы рассчитаться с долгами, Бриджит вместе с ещё двумя сотрудницами банка замышляет дерзкое ограбление.
Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot
Original Music Composer
They were more than Washington wives. They were part of an American dream known as Camelot. With strength and cunning they upheld their public image by concealing their private truths. Jackie, Ethel and Joan had little choice. They were Kennedy women. What really unfolded behind the monolith of Kennedy power is revealed for the first time: the true story of the Kennedy reign told through the eyes of the three women who lived it.
Primal Force
Rescuers try to reach plane crash victims that are trapped on an isolated Mexican island populated by mutant baboons. Ron Perlman stars as a troubled guide hired to lead the mission.
Tempting Fate
Original Music Composer
A man who is still mourning the death of the woman he loves, meets a man who says he created a machine that can bring anyone to a parallel world. He goes and sees the woman he loves is still alive in that world and wants to stay. But when he discovers that this world has rules that differ from his world, he wants to leave but when he goes back to where the machine is, there's a fire and the machine is destroyed and the man who built it is killed. He later meets a woman from his world who also built a machine of her own but the officials there upon seeing her thinks she's crazy because her counterpart is alive and says she doesn't know her. So he tries to help her so that they can return home.