В 1984 году молодой программист пишет игру по мрачному роману в жанре фэнтэзи, постепенно теряя связь с реальностью. Безумная история с альтернативными концовками.
Original Music Composer
Ginko's younger brother Tetsuro, a failed comedian, is the oddball of the family. Embarrassing, loud and plain inappropriate at times causes Ginko to disown him. The two reunite when she discovers Tetsuro is terminally ill. Tetsuro’s impending death marks the beginning of love and toleration.
Во времена жесткого внутреннего террора, когда Япония готовится вступить во Вторую мировую войну, муж главной героини попадает в лагерь из-за своих политических взглядов. Кабеи, оставшаяся одна с двумя детьми, не дает себе сдаться: назло всем — правительству, родному отцу, всему миру,- она не отказывается от мужа. Ее жизнь превращается в пример незаметного, непафосного, лишенного идеологии героизма, когда нужно накормить детей, послать в тюрьму теплое кимоно, сходить на собрание жильцов… И все это так, чтобы окружающие не заметили, насколько тебе тяжело.
Original Music Composer
В середине XIX века наступают последние дни сегунов и самураев. Ветер перемен ощущается по всей Японии и даже в маленьком княжестве Унасаку на северо-западном побережье Японии… Тайную технику фехтования «Коготь дьявола» знает только Мунедзо, поэтому мир самураев еще не готов позволить Мунедзо уйти на свободу.
Original Music Composer
История Сейбея — скромного самурая низшего ранга и его семьи, живших в эпоху смуты. Сейбей победил в поединке противника деревянным мечом, и когда об этом распространилась молва, он против своей воли оказался вовлеченным в конфликт внутри самурайского клана и получает приказ сюзерена убить такого же, как и он сам, вассала…
Пятнадцатилетний паренек не может свыкнуться с тем фактом, что он должен тратить свои лучшие годы на неинтересную и бессмысленную школу. Мать его не понимает, плачет. Отец не хочет признавать такого сына.
In 1916, Gustav Holst, a composer of music and self-admitted mystic, wrote a brilliant orchestral suite entitled "THE PLANETS." This work has been enjoyed by millions in concert halls, under the stars in outdoor amphitheaters, and at home on phonograph records, audio tapes and compact discs. Sixty years after "THE PLANETS" was written, internationally renowned keyboard artist and composer Isao Tomita created a highly popular electronic version of the Holst suite. It is "THE TOMITA PLANETS" that award-winning Director Don Barrett has chosen for the soundtrack of his musical video grand tour of the Solar System.
Трогательная история о ежедневной жизни преподавателей и учеников в средней школе для умственно отсталых детей.
Original Music Composer
Курои, преподаватель вечерней школы, просит, чтобы каждый его ученик написал эссе, вспоминая свои переживания и приключения в классе.
Karin has lived alone in a secluded mountain village with her consumptive mother since her father died. Her worried grandfather advises her to send her mother to a sanatorium and be adopted by him, although she refuses to accept. On the Buddhist All Soul’s Day Festival in August, a messenger from her grandfather pays a sudden visit to her house.
Original Music Composer
The organization Mighty Jack is formed to combat the criminal syndicate known as "Q", and are given a large array of advanced weapons, chief among them being a high-tech submarine. Harold Hatari is abducted by Q, and Mighty Jack is dispatched to rescue him. Hatari is interrogated and threatened with blinding lights, but the Mighty Jack crew rescue him in the nick of time. Later, Q is discovered to be using "hot ice" (water that remains solid at room temperature) to create weapons and a secret ocean base disguised as an iceberg (though it's not precisely clear how hot ice could be a major world threat). Q then attempts to take over the Mighty Jack sub.
Маркер уводит зрителя в другое измерение, где кадры, снятые в Японии, Африке, Исландии, Франции и США являются попыткой понять мечты человечества. Его интересуют экзотические образы, появляющиеся перед камерой в этих местах и скрытые моменты, вызывающие контрасты и сравнения. Эти образы, воображаемый кинооператор обсуждает в письмах к воображаемой женщине, он говорит о классических фильмах, компьютерных играх и современных взглядах.
Magistrate Toyama no Kin-san is ordered to catch the phantom thief Nezumi Kozo, who is robbing daimyo and wealthy townspeople. Under the name of Nezumi Kozo, there is a small wholesaler Jiro. And once Toyama and Jiro, when they were young, were comrades who spent all their time gambling and having fun with women in the Yushima Tenjin area...
Music Director
Существует поверье, что в пруду Ясягаикэ живет дракон. Много лет назад жители деревни заключили с ним сделку. Каждый день колокол храма должен звонить три раза. До тех пор, пока этот порядок будет соблюдаться, дракон не станет выходить из воды, и деревня не будет затоплена. Акира приехал из Токио несколько лет назад, чтобы записывать местные легенды и рассказы. Он взял в жены местную красавицу, сиротку Юки, а сам сделался звонарем в храме. Легенда о драконе настолько поразила его, что когда предыдущий звонарь умер, Акира решил взять на себя соблюдение соглашения с драконом. Но с наступлением засухи многие в деревне хотели бы, чтобы пруд разлился. Хочет этого и божество водоема – принцесса Сираюки, уже давно мечтающая воссоединиться со своим возлюбленным.
