François Dyrek
Рождение : 1933-08-16, Pontoise, Val-d'Oise, France
Смерть : 1999-12-17
The ambitious Alex is trapped by his father-in-law who fears that he will take his place in the multinational company of which he is the CEO. The latter has a photo montage made that accuses his troublesome son-in-law of adultery. This ploy leads Alex and his wife into a heated argument which, unfortunately, leads to an accident in which the wife is killed. Alex is then accused of his wife's murder. But in this descent into hell, he finds the strength to react.
American actor-director Arnold Barkus made this low-budget French film, a comedy set in New York, with scenes taking place in Chinatown, in a Franco-Greek cabaret, and on the Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn-born Max suspects his girlfriend Sophia has been cheating on him. His French pal Jean and a young woman, Vita, step in with a scheme to get back at Sophia, a character who is never seen during the entire film. Included is a parody of the Russian roulette scene from The Deer Hunter (1978).
DD, le père
Pierre, a young man in his thirties, grew up with his two brothers in a city in the suburbs of Paris. He still lives there today with his wife, Deborah. His everyday life is divided between a job where he is exploited, discussions with his friends and brothers, family meals and unpreventable altercations with the cops.
Hippolyte, the titular oddball, is a far from typical country lawyer. He has been happily married to the woman of his dreams for 15 years, but has an incurable penchant for practical (or rather impractical) jokes.
Young Martin has been acting strange. At his school, his teacher and classmates notice that he is less talkative and more withdrawn. When those around him begin to prod, they discover that Martin’s single mother has died. Fearful that he will be sent away from home now that he has no parents, Martin looks to his friends for help. With Jerome leading the charge to save Martin from the orphanage, the first thing they decide to do is dispose of the mother’s body.
Действие фильма разворачивается сразу после Первой мировой войны. Майор французской армии Делаплан поставил перед собой благородную и практически невыполнимую задачу: помочь родственникам тех, кто пропал без вести во время войны, разыскать пропавших — всех, около 350 000 человек. В ходе поисков он знакомится с молодой богатой парижанкой Ирэн, безуспешно разыскивающей пропавшего мужа. Поначалу между ними возникает взаимная неприязнь, но вскоре решительность и мужество майора заставляют Ирэн пересмотреть свое отношение к нему.
Last feature film of Stanislav Barabas
Georges Barnac
In the Médoc, a young woman is found drowned. An accident, her influential family of winegrowers maintains. Or rather murder, as the American inspector Morrison suspects. If so, why? What secrets this family keeps?
Marcel Dugrand
A good country priest discovers that he is a father and must assume his role, a task all the more delicate since his son is a thug.
Хотя он основан на романе Жоржа Сименона, режиссер (и автор песен) Серж Гейнсбург наложил несколько мрачных эмоций и тонкую жестокость из-за слабого заговора о поездке человека в Африку и его несчастной страсти к убийце, аморальность, который отправляет разочарованного парня обратно в Европу. Иногда описываемые как разочаровывающие и эгоцентричные, реакции на этот фильм колеблются в широком спектре жалоб - не в последнюю очередь может быть то, использует ли Гейнсбург клишированный и стереотипный взгляд на «тёмную Африку», чтобы передать то, что он видит в своем персонаже.
le responsable du zoo
Работник страхового агентства Ален Дюрей пытался покончить с собой. "Обычная депрессия", - установил врач Пьер Валуа и применил новую методику лечения. Короткая электронная манипуляция над мозгом - и готов новый человек, всегда довольный, всегда уверенный, всегда уравновешенный. У Анри начинают прекрасно идти служебные финансовые дела. Вот только друзья и близкие почему-то очень тревожатся...
A young Swiss drug addict (Jacques Zanetti) has been imprisoned for robbery, and must wait and wait for his upcoming trial, all the while isolated and without hope of parole - the police are convinced he is a dealer and not just a user. He hears from his son that his girlfriend has a new man, and begins to despair of ever coming to trial, or of having another relationship like the one he lost. This fiction film is said to be based on a true story.
Jeanne, mother of two children, loses her husband. She meets Pierre, abandoned by his wife.
Начинаются летние отпуска. Миллионы автомобилистов спешат добраться до места своего отдыха, дабы забыть о тревогах и заботах повседневной жизни. Однако для Жюльет, Альбера, Жегера и Артюра путешествие окажется фатальным и завершившится трагедией, которая навсегда изменит их жизнь.
'Good Night', the blind
In Montmartre, Paris, two friends are leading a happy carefree Bohemian existence. Jean-Luc is a cabinetmaker, Mathieu is a sculptor. Then they both meet the love of their lives and decide to get married. Unfortunately, the objects of their desire are not so eager to be drawn into matrimony.
l’inspecteur Daloup
Young aristocrat Arnaud de Maule hires female private detective Claude Alphand to investigate a strange cult, the Church of the Final Revival, that tried to recruit his girlfriend Chloé, who then disappeared, and it now stalks him.
