Alexandre Leser


Что мы видим, когда смотрим на небо?
Sound Mixer
Однажды летним днем в древнем магическом городе Кутаиси сталкиваются аптекарша Лиза и футболист Георгий. Они встречаются еще раз — на сей раз вечером — и, моментально влюбившись, договариваются о новом свидании, так и не узнав имен друг друга. По дороге домой четыре вестника — саженец, камера наблюдения, ветер и водосточный желоб — безуспешно пытаются предупредить Лизу о сглазе. Наутро Георгий и Лиза просыпаются в новых телах, потеряв все знания: он — о футболе, она — о медицине. Не узнав друг друга в кафе, где они собирались встретиться, пара нанимается туда работать, надеясь увидеть друг друга вновь.
Sound Editor
Early morning in the Bavarian woods. Christoph, suffering from a severe hang-over, sits next to his mother on a high seat. While she is aiming at a deer, Christoph tries to make up his mind. He’s had the plan to come out to her, but this really doesn’t seem like the best time. He checks his breath, screws up his courage and tries to tell her – simultaneously she fires a shot. Everything goes wrong and if that wasn’t enough, his boyfriend is about to arrive.
Blue Eyes and Colorful My Dress
Full of self-confidence, three-year-old Zhana explores her neighbourhood in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. A fresh look at the world, at places and people who fascinate, who make one laugh, who challenge or are challenged by the little explorer.
Sound Designer
Берлинские друзья отмечают день рождения одного из них, после чего отправляются в ночное путешествие по улицам, барам, клубам хипстерского квартала Нойкёльн. Они меняют одно заведение за другим, а в это время — буквально по-чеховски — рушатся их судьбы.
Ihr Sohn
Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
Two teenagers' lives are brought together through internet webcams. Anton's desire is awakened after discovering Lenny's personal video blog on YouTube. Away from the screen, Anton wanders through the big city, wondering whether his virtual meeting with Lenny has a place in the real world.
Silvester Home Run
Production Sound Mixer
Downhill City
A handful of disparate people in Berlin are drawn to the same residential hotel in the drama Downhill City. Finnish musician Artsi heads to Berlin in hopes of hitting the big time; needing a place to stay, he takes a room at the Downhill City Hotel and ties to find a market for his music. Meanwhile, another Downhill Hotel resident, aspiring author Fabien, meets a former convict named Sascha who has nowhere to stay and offers to take him in. Peggy, who works at a fast-food restaurant, is unhappy with her boyfriend Hans and finally kicks him out. Peggy meets Artsi when he stops by the burger stand one day, while Hans (who ends up crashing with Sascha and Fabien) starts a new relationship of his own with Doris.