Markus Glunz


How God Created Us: Coming Out in the Catholic Church
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
125 employees of the Catholic Church come out as queer! In the exclusive ARD documentary, believers in the service of the Catholic Church in Germany dare to go public together. People who identify as non-heterosexual talk about fighting for their church - sometimes at the risk of losing their jobs as a result. There are priests, religious brothers, parish assistants, diocese employees, religion teachers, kindergarten teachers, social workers and many more who report intimidation, denunciations, deep injuries, decades of hide and seek and double lives. The Catholics report a system in which pressure, fear and arbitrariness leave employees uncertain as to what exactly happens when they stand by their sexual orientation or identity. The investigative documentary listens to those who live their faith every day and are nevertheless degraded by the church as an institution.
Milliardenspiel Amateurfußball - Wenn das Geld im Umschlag kommt
Sound Mixer
In German amateur soccer, a lot of money is circulating – partly circumventing taxes. According to this documentary, about 500 million euros worth of illicit money are paid per season.
Foley Editor
После беспрецедентной серии стихийных бедствий, обрушившихся на нашу планету, лидеры мировых держав объединили усилия, чтобы создать разветвленную сеть орбитальных спутников по контролю над климатом для предотвращения природных катаклизмов. Но что-то пошло не так — система, выстроенная для защиты Земли, теперь угрожает ей. Начинается гонка наперегонки со временем, в которой надо успеть обнаружить реальную угрозу до того, как всемирный Геошторм сотрет с лица Земли все живое… и всех живых заодно.
ADR Recordist
История о девушке по имени Лиз, которая пытается сбежать от своего темного прошлого и скрывается от преследования дьявольского проповедника.
Sound Designer
Philipp Halbe can not read and write. He avoids life, works in a bar at night and does not engage in serious relationships. One day when his daughter Lily, whose mother died in a car accident, is about to die, he has to face the challenges of life and fight for custody. The aim of the film is to raise awareness of the problem of illiteracy and thus to contribute to the de-tabulation.
The House Is Burning
Original Music Composer
A fly lands on a table to drink some spilled liquid; spotting an open children's book, it flies over and tries to emulate the picture of an elephant balancing on its trunk.
A fly lands on a table to drink some spilled liquid; spotting an open children's book, it flies over and tries to emulate the picture of an elephant balancing on its trunk.