Franc Bruneau

Franc Bruneau


Franc Bruneau


Apaches: Gang of Paris
Jeune puceau
1900. From Montmartre to Belleville, Paris is in the hands of ultra-violent gangs that reign terror on the capital: the Apaches. Ready to do anything to avenge the death of her brother, a young woman joins a gang. But the closer she gets to the man she wants to eliminate, the more fascinated she becomes by him.
Signs Of Destiny (And All That)
Le professeur
Oncle Jérôme
Последний день Земли
Le prêtre
Будущее. Навстречу Земле летит Красная луна. Столкновение грозит гибелью всему живому. Единственная надежда человечества — гениальный астронавт Пол В. Р. Но накануне вылета он таинственным образом исчезает…
Sonnez Après Minuit
Le baron
Baron Potowski, a vampire of good composition, expropriated from his vault in the Montparnasse cemetery, is forced to live in low-cost housing, in the midst of the living.
Eva voudrait
Ingé son TV
Парижанка Мод — мать и архитектор, которая случайно выигрывает конкурс на реставрацию площади легендарного собора Нотр-Дам. Разрываемой между обязанностями по работе и романтическими отношениями женщине теперь предстоит пройти через настоящий эмоциональный шторм.
My Family and the Wolf
When Hugo, a boy who spends his summer vacation with his cousins, discovers that the wolf Rong intends to take his grandmother Sara, he devises a plan to save her.
M. Blain
Maxine is an intern at a car workshop. She works hard toward full-time employment. The reality of the world of work grounds her in her reality: being a woman in a man's world.
Labour Power Plant
A new production center, maybe set in an undetermined future. What is being produced here? We shall find out by following the given traces. Two pairs of hands trying to untangle themselves. A human sheep virtually cut into pieces. A warm welcome to the authors and actors of their lives. Stories being told, their narrators dissected. When the gates open, those leaving Labour Power Plant have been made fit for the demands of the labour market. The next production cycle begins… People with their own wills, interests, and desires are being equipped with the different physiological, cognitive, psychological, and social core competencies to transform them into human resources. Meanwhile, the management is introducing new methods to enrich the products with the innovative features of ‘self-evaluation’, ‘self-optimisation’, and, most importantly, ‘self-fulfilment’. A series of interventions are performed, leading to an assembly that may appear strange at first sight.
A Violent Desire for Joy
A Peddler
Region of Occitania, France, 1792. As the storm of revolution devastates the country, young monk Gabriel and his companions live peacefully in the Franciscan monastery of Saorge, near the Italian border. But everything changes with the arrival of the beautiful Marianne and a military detachment.
A predator stalks his prey, but things don't turn out as expected.
Гастон Лагафф
Клерк Гастон отличается лёгким нравом и ленью. При этом парень крайне изобретателен, когда речь идёт о создании устройств, которые способны облегчить ему жизнь и избавить от части рутинной работы.
A junk dealer is trapped inside a terribly unhealthy love triangle. He sinks into a fantasy world to avoid this horrible reality and he will try to finally show who he really is.
Je vous déclare amour
L'Œil du cyclo
J'ai une théorie sur l'Amour
Home Swim Home
Thirty-year-old Mia, going through a divorce, shifts into a small studio apartment in a public housing project. A former swimming champion, she finds herself giving swimming lessons to the building's inhabitants. Without a pool.
Death by Death
'Le rat'
A man's hypochondriacal relationship with his mother.
The Last Journey of the Enigmatic Paul W.R
Le prêtre
The red moon threatens our existence on earth. Our only hope is the the most talented astronaut of his generation, the enigmatic Paul W.R. But a few hours before the start of the Great Mission, Paul disappears.
Серж Бюрен — легендарный полицейский, возглавляющий группу молодых приспешников с нетипичным подходом. И неважно, используют ли они бейсбольные биты или напрочь забывают об уставе во время показательных арестов, результат налицо. В то же время группировка смертоносных грабителей с легкостью обчищает столичные банки и ювелирные магазины. Бюрен и его подразделение попадают в непростую ситуацию: окажутся ли привычные им методы быстрого реагирования достаточными, для того чтобы остановить преступников?
Denis et les zombies
Mathias takes his friends to shoot a zombie movie in the family countryside house. But people from there do not see the shooting in a very good eye and Denis, a friend from Mathias 's childhood , will become increasingly sticky.
Le conseiller funéraire
Жизнь молодого парня по имени Арно течёт тихо и непримечательно. Его родные хотят, чтобы он занимался семейным бизнесом, но он предпочитает размеренный летний отдых с друзьями. Всё меняется, когда он встречает Мадлен. Эта девушка ни дня не может прожить без поиска приключений. Она прыгает, борется, плавает, все время рискует и тянет его за собой. И Арно влюбляется, встревая в одну авантюру за другой. Но как далеко он готов зайти вместе с ней в этой каждодневной борьбе с обыденностью?
People Are Strange
French short about a Jim Morrison doppelgänger.
WTF! Какого чёрта?
