Christoph Bach

Christoph Bach

Рождение : 1975-01-01, Reutlingen, Germany


Christoph Bach


Die Amitié
Two people meet on the bus to Lübeck. You come to the Hanseatic city to work. The Polish Agnieszka as the carer of an elderly gentleman with dementia, Dieudonné from the Ivory Coast as a harvest helper on an organic tomato plantation. Agnieszka, who works on behalf of a Catholic placement agency, soon develops a close connection with Siegfried, whose son Carsten, who is rarely present, has little understanding for him. Dieudonné, trapped in the exploitative structures of modern agriculture, communicates primarily through a mysterious network: the Amitié. An artificial intelligence and virtual reality that anyone can join and whose possibilities seem unlimited. When a crazy police officer suspects a smuggling gang is behind the network and Siegfried is picked up by a mysterious taxi, events take over. Science fiction parable that tells with a lot of humor and artistic imagination about the inequality in our society and the hope for a self-determined life in the future.
De Facto
How can cinema engage with complicity in crimes against humanity, extreme violence and state terror without conniving in it? De Facto finds answers to this question via two actors, a precisely compiled collage of texts and a deliberately reduced setting.
Битва при Нарвике
Den tyske konsulen
Апрель 1940 года. Взоры всего мира устремлены на Нарвик, маленький городок на севере Норвегии, источник железной руды, необходимой для военной техники Гитлера. За два месяца ожесточенной зимней войны Гитлеру нанесено его первое поражение.
Allmen und das Geheimnis der Erotik
Wilhelm Krähenbühler
For Johann Friedrich von Allmen, boredom is not an acceptable condition. During an uninspiring reading, the art detective spontaneously steals a famous Fabergé egg from the host's possession. His security officer, Krähenbühler, does not allow the unusual robber to be exposed, but tries to blackmail von Allmen into an even more brazen theft.
Протокол Освенцима
Два молодых словацких еврея, Фредди и Вальтер, были отправлены в лагерь смерти Освенцим в 1942 году. 10 апреля 1944 после тщательного планирования и при помощи других узников им всё же удаётся сбежать. Пока остальные мужественно стоят на своём, не поддаваясь нацистским офицерам, двое мужчин хранят надежду на то, что доказательства событий, которые у них есть, могут спасти жизни. Усталые и измученные, они пробираются через горы в обратно в Словакию, пересекают границу и встречаются с представителями Красного Креста и передают им подробнейший отчёт о геноциде в лагере. Но сказанное ими настолько ужасно, что люди не могут в это поверить, а отчёт даже не хотят публиковать.
Строится тоннель, соединяющий Данию и Германию. Настоящее приходит в движение, ветер перемен свистит в ушах. В центре сюжета — этнограф Дара, которая приезжает исследовать дома, подлежащие сносу, и в одном из них обнаруживает дневники бывшей владелицы. Луцик — молодой поляк, который вместе с другими соотечественниками трудится на строительстве тоннеля и остается без зарплаты. Кете работает на пароме и наблюдает за циркуляцией людей, их историй и товаров, проплывающих мимо нее.
Johannes Kepler - Storming the Heavens
Johannes Kepler
Nowadays we associate Johannes Kepler with his famous laws of planetary motion. But the history of his discoveries is a drama of Shakespearian proportions - full of intrigue, passion, depravity and corruption.
Das Märchen von den 12 Monaten
Queen Klara not only rules over her own kingdom, she is also ruler of the Twelve Months and guides them through the year. The Prince of Frost, whose dark forces only strengthen in the leap year, try to prevent the progression of the year.
Das Leben meiner Tochter
Micha Faber
Die Aldi-Brüder
Karl Albrecht
The young and lonesome 18year old Mercedes visits the legendary techno festival "Heimat" for the first time in her life. She is longingly hoping for experiences of proximity, joy and intensity. Instead, she finds herself confronted with the abysses of this alleged perfect world. In the end, Mercedes sees no way out without committing an act of violence.
