David Miller

David Miller

Рождение : 1909-11-28, Paterson, New Jersey, USA

Смерть : 1992-04-14


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia David Miller (November 28, 1909 – April 14, 1992) was an American film director who directed such varied films as Billy the Kid (1941) with Robert Taylor and Brian Donlevy, Flying Tigers (1943) with John Wayne, and Love Happy (1949) with the Marx Brothers. Miller directed Lonely Are the Brave (1962) with Kirk Douglas; Emanuel Levy wrote, in 2009, that it "is the most accomplished film of David Miller, who directs with eloquent feeling for landscape and attention to character." Others feel that Miller's filmic masterpiece is his 1952 Noir thriller Sudden Fear; Sudden Fear was nominated for four Academy Awards, for Best Lead Actress (Joan Crawford); Best Supporting Actor (Jack Palance); Best Costume Design (Sheila O'Brien); and Best Cinematography (Charles Lang).


David Miller


Она никогда не умирала
Executive Producer
Лейси - бессмертная девушка, которая периодически видит в видениях таинственного человека в черной шляпе, убивающего мужчину на улице. Впрочем, и в реальной жизни всё весьма странно, ведь чтобы жить девушке приходится поедать спинной мозг других людей, что фактически делает её каннибалом. Однако Лейси старается употреблять в пищу лишь тех, кто, по её мнению, не заслуживает жизни – различных преступников. Между тем опытный детектив из отдела по расследованию убийств Чарли Годфри озадачивается делами 12 пропавших без вести людей. А когда в полицию начинают поступать сообщения о расчлененных телах с пропавшими пальцами, Чарли начинает понимать, что это всё связано. В ближайшее время судьба столкнёт двух героев, позволив им объединить свои усилия в борьбе с городской преступностью…
Debra Paget, For Example
A video essay where the author presumes motivations and insights in a fictionalized biography regarding Debra Paget, a contract player for 20th-Century Fox whom they groomed and coached for stardom.
Peter Gabriel - Taking the Pulse
Director of Photography
Filmed at the Arena di Verona in Verona, Italy on September 26th, 2010, Taking The Pulse is the 2nd of a pair of concert films directed by Gabriel's daughter Ana and Andrew Gaston. This concert film takes footage from the second set of that show, where Gabriel does a section of his own songs backed up by a symphony orchestra conducted by Ben Foster (Doctor Who, BBC Proms). Setlist: The Rhythm of the Heat • San Jacinto • Digging In The Dirt • The Drop • Signal To Noise • Downside Up • Darkness • Mercy Street • Blood of Eden • Washing of the Water • Intruder • Red Rain • Solsbury Hill • In Your Eyes • Don't Give Up • The Nest That Sailed The Sky
Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood
In this sequel to 1979's "Goldie and the Boxer," the ingratiating twosome, heavyweight champ and his 10-year-old manager, flee to California when a vengeful promoter who lost a bundle on the title fight wants retribution.
Goldie and the Boxer
Lighthearted tale of a 10-year-old girl who, when her boxer father dies, strikes up a relationship with a struggling fighter who was his sparring partner and takes on the job of managing him from obscurity to the championship.
Love for Rent
Two small-town sisters go to Hollywood and find themselves seduced by the glamor of the big time and big money as high-priced professional escorts.
The Best Place to Be
A widow's life is thrown into turmoil by her hippie daughter, her rebellious teenage son, and an ill-starred love affair she is having with a much younger man -- and then a former suitor comes back into the picture.
Bittersweet Love
A pregnant woman and her husband discover they are half-brother and half-sister, thanks to his father and her mother.
Привести в исполнение
Убийство президента Кеннеди было тщательно спланировано, и стоял за ним вовсе не одинокий снайпер. Политика нового американского президента не устраивала слишком многих: фанатичных агентов спецслужб, консервативных политиков, коррумпированных военных и наемных убийц. Во время поездки Кеннеди в Даллас они решили привести в исполнение свой «приговор». Президент был обречен: в тот момент когда в него целился Ли Харви Освальд, Кеннеди держали на мушке еще несколько снайперов.
Hail, Hero!
Carl Dixon decides to quit school and enlist in the Army, even though he's already run afoul of the law as a Vietnam protestor. It is our hero's intention to use love, rather than bullets, to combat the Viet Cong. Needless to say, his idealism is no match for the harsher realities of war.
An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?).
Капитан Ньюмэн, доктор медицины
1944 год. Герой истории — капитан Ньюмэн, начальник невропсихиатрического отделения армейского госпиталя во время войны, который ставит свои медицинские обязательства выше военного долга. Рассматриваются три истории болезни. Первая о капрале с множеством наград, который считает себя трусом потому, что бросил друга в горящем самолете. Другая о полковнике, ставшем буйнопомешанным из-за чувства вины так как послал так много своих людей на смерть в воздушном бою. А третья о капитане, который стыдится того, что прятался один в погребе больше года на территории, оккупированной немцами.
Одинокие отважны
Когда бродяга-ковбой Джек Бернс узнает, что его лучший друг Пол Бонди сидит в тюрьме, он решает освободить его любой ценой.
Амбициозная, но не очень сговорчивая, Рэй Смит встречает красивого моряка Пола Сэксона, возвращающегося с войны и случайно проезжающего через Линкольн, штат Небраска. Между ними проскакивают искорки любви, но в силу обстоятельств, Пол вынужден покинуть её и немедленно уехать из города. Позже Рэй узнаёт, что Сэксон женат. Будучи преисполнена решимости сделать карьеру модельера, Рэй переезжает в Нью-Йорк, где добивается большого успеха. Однажды она случайно вновь встречается с Полом, который всё ещё пытается добиться её благосклонности. Пытаясь убежать от него, Рэй переезжает в Рим, где открывает новый магазин. Но и здесь судьба вновь сводит её с Полом. Они начинают тайно встречаться. Пол принимает решение начать бракоразводный процес со своей сварливой и много пьющей женой Лиз. Но та наотрез отказывается дать ему развод.
