Axel Strøbye

Axel Strøbye

Рождение : 1928-02-22, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Смерть : 2005-07-12


Strøbye was most famous for his comedy roles, as the confused uncle in Min søsters børn (My sisters Children) and the hustler Gyldenkål in Familien Gyldenkål (The Goldcabbage Family). But his biggest role and success was in Matador the TV series a lawyer Skjold Hansen, he started his acting career and education as an actor at Det Kongelige Teater (The Royal Danish theater), he also worked at Folketeatret (The peoples theater). Strøbye made his movie debut in Nåler 1951 and his last role was in 1998, as the aging inspector in the legendary Olsen Banden movies.


Axel Strøbye


Проп и Берта
Borgmester Frandsen (voice)
Благодушный человек по имени Проп появляется в маленьком городке, чтобы начать жизнь в унаследованном доме. Вскоре оказывается, что дом находится рядом с лесом, и в этом лесу живет Ведьма, которая терпеть не может соседей. И тут начинаются всякие сложности и необычные приключения. Проп освобождает плененных Ведьмой Лесовичков, его помощником становится корова Берта, которая каким-то чудом начинает говорить по-человечески. Однако Ведьме удается с помощью летающей метлы заманить Пропа в свою обитель...
Последняя миссия банды Ольсена
Прошло 18 лет, наши герои постарели. Эгон Ольсен из тюрьмы угодил в психушку, где над ним проводили эксперимены. Он почти оглох и носит слуховой аппарат. Кельд вообще передвигается только в инвалидной коляске. Даже Бенни стал намного серьёзнее... Но встретившись, герои решают еще разок тряхнуть стариной...
Carl Th. Dreyer: My Metier
Interview Subject
Torben Skjødt Jensen’s elegant documentary is a collage of memories and reflections on one of cinema’s greatest directors. Visually rich and densely layered, Carl Th. Dreyer—My Metier illuminates an artist too little understood and too important to overlook. Through interviews, historical writings, and rare archival footage, a portrait of Dreyer emerges: an austere perfectionist, yes, but also a passionate man possessing a genuine sense of humor.
Frække Frida og de frygtløse spioner
Fridas morfar Carl
A confrontational and friendly judge gets in trouble when his wife is trying to arouse his jealousy of her long-term relationship with their mutual friend Chief Klausen. Superintendent and is still convinced that he strives against his life. At the same time the judge's chess friend Lise not stand that he was not hitting on her. All intricacies rubs judge with a serious time hay fever
Kraftværkschef Viborg
Kongstrup - Kungsgården Landlord
Конец 19-го века. Полная шведских эмигрантов лодка прибывает на датский остров Борнхольм. Среди них Лассе и его сын Пелле. Они находят приют на ферме, но к ним все равно относятся, как к чужакам. Несмотря на это, отец и сын не сдаются в своем стремлении к поиску лучшей жизни.
The Fight For The Red Cow
Пир Бабетты
The Coach
В семью только что скончавшегося Лоренца Лёвенхьельма, который воспитал в истово протестантском духе двух своих дочерей — Мартину и Филиппу, названных так в честь Мартина Лютера и его соратника Филиппа Меланхтона, приезжает из Франции в качестве домоправительницы женщина по имени Бабетта. На самом-то деле, она была вынуждена бросить всё и сбежать из Парижа, охваченного революцией 1871 года, захватив с собой только лотерейный билет, который ежегодно проверял её друг, пока не сообщил через 14 лет, что Бабетта выиграла солидную сумму — 10 тысяч франков. Решив вернуться на родину, Бабетта захотела на прощание отблагодарить сестер за их добросердечность и великодушие…
Sidste akt
The Chronic Innocence
For Janus his friend Tore is his big ideal: pretty, intelligent and self-confident. Janus is grateful for his friendship even though he is considered the court jester. When Tore falls in love with the beautiful and sweet girl Helle, Janus accepts his role as their highly loved third party. Helle's fashionable mother, however, is a bit too interested in Tore. Written by Allan Simonsen
Topsy Turvy
An uptight young man and his equally uptight family moves next door to a hedonistic clan, including the beautiful, sexy Topsy, who charms the new neighbor boy Tom. But Tom discovers that the price of loving Topsy may be higher than he's willing to pay -- she insists on absolute honesty and a life and love without possession or exclusivity.
Early TV-film from Bille August.
Otto Is a Rhino
Hr. Otto Løwe
The boy Topper is bored. He finds a pencil that proves to have magical powers. Draw a rhino, and right away, you have a real rhino for a companion. A little heavy perhaps, when you live on the second floor. No matter, it's a modern fairy-tale of the baroque, and everything goes. Based on kiddie entertainment by Ole Lund Kirkegaard, but as was the case with the book, the fun is to be enjoyed by one and all.
