Liao Pen-Jung

Liao Pen-Jung

Рождение : 1949-01-01, Taiwan


Liao Pen-Jung (Chinese: 廖本榕) is a Taiwanese cinematographer. He is also an associate professor in the Department of Motion Pictures and Video at Kun Shan University of Technology/ Graduated from the Department of Humanities at the National Open University, he served as photographer for Central Motion Picture Corporation, in the board of the ROC Cinematography Association, and lecturer at Shih Hsin University. He was the winner of the Best Cinematography Award for The Missing and the Best Taiwan Film Professional of the Year at the 40th Golden Horse Awards.


Liao Pen-Jung


Tracing Her Shadow
Director of Photography
An old Chinese woman visits Japan to find her missing daughter whom she adopted in post-WWII China. Her granddaughter and a retired Japanese policeman join her search.
The Taste of Rice Flower
Director of Photography
Ye Nan, a mother belonging to the Dai minority, comes back to her village after living in the city. She wants to take care of the 13-year-old daughter she'd left behind, but the road to rebuilding their relationship is full of obstacles. One day her daughter is arrested for stealing money from the village's most sacred temple with her friend. Since people think the girls are possessed by the devil, they decide to save them by worshipping a stone Buddha in a 250-million-year-old karst cave during the Water-Sprinkling Festival.
Revenge of the Goat
A property assistant, an intern, a broke greengrocer and casino keeper, a gun in the black suitcase and a celebrity goat all take part in a play within a play. There's a lot going in at the inn. Not only a film crew checked in, somebody also wants to settle a score.
No No Sleep
Director of Photography
In 2015, Tsai Ming-Liang was once again invited by the Hong Kong International Film Festival to make the opening short film. This time, he selected Shibuya station in Tokyo as his main filming location and invited the famous Japanese actor Masanobu Ando to appear alongside Lee Kang-Sheng. They sleep separately at a capsule hotel and cleanse themselves at a public bath. Their fatigued bodies yearn for sleep but restless minds keep them for falling asleep. "No No Sleep" won the Best Director Award at the Taipei Film Festival.
Бродячие псы
Director of Photography
Одинокий мужчина, переживший разлад с женой, спит в одной постели с сыном-подростком и маленькой дочкой. Вместе они чистят зубы в общественном туалете, едят из пластиковых упаковок прямо на улице, обитают в жалком жилище без электричества и воды. Рядом бродят бездомные собаки. Люди как собаки, а собаки как люди.
Walking on Water
Director of Photography
In 2013, Tsai Ming-Liang was invited by Malaysian filmmaker Tan Chui Mui to make a short film for an anthology film, "Letters from the South". Tsai Ming-Liang returned to his hometown in Kuching, Malaysia and made a "Walker" film at his childhood home, "Walking on Water". The seven-storey flat which contained the happy memories of his childhood is now occupied by strangers. His old neighbour, an older girl who used to bathe and feed him when he was a child, has also grown old.
No Form
Director of Photography
In 2011, Tsai Ming-Liang staged a play, "Only You", for Taiwan's National Theater and Concert Hall. In it, there was a powerfully moving scene where monk Xuanzang walked at an extremely slow pace for half an hour. Lamenting the transient nature of theater, Tsai decided to make a movie out of this slow-walking performance, "No Form", the first of his "Walker Films" series.
Director of Photography
Hsiao-Kang, a Taiwanese film director, travels to the Louvre in Paris, France, to shoot a film that explores the Salomé myth.
Help Me, Eros
Director of Photography
Having lost all his money in the stock market, a depressed man falls in love with a woman over a suicide helpline.
It's a Dream
Director of Photography
To celebrate its 60th anniversary, the Cannes Film Festival invited around thirty filmmakers to create three-minute short films to compose the collective film Chacun son cinema. Tsai Ming-liang proposed a twinned piece with his feature Goodbye, Dragon Inn, an exploration of the movie theater as a public space and collective experience. Shortly after, Tsai put on this new version of the piece, twenty minutes longer, which was presented at the Venice Biennale.
Не хочу спать одна
Director of Photography
На бездомного китайца Сяо-кан напали и ограбили. На помощь ему приходят рабочие из Бангладеш, которые берут его к себе домой. Один из рабочих ухаживает за ним и укладывает спать рядом с собой. Сяо -кан знакомится с официанткой Чи, и её охватывает страсть к юноше. Молодой человек не может выбрать между Раван и Чи, а также начальницей Чи. Попытка обрести возлюбленного и спать с ним вместе, гладить его тело и получать любовные ласки в ответ — вот то простое и человеческое, к чему с комическим упорством стремятся молчаливые герои…
The Song of Spirits
Director of Photography
City-slicker DJ Li Tong Zhe (Darren Chiu) heads to the mountain regions of central Taiwan to record sounds for a 921 earthquake memorial segment. Staying with a teacher in a Bunun village, he finds himself worlds away from the life he knows in Taipei. Tong Zhe meets A-Bu, a 10-year-old boy who lost his eyesight after the earthquake and keeps himself shut away from other people. A-Bu’s teacher Zu Wei (Janine Chang) is teaching him folk songs, hoping that music will open his voice and heart. While helping A-Bu and Zu Wei, Tong Zhe realizes what has been missing from his own life.
Капризное облако
Director of Photography
