Daryl Jackson

Рождение : 1967-04-03,


Leonard Bernstein: Larger Than Life
The document explores Leonard Bernstein's various facets as a conductor, a composer, a pianist and most of all a teacher and how he influenced so many people. It includes interviews of his children, former conductor students, orchestra members, collabrators and other acquintanses. - Pascal Kay
Легенда ада
An archaeologist discovers an ancient artifact and scroll which starts a series of events that kills her several times over in various time periods, past lives and locations. It seems that the artifact and scroll are linked to a gateway to hell. Various hellish creatures pour in throughout history, it looks like the gateway has been opened. The archaeologist teams up with warriors and guides from the past to try and close the gate.
What started with a routine divorce between Natalie Stein and her husband Tim, will soon take a turn into the unexpected and evolve into scenes of torture, bloodshed and slaughter.
Chain Reaction
A prison bus with over a dozen criminals on board has an accident and rams another car, in which Dr. Douglas Madsen was on his way home. Most of the prisoners die. Four of them survive, one of them severely injured. After having killed all the guards, they head for the woods. They take Dr. Douglas Madsen hostage. Suddenly a huge house appears in the middle of the woods. The leader of the group, Arthur, emphasizes that he will kill Douglas and every single member of the "family" if his wounded brother would die. Meanwhile some members of the family show strange behavior, and very soon mayhem breaks loose.
Garden of Love
David Riven
A woman whose family was brutally murdered when she was little is instructed by her family's ghosts to bring the killers to them so their souls can rest in peace.
За гранью времен
Robert Downing
Вивиан, молодая журналистка, берет интервью у жуткого кладбищенского сторожа Фредерика, ее очень интересуют люди, похороненные на его кладбище и Фредерик рассказывает ей историю о мафиози Роберте Даунинге, который похоронен на кладбище, и о магическом древнем артефакте. Прослушав эти истории до конца Вивьен понимает, что уже слишком поздно и она уже не простой слушатель, а часть следующей ненаписанной истории.