Реми Гайяр — реальный персонаж Всемирной сети, троллер, провокатор, самый популярный комик инета Европы. Полтора миллиарда просмотров и миллионы фанатов. Пришел день, и он решил остепениться: женился, устроился на работу на автостоянке, пообещал беременной жене, что тоже «уходит в декрет» и бросает свои шалости. Но как заглушить талант и буйство фантазии?! Фанаты не могут допустить его ухода. Гайяр возвращается!
Гол живых мертвецов
Футболисты одной из лучших французских команд в конце игрового сезона приезжают в Каплонг, небольшой город на северо-востоке страны, чтобы поучаствовать в товарищеском матче с местными спортсменами. Однако одновременно с началом матча вспыхивает ужасная эпидемия, распространяющаяся по городу со скоростью лесного пожара. Таинственная инфекция превращает зараженных в жестоких зомби, жаждущих крови.
The Little Stones
The Gardener
Chloe is a young woman who leads a small and happy life, letting herself be happily by the things of life... with a certain nonchalance. But visceral physical pain makes herself bend little by little. Where does this mysterious illness come from? Will Chloe succeed in getting rid of it ?
Nur 2 cm
An apartment, a man, a compulsive mission. Bruno, a silent Gangster, tries to rob an apartment. He is in search of the key for the Strongbox, but what he doesn’t expect is that a video on the internet would distract him so much. In order to satisfy his own neurosis, he has now a lot more to do in the place that his was planning to.
Фрау Элла
Pariser Student
Саша и его друг Клаус наслаждаются свободной жизнью до тех пор, пока подруга Саши, Лина, не сообщает ему о своей беременности. Девушка хочет ребёнка, а молодой человек — нет:из-за стресса он попадает в аварию. И всё бы ещё ничего, но в больнице парень знакомится с словоохотливой пенсионеркой Эллой, которая вознамерилась привести личную жизнь Саши в порядок…
Seja O Que For
Under the Rainbow
Homme enquête
Laura is still waiting for Prince Charming at the age of 24. So when Sandro appears at a party, exactly like her Prince would in her dreams, she thinks she's found the right one. But then again, when she meets Maxime, Laura starts to wonder if some Princes could be more charming than others? Of course Sandro has problems of his own : his father, Pierre, just bumped into Madam Irma at his father's funeral and this reminded him of the date of his own death which Madame Irma had predicted ages ago. Now Pierre is unable to make any plans, not with his new partner Eleonore, nor with Sandro. And Maxime has his own problems, and so does Eleonore, Marianne, Jacqueline and many others. But don't worry, in the end, they'll all live happily ever after.
Francis is the boss of a videoclub which owes its success to the movies by Ti-Kong, kung fu star and neck breaker. He has complexes about the size of his cock, Francis can not manage to admit his feelings to Sonia, his employee. But when she is offered a role in Evil Nurse, last opus of Ti-Kong, Francis does not have a choice. He is going to have to gain back his confidence to save Sonia from a terrible danger: Dickslap.
Nina and Ben go on a vacation without their daughter to the Mediterranean. Their vacation is going well until Ben goes swimming with a young woman during a wild beach party and she does not come back.
Die Dienstagsfrauen
Dämonischer Pilger
Attorney Caroline, the sensitive Judith, the housewife Eva and the affluent entrepreneur Estelle have been friends for 15 years. Once a year, the ladies go on a weekend break, but this time the trip is not a good star: After the death of her husband Arne wants the mourning Judith completed his pilgrimage started to Lourdes. As faithful friends, the three others join her. However, it does not take long for the strains of the tour to cause many a quarrel.
Paris Shanghai
At the start of his 20,000 kilometre bike ride Manu crosses paths with Victor, a teenager behind the wheel of a stolen car. Manu enjoys travelling, open spaces and making new friends. Victor does not.
Philippe, about thirty, discovers that he is becoming bald. For this backward adolescent musician, the loss of his hair is a real disaster. When he asks his dermatologist how much time he has left, this one tells him that only his father detains the answer to this question.
P'tit Louis
A young mother Nina and her son Enzo find themselves sleeping on the streets of Paris. Eventually there lifestyle leads them to Versailles.
Le livreur de pizzas
Beautiful and young, Stella is a popular go-go dancer living alone with her mother by the French Riviera. Their lives unravel when a middle-age man becomes obsessed with Stella.
La Terre
Орфографические ошибки
Даниэлю 15 лет, он — сын директора школы-интерната, но живет не дома, а в интернате с другими детьми. У него серьезные проблемы с орфографией — он пишет все слова «на слух». Свой недостаток он старательно скрывает от родителей, и в этом ему помогают его школьные друзья. Самостоятельно Даниэль преодолевает свои комплексы и становится лидером среди детей, которые раньше считали его «маминым сынком».
Rien ni personne
Inside the Wardrobe
In a world where appearence is more important than what's inside, Frank lost everything and now lives in the street. To survive and reintegrate into society, he can only count on his abilities to adapt, his incredible imagination, his suit and his closet...
White Spirit
Avoiding uncomfortable pauses in a conversation is an art. Creating such moments in a conversation is a job, more precisely, this is White's job. In this whimsical musical short, dance along with White, a man who interferes in conversations at appropriate - or quite inconvenient - moments.