Lloyd L. Richardson

Рождение : 1915-04-21, Portland - Oregon - USA

Смерть : 2002-02-19


The Kids Who Knew Too Much
When a cryptic note is passed to young Bert Hale by a stranger, he and his three friends inadvertently hold the key to unravelling the sinister plot to assassinate a Russian premier visiting Los Angeles.
Mickey's 50
"Mickey's 50" is a 90-minute special that aired on The Wonderful World of Disney on November 19, 1978. The special was made to commemorate the 50th birthday of Mickey Mouse and highlights many moments in his career.
Child of Glass
Alexander Armsworth and his family move to an authentic antebellum mansion which once was owned by a river pirate. Alexander is drawn into a century-old mystery when he sees the ghost of a little girl and she asks for his help in finding the "child of glass" by reciting a riddle. He has only a day or two to solve the riddle...or be haunted for the rest of his life!
Dad... Can I Borrow the Car?
A live-action short, using many avant-garde film techniques, that looks at American car culture in the late 1960s. The main section deals with the many trials and obstacles a teenager must face on the path to being able to drive. Surviving the driver's education class is only the first step, as the teenager must then pass his driving test, and then finally get permission to borrow the family car.
Hang Your Hat on the Wind
A handsome thoroughbred yearling accidentally escapes from a cross-country van in the desert, and is found and loved by a young Mexican boy. He hides the horse from searchers, but eventually mends his ways and tries to return the animal. However, two hoodlums steal the horse. The boy leads a sheriff to the rescue, and receives an apt reward.
The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle
Eagles are the channel to the spirit world for a Hopi Indian boy who defies tribal law and frees a sacred, sacrificial eagle. He is banished from his village to the wilderness, but the eagle teaches him hunting skills and cares for him. He eventually returns, only to be bullied and taunted by the other village boys.
Disneyland Around the Seasons
Walt takes viewers on yet another tour of Disneyland to point out some of the newest additions to the park, including New Orleans Square, It's a Small World, and Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln.
Disneyland 10th Anniversary
Walt Disney introduces Julie Reems,Miss Disneyland Tencennial,who is to travel as Disneyland's official ambassador,and he shows Julie the imagineering department at Disneyland,and shows her the initial project of the IT'S A SMALL WORLD building that will be built,and the new restaurant that will be built. Then he shows her the haunted mansion that will be built,and miniatures of the Pirates of the Carribean ride that will be built.Next,Tinkerbell uses her "magic" to take viewers to Disneyland for the big 10 year celebration with Mickey and the gang.
Back Stage Party
Party, enterianment, and Behind the scenes
Disneyland '59
Walt Disney and Art Linkletter co-host a live celebration of Disneyland's 1959 expansion that consisted of the debuts of Matterhorn Bobsleds, the Disneyland-Alweg Monorail, and the Submarine Voyage, a project so massive that it was called "The Second Opening of Disneyland". Highlights include a mammoth, star-studded parade and the official launching of the Disneyland submarines by U.S. Navy officers. Among the guests are then-Vice-President Richard Nixon and family, Clint Eastwood, and Meredith Willson, who leads the Disneyland band in his own "76 Trombones." Sponsored by Kodak, the commercial spokespersons include Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.
I Captured the King of the Leprechauns
Behind the scenes of Darby O'Gill and the Little People.
Disneyland, U.S.A
A tour of the Disneyland theme park.
The Vanishing Prairie
Story of the American Prairie as it was when vast herds of bison and elk grazed.
Алиса в стране чудес
Убежав из дома, Алиса увидела под старой яблоней большого белого кролика, одетого в куртку и жилет. Достав из кармана часы, кролик торопливо скрылся в подозрительно темной норе. Набравшись смелости, Алиса шагнула вслед за ним... и попала в чудесный сказочный мир, где сбываются самые несбыточные фантазии. Чтобы попасть обратно домой, Алисе придется совершить путешествие через весь этот странный и причудливый мир, в котором ее поджидают совершенно невероятные приключения и совершенно фантастические существа...
Так дорого моему сердцу
Начало 20-го века Индиана. На небольшой ферме живет мальчик Джерри и однажды там рождаются два маленьких ягненка, один белый другой черный. Мать отвергла черного агнца и Джерри стал заботиться о нем назвав его Дэнни (в честь знаменитых скачек Дэн Патч). Строгая бабушка Джерри против ягненка и все время говорит избавиться от него, единственным союзником мальчика стал кузнец дядя Хирам. Заветная мечта Джерри показать ягненка Дэнни на окружной ярмарке и поучаствовать в конкурсе, но бабушка категорически против, но с помощью дяди Хирама им удается уговорить сварливую и несговорчивую бабушку.
The Hockey Champ
Assistant Director
Donald shows his nephews the moves that won him his hockey trophy. But the boys have a few moves of their own.