De Mille
Based on Bjarne Reuter's 1975 juvenile novel, even broader comedy strokes are employed in the film version, but bright spark Bertram is still at the center of things when a nice but dubious uncle (he has a criminal record) takes all the kids of a working class family, hit with bad luck, away on an outing. A plot is cooked up to kidnap some rich kid. It works at first, but soon things get out of control.
Банда Ольсена - парижский план
Kriminalkommissar Jensen
Продолжение истории, начатой в предыдущем фильме. Поскольку все попытки завладеть деньгами в предыдущей части проваливаются, то для успешного проведения "последнего дела" Ольсен и его друзья вынуждены задействовать в "операции" Ивонну... и продолжить начатое дело в Париже. Ведь время не ждёт, подготовка к серебряной свадьбе Кельда и Ивонны продолжается, а денег для юбилея нет. Будет ли им сопутствовать удача в этот раз?
Банда Ольсена берёт передышку
Detective Jensen
После очередной отсидки Ольсен зарекается возвращаться в тюрьму. Всё дело в том, что сменился начальник тюрьмы, и новый начальник захотел перевести Эгона в психиатрическое отделение, на обследование. Поэтому нужно очень осторожно воплотить в жизнь очередной гениальный план Эгона, это дело должно стать последним для банды. Правда, теперь соперник слишком опасен и жизнь Эгона под угрозой...
Jeppe på Bjerget
Jeppe på bjerget is a 1981 Danish film directed by Kaspar Rostrup and based on a play by Ludvig Holberg. It won three Bodil Awards : Best Film, Best Actor (for Buster Larsen) and Best Supporting Actor (for Kurt Ravn).
Банда Ольсена никогда не сдаётся
Detective Jensen
Очередная уморительная история о похождениях хитроумных мошенников. Главарь банды Эгон Ольсен, отсидев очередной срок в датской тюрьме, набрался знаний по менеджменту и бизнесу у своего сокамерника. Из полученных знаний он сделал только один вывод: бизнес - это законное мошенничество. Освободившись, он немедленно приступает к делу... Вознамерившись прибрать к рукам крупнейший магазин страны, банда Олсен совершает набег на штаб-квартиру ЕС в Брюсселе и даже наведывается в гости к министру... на танке. В советском прокате был показан в 1984 году под названием "Операция начнется после полудня".
Kick Me in the Traditions!
Doktor Schmidt
Based on Leif Panduro's 1958 satire classic. David, a senior high-school student, aims a swift kick at his principal's behind and is committed to a psychiatric ward from the perspective of which he takes a close look at his allegedly sane family. They, of course, are the real loonies. The psychiatrists are worse. Only lovely class-mate Lis is down-to-earth and trustworthy.
Банда Ольсена идёт на войну
Detective Jensen
Банда Ольсена узнаёт о тайном замысле продажных правительственных чиновников, задумавших продать иностранцам планы создания парка развлечений для туристов в Дании. Эта операция может принести злоумышленникам баснословную прибыль и обокрасть всю страну. Соблазн откусить кусочек лакомого пирога появляется и у Эгона...
Based upon the novel "Hærværk" by Tom Kristensen about the self destructive person. The literary reviewer Ole Jastrau chooses to free himself from his well-ordered middle class life. He allow the seriously left-wing writer Steffensen move in with himself which soon causes disintegration of his home an marriage.
The Goldcabbage Family Gets the Vote
Charles Gyldenkål
Банда Ольсена - полный вперёд
Detective Jensen
Эгон стареет. Он теряет былую хватку и страдает склерозом. Из-за этого все его грандиозные планы в последний момент рассыпаются, как карточные домики. Не желая признавать старость, Эгон пресекает попытки Кельда и Бенни поработать в ногу со временем, под началом племянника Ивонны. А сама Ивонна учится летать, т.е., водить машину. Что из этого получится? Видимо, неплохое зрелище...
Watch Your Back, Professor!
When a boring collage professor is mistaken for his cousin, he gets into all kinds of trouble, with hilarious results.
The Goldcabbage Family Breaks the Bank
Charles Gyldenkål
Банда Ольсена в ярости
Detective Jensen
Эгону предлагают самое простое дело за всю его жизнь - имитировать кражу древней китайской вазы династии Минь. И, как оно обычно бывает, простое дело оказывается совсем непростым, и невиновный Эгон попадает за решётку. На этот раз к нему на выручку бросается... Ивонна, у которой свои виды на Ольсена. Эгон свободен... Но обида и ярость толкают его на изощрённую месть обидчику. Вот только какие плоды принесут его гениальные планы и сладостна ли свобода на самом деле?
