Serkan Keskin

Serkan Keskin

Рождение : 1977-11-25, Kocaeli, Türkiye


Serkan Keskin
Serkan Keskin
Serkan Keskin
Serkan Keskin


Treasure Hunter
Suna is a teenage athlete who lives with her mother in a mountain village much like the world at large: here, things are run by older men who know it all, environmental destruction looms, and greed beats in most hearts.
New Year's Eve
With the hope that the pandemic is coming to an end, Didem has been preparing for a New Year’s Eve celebration for over a month. All her loved ones can finally get together and make up for the lost time, but the lockdown announcement has her plans blown off course. Ozan is determined to let his wife have the celebration she deserves. He invites their neighbors to the party, and the fun begins.
Mesut, a civil servant who returns his hometown to bury his mother, is dragged into by his younger brother Musa to a treasure hunt and finds himself tangled up with a murder.
Forty-year-old Günel, whose only passion in life is to photograph inanimate objects, meets an energetic and sympathetic Şefik during the free Cyprus holiday that she won in the company lottery. The holiday, which starts with a beer in a luxury villa, by the pool, becomes unpleasant when Günel breaks his leg. Her only solace is meeting Nazli, who has the same name as her neighbor in Istanbul and is a nurse just like her. Watching Şefik in the neighboring villa out of distress, Günel witnesses an unexpected… murder? He can't be sure because of the hot weather and the drugs he takes.
Ela and Hilmi with Ali
Veteran math teacher Hilmi is preparing the earthquake survivor Ela for her college applications and is mentoring Ali, the doorman's son, who flunked for the second time at school. As they seek refuge from loneliness in each other, they slowly find themselves in an uncanny triangle, where all boundaries dissolve.
Ты, я, Ленин
Однажды в небольшом черноморском городке волны выбрасывают на берег деревянную скульптуру Ленина. Статую устанавливают на центральной площади в надежде, что она привлечёт туристов. Планируется официальная церемония открытия с участием премьер-министра и делегации из России, но в этот момент статую похищают. Из Анкары присылают двух полицейских, которые должны найти фигуру за 12 часов. Горожане дают неожиданный ответ на вопрос «Где Ленин?»
Hey There!
Istanbul is under quarantine. Felek and Kerim find the best way to make profits in this period. They will access people's computers and introduce themselves as government officials, making them confess their "crimes". However, the city in question is Istanbul and all kinds of people live here.
I Am The Sea
Deniz (Sea), is a 20 year old boy who makes a living by gathering discarded cardboards for his father's recycling business. He returns to the warehouse empty handed every time unlike the Syrian refugees and gets scolded by his father. One day he enters a construction site, in order to collect more cardboard. There he meets Nisan (April), a young girl who will change the course of his life. He urgently needs to find some money in order to be with her. Once his dad refuses to help, he would have to figure out an alternative solution.
Мы такие
Группа старых друзей, которые в детстве и юности проводили вместе летние месяцы в доме Незихе, узнав о том, что она заболела решают приехать из Стамбула в Измир, чтобы навестить ее. Став взрослыми и успешными людьми впервые за многие годы команда вновь собирается в одном доме. Команду, полной контрастных персонажей, которые вынуждены провести несколько дней вместе, ждут сюрпризы, сведение счетов за прошлое и забавные приключения…
Портрет красоты
Нисан получает важную новость об отце, с которым не встречалась на протяжении многих лет. Она вместе с мужем Озгюром и дочерью Алин приезжает в отцовский дом, находящийся в маленькой деревушке. Вернувшись в дом отца, наполненных таинственными историями, Нисан сталкивается со своим прошлым, а также загнана в угол комиссаром Октаем, который пытается приоткрыть тайную завесу, касающегося ее отца…
Hakan and Nihal have been married for many years. Shortly after they find out that Nihal is unable to have children, she disappears. While searching for her, Hakan makes some painful discoveries. He must face his inner demons to discover what happened to his wife.
Voyage of the Wild Pear
A documentary about the filming session of the film “The Wild Pear Tree” by Nuri Bilge Ceylan… ‘The Wild Pear Tree’ had been shot in about 14 weeks in Western Anatolia.
