Krista Kosonen

Krista Kosonen

Рождение : 1983-05-28, Espoo, Finland


Krista Erika Kosonen is a Finnish actress, best known for her appearances in movies such as Jade Warrior (2006), Princess (2010), Body of Water (2011), Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019), and most recently the Norwegian HBO series Beforeigners. Kosonen graduated from artistic expression focused Kallio's high school, after which she studied acting at the Lahti Folk High School. She then began her studies at Helsinki Theater Academy, where she graduated as a Master of Theater Arts in 2009. She is married to Finnish film director Antti J. Jokinen.


Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen
Krista Kosonen


Two elderly roommates at a hospice are randomly selected for a Gene-Therapy Trial that rejuvenates their bodies, making them younger. Given a second chance at love, lust and life, with the memories of their past life intact, they now must find their place in a new world that has left them behind.
Vivica Bandler
История жизни и творчества создательницы муми-троллей Туве Янссон. После войны молодая художница окунулась в атмосферу творческой и социальной свободы. Она шокировала общество свободными отношениями с женатым политиком, но куда больший ажиотаж вызвала любовная связь с театральным режиссером Вивикой Бэндлер, которая дала Туве настоящий толчок в творчестве.
Helena Westermarck
Year 1915. Helene Schjerfbeck lives as a forgotten artist with her elderly mother in the countryside. It has been years since the last exhibit, and Helene continues to paint only because of her passion. Everything changes when art dealer finds Helen and her 159 wonderful paintings - and wants to organize a big private exhibit. However, Helen's turning point comes only when she is introduced to Einar Reuter. Young Einar is a forester, art enthusiast, and a passionate admirer of Helene's work. He becomes Helen's trusted and lover.
Собаки не носят штанов
Мужчина становится вдовцом. Долгое время после этого он не может найти связь с окружающими, пока однажды он не знакомится с доминатрикс.
Force of Habit
Force of Habit follows the lives of various women throughout one day. Hilla is having a romantic vacation, Emmi is throwing a house party, and Milja is on her way to school when they’re approached by a stranger and things take an unexpected turn. At the same time, Emppu, a young actress, is conflicted as she rehearses for the biggest role of her life. Elsewhere, Aleksi, an inexperienced prosecutor, is preparing for his first court case in haste; Niina, the victim of the crime, has been waiting years to see her case tried. Miia throws a company party, and the mood dramatically changes when her colleague Katja opens up about their boss coming on to her. Miia and a couple of her closest colleagues try to resolve the situation, but how do the others react?
No Big Deal
A couple’s romantic evening changes when a strange man gropes the woman.
Бегущий по лезвию 2049
Doxie #2
В недалеком будущем мир населен людьми и репликантами, созданными выполнять самую тяжелую работу. Работа офицера полиции Кей - держать репликантов под контролем в условиях нарастающего напряжения... Пока он случайно не становится обладателем секретной информации, которая ставит под угрозу существование всего человечества. Желая найти ключ к разгадке, Кей решает разыскать Рика Декарда, бывшего офицера специального подразделения полиции Лос-Анджелеса, который бесследно исчез много лет назад.
После длительных розысков, Анна разыскивает свою старшую сестрёнку, какую не видела с малолетства. Но, удовлетворенность соединения продолжается не продолжительно, так как Анджела должна солидную сумму наличных средств здешним злодеям. Для того чтобы посодействовать ей, Анна дает согласие исполнять в танце бурлеск, однако со временем сёстры понимают, что нормальным методом получить эдакие финансы у них не выйдет.
Rolli and the Secret of All Time
Rolli and little elf girl Juniper along with the rest of the rollis and other strange creatures lead peaceful and rollishly fun lives in their flourishing Rolli Village. One day the inquisitive friends Rolli and Juniper hear incredible news from Malcolm the Maggot: somewhere far away, beyond mountains, forests and the sea, lies a place called The Beginning of All Time. That’s where the storks always take off on their trips to deliver babies in small bundles to their new homes. Rolli and Juniper cannot help but become curious. Both of them have fallen into Rolli Village in a bundle from the sky, and especially Juniper has always wondered where she came from. The two friends decide to throw themselves into a joint adventure. They embark on a trip toward The Beginning of All Time in order to find the answer to life’s greatest secret.
Flowers of Evil
Unrest breaks out in eastern Helsinki as a Finnish family man gets hospitalized in the summer of 2015. Gangs of young people are burning down cars and public buildings, confronting the security guards and the riot police. The narrative goes backwards, towards the riots which mark the end of our movie. As the story begins, the unrest is still bubbling under, ready to explode any time. Vandalism and robbery are not uncommon in the suburbs; neither is violence towards the police and the security guards. Frustration, alienation, isolation and poverty corrode the asphalt surface of the multicultured society, otherwise relatively harmonious.
Сувениры из Москвы
Pilvi Varis
Две страны привыкли к плотному политическому сотрудничеству, и когда секретные агенты одной из стран узнали, что на влиятельного чиновника из России готовится покушение, то они сообщили об этом своим российским коллегам. По сведениям разведки, на чиновника нападут во время его приезда в Хельсинки на деловую конференцию, и теперь жизнь депутата зависит только от профессионализма тайных агентов принимающей страны. Но враг крайне изощренный и опасный, поэтому сотрудникам секретной службы придется приложить максимум усилий, чтобы спасти жизнь русского чиновника, проведя тайную от всего мира операцию.