В стране острая нехватка воды, но множество арбузов, которые продаются почти даром. От жары и жажды многие спасаются арбузным соком. Шиан-Чий ходит по музеям, наполняя бутыли водой в туалетах. Сяо-Кан после тяжелого трудового дня принимает ванны в цистернах, расположенных на крыше многоэтажки. В этом же доме живёт Шиан-Чий. Их неожиданная встреча станет началом странных, наполненных тишиной отношений. Что это? Долгожданная любовь или очередная попытка бегства от самих себя?
Прибежище дракона
Director of Photography
Самый последний сеанс закрывающегося кинотеатра, показывают «Харчевню дракона» Кинга Ху 1967 года, классический тайваньский фильм с боями на мечах. В старом странном здании, кроме киномеханика и билетерши, всего несколько человек, но среди случайных зрителей оказываются и те, кто пришел сюда совсем не случайно.
The Missing
Director of Photography
A grandmother is looking for her grandson, a teenager for his grandfather.
The Skywalk Is Gone
Director of Photography
A young woman wandering around meets a young man going to a casting call for a pornographic film.
Director of Photography
В XXI веке в Тайване семь дней непрерывно идет дождь. По радио постоянно сообщают об эпидемии и эвакуации жителей города. В небоскребе живут два жителя — молодой человек на последнем этаже и девушка этажом ниже. Они общаются через дыру в потолке.
Director of Photography
Молодой юноша живет со своими родителями, но в семье полный беспорядок: отец частенько посещает гей-сауны, а у матери роман с порнодилером. У мальчика появляются симптомы неизвестной болезни, от которой родители не могут найти лечения.
Tropical Fish
Director of Photography
Young boy, Ah-Jiang, a school failure and day dreamer witnesses the kidnapping of a child. After being taken hostage by a corrupt family, he begins an unusual adventure away from home.
Да здравствует любовь
Director of Photography
Молодая женщина Мэй, агент по недвижимости, использует пустующие шикарные апартаменты в новом небоскребе для любовных свиданий. Однажды она теряет ключ, который находит юноша Сяокан. Узнав, что это ключи от огромной пустой квартиры, он решает тайно в ней поселиться. Другие ключи от этой квартиры крадет у Мэй ее случайный любовник Ажун, который также решает тайно использовать квартиру в своих целях. Обнаружив друг друга, Сяокан и Ажун вынуждены договориться о том, как вдвоем использовать квартиру и как скрываться от Мэй.
Green Green Leaves of Home
Director of Photography
Бунтари неонового бога
Director of Photography
Юный Сяо-кан, конфликтуя с отцом, бросает школу и отправляется в медитативное путешествие по лабиринту улиц сверкающего огнями Тайбэя, следуя по пятам за начинающим преступником Ах-Цзе и его другом Ах-Пингом, движимый смесью страха, восхищения и зависти.
Banana Paradise
Director of Photography
"Door Latch" and his friend followed the KMT army and moved to Taiwan in 1949. They conceal their real name and get many trials and afflictions to adapt the circumstances in that special situation. Yueh-Shiang is a classic traditional woman from China country. For requiting the graciousness of being saved by Door Latch, she becomes Door Latch's wife. She suffers hardship to raise and teach their children without any complains. Door Latch wasn't well educated and can hardly read. However, he uses Yueh-Shiang's late husband's name and diploma to get himself a job. Even though there are a lot of embarrassing situations and he suffers many difficulties, Door Latch survives. Door Latch also looks after his old pal Lee Der-Sherng when Lee loses his mind. However, the KMT government released the restriction to visit Mainland China. They are able to visit their parents and relatives there. Their son finds "their" parents, but bigger secrets will unfold.
The Digger The Suona Player
Director of Photography
Семейные бомбы
Director of Photography
Кинмен был до 1949 г мирной территорией, пока Чан Кайши не превратил остров в оборонительный укрепрайон против коммунистов, вытеснивших его национальную армию с материка. Его изначальным планом было организовать на острове лечение раненых солдат и подготовиться к наступлению на позиции Мао Цзе Дуна, однако всё случилось иначе. На острове было объявлено военное положение, и он превратился в последнюю горячую точку гражданской войны. Кинмен подвергался массированному артобстрелу с материка в течение 1950-х и 60-х гг. В частности, 23 августа 1958 г коммунисты устроили сильнейший артиллерийский обстрел Кинмена. Всё полыхали огнём, имелись большие жертвы. Фильм рассказывает о 823 артиллерийской батарее под командованием полковника Килианга Чена и событиях того времени.
A Flower in the Storm
Director of Photography
Financial woes causes a young woman to turn to the oldest profession for work. Her sacrificial deeds to raise her siblings are left unappreciated by her younger sister.
Wells up in My Heart
Director of Photography
A new secretary for the Hsiao family met an office boy on her first day at work. She was puzzled when he asked if she would marry into Hsiao family. Upon understanding the fact that all the Hsiao secretaries had married the Hsiao sons, she assertively assured that she would not follow the trend, they started dating and soon fall in love. Then one day an angry man stormed into the office and revealed the true identity of the office boy. He was actually the youngest son of the Hsiao family…
My Cape of Many Dreams
Director of Photography
An old granny missed her beloved grand-daughter who was away in America for many years. Little did she know that her grand-daughter had met a mishap and died long ago. In view not to hurt the old granny, her grandson found a girl who was his sister look-a-like to feign her...
Cloud, Stay With Me
Director of Photography
A pretty nurse falls for her wheelchair-bound patient, and love triumphs over a series of misunderstandings caused by jealousy.