The film begins with the arrival of a baby whose name was Muzaffer placed in a world where markets, schools, houses, people ... everything is so familiar and so strange. What distinguishes him from others in the world of the story is his curiosity. What will happen if he leaves the stone that everyone has been carrying all his life out of his hands?
Ali and Meryem are an ordinary family on the face of it. Meryem has a child from a previous relationship with Ferit. When Ferit reappears years later, Ali puts his wife to a test of trust. While Meryem is caught between her sense of gratitude and the agony of love, Ali's self-esteem begins to crumble. Ferit's murder fans the flames of distrust between them. They are too suspicious of one another to talk. During the police questioning, they cling to one another once again. Complicity becomes the glue of trust between them. Now they are a proper family.
Дикая груша
Синан обожает литературу и всегда хотел быть писателем. Вернувшись в родную деревню он прикладывает невероятные усилия, чтобы собрать денег, которые нужны для издания книги. Но все собранные средства уходят на оплату долгов, которые оставил отец.
Кемаль, Кенан и Сузи выросли в одной большой семье, но покинули свою крошечную деревню, когда стали старше. Пути героев разошлись, и они вновь встретились, когда прозвенел неожиданный звонок от отца, требующего их немедленного возвращения в деревню. Старшему сыну велено убедить брата и сестру бросить все и приехать. Герои должны перебороть себя, пройтись по местам юности и справиться с волнующим их прошлым.
Gerçek Kesit: Manyak
Riza, a garbage man becomes obsessed in her old mother when he finds a woman's corpse in a garbage can. But someday he meets with his new neighbor,a beautiful widow and starts to lose track of reality, stuck between his love and her mother.
Clair Obscur
Şehnaz, a young female psychiatrist from Istanbul, starts mandatory duty in a provincial town. Back in the city, she maintains a marriage that looks flawless on the outside. Elmas, a young woman on the verge of breakdown, opens a new path in her.
Besim, who set out on a long interprovincial journey with the truck escrowed to him, is stuck in the middle of a deserted road in the heart of Anatolia because of an engine breakdown. His efforts to find a mechanic for the truck, fearing that it will catch on fire, becomes more and more complicated.
Джингёз Реджаи
«Благородный вор» Джингёз Реджаи спустя много лет вновь выходит на дело. Однако решает совершить кражу не со своей командой. Он присоединяется к одной темной банде, и начнет менять образы, чтобы обокрасть дом одного гения технологий. Он приближается к своей цели, о которой никто не знает.
Words Fly Away
Three young people enter to a bookshop as out of breath. And the bookseller shows the miracle of books.
The Bank of Broken Hearts
Based on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, set in Istanbul, the tragic story of three heroes chasing an unlikely dream, running towards their sad end in a Shakespearean manner.
Такая странная любовь
When a group of people meets at the same party, they form four different relationships, each experiencing similar phases of love.
Последний шницель
Vice President Molla Hasim
В далеком будущем земляне готовятся к эвакуации с исчерпавшей свои ресурсы родной планеты. Президент Великой Турецкой Республики объявляет, что не позволит своему народу покинуть Землю, пока ему не подадут на ужин куриный шницель. Загвоздка в том, что последняя курица на Земле умерла более двухсот лет назад...
The Swaying Waterlily
Handan and Korhan a middle-aged couple who live their lives in one of istanbul's best neighborhoods. Handan constantly invents things for herself in order to fill her life. Handan, imitates her friend Sermin and starts writing! But this desire, which is innocent in the first place, will become jealous over time and diverge in different ways.
No Way
A Turkish taxi driver tells stories which are almost unbelievable.
So begins an entertaining road story where we witness two brothers with different cultural backgrounds, who don't even know each other, have similarities, differences and even their fights.
У меня есть возражение
Selman Bulut
В мечети происходит убийство. Имаму придётся сильно постараться, чтобы распутать это преступление самому. Ведь он теперь для полиции является главным подозреваемым.
Cenk has just arrived back to Istanbul from the United States. Suppressed love slowly begins to resurface after he encounters Ece, a woman whom he had a romantic relationship with in the past. Suddenly, there is a robbery attempt in a quiet and gloomy house, which results in a crime being committed.