The Ghost Train
Heinz-Otto von Münsterland, chauffør
Spøgelsestoget (English title: The ghost train) is a 1976 Danish family film directed by Bent Christensen. It is based on the 1923 play The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley.
Kassen stemmer
Direktør Karmann
Flaming Fire Chief
A festive crime comedy about a confused innkeeper who involuntarily finds himself becoming entangled in a larger crime-affair where the villains have stolen and smuggled a precious diamond baked in a cake ...
Банда Ольсена идёт по следу
Detective Jensen
Наконец-то банда Ольсена может почивать на лаврах. Миллионы, солнечная Испания... Что ещё может не хватать дружной компании. Разве что датского сыра, датских булочек и дождя. И, возможно, совсем чуточку - приключений... Ведь приятно, чёрт возьми, иной раз прокатиться с ветерком по железной дороге в кабине машиниста.
The Goldcabbage Family
Charles Gyldenkål / Iversen
The family Gyldenkål is actually called Iversen, but have changed their name, after numerous problems with the IRS, loan sharks and employers. Using clever scams, the family builds up a reputation as a wealthy and respectable part of society.
Последнее дело банды Ольсена
Detective Jensen
В очередной раз Эгон выходит из тюрьмы. У ворот Вридлёсе его, как всегда, радостно приветствуют Бенни, Кьельд и Бёрге. Но, оказывается, не только они встречают Эгона Ольсена... В этот раз Эгону предстоит поработать на крупных международных финансистов, а Бенни и Кьельд попробуют воплотить в жизнь свой план. Получится ли у них работать врозь?
Me, Too, in the Mafia
Mafiaen, det er osse mig er en dansk komediefilm fra 1974 og en fortsættelse af Mig og Mafiaen. Filmen har manuskript af Lise Nørgaard og er instrueret af Henning Ørnbak.
Банда Ольсена разбушевалась
Detective Jensen
После очередной отсидки Эгон, как всегда, выходит из государственной тюрьмы Вридлёсе. Но встречает его лишь Гарри-Динамит. Оказывается, Бенни и Кельд устроились на работу и больше не хотят иметь с ними дел. Эгону и Гарри не остается ничего другого, кроме как пойти на дело вдвоём. И хотя ничего хорошего из этого не получится, а невиновные Бенни с Кельдом угодят за решётку, всё закончится вполне удачно. Даже для Эгона...
Fætrene på Torndal
Werner (William Rosenberg) is an inspector for group of farmes called Digeskov. Left alone by Digeskovs owner, Werner is tricking small neighboring farmes out of there land. The owners doughter find out and stops Werner and she falls in love with a young poor farmer from a neighbor farm.
Bedside Highway
Hr. Bosserup
In this Danish sex comedy, precisely opposite goals lead a young official of the Department of Roads and Traffic and all the women of the local village to end up in the sack. His goal is to get them to sign papers allowing a new highway to go through the middle of town. Their goal is to get him to re-route the highway.
Bedside Head
Hr. Bosted
The young headmaster of a boy's boarding school has decided that due to the virility of his young charges, they are a sort of national treasure. He believes that his school should become co-educational as soon as possible. In order to raise funds for the changeover, the boys stay behind during their summer vacation and temporarily convert the school into a love hotel.
How to Behave in a Fourposter Bed
Baron Joachim von Hasteen
A police lieutenant woman goes undercover into a mansion where a couple maintains a school to teach young women how to catch a man... Especially if they are rich and into marriage. The courses include a number of disciplines, including judo and strip-tease.
Kid Gang on the Go
Onkel Erik Lund
The last day of school before the summer, held farewell to the school year. Hurray a long summer ahead. Rikke joined the feminist and is demonstrating against marriage.
Verner Vestad, distriktslæge
Audun’s son is killed in an accident while the mother is in bed with her lover. Ten years later is Audun on the road living as a salesman and on the lone women that he meet and steal money from.
Bedroom Mazurka
Otto Bostedt
Max (Søltoft) is a popular teacher at a public school who needs a new schoolmaster. In an effort to entice him to take the vacated position, the boys hire a stripper to seduce the sexually inexperienced scholar. The wife and daughter of the former headmaster also wish to tutor the teacher in their own private lessons in human sexuality.
Ta' lidt solskin
Poul Otto Madsen
Helle for Lykke
Hr. Steffensen
Mig og dig
Henning Hansen, jurist
The Veterinarian's Adopted Children
Cirkusdirektør Don Pedro
The Veterinarian's Adopted Children is a 1968 Danish comedy film directed by Carl Ottosen and starring Dirch Passer.
