Manfred Fritsch


Вечная жизнь
Executive Producer
Бывший полицейский Бреннер должен вернуться в свой родной город, где он окажется вовлечённым в трагическую историю, в которой замешаны его старые друзья...
Line Producer
When the beautiful, efficient and successful Christine, 42, arrives at their summer beach home with her husband and teenage daughter, a young hitchhiker catches her eye. What follows is the story of a woman who frees herself, tears her life into pieces and puts it back together in a different order.
Сестра сна
Production Manager
Эта таинственная история произошла в конце прошлого века. В небольшой, затерянной среди Альп деревушке родился удивительный ребенок. Маленький гений обладал уникальной музыкальностью и невероятной способностью слышать все звуки природы. Став юношей, ему, как и большинству одаренных людей, пришлось столкнуться с непониманием и завистью окружающих. Неразделенная любовь, злоба и коварство ограниченных людей толкают героя на безропотный и молчаливый протест, который приводит к непредсказуемым последствиям.
Production Manager
The story of some young people who grew up in a working-class area in Zurich in the late 1950s. The plain living style of their educators is not on their wavelength. They find the occurences in the newly opened Jazz club much more tempting. Down there is what must not be up there: spontaneous lust for life. Jazz electrifies them all. And then there are the girls ...
Ant Street
Production Manager
Set within a Viennese apartment block, this affectionate Austrian comedy makes fun of the strange habits of the famed city's residents. The building is located in a middle-class area and has residents from many age groups and walks of life. Many of the tenants are much older, but there are also a few children about. In one apartment lives a large group of Polish construction workers, while a Yugoslavian woman and her huge family attempt to survive in their tiny flat. The episodic story of the lives of these and other tenants is framed by a visit from a civil servant from the Office of Statistics.
Geraubte Kindheit - und damit leben lernen
Production Manager
Life in a residential community, founded 14 years ago by Annemarie and Fritz Pronegg for neglected, mistreated and abused children. The consequences of violence suffered are constantly present. Those affected tell of the effects and difficulties of living with the past.
Der Schatten ist lang - Jura Soyfer und seine Zeitgenossen
Production Manager
This film illuminates the way in which the cultural climate of "Red Vienna" affected the subsequent years leading up to the present and examines the mark left on the lives of Jura Soyfer's contemporaries.
Production Manager
Heinzi Boesel and Kurt Fellner are two Austrian health inspectors forced to work together, traveling through Austria. Over time a beautiful friendship evolves between the odd couple who couldn't stand each other initially; a friendship that even overcomes the boundaries of great tragedy.
The More I See You
Production Manager
Paul, on receiving a phone call from his girlfriend, tears himself away from his workaholic life and sets off for Italy. On the road he settles down at the wheel, listens to the hum of the tires on the asphalt and enjoys the journey. But he is held up by a breakdown. By the time he arrives, his girlfriend has already left. Longing to see her he lingers on, and while he passes the time he experiences moments of unexpected delight. His waiting turns into a voyage of indulgence. His longing grows and tantalizes.
Фильм об одиноком старике, который влюбляется в молодую женщину живущую по соседству, но к сожалению для него, она живёт со своим бойфрендом, а по совместительству сутенёром. Старику не остаётся ничего другого кроме, как принять решительные меры…
Is the Devil Really a Child?
Production Manager
Reality in Mozambique resembles an unreal nightmare: South Africa refuses to accept the autonomy and independence of this country. More often than not, children are the victims of this situation. Not because they are killed but because they are made into instruments of death. Children in Mozambique are abducted by the Contras and forced to act as murderers of their own people. Their traumatic experiences (abduction, torture, being trained to kill, flight or liberation) and the efforts of the Mozambique government to reintegrate them into society form the basis of this film.
Hanna Monster, Darling
Hanna and Leo are expecting a child. They live near Innsbruck where the mountains touch the sky and where absolute bliss seems to reign. But things turn out quite differently.