Joseph Rouschop


Life-Size Pauline
Pauline juggles life between her kids and her work as a landscape designer where she has to fight for her place amongst her male colleagues. Her life is turned upside-down when her mother tells her that she is going to live abroad and will no longer be able to take care of her children, then becomes chaotic when she is appointed manager of an important project. On all fronts, her life takes a turn for the worse.
The Order of Time
It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
The Lost Boys
In a youth correctional facility, Joe is preparing his return to society. But William’s arrival turns his desire for freedom into desire of another kind. Behind fences and cell walls, passions begin to play havoc with the need for liberty.
14-year-old Lucie is a resourceful teenager who takes care of her loving yet unreliable father, William, who has multiple sclerosis. Whilst William hangs out in his wardrobe and devises pranks and jokes to make his daughter smile, Lucie tries her best at school while juggling a job in a sandwich shop and all the chores at home. Her vividly imaginative mind and the novel she is writing are her only distractions. But when a social worker is appointed to visit them, Lucie and William elaborate a complex plan to make social services believe they live a perfectly normal life.
The Chapel
Twenty three year old virtuoso pianist Jennifer Rogiers has been living with a terrible secret most of her life. When she enters the world famous Queen Elisabeth competition the memory of a traumatic childhood experience surfaces again.
After his son dies, an Italian mountain farmer moves to Brussels to look after his granddaughter
In recent days, Rome has been the scene of an unusual event: when it rains, the manholes exhale a dense steam of unknown origin and composition. No one knows that those who breathe in the mysterious substance will have to deal with what they repress, their darkest instincts, their anger. Not even the Morel family. Since Cristina’s death in an accident a year earlier, the love of her husband Thomas and their son Enrico has given way to a forced cohabitation, while the youngest of the family, Barbara, would only like to see them united again as they were before. The accident could have been avoided, both Thomas and Enrico know it. Instead of taking responsibility and moving on, they stopped talking to each other. Now they are two souls full of rage, trapped in a Rome that resembles them: dark, nervous, on the verge of exploding.
Отчаянные мстители
В оккупированном нацистами Риме 1943 года после того, как в местный цирк попала бомба, скитаются четверо артистов — повелитель насекомых Ченчо, человек-волк Фульвио, притягивающий металл карлик Марио и генерирующая электричество юная Матильда. Владелец цирка и их символический отец Израэль исчез вместе с деньгами, накопленными на бегство в Америку. Оставшись ни с чем, не вписывающиеся в нормы «фрики» вынуждены податься на услужение безумному пианисту Францу, главе роскошного берлинского цирка, не зная о его одержимости идеей собрать «фантастическую четвёрку» героев со сверхспособностями, чтобы помочь Гитлеру выиграть во второй мировой войне. Сам являясь от рождения изгоем, умеющим видеть будущее, фрустрированный злой гений вступает в захватывающую схватку с доблестными циркачами, использующими свои умения на спасение родной страны и Израэля, направляющегося вместе с другими евреями в вагоне-душегубке навстречу гибели.
A collective documentary film, from five european directors asked to witness the revolutions and dramas caused in their own countries by the pandemic. Among them, “Two Fathers”, directed by Julia von Heinz (20’). After the death of his father, Hans-Michael von Heinz, the director finds out the truth about her parent true sexual identity. In order to know more, she starts emailing persons who got to know him over the last years, among them his closest friend, director Rosa von Praunheim.
Опасный пациент
Возвращаясь после ночной смены, врачи скорой помощи Изабель и Адамо получают срочный вызов. В одной из школ произошёл теракт, и им нужно немедленно направиться к месту взрыва. Прибыв туда, врачи забирают одного из раненых подростков по имени Эден. По пути в больницу при оказании жертве первой помощи Изабель обнаруживает на нём пояс смертника со взрывчаткой. Держа в руках взрыватель, Эден приказывает заложникам следовать по указанному им маршруту. На карту поставлены не только жизни врачей, оказавшихся в смертельной ловушке, но и жизни жителей города.
Tony and Marie are passionate about Bangers, a trashy variant of the stock car. Following a tragedy, their couple falls appart. Tony hung up the races as Marie vent her anger onto the speedway in violent crashes. When problemes resurface, they have no choice but to resolve their dispute where their community has always solved them : on the speedway.
Io sto bene
Antonio has spent his whole life away from Italy, his home country. He crosses paths with Leo, a young Italian artist who is trying to make it abroad. The old man and the young woman's destinies mirror each other. Memories from the past are awoken and end up offering a more peaceful future to the both of them.
Мисс Маркс
Яркая, умная, страстная и свободолюбивая Элеонор была младшей дочерью Карла Маркса и одной из первых женщин социалистического движения, боровшихся за права женщин и запрет детского труда. В 1883 году Элеонор знакомится с Эдвардом Эвелингом, с который у нее возникает страстный, но трагический роман.
Виктору и его младшему брату Джимми удается жить там, где их несчастья кажутся бесконечными. Но появление Билли и ее необузданный романтизм потрясут убеждения мальчиков до глубины души.
Plein la vue
Two repeat offenders sentenced to community work in a learning center for the visually impaired decide to build and coach a blind football team.
Первый король Рима
Ромул и Рем, два брата-пастуха, отправляются в путешествие, после которого один из них станет основателем самой великой нации, а другой погибнет от рук родного брата.
For A Happy Life
Challenging the burden of family traditions, the young Amel and Mashir live a secret and passionate love story. An arranged marriage between him and Amel’s new best friend will put their relationship in danger. Tearing apart social conventions seems to be the only way to stay together.