The Midwife
Helena has worked as a kind of midwife on the eve of the Lapland War. She wants to leave everything behind, and a suitable opportunity arises when she falls in love with a German-Finnish officer Johannes, who is leaving to German-led Titovka prison camp in the Soviet Union. Helena enlists into the camp as a nurse, where she experiences the brutality of war.
Большие важные вещи
свои 26 лет у Крейга, казалось бы, есть все: стабильная работа, любящая семья, он собирается начать новый этап жизни со своей девушкой.
Things We Do for Love
Vaarala, a reserved romantic photographer, has an odd artistic vision of loneliness: he takes serial photos of an empty park bench in remote spaces of nature. When he meets and falls in love with the spirited, unruly Ansa, his ‘bench’ is suddenly filled. But in order to be with her he has to not only overcome his own frailties, but also the impending danger of Ansa’s volatile ex-con ex, and then Ansa herself, a woman prone to impulsiveness and impetuousness.
Rolli and the Golden Key
A flock of storks fly in the misty sky, all carrying white bundles. One of the bundles falls and a little girl called Juniper ends up in a strange world. This is the beginning of a wonderful, magical adventure as the girl tries to find out who she really is and where she came from. She finally meets an old troll called Rolli who tells the girl his own, eventful story. The girl and the troll become friends and together they encounter a dangerous threat against the fairytale woods. This is a universal tale of bravery and friendship that takes its audience through exciting plot twists, circus spotlights and the splendor of the fantastic forest.
Gloriously Wasted
Juha Berg is a 30-year-old hopeless drunk in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki. Juha doesn't have the first intention of changing his way of life - just the opposite. He really enjoys sundry sexual relationships, adrenalin-inducing violence and, of course, alcohol for which he gets money even if by collecting bottles. But the hilarity in a drunken haze soon gets a run for its money as the passionate Juha falls in love with his AA group leader. The relationship with Tiina progresses quickly to dating and Juha has to make pivotal decisions. Juha has to begin balancing between maintaining a functional intimate relationship and his old lifestyle. Juha's best friend Kristian does his best to sabotage the relationship, and Juha's shaky decision to stay sober is further hindered by Mikael, an expert on German erotica. But how far can you go before there is only one solution left?
История двух женщин из разных эпох, чьи жизни одинаково полны обмана, отчаяния и страха. Алиида пережила кошмар сталинских лагерей и депортацию эстонцев в Сибирь. Одновременно ей приходится жить с чувством вины за свой оппортунизм и даже за гибель людей. Однажды ночью в 1992 году она находит во внутреннем дворике своего дома молодую женщину: Зара скрывается от бандитов русской мафии, которые держали ее как сексуальную рабыню. Впоследствии выясняется, что Алиида и Зара — родственницы. Постепенно их отношения и их истории сплетаются в сложную сеть…
Road North
A father who was absent for 30 years of his son's life returns and wants to set on a journey through Finland, so they can learn to know each other again.
The beloved actor Risto (Risto Kaskilahti) gets paralyzed - quadriplegiac - in a studio accident. The accident brings him massive financial compensation and a flood of sympathy. Suddenly there is money for everything that Risto's young and beautiful wife (Krista Kosonen) has always wanted. She gives up her boring job and becomes an artist.
Body of Water
Julia is a young lawyer who has been in conflict with her father for a long time. Her mother seems a bit insane, and Julia thinks that he is partially responsible for this. She has also split with the father of her son and tries to escape all these concerns by working hard. On a new case, she is brought back to the house near the lake where she was raised to help a group of environmentalists to protect its natural beauty against the industrial project of a power company. But by doing so she has to fight the greed of the locals, and their trust in an evil spirit that is believed to be attached to the lake.
Christina von Heyroth ("Prinsessan hovineito")
Princess tells the true story of former cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen's redemptive struggle with insanity, who checked in to Finland's Kellokoski Psychiatric Hospital in 1945.
Heli, a business student, decides to post an escort ad on the Internet. Soon she meets her first client Risto, the CEO of a Russian oriented trade company. Risto is more than willing to rent Heli's services for longer than just one night. Later, Heli takes her friends out for a fancy dinner without them knowing of her new secret career. Heli soon realizes that the money earned on the previous night is now playing a role in her present and future life.
Год волка
Sari Karaslahti
Сари — талантливая студентка, изучающая литературу, внешне спокойная и уверенная в себе. Женщины завидуют ее уму и красоте, мужчины восхищаются ею. Но у Сари эпилепсия, страшное, таинственное заболевание, и боязнь новых приступов заставляет ее вести себя очень осмотрительно, сохраняя дистанцию с другими людьми. Познакомившись с Микко Громаном, пожилым лектором своего факультета, Сари замечает в нем знакомую отчужденность. Микко, живущий в собственном пространстве, чувствует себя свободно лишь в мире поэзии XIX века. В его лице Сари и находит близкого себе человека, но остальные видят в них лишь двух совершенно непохожих друг на друга людей.
Воин севера
Много веков назад бесстрашный воин Синтай вступает в неравный бой с демоном, чтобы защитить свою любовь и избавить мир от зла… Но поединок не завершен, а лишь отложен на время. Тысячу лет спустя когда исследователи пытаются расшифровать послание, найденное в гробнице древнего воина, Синтай с помощью магической мельницы Сампо обретает новое рождение. Ему предстоит новый бой с демоном…