Guy Pasquier
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
Andre Legent
Brave peasant of the country of Caux, Henri Duchemin is recovering badly from the death of his married wife, whom he loved dearly. After seeing a TV show, the man is convinced that his late wife has reincarnated into a cow.
Driver of the first truck
История злоключений Франсуа Перрена, бывшего футболиста, любовные похождения которого обернулись для него тюрьмой. Пройдя через множество недоразумений, Франсуа выручает свою команду и становится героем.
Le routier
Анни Ларше — домохозяйка, воспитывающая двоих детей вместе с мужем, владельцем фабрики по производству очков. Устав заниматься домашними делами при всеобщем равнодушии домочадцев, она решает дать новый поворот своей жизни. Сначала она устраивается работать регистратором в родильном отделении, а затем приступает к написанию эротического романа...
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
L'ancien gendarme, patron du bistrot
"Le Crabe Tambour" ("Drummer Crab") is the nickname for the mysterious central character, Willsdorff (Jacques Perrin), an Alsatian, whose doomed, out-of-date career is recalled through the tales of three naval officers currently serving aboard a French supply ship in the North Atlantic.
Le second tavernier
Незадачливый король Франции находится в вечном страхе, что собственные придворные постоянно строят против него козни и пытаются его свергнуть с трона. Единственная надежда короля – на верных мушкетеров. Но те своими поборами уже давно довели народ до ручки...
In this family comedy, Papa has no end of trouble getting his young son to accept his new girlfriend.
Lieutenant Herbelin
1957. For several months, Henri Charlègue, the ex-director of the newspaper "Alger democratic", banned, has been living in hiding. Suspected of belonging to the FLN, he is actively sought by paratroopers.
Jean-Marie Fayard is a young examining magistrate in a large provincial french city. He belongs to that generation of judges who are endeavoring to re-adapt the notion of justice to our changing times. His methods are not agreeable to every one. Criticism and pressure are brought to bear upon him but he is aware of his value, professionally, and refuses to make any concessions. He follows an unwavering course. He uses dynamic methods and takes uncustomary initiatives. He behaves like a crusader, a battler, whence the nickname given him by the reporters : the sheriff.
Действие происходит в 1719 году, в предреволюционной Франции, спустя четыре года после смерти Людовика XIV, когда страной фактически правил Филипп Орлеанский, являвшийся регентом при малолетнем Людовике XV. Гуманный регент старается обеспечить своим подданным достойную жизнь и предотвратить восстание крестьян, но он понимает, что не имеет реальной королевской власти. Он пытается заручиться поддержкой священника, но тот заботится только о себе. Регент тяжело переживает смерть своей полубезумной дочери, в инцестной связи с которой его подозревали. Обязанность отдать приказ о казни группы революционеров также приводит его в шок. И только женщины - его слабость - доставляют Филиппу неизменную радость.
"Ambassadors" is a euphemistic name given by the French to Arab "guest-workers," or imported laborers. In this film, the Arab workers are shown enduring the difficulties of life in a racist society, as well as the hardships they impose on one another.
L'autre metteur en scène
Complications abound in this French film, which tells the story of a filmmaker who is attempting to put his real life into a movie; his interactions with the people in the movie he is filming create reverberations in his "real" life, although the past remains unchanged. Among the complications is his growing regard for the woman who plays his cinematic wife. She may wind up replacing his actual wife in real life. One of the highlights of this film is the insight it gives into the actual mechanics of filmmaking.
Félix, saboteur
Профессиональный убийца Милан при исполнении заказа волею судеб оказывается соседом по гостинице с унылым коммивояжером Пиньоном, "профессиональным" лузером, решившим повеситься в номере из-за ухода жены... Милан даже в страшном сне не мог предположить, что мимолетная помощь ближнему вовлечет его в бесконечную череду злоключений с Пиньоном, чье занудство не имеет границ.
In a cul-de-sac in the Faubourg-Saint-Antoine, Leon shares two rooms with his sister Marie. In one, he receives his clients: he is a tailor. In the other, Marie receives her own: she is a clairvoyant. Leon was happy until he learned what Marie was hiding from him. She is actually a prostitute, and Maxime, her supposed fiancé, is her pimp. On the same day, Leon also discovers love in the form of Arlette, a provincial young woman picked up by Marie.
Édouard Carouy
The story of a notorious French criminal gang of the 1910s.
A mysterious history, esoteric formulas pronounced by entreated seeking to dominate the world.
In 1944, in Paris, the leader of a resistance network is looking for the traitor who gave away a radio operator.