Salvatore Cantalupo

Salvatore Cantalupo

Рождение : 1959-07-08, Napoli, Italy


Salvatore Cantalupo


Un confine incerto
Leo Cavalli
The film is a rendition of Resurrection, Tolstoy’s last novel. It begins with a reading of the beginning of the first part in Naples, in September 2012. It moves on to Berlin, Locarno 2013, Oneglia, Paris, Casalborgone, and it ends in Milan with the beginning of the second part. The places and times change, and so do the people doing the reading. But also, in the middle, real people and voices surface, like Adamo Vergine at his home and Jean François Neplaz in Marseilles. The film searches for the possible faces of Tolstoy’s two protagonists in Oneglia, Procida, and Casalborgone.
Ed è subito sera
E se mi comprassi una sedia?
Back from the hospital where he has been treated after a heart attack, Lorenzo is on his way upstairs to his top-floor apartment in Naples when he meets Michela. The charming young woman, who has just moved to the facing apartment, has forgotten her keys and finds herself locked out. Cynical and grumpy, the retired lawyer who has been living estranged from the rest of the world, should normally leave her to her fate but he mellows under her spontaneous charm. He helps her, becomes friends not only with her but with her husband Fabio and their two children. For once, the self-declared misanthropist seems to be experiencing the long forgotten feeling of empathy.
Pawn Street
In Torino, a bittersweet crowd is bringing its own belongings to a pawn shop, waiting for a ransom or the final auction. Between the thousands of faces that tell the human inventory of the crisis, three stories intertwine unconsciously in the thin line of moral debt. Sandra, a young trans, in order to escape her past sells her fur coat. Her gaze will cross Stefano’s, a novice who just started working at the bank, and who drags her towards a tender obsession. Michele, a retired porter, asks for a loan to a family member, who will turn out to be fatally the wrong person to ask a favour from.
The Major Fisherman
In this fact-based drama, an ecology-minded fisherman is elected mayor of his corrupt seaside town and begins crusading against drugs and crime.
For Your Love
An extremely mannered and increasingly preposterous tale of a fortysomething woman who has to deal with an abusive, double-dealing husband and a handsome, soap-actor lover who seems to be too good to be true.
Невероятный молодой человек
Итальянская драма посвящена трагической судьбе писателя Джакомо Леопарди. Будущий писатель родился в 1798 году и был настолько болезненным и застенчивым ребенком, что практически не выходил из дома. Свою недолгую жизнь Леопарди провел в огромной библиотеке отца, самостоятельно изучая языки и постигая другие науки. Отшельничество и чрезмерные умственные нагрузки еще больше подорвали его здоровье. Когда Джакомо все же пришлось покинуть родной дом, это стало для него невероятно сложным испытанием.
Uomo Auto
Demetrio Perez is a tough prosecutor torn between the corruption inherent in his job and the desire to do right by his family. But when opportunity presents itself and his daughter Thea falls in love with a Mafioso’s son, Perez has to cut through the morality of his law-abiding roots and become as dirty as the dangerous criminals he represents.
Песни, мафия, Неаполь
Mimmo Pescie
Пако — безработный пианист с консеваторским дипломом, застенчивый тихоня, который устраивается на работу — ни за что не угадаете — в полицию! По блату, по протекции, по звонку влиятельного человека, уже пристраивавшего в то же учреждение разных жирдяев и доходяг, никак не подходящих для роли «служить и защищать». Тем более в таком мафиозном городе, как Неаполь. Так бы и гнил негодный для полицейского дела Пако в кабинетной пыли, если бы не смелое предложение прозорливого комиссара: использовать музыкальный дар Пако для поимки самого опасного человека — неуловимого и невидимого босса каморры по кличке Фантазм...
Esterno sera
See You Tomorrow
Dr. Cuttaia
2013 Italian comedy
Dimmi che destino avrò
Giampaolo Esposito
Piazza Garibaldi
"Piazza Garibaldi" is a name found in almost any Italian town. It is a metaphor for the nation and its history. Like in the successful, award-winning "La strada di Levi", Ferrario sets off on a journey: this time, on the traces of the expedition of the Thousand. The aim: to verify the relationship between past and present, starting from Bergamo, formerly the "City of the Thousand" and today a bastion of Padania, and arriving at Teano. The voyage is full of surprises, meetings, reflections: a sweeping road movie through the history and geography of the country, seeking to answer a nagging question: why are Italians no longer able to imagine a future for themselves?
Corpo Celeste
Don Mario
After growing up in Switzerland, 13-year-old Marta returns to a city in southern Italy with her mother and older sister. Independent and inquisitive, she joins a catechism class at a local church. However, the games and religious pop songs she encounters there do not nearly satisfy her interest in faith. Struggling to find her place, Marta pushes the boundaries of the class, the priest, and the church.
Выборы по-итальянски
Giovanni De Santis
Четто Ла Квалункве — простой человек. Он хочет всего и сразу, и ему все равно, каким образом. После продолжительного «отпуска» за границей он возвращается в свой родной город в Калабрии с новой подругой и её дочкой, чьих имён он не помнит. Пока Четто отсутствовал, город накрыла волна законопослушания, и его бизнес оказался под угрозой. После долгих и мучительных размышлений в обществе благосклонных женщин Четто решает любой ценой идти в политику.
We Believed
Pasquale Vuoso
1828. In the wake of the repression of revolutionary movements in Southern Italy, three young friends join Giuseppe Mazzini's republican and unificationist cause. Their idealism will clash with the inevitable disillusionment as they grow apart over the decades.
Bets & Wedding Dresses
The White Space
An unexpected pregnancy and premature birth become a burden that Maria is unprepared for. Lacking control over events for the first time in her life, she retreats into an emotional space where she is alone, until the day arrives when she must learn to live again for the sake of her vulnerable child.
Fort Apache Napoli
The story of Giancarlo Siani, a journalist killed by the Neapolitan Mafia in 1985.
В фильме параллельно развиваются, ни разу не пересекаясь, несколько историй с героями разных поколений и разных сфер деятельности. Общее только одно: все они оказываются подчинены интересам преступного сообщества. Пожилой держатель общака, который выплачивает субсидии родственникам отбывших на отсидку. Два великовозрастных оболтуса, окончательно теряющих голову, когда им удается разворошить тайник с оружием. Тринадцатилетний разносчик продуктов: ему приходится навсегда распрощаться с совестью, наведя бандитов на свою клиентку. Выпускник университета, которого втягивают в бизнес по захоронению токсичных отходов под крышей мафии. Талантливый портной, которого перекупают китайские конкуренты и который чуть не гибнет от мести клана.
Saturday, Sunday & Monday
Although this sounds like a weekend like many others, in the Prior house the atmosphere is rather tense because of some nervousness on the part of individual members of the family, especially the father, Peppino, who gets angry with anyone who happens to shoot: with their children, Juliana and Roberto, and his sister, aunt Meme. Meanwhile, his wife Rosa is dedicated to the preparation of the sauce, which she will serve for Sunday's lunch, to which she invited the neighbors, the accountant Ianniello and his wife.
Rose e pistole
Impiegato Agenzia Ippica
Rehearsals for War
A group of actors meet with little money in a unofficial theatre in Naples' Spanish Boroughs. Director's plan is to travel to Sarajevo, still under siege, to stage a classic Eschilus' play about civil war in Tebe. While they rehearse in the theatre cast members come and go and another kind of war goes on every day in nearby streets of old Naples.