Six Kids and the Honeymooners
Onkel Erik Lund
Erik and Lisbeth are getting married and then honeymoon to Austria. When Mom and Dad need to have another baby, the four small decides to go on the honeymoon as well. They hide in the caravan and come unseen to Austria. Since they do not have passports, Erik can not just send them home. The children are only listed in their mother's passport and she is in the hospital giving birth. Lisbeth and Erik have to take care of the kids. It provides a lot of fun entanglements between the wedding couple and the children. Erik and Lisbeth doing now what they can just get a few moments alone. However, there is always something, so it will be an unforgettable honeymoon with my sister's children.
Love Thy Neighbour
Hotelvært Kostøl
Love Thy Neighbour (Danish: Elsk... din næste!, German: Vergiß nicht deine Frau zu küssen ) is a 1967 Danish-German comedy film directed by Egil Kolstø and starring Walter Giller.
Wife on vacation
Allan Thorsen
Allan Thorsen er træt af sin kone, men han har svært ved at få sagt at han vil skilles. Derfor arrangerer han en skiferie, hvor hun skal blive forelsket i en anden mand, således at han kan slippe af med hende uden at han selv skal gøre noget. Hun finder da også en mand der er interesseret, men så bliver Allan jaloux og snart forsøger Allan at vinde sin kone tilbage. Sagen kompliceret dog af, at Allan elskerinde pludselig møder op på feriehotellet.
Tre mand frem for en trold
Max, journalist
Six Kids and Their Uncle
Erik Lund
Erik Lund is a child psychologist and defend a doctoral thesis on the subject. His knowledge is at the very theoretical level, and he will be seriously trouble when he for a time has to babysit his sister's six children ranging in age from baby to teenager. Fortunately, the neighbor cute daughter, Lisbeth has a more practical take on things.
Nu stiger den
I, a lover
Ole Schmidt
Dyden går amok
N.O., højesteretssagfører
Hold da helt ferie
Søren Justesen
Søren is looking forward to a relaxing camping holiday with his wife, Marianne. But nothing goes as planned, when his two daughters and mother-in-law join them.
Een pige og 39 sømænd
Captain Barker
Mor bag rattet
Racer Robert
The Girl and the Playboy
Max - imprisario for Marlene
A millionaire gets amnesia after a hit to the head and now he has to rediscover his past and decide what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
It's Nifty in the Navy
It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Axel Nygen
Гертруда могла бы быть абсолютно счастлива. Богатый и верный муж; молодой и талантливый любовник; друг юности, который до сих пор питает к ней чувства - каждый любит ее по-своему. Но Гертруде всё это уже ни к чему, она больше не нуждается в любви, постепенно теряя вместе с ней и вкус к жизни.
Premiere i helvede
Richard - Direktør
About an American's reaction to the Dane's way of chatting about each other. Behind their backs. A rumor begins to flourish. A serious one. About death. perhaps even murder.
Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.
Doktor X
Directed by Knud Leif Thomsen
South of Tana River
South of Tana River is a 1963 Danish family film directed by Bent Christensen and starring Poul Reichhardt.
The protagonist is a jovial bus driver, well beloved by his passengers, essentially the whole community around him. The bus, however, is old, and needs to be replaced. The bus driver himself is also needed as a handyman for all the people around him, assisting with stray cattle, household machines, children's homework, errands of all kinds, and at one occasion, assisting birth. Progress is however leaving him behind, and the local county council plots on a solution, involving a new bus and driver. The community revolts, and the local midwife (married to the mayor) intervenes with all the locals to keep the bus driver, who ends up keeping his job in a new bus.
A Day Without Lies
A Day Without Lies
The Girl and the Press Photographer
Aksel Gormsen
Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
Six people of different ages and with varying mental health problems are forced to spend the night together by bad weather and react upon each other.
Egon Larsen, massør
Oskar? That's my driver. And Tina, my maid, must have taken my suitcase with her to the baron - the one my daughter should have been engaged to. But now she is having a child with Oskar. And one of my people has stolen more than 300,000 DKR from me, because he wants to marry my daughter, who is not my daughter. And now the has girl run off with all of my jewels ..
Det stod i avisen
Crazy Paradise
Romantic comedy, based on the discovery that eggs from a particular island provide men with great virility and make them irresistible.