Das Milan-Protokoll
Keiner schiebt uns weg
Ritschi Blaschke
Der Zauberlehrling
Zaubermeister Ambrosius
Ночной Психолог - Госпожа Метелица
Marc Wahrendorf
David Roloffs
Jan meets Judith by accident and realizes that she is the woman who was supposed to have shot and killed his father, who worked as a security officer at the bank.
NEUROO-X, a German-Swiss-Chinese entertainment company group, stands for games that dissolve the boundary between reality and gaming). A new gadget, the myth-enshrouded RED BOOK, offers the ultimate gaming experience. The most secret longings of gamers are scanned by the engine and transformed into fantastic adventures. The conspiracy psychoses of users are the raw material for the storytelling of NEUROO-X. Marcus, Chief Development Manager of NEUROO-X dies shortly before completion of the RED BOOK. His lover Ryuko finds out that something terrible happened during testing of the game in China, and the deeper she submerges into the secret of NEUROO-X, the more she loses touch with reality. She neglects her son Walter, who logs into the game and disappears into the digital parallel world. The more Ryuko fights the corporation in order to rescue her son, the more she updates the narrative desired by NEUROO-X. Ryuko finds herself in a world full of demons, witches, knights and terrorists.
Harter Brocken
Thomas Bartkowiak
A landslide in the Harz releases a corpse. Commissioner Frank Koops leads the investigation. Vanessa Riemann, tourist guide and marksman from St. Andreasberg, sees a lot of money in the backpack of the two hikers and attacks. On her breakneck escape through the undergrowth she is shot and bleeding in the arms of her brother Marco. In her backpack this finds 1.4 million euros - the booty from a bank robbery.
The Saviour
In the course of only one day, Paul’s seemingly perfectly life falls completely appart. The film explores the condition of one person as a metaphor for the state of a whole generation in present day Berlin. How often are our life choices determined by social conventions? How rarely do we listen to our inner voice before deciding what is best for us? Would we even be able to hear it? And what would it tell us?
Shirley: Visions of Reality
A series of snapshots from the life of a fictional actress named Shirley serves to weave together thirteen paintings by Edward Hopper (e.g. "Office at Night", "Western Motel", "Usherette", "A Woman in the Sun") into a fascinating synthesis of painting and film, personal and political history. Each station in Shirley’s professional and private life from the 1930s to 1960s is precisely dated: It is always August 28/29 of the year in question, as the locations vary from Paris to New York to Cape Cod.
Global Player - Wo wir sind isch vorne
Michael Bogenschütz
A family, middle-class and entrepreneurial, in times of globalization.
Thomas Kruger
ABSEITSFALLE is the story of Karin and Mike. They work at Perla, a washing machine manufacturer. She is a career woman, he is on the assembly line and plays for the factory soccer team. The company is owned by an American corporation. Until now it has been business as usual, but all of a sudden comes the news that 400 redundancies are needed if Perla is to survive. Suddenly, there is everything to play for. Written by Anonymous
Тёмный мир
Lehrer Nickel
Действие фильма разворачивается в очевидно выпавшей из времени Германии. Страна, в которой всегда светит солнце, дети носят школьную форму, а полицейские — костюмы медведей, и мастера педикюра дарят престарелым дамам печенье. Но за красотой этого параллельного мира скрывается бездна — туда свершится поездка вместе с героями фильма.
Philipp Halbe
Philipp Halbe can not read and write. He avoids life, works in a bar at night and does not engage in serious relationships. One day when his daughter Lily, whose mother died in a car accident, is about to die, he has to face the challenges of life and fight for custody. The aim of the film is to raise awareness of the problem of illiteracy and thus to contribute to the de-tabulation.
Окно в лето
Юлиана любит Аугуста и старается насладиться каждым мигом, проведенным с любимым. Они направляются в Финляндию, к ее отцу, и девушка предвкушает удовольствие от предстоящих летних каникул: это ее любимое время года. Единственное, что тяготит Юлиану, и будет тяготить уже до конца жизни — недавняя гибель ближайшей подруги Эмили. Заснув в придорожной гостинице на плече у Аугуста, она просыпается в квартире, где жила задолго до того. Другое время года, другой дом, другой — нелюбимый — мужчина. Она еще даже не знакома с Аугустом. Юлиана приходит в ужас, поняв, сколько времени ей предстоит прожить до встречи с любимым. Однако затем ей в голову приходит спасительная мысль: возможно, если изменить ход происходящего, ей удастся предотвратить гибель подруги, которая еще только должна случиться. Но не разойдется ли она тогда в будущем и с самой большой любовью своей жизни?
