Michael Ricks


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Lead News Anchor
Майлз небезосновательно считает себя неудачником: девушка бросила, а сам он работает в заштатной конторе разработчиком мобильных игр. Единственная отдушина в жизни парня — интернет-троллинг. Каждый вечер он провоцирует кого-нибудь в сети и, хорошенько поругавшись, спокойно засыпает. Однажды Майлз хамит очередному незнакомцу на сайте, где транслируются жестокие игры на выживание, и вскоре, вычислив местоположение нашего диванного героя по IP, в его дом вламывается группа отморозков. Теперь к рукам Майлза прибиты два пистолета, а сам он выставлен на поединок с психопаткой по имени Никс — безжалостной чемпионкой этих подпольных игрищ.
Vegas Skyline
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist and Lucas, a mystery man.
Vegas Skyline
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist and Lucas, a mystery man.
Vegas Skyline
Executive Producer
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist and Lucas, a mystery man.
Vegas Skyline
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist and Lucas, a mystery man.
Vegas Skyline
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist and Lucas, a mystery man.
The Las Vegas Abductions
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mutate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist. and Lucas, a mystery man. Divining their evil intent, it is up to them to turn the tide and restore balance.
The Las Vegas Abductions
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mutate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist. and Lucas, a mystery man. Divining their evil intent, it is up to them to turn the tide and restore balance.
The Las Vegas Abductions
Executive Producer
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mutate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist. and Lucas, a mystery man. Divining their evil intent, it is up to them to turn the tide and restore balance.
The Las Vegas Abductions
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mutate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist. and Lucas, a mystery man. Divining their evil intent, it is up to them to turn the tide and restore balance.
The Las Vegas Abductions
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mutate with humans. They choose Las Vegas as their destination, seeking to blend in with Sin City to hatch their plan. Little do they know what they will be up against when they cross paths with Cindy, a hypnotherapist. and Lucas, a mystery man. Divining their evil intent, it is up to them to turn the tide and restore balance.
Alien Vows
A soon-to-be married couple gets caught up in the sinister plans of an alien race bent on the domination of planet earth.
Alien Vows
A soon-to-be married couple gets caught up in the sinister plans of an alien race bent on the domination of planet earth.