Han, hun, Dirch og Dario
Director Paul Borg (Ebbe Langberg) neglects his young, beautiful wife Marianne (Ghita Nørby). He even forget their wedding day, in favor of a new fast sports car, a beautiful silver-gray Jaguar. During his drive, he runs out of gas. A young lady Laura Lublinski (Hanne Borchsenius), helps him and he takes an innocent flirtation with her. When Marianne learns this, she moves home and dump into an artist community with Jenny (Bodil Steen), Ovengaden of water 52 in Christianshavn. Here she takes the unrepentant Don Juan, Mario (Dario Campeotto) and the guitar-playing Eigil (Dirch compatible).
A sort of forerunner to Hollywood's Boogie Nights (1997), this Danish melodrama is set in the world of strip clubs. A medical student (Frits Helmuth) earns money for tuition working in a burlesque joint. He falls for one of the girls (Malene Schwarz), but she is also involved with a movie director (John Price). The director and Helmuth get into a philosophical debate about love and Darwinism, and the film ends with a duel (the film's title). Duellen was met with mostly incomprehension when it premiered and is no more lucid when viewed today. The striptease scene featuring full-frontal nudity is tame by modern standards.
Den grønne elevator
Hans og Mona beslutter at give deres respektive ægtefælder lidt at tænke over, ved at blive fundet i en kompromitterende situation under en fælles ferie. For at lette den lidt akavede stemning, beslutter de at søge hjælp i barskabet, hvor de får mikset en potent cocktail sammen, som de døber Grøn Elevator. Det bliver starten på en munter aften.
Последняя зима
Erik Sørensen
О судьбе двух братьев. Один - активный участник движения сопротивления против оккупантов, другой старается сохранить нейтралитет. Но события вовлекают и второго брата в активную деятельность подпольщиков.
Faith, Hope and Witchcraft
Vred mand
In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean on the island of Troldø lives a single farming family. The grandmother Gunhild is the only woman on the island and her son Enok is unable to find a wife. Gunhild's advanced age causes her to worry for the future of the family. So she initiates a plan to get Enok married, a plan that is put into action when the young Eva becomes stranded on the island. But the community must be shaken by several dramatic events before Gunhild can breathe a sigh of relief.
The Poet and the Little Mother
Poeten and Lillemor are making their living on his writing, but the general interest in modern poetry is low and their income very small. A creditor is dogging them, when a sudden bequest gives them some breathing-space. They buy an old house in a small village, where living is cheaper than in Copenhagen. The villagers are distrustful towards the newcomers. After a while the baker, the butcher and the grocer won't give Poeten and Lillemor credit anymore. Also the old creditor is back dogging them. Should Poeten renounce his high poetical standards and write simple verses for popular music, to get money?
Styrmand Karlsen
First mate Knud Karlsen has just received sad news from his girlfriend. On board the ship is also chef Valdemar, sailor Ole, owner's confident son Robert and a whole bunch of eager sailors. On board develops the drama out every minute, culminating in the film's climax, when a fire breaks out on board
Be Dear to Me
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
The Young Have No Time
A tale of wealthy youth in post-WWII Copenhagen.
Kristiane af Marstal
Det er så yndigt at følges ad
Vores lille by
Vores lille by er en ganske almindelig samling af huse et tilfældigt sted i Danmark beboet af ganske almindelige mennesker. Ingenting af betydning er sket indenfor de sidste 100 år eller deromkring, byen sover sin Tornerosesøvn med ansigtet vendt mod fjorden og ryggen mod det lave land, da alle tiders uvejr trækker ubemærket hen over dem, såsom tordenbyger og sommerskyer højt, højt oppe. Til denne by ankommer en dag en landstryger som er ret ualmindelig, Laust (Carl Ottosen) kalder han sig han har ikke ligefrem tænkt sig at blive hængende i byen, men er kun tilfældigt drevet denne her vej under sin lange søgen efter et sted og nogle mennesker han kan knytte sin skæbne til.
Father of Four: In the Snow
Ib Schønberg is again the kindly father - and now he is crowned "the ideal driver". This means that he can take all his four children to winter holiday in Norway.
I kongens klæ'r
Thorvald Rønne
Kjeld Petersen plays a merchant who has stolen his clothes when he is out take a dip in the Sound. He stopped by the police, and they find a call to military service in his pocket, after further complications lands him at the barracks, where he came under the loving care of 66 (Dirch compatible) and 65 (Ove Sprogø). So the stage is set for lots of fun and games, in the right old style.
Karen, Maren og Mette
Jan går til filmen
Fourteen-year-old Jan and his companion Erling appear as extras in a film being filmed at Nordisk Film's studios in Valby. A mysterious burglary at the studio's fine mechanics workshop gives the two healthy boys the opportunity to act as detectives.
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