The Last Game
Meftun Taylan, former member of the Grey Wolves, who was sent to Europe in the '80s to fight against ASALA, now struggles with regrets about his criminal activities after the operations for the fatherland. Dreaming of a clear conscience, Meftun sees it as his task to eliminate such criminals and gangs. He chooses his targets from his circle of friends. Afterwards, he has the cold blooded hitman Cerkez come over from a Turkish prison. The operations are accomplished successfully one after the other. Instead of finding a moral balance, Meftun loses himself completely. After this there is a final mission for Cerkez to buy off his freedom. Meftun leaves his and Cerkez' future to “fate”. A special kind of fate, typical for Meftun.
Нико, 1988
Фильм о последнем годе жизни легендарной Нико. Певица и музыкант, которой уже почти 50 лет, ведет уединенную жизнь в Манчестере. Это совсем не та жизнь, которую она вела в 60-е годы, когда она была моделью удивительной красоты, музой Уорхола и вокалисткой культовой группы The Velvet Underground. Теперь ее не волнуют ни внешность, ни карьера, однако новый менеджер Ричард уговаривает Нико отправиться в турне по Европе. Одновременно Нико налаживает отношения с сыном, доверие которого она давно утратила. Уникальная, бескомпромиссная Нико вновь обретает себя и как музыкант, и как мать, и как женщина.
After Dawn
Poland. Separation and distance have hardened Pawel's heart. Or so it seemed to him... Until that rainy afternoon. And that unexpected visitor.
Rising Voices
A handful of migrants without papers decide to start a hunger strike. Day by day, overcoming the violence that they inflict upon themselves, they discover the greatness of their true cause. From this realisation they learn to affirm their common humanity.
All Cats Are Grey
Paul is a chubby kind-­‐hearted amateur detective. Dorothy is an intense upper class teenager. Paul is into quoting Sherlock Holmes and watching Derrick. Dorothy is into punk clothing and hating her mother. Paul is forty three, Dorothy is sixteen, and the only thing that links them is Paul’s knowledge that he is Dorothy’s biological father… over time, this has grown into a one way relationship with Paul spying on Dorothy as she grew up, always from a safe distance…They would never have met if Dorothy hadn’t heard of Paul’s amateur detective skills. She wants to use him to find her father…
История последних дней жизни итальянского режиссера Пьера Паоло Пазолини.
Sous le figuier
Nathalie, Christophe and Joëlle are in the midst of an existential crisis. Brought together by Selma, 95 and seriously ill, they will spend a memorable summer on the banks of the Moselle. How ironic that the one whom they had intended to help to die should help them to live...
Mobile Home
Delegated Producer
After having broken up with his girlfriend and left his job, Simon has come back to his small hometown in the countryside, where he meets up again with his old friend Julien. The two thirty-year-old, unemployed and idle men decide to reinvest in an old dream from their teenage years: hitting the road for an adventurous journey. They buy a huge motor-home, but the trip is delayed by various troubles, and they decide to start their journey right where they are. Through this first motionless stage of their trip, Simon and Julien are confronted with themselves and what they wanted to run away from.
Carré Blanc
Philippe lives in a world controlled by a caste system. Those who play the "game" correctly become higher and more powerful. Phillipe plays the game well but his wife wants him to return to reality. Its a love story after marriage.
The Rif Lover
Aya only dreams of finding love like her favorite opera character Carmen. But the person who steals her heart is a powerful hashish trafficker known as The Baron. After buying her virginity from her brothers, he soon reveals himself to be an illusory prince charming.
My Queen Karo
Nine-year-old Karo grows up with her parents in an Amsterdam commune in the Seventies. She leads a carefree existence in this utopia-for-adults. Everything is shared in the squat, but not everyone is able to honor these ideals. Karo gets confused because of the internal conflicts that start to divide the group. Karo slowly realizes that nothing can stay the same forever.
Частная собственность
Старая, но красивая ферма в Бельгии является домом Паскаль и ее сыновей-близнецов Тьерри и Франсуа. Хотя они любят друг друга и заботятся друг о друге, каждый из них до сих пор окончательно не пришел в себя от развода, разделившего семью несколько лет назад.Бывший муж Паскаль снова женился, у него родился ребенок. Он сохраняет близкие отношения с Тьерри и Франсуа, но горечь, порожденная его разрывом с Паскаль, до сих пор ощущается каждым из них. Сейчас мальчики стали юношами и в определенной мере начали двигаться в разном направлении. Тьерри решил продолжить учебу, поступив в местный университет, а страстью Франсуа остается постоянная реконструкция семейного дома. Оба парня усердно трудятся, но, похоже, не один из них не стремится стать взрослым и принять на себя сопряженную с этим ответственность.
The Wound
Blandine arrives at the Charles de Gaulle Airport, seeking a reunion with her husband Papi in Paris. Despite articulate claims for asylum, she is held in a cramped cell along with a number of fellow Africans, humiliated, mistreated and told that they can expect immediate deportation. Papi enquires of her whereabouts at Arrivals, and is met with disinterested, misleading responses. When Blandine is hurt in a skirmish on the runway as the authorities try and force her out of the country, circumstances and a sympathetic employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs save her from expulsion. She is finally reunited with Papi in a communal squat, its inhabitants sharing harrowing stories of their time in France. With work, money and food scarce, and her confidence shaken by her less than warm welcome to the country, Blandine cannot find the enthusiasm to leave her damp mattress.
I'm Still Alive
“I'm Still Alive” tells the story of a man forced to live under police escort for the last 15 years. Narrated in first person by it own voice, This is Roberto Saviano’s story, an investigative journalist, writer, screenwriter whom, through his works, succeeded in shifting the global perception of organised crime. The movie spotlighting 15 years of the author’s real life, starting from his debut bestseller first issue and develops forward and backward mixing flashbacks from his childhood and imaginary events he couldn’t help dreaming of.