Thou Gild'st the Even
In a small town in Anatolia, whose inhabitants possess various supernatural powers but still have to deal with ordinary problems, Cemal helps out in his father’s barbershop and, in his free time, acts as a football referee.
F Tipi Film
Nine stories of resistance against solitary confinement of political prisoners in Turkey.
Ozgur is a young woman who is the daughter of a refugee family fled to France. She is born and raised in Paris. After her father Huseyin's death, she comes to Istanbul to fulfill Huseyin's last wish. He wanted to be buried in his own country. But because of September 12 military coup d'etat period, Huseyin is no more a Turkish citizen. So this happens to be a great obstacle for Ozgur. This will force Ozgur to a journey both in Istanbul and herself. In this journey Ozgur will meet with her father's and mother's relatives who are completely different people. Most importantly she will meet with Ferhat who will deeply effect her. This journey will become a confrontation with themselves and 2011's Turkey for Ozgur and Ferhat.
Мухаррем вынуждает своих старых приятелей пригласить себя на ужин, несмотря на то, что он ненавидит их, а они – его. Встреча начинается с безобидных шуток и банального хвастовства, но постепенно, под воздействием алкоголя, разговор переходит на неудобные темы прошлого. Старые обиды приводят к новой стычке. Заряженный злобой и жалостью к себе, главный герой выходит на улицы ночного города, где встречает проститутку. Теперь он хочет отыграться на ней за все унижения, которым подвергался всю свою жизнь.
Yusuf, a young jeweller from the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, is having a bad time. His wife, Asli, is in hospital and there is nothing he can do to encourage her. Time passes, Yusuf's depression and Asli's fear of death cause the communication between them to fall into a deep pit until Elena, an attractive abused foreigner comes in her life.
Охотничий сезон
Adli Tıp Doktoru
Жизнь трёх детективов из отдела по расследованию убийств меняется после того, как они приступили к раскрытию дела о девушке, которая исчезла.
Reşat, a withdrawn and asocial young man who works at a pirate DVD shop, represses his feelings for the girl next door, and adds excitement to his life with petty theft. The film turns into a thriller when the shadowy Celal, a friend of Reşat's boss, gets shot just after he leaves a package in the shop and Reşat has to make sense of the photo and the gun it contains.
Bold Guy in Disco
Celal, lives an unhappy family life with his wife Sevilay and his child in a small town. Celal and his brother Cemal, running an electrician shop which doesn't go well. They are in debt. The only fun they have is going to the night clubs in Samsun. Celal's love for Sibel Ceylan who works in the night club, will cause him trouble. Celal's wife, Sevilay, saves her money, sent by her father who lives in Germany. She is unaware of the fact that Celal knows her secret.
Coffeeshop Owner
Kosmos is a thief and a miracle-worker. He appears one morning in a tiny, snowbound border village where he is welcomed with open arms – on account of arriving just in time to resuscitate a small boy who would otherwise have drowned.
10 to 11
Mithat passionately collects newspapers in his Istanbul flat. The other tenants ridicule him and he lives a lonely life. As the building is to be renovated, Mithat develops a friendship with concierge Ali, another loner, who helps him save his collection. They involuntarily change each other’s fate.
A Son of the Sun
Although it sounds good in theory, the miracle of becoming the Son of the Sun doesn't in practice turn out the way Fikri Şemsigil expects. His whole life depends on this one "big" day, but the consequences of this miracle disappoint Fikri as his life is turned upside down. To rid himself of this so-called miracle, Fikri decides to explore its source but there's still the big problem with the woman in the building across the street!
Arrested while a student in university, Yusuf is released from prison after ten years. He returns home and is welcomed by his sick and elderly mother. Soon he will meet Eka, a beautiful Georgian girl who is a sex worker, and love becomes a final desperate attempt to grasp life and elude loneliness.
Çinliler Geliyor
The Silly
The movie Saskin (Silly) is about a young guy Mehmet, who falls in love with a girl who happens to comment about perfect love on a radio show and follows her to a holiday resort where she possibly work.
Mommy, I'm Scared
In an apartment building where neighbors, friends, and family are living in close quarters, three male protagonists encounter three phases of manhood in Turkish society. Directors Reha Erdem's light touch and slyly amusing style do not miss the opportunity to illuminate some serious points in a strictly patriarchal society.