Milan Býček

Рождение : 1963-02-28,


Production Design
Set Designer
Сюжет фильма основан на биографии знаменитого чешского целителя Яна Миколашека, посвятившего свою жизнь заботе о больных. Заработав репутацию уникального народного целителя в Чехословакии в 30-е годы, он продолжил свое дело при нацистской оккупации и при коммунистической власти. И каждая новая власть пыталась использовать его репутацию в своих целях, давая ему взамен покровительство и возможность заниматься своим делом. Но насколько высокой окажется цена?
Set Designer
Přes prsty
Production Design
As two beach volleyball partners focus on personal matters and a championship tournament, a quirky figure disrupts their game on and off the court.
The Glass Room
Production Design
Liesel Landauer and her friend Hana are linked by a lifelong relationship and an exceptional house built by the architect Von Abt for Liesel and her husband Viktor in Czechoslovakia in the early 1930s.
Женщины в бегах
Set Designer
Вера прожила с Индрихом прекрасную жизнь и решительно намерена исполнить его последнее желание – пробежать марафон! Энергичная мать трех дочерей не считает, что при этом могут возникнуть сложности. Она и ее дочери поделят маршрут на четыре части и преодолеют 42-километровую трассу как семейную эстафету. Конечно, то, что никто из них раньше не пробежал ни одного метра, вовсе не проблема. До начала соревнований еще три месяца, а тренер Войта подготовил великолепный фитнесс-план. Главное – быть настойчивыми и не сдаваться, когда финишная черта вне досягаемости…
Art Direction
A loose adaption of Bára Nesvadbová's novel of the same name. A novel that lacks a dramatic line and concentrates on the flow of emotions and feelings of two injured and beloved women, two women that the aging lothario Mára came between. The theme of the entire book is the degree and limit of love, a right and ability to love several people simultaneously while hurting them at the same time. Written by Czech Film Center
Dědictví aneb Kurvaseneříká
Set Designer
The Don Juans
Set Designer
An opera troupe in a small town decides to perform Mozart's Don Giovanni. The view behind the scenes uncovers the world of opera without the glitter. A tale of love and disappointment, about music and passionate love-making and about people that live their lives in spite of the opera.
Martin a Venuše
Set Designer
Martin a Venuše
Art Direction
Garbage, the City and Death
Set Designer
Romi (Gabriela Mícová), a prostitute, is anything but successful at her job: she is of far too gentle a nature for her clients. The more obstinately she is pushed to the streets by her pimp Franz (Stanislav Majer), the closer she is to a complete breakdown. One day Romi is addressed by a property speculator referring to himself as a "wealthy Jew" (Martin Finger). He does not demand any sexual services of her. He satisfies himself with Romi telling him stories, for which he lavishly rewards her. However, no one shares the sudden happiness with Romi. Her work-mates and current clients turn their backs on her, as does Franz, with whom Romi is in love. The whole story takes place in the setting of a dilapidated city, during the clean-up of which politicians openly split their profit with speculators and lobbyists, all under protection from the police.
The Holy Quaternity
Set Designer
Marital fidelity can wear you down, and Ondra and Vitek are certainly suffering from a case of serious fatigue. Working side by side and living next door to each other, it doesn't take long before these two long-married middle-aged pals start comparing sex notes, and it's plain to see their latest scores have fallen far below what they would have hoped. Luckily, a surprise holiday on a tropical island rekindles their interest in their wives - only they don't exacly lust after their designated partners. With no one to divert their attention, their roaming eyes inevitably settle on the wrong spouse, and pretty soon they've established their own little Holy Quaternity.
Set Designer
Two young technicians, Filos and Kája, come to a small village that is a bit cut off from the rest of the world in order to find the best place to install a new station for the reception of a cell phone signal. Their arrival understandably arouses a feeling of expectation among the locals, especially when they learn of the interesting financial reward for the owner of the land on which the transmitter will stand. A fight flares up in the village over this reward, and all weapons, those permitted and those not, are put into use. Of course, there is also the question of whether Filos and Kája will be able to live up to the expectations that have been placed on them. Maybe they aren't even who they claim to be...
Мужские надежды
Симпатичный бонвиван и весельчак Рудольф совершенно уверен: «Женщине просто необходимо бороться за своего мужчину, она должна постоянно стараться удержать его. А главное, женщина не должна с ним скучать!…»
Production Design
The fall from the top to the absolute bottom can be very fast. A renowned physician, also a beloved father and husband, is accused of a serious felony. Innocence is hard to prove, especially when in desperation to try to save oneself, we sacrifice the secrets that should have remained hidden forever.
Operation Dunaj
Production Design
Operation Danube was the cover name for the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. The fleet of Polish tanks which arrive to liberate their neighbor, ostensibly threatened by a counter-revolution, includes the old tank nicknamed Ladybird, which is the last to leave the barracks.
Devatenáct klavírů
Set Designer
Czech Television has successfully aired two TV movies detective novels by Emil Vachek: The man and the Shadow and Evil minute. In both stories of the First Republic, acting chief inspector Klubíčko detective Tchaikovsky stamping, bachelor, gourmet, collector of old prints, which played an excellent way Miroslav Donutil.