Das blaue Licht
Prinz Philipp
Jakob, a soldier mistreated by the king finds in a well a mysterious blue light which turns out to be a stroke of genius. He merely wants to teach the king a lesson by asking him to temporarily stealing whatever the king values most. He doesn't expect to be brought the king's daughter...
Hans-Joachim Klein ('Angie')
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.
Rudi Dutschke
66/67 - Fairplay war gestern
For six young men, who could hardly be more different from one another, the fan club of the Eintracht Braunschweig football club is the center of their life and their friendship. 66/67 is the name of their club as well as the year in which Eintracht Braunschweig won the German Championship.
Long Shadows
Finnischer Tango
Prager Botschaft
Stefan Herfurth
Hochzeit um jeden Preis
15 Minuten Wahrheit
Sebastian Berg
Hell hath no fury like an employee scorned.
Das Schneckenhaus
Katharina Giano tries to start a new life after a personal tragedy, but moves into a mysterious apartment building with her daughter Laura.
Allein gegen die Angst
Der die Tollkirsche ausgräbt
Konrad 1929
Sieben Himmel
Measures to Better the World
Götz Bechstein
A mockumentary in 8 episodes: new solutions and thinking models, which will be with us in the near future and make the world a little more livable. An "active health insurance", in which the insured directly take over everything including medical activities and thus save costs. A new currency that expires in a few weeks and therefore stimulates spending. Unemployed people who, as "loan siblings", are given a new job and a good life. The traffic therapy group that wants to make you understand the snake as a "unitary organism". A therapy office in the fresh air, which finally gives musty psychotherapy a healthy freedom. Color the world back into balance, at least in the parking lot. Or use humans as a self-sufficient source of energy. Or a tangibly equal democracy: All people attain the same eye level, an optimal 1.9m [via platform shoes].
Mein Mörder
Let the Cat Out of the Bag
No overview found. Waitress Doris meets a stranger on a train to Leipzig. This well-dressed thirty-something man decides to follow her, as they are drawn to each other, but neither seem prepared to admit to their loneliness.
Jost roams through the streets of Berlin. He opposes the world enraged, aggressively and furiously in a self-destructive way. He continuously provokes situations proving to himself that everybody hates him. He is convinced he does not need anybody and does not let anyone get close to him. Anna is walled in by her fear and unable to leave her apartment. She manages to keep this situation from all the others in a system of lies. Her reserves draw to a close. She heads for a catastrophe. One day, Jost shows up at her door.
Weiße Stille
Edzard is on his way from Berlin to Braunschweig to visit his family. During the trip the reason of his visit becomes clear, or doesn't it? During the trip he meets several people, most of them more than once. How this is possible becomes not quite clear until the end.
Echte Männer?
Schluss mit lustig!
Not knowing anything about love, Felix has become used to a 3months relationship cycle after which he is left in grief and misery on a regular basis. It doesn't affect him at length, knowing that he has his flatmates Moritz, Jan and his sister Regina to rely on. When Jan decides to move together with his bride to be and Regina cancels their long planned holiday Felix finds himself alone. Moritz of all people who's in constant trouble with his girlfriend Leandra wants to help Felix to find the right one: uncomplicated, forgiving and independent. The first try already has Felix end up in the arms of Maja. Although Maja is done with men and relationships she's OK with a little affair she doesn't tell Felix that she has a 7 year old boy at home. Against Moritz's strong advice Felix falls in love head over heels. But when he hears about Maja's son Paul he panicks. Only Paul knows his mom and her new boyfriend are made for each other...
Silent Storm
A silent storm unleashes itself in the soul of Anna, a seemingly quiet girl who lives in a city with a river running through it. Anna lets things wash over her, never joining in, submerged as she is in a lethargy that she'll have to do something about.