Original Music Composer
Professor Nishiyama, after studying and interpreting the prophecies of Nostradamus, realizes that the end of the world is at hand. Unfortunately, nobody listens to him until it is too late. As the effects of mankind's tampering of the earth - radioactive smog clouds, hideously mutated animals, destruction of the ozone layer - rage out of control, the world leaders hurtle blindly toward the final confrontation. The film sparked controversy in Japan and was subsequently pulled out of circulation, with no official video release of the uncut film.
Romantic drama based on the manga published in Young Comic.
Original Music Composer
Against the backdrop of the Edo treasury devaluing currency and driving many into poverty, Hanzo Itami enforces the law without regard to status. He shows inadequate respect to the treasurer, who wants him dead.
В центре сюжета самурай, который ищет убийцу своих родителей.
In post-war Japan, a publisher goes to visit her former teacher for help on a modern translation of a legend about a mummified Buddhist monk who was revived and who, centuries later, turned into a sex demon who terrorized a village in pre-modern Japan.
Original Music Composer
Ванг Конг, однорукий меченосец из Китая, спасает от смерти маленького мальчика, случайно оказавшегося на пути самурайской процессии. Не потерпевшие вмешательства самураи хватаются за мечи, что приводит к гибели нескольких крестьян. Стремясь уничтожить всех свидетелей этой бойни, убийцы начинают охоту за Вангом Конгом. Тем временем Затоичи знакомится с мальчиком, которого спас Ванг Конг. Его отец стал одной из жертв самурвев, и перед смертью он просит Затоичи позаботиться о его сыне. Взяв его с собой, Затоичи вновь отправляется в странствия и вскоре встречается с Вангом Конгом. Не доверяя своему новому знакомому, за голову которого назначена награда, Затоичи не знает, что стравить их между собой выгодно местному боссу, который видит в этом хороший способ увеличить свое влияние. Двое отважных воинов говорят на разных языках и в конце концов окажутся по разные стороны баррикад в битве, в которой выживет только один.
Original Music Composer
Three people from the future, who travel spiritually to the era of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII Philopator and her Roman lovers Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, become their closest friends as they try to unravel the nature of the plan developed in their own time by a sinister enemy.
Original Music Composer
Затойчи приходит на женский аукцион, чтобы спасти самурайскую невесту. Он задает жалким преступником жару. Попоясничав при игре в кости, в сауне происходит сражение голых татуированных якудз…
Everybody's chasing a diamond in Sadao Nakajima's crime/action/drama. It was a based on a novel by Tsusai Sugawara, who was a Japanese writer and political figure campaigning against drugs, prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases.
Original Music Composer
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
Аладдин влюбляется в прекрасную рабыню, которую продают на невольничьем рынке Багдада. Девушку зовут Мириум, и она нравится молодому безумцу до такой степени, что он похищает её из-под носа работорговца.
Original Music Composer
An Osaka gangster Shimamura just got married. His new bride, Mineko is also involved in drug trafficking. When she goes to China to make a deal, things get botched pretty badly. Shimamura must travel to save her and recoup his employers’ losses.
The third film in the Zenka-mono series.At the beginning of the Showa period, Matsukichi Iwaki was released from prison after 10 years in prison. Matsukichi came to Yokosuka relying on his old friend Mitsuo Nakai from the Nakai gang, but Nakai was killed and the gang disbanded. Matsukichi discovers that the Shimanaka gang is behind everything, and from her the thread reaches the Navy. With the help of grenades and sword, Matsukichi, nicknamed "Bomb Man", sets off a disorderly rampage.
Shinkai comes to the aid of a coastal village being held hostage by a group of political revolutionaries.
Original Music Composer
Главную роль исполняет знаменитая «оннагата» - так в Японии называют мужчин - актеров театра Кабуки, которые играют женские роли, Акахиро Мива. Он (она?) играет обаятельного вора драгоценностей, которую более привлекает не цена украшений, а их красота. Она «собирает» самых красивых людей - выслеживает их, бальзамирует и складирует в своем музее живых кукол.
Original Music Composer
Nabeshima Naoshige murders his lord, Ryuzoji Takafusa, seeking to gain power and steal his Lord’s wife. To avoid her fate, Lady Takafusa drowns herself along with her cat in a nearby marsh. A decade later, Naoshige’s efforts to steal another woman trigger a curse on him when she also commits suicide at the same marsh — forcing him to suffer the consequences of his past actions.