Taková normální rodinka
Art Direction
The forester's lodge in a remote area they live in sin has four generations of family Hanák. Grandmother overflowing zest for life and her passion for writing detective stories. Her daughter, Ms. Hanáková, spirited woman with a big heart, loves to sing, but because he has no talent, all his life was the cook. Mr. Hanak's dispatcher, his lifelong loves animals of all kinds and sizes, which grows in the house and its surroundings. Paul has an older daughter with husband Peter, occasional handyman who usually sleeps or her hyperactive two sons, whom no one tells you differently than blackguard. Informal family member then Mr. Kestrel, who in the house for the town to spend a lot of time suspicious! One completely normal family afternoon notify the younger daughter Kate family that is expecting a baby.
Set Designer
Private psychologist Jakub tries to help others, but he has his own problems. Then he gets to take care of his old father which starts a lot of funny situations due to fathers starting dementia. Then this new medication appears...
Я обслуживал английского короля
Production Design
История взлета и падения карьеры одного пражского официанта в первой половине двадцатого века. Амбициозный молодой человек из официанта в гостинице маленького чешского приграничного городка попадает в огромный отель в центре Праги, и даже удостаивается награды от императора Абиссинии. Но настоящий взлет карьеры официанта случается после захвата Чехословакии немецкими войсками.
Production Design
Двое подростков, влюбленных в сноуборд, приезжают на горнолыжный курорт с целью круто отдохнуть и отметить Новый год. Но не все так просто складывается для них: хозяин дома, в котором поселились главные герои, заваливает их работой (конечно… живут-то парни бесплатно в доме…), да ещё и старшая сестра «села на хвост» по указу отца одного из ребят, дабы контролировать и докладывать о всех поступках младшего сына! Ну какой же тут может быть отдых? Парни отчаянно пытаются найти время, чтобы покататся по снегу, вместо скучной и надоедливой работы. Собственно на снежной трассе они и знакомятся с симпатичными девчонками, за которыми уже «ухаживают» крутые перцы-сноубордисты. В итоге разворачивается война на три фронта: против надоедливого хозяина котеджа и его нескончаемой «работы по дому», против старшей сестры и против ухажеров за девчатами, на которых наши герои тоже положили глаз…
Non Plus Ultras
Set Designer
NON PLUS ULTRAS is a comedy with a social subtext. It takes a satirical look at a short stretch in the life of five "fans" of one Prague football club who belong to the hardcore supporters - ultras or hooligans. The gang members' lives revolve around football. They revere their "world-famous" English counterparts and uncritically take them as their role models. The undeclared leader of the gang is Bejcak (played by David Novotny), a charismatic young man of around 30 years old with natural authority. He is not stupid; he likes to use foreign words, but always in a slightly unsuitable context. The oldest member of the gang is the lonely forty-year-old Tycka (Vladimir Dlouhy), whom Bejcak took under the gang's wing. Tycka is much older than the others. The stuttering youth Pejsek (Karel Zima) is a fanatic lover of all things "English". He is seconded by the none-too-bright Potapec (Michal Novotny) and the agile, wiry Vocko (Matej Hadek), who is constantly devising new loutish exploits.
Production Design
Ice hockey is a Czech national obsession, and the country's victory over Russia in the 1969 World Championships, the year following the Soviet invasion, is a celebrated moment in its history. In Marek Najbrt's black comedy, the heroic exploits take place only on a black and white tv screen as a group of representative misfits gather and watch the game in a desolate village on the Czech border. While consisting of recognisable types, Najbrt's bleak portrait reveals a world of alcoholism, debt, racism, bigotry, and infidelity that trails behind the dreams of nationalism and bears little resemblance to the fantasies of the new consumerism. A clever and multi-levelled film, it provides a sharp antidote to the reconciliatory charms of the conventional Czech comedy.
Production Design
Идет Вторая Мировая Война. Медсестра Элишка вместе со своим возлюбленным, хирургом Ричардом Литтнером, учавствует в тайном движении сопротивления. После того, как их организацию раскрывают Элишке, спасаясь от нацистов, приходится покинуть госпиталь. Ее коллега, Доктор Хладек, отправляет девушку вместе с жителем гор Йожей, который был одни из пациентов госпиталя. Под именем Нана, Элишка вместе с Йожей добирается до небольшой деревушки под названием Зелари. Там они остаются жить на два года, до тех пор, пока фашистская оккупация не заканчивается.
Year of the Devil
Art Direction
Documentary maker Jan Holman follows the ultrafamous singer/songwriter Jaromír Novahica during his tour with the band Cechomor. The combination is very succesful, but it draws a heavy toll on the band members and Jan Holman.
Out of the City
Art Designer
A computer programmer and his son are going out of the city for vacation.
Ze života pubescentky
Set Designer
По одиночке мы погибнем
Art Direction
Чехословакия во время второй мировой войны, бездетная пара, джозеф и Мария, наблюдают за еврейскими погромами в городе. Год спустя, молодой Дэвид, ихбежавший гибели в немецких застенках, находит убежище в доме Джозефа...
Уютные норки
Production Design
В небольшом доме на окраине Праги соседствуют две семьи. Глава семьи Себеков — высокий военный чин, симпатизирующий коммунистам. Старший же Краус — ветеран чешского сопротивления и настоящий патриот своей страны. И пока взрослые сражаются за свои идеалы, юный Михал Собек, похоже, влюбился в симпатичную Индришку Краус, мысли которой, впрочем, заняты кем-то другим.
Как завоевать принцессу
Production Design
A fairy tale of three brothers who try to save a princess kidnapped by an evil wizard.
Cesta peklem
Set Designer