Second film of the Gokudo series starring Tomisaburô Wakayama
Original Music Composer
The long awaited second film in the Wicked Priest series is a masterpiece of sword swinging fury as Shinkai is asked by a man on the run to bring his young son to live with his grandfather, the master of a ju-jitsu dojo during the Taisho period of the early 20th century. Shinkai then runs afoul of a gangster group using strong-arm tactics to take over the profits from local gambling. When he proves to be more than they can handle, they hire the one man who has the ability to kill Shinkai and exact revenge, Ryotatsu, the karate priest whom Shinkai blinded in the first film. This ultra-violent entry has long been considered the best movie in the series and never made its way to home video before. See a spectacular display of Wakayama Tomisaburo’s martial art expertise in this action packed film. The Holy Grail of sword movies has arrived at last! /Winterheart of CG
Action drama about a Japanese gangster in Manchuria circa 1932, who finally joins some Chinese mountain bandits.
Original Music Composer
Якудза из разных банд зачисляются в японскую армию, где у них много проблем с адаптацией к новой жизни и войне в Китае.
The story of men devoted to the yakuza lifestyle and their struggles during a time of fading yakuza power.
In the latter half of the 21st century, Captain Ultra and the crew of his ship the Mighty Spiegel oppose the Vandel aliens. Re-edited from episodes 2 and 5 of the TV series and released theatrically as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri.
Original Music Composer
Sawaki is released from prison after serving eight years for murdering a rival gang leader in order to obtain the land rights to a landfill for the Kotaki clan and he discovers that the world has changed significantly in that time. The police have forced the disbanding of all yakuza groups in and around Tokyo and most of the former yakuza have moved on to legitimate jobs. Sawaki is disgusted that his yakuza brothers have abandoned their codes of honor and are abusing their newfound power in the legitimate business world to exploit the poor. Sawaki feels partly responsible for making them so powerful and enabling their corruption, so he decides to follow his traditional code of honor to save the residents of a small town where his former lover lives.
Part 2 of the 'Onna bangaichi' series
Original Music Composer
Japanese prison exploitation movie. Part 1 of the 'Onna bangaichi' series
Original Music Composer
Инукаи — соучастник преступлений, которые совершаются во время массовых разрушений от сильного тайфуна, потрясшего Хоккайдо в 1947 году. Инукаи убивает двух своих сообщников и бежит с деньгами. По пути он встречает зловещую слепую колдунью, которая видит его насквозь. Беглец проводит ночь с симпатичной, но недалекой проституткой, оставляя ей немного денег, которые полностью переворачивают ее жизнь. Проходит 10 лет. Инукаи преуспел в жизни, носит дорогие костюмы и ездит на роскошных машинах. А девушка все эти годы хотела отблагодарить его за щедрость. Судьба снова трагически сводит их вместе…
Original Music Composer
This was the first episode of Mushi Pro Land, a unique series of 60-minute animated programs. It was also Japan's first 60-minute animated TV program. However, the series never materialized and only this episode was actually aired. The story follows Stevenson's "Treasure Island," featuring characters in the form of animals. For example, the pirate Silver is illustrated as a wolf, where the main character Jim is changed into a rabbit. This has, therefore, nothing to do with the "New Treasure Island," Tezuka's masterpiece Manga.
A dreamy boy in a distant country saves a fish beached on the shore. When he lets it loose in a pool of water, the fish turns into a beautiful mermaid.
Original Music Composer
Sabu and his pals hold a pauper's funeral for Sabu's mother. His brother Jiro arrives home, fresh out of jail, and Sabu pointedly states that Jiro is not invited. Jiro meanwhile is planning a big job - steal 40 million in cash and drugs, and he invites Sabu and gang to act as decoys, for 50,000 each. The sting is a success, but the double-crossing starts almost immediately. Sabu discovers how little of the take they were promised and hides the stash. Jiro and his slimy partner pressure the kids to fess up. Meanwhile, their respectable elder brother Ichiro is being leaned on by the town's big boss, whose money it was.
The investigation team of the police department is chasing a vicious criminal who kidnaps children, the key to catching the villain this time is the phone. The 18th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari".
Original Music Composer
Detective Morgan and the Japanese police cooperate to unveil the truth of the mysterious death of Morgan’s friend in Arizona.
Detectives of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department are investigating the murder of a 15-year-old girl, whose strangled corpse was found in the bay of the Tama River. As usual, the film runs only one hour and doesn’t depart too far from the usual formula; however, it greatly benefits from frequent outdoor locations that were missing from the previous film. It also touches far more serious topics, such as child abuse and mental insanity. 16th work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.
The First Investigation Department is investigating a murder case that took place at a government agency, with particular attention to finding an alibi for the suspects. A security guard was killed in the building, the safe was broken into, but nothing was stolen. The three suspects have alibis, but who then killed the guard and broke into the safe? The 15th work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department. Sonny Chiba's first film role as one of the seven detectives.
A Dead Drifter / Hyoryû shitaî
In the former landfill, where construction is currently underway, the corpse of a middle-aged man with an unusual rosary in his hand was dug up. An autopsy showed that the victim was about 40 years old, 170 cm tall, had bad teeth, and had been strangled about a month ago. The police department begins an investigation, Detectives Hayashi and Kitagawa set out to investigate the origin of the rosary, and Detectives Nagata and Watanabe begin interviewing construction workers. In the end, it turns out that the rosary belongs to some new religion...
The 19th work from the series "Keishicho Monogatari".