Полуночное кружево
Кит Престон начинает звонить таинственный незнакомец, угрожающий её убить. Испуганная, она рассказывает об этом мужу, подруге, лондонской полиции, но поскольку у Кит нет никаких доказательств этих угроз, ей никто не верит.
Happy Anniversary
An accidental slip reveals that a happily married couple were intimate before marriage.
The Story of Esther Costello
Eighteen-year-old Esther has been deaf and blind since the accident which killed her mother. Wealthy Margaret Landi, a native of Esther's village in Ireland, is talked into helping to educate and possibly heal Esther. Margaret grows to love Esther as a daughter, but finds Esther's innocence threatened by sleazy promoters and her own sleazy ex-husband. Radiant performance by Heather Sears. Based on a book that nearly had Helen Keller's co-workers suing for libel due to perceived parallels between Carlo Landi and the husband of Annie Sullivan
The Opposite Sex
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
Asked by Francis I to tutor his son, Diane de Poitiers becomes the future King Henry II's mistress in 1500s France.
Вождь Бешеный Конь
Technical Advisor
Когда молодой воин Лакота Сиу Бешеный Конь, которому были предсказаны великие дела, добивается своей невесты, его соперник Маленький Большой Человек идет на предательское соглашение с белыми людьми, и открывает им путь к месторождению золота в священных захоронениях Лакота. Начинается новая золотая лихорадка. Несмотря на перемирие, Лакота берутся за оружие, и Бешеный Конь становится военным вождем своего народа. Первоначальные победы индейцев приводят к неизбежным результатам. История, рассказанная с индейской точки зрения.
Beautiful Stranger
An ex-chorus girl lives on the Riviera, supported by a married man she doesn't know is a crook.
Beautiful Stranger
An ex-chorus girl lives on the Riviera, supported by a married man she doesn't know is a crook.
Внезапный страх
Актер Лестер Блэйн почти получил роль в новой пьесе Миры Хадсон, но Мира сняла его с роли, потому что по ее мнению, он не похож на «романтичного красивого человека». На поезде от Нью-Йорка до Сан-Франциско, Блэйн намеревается доказать ей что она не права... очаровать ее. Действительно ли он является искренним, или он имеет темный скрытый мотив? Ответ напоминает игру кота и мыши; но кто является котом, а кто - мышь?
Saturday's Hero
A talented high school football player encounters trouble in a college program.
Our Very Own
Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
Love Happy
The Marx Brothers help young Broadway hopefuls when they get mixed up with gangsters due to a tin of sardines containing Romanoff diamonds.
Top o' the Morning
A singing insurance investigator comes to Ireland to recover the stolen Blarney Stone...and romance the local policeman's daughter.
Seeds of Destiny
Oscar winning postwar propaganda film in support of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Strident but poignant, focusing on children. The film surveys the Nazi/Japanese atrocities, post-war devastation and the early relief efforts. This film was responsible for raising over $200,000,000, making it a top moneymaking film.
Seeds of Destiny
Oscar winning postwar propaganda film in support of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Strident but poignant, focusing on children. The film surveys the Nazi/Japanese atrocities, post-war devastation and the early relief efforts. This film was responsible for raising over $200,000,000, making it a top moneymaking film.
Летающие тигры
«Летающие тигры» — военно-воздушное подразделение США, сражавшееся с японцами в небе над Китаем во время Второй мировой войны. Командиру подразделения Джиму Гордону приходится брать на себя лидерство не только во время боевых вылетов, но и урегулировать конфликты на земле, ведь публика среди подопечных ему лётчиков-наёмников подобралась очень разношёрстная.
Further Prophecies of Nostradamus
This short film applies the prophecies of Nostradamus to events of World War II.
Sunday Punch
Ma Galestrum (Connie Gilchrist) is a boardinghouse owner whose tenants are a group of aspiring boxers. When her young niece, Judy (Jean Rogers), comes to stay for a visit, college dropout Ken Burke (William Lundigan) and Swedish janitor Ole (Dan Dailey Jr.) immediately fall for her charms. Ken considers going back to college for Judy, but his fight promoter is less than thrilled with this idea. Meanwhile, Ole is determined to meet Ken in the ring to vie for Judy's heart.
Billy the Kid
Billy Bonney is a hot-headed gunslinger who narrowly skirts a life of crime by being befriended and hired by a peaceful rancher, Eric Keating. When Keating is killed, Billy seeks revenge on the men who killed him, even if it means opposing his friend, Marshal Jim Sherwood.
More About Nostradamus
This short film portrays Nostradamus as having predicted the horrors of WWI and Hitler's rise to power, as well as the eventual triumph of "the daughter of the English Isles" against these forces. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Subject, One-Reel.
Drunk Driving
In this Crime Does Not Pay series entry, John Jones is an up and coming businessman who drinks too much but denies he has a problem. One day he mixes drinking and driving, and the tragic consequences hit very close to home.
Ice Antics
Ice skating is becoming a more and more popular activity, especially with ice arenas making it possible to skate in warmer climes and ice shows bringing the beauty of figure skating to the masses. For the novice skater just learning, there will be the inevitable bumps and falls. New skaters learn that their skate blades have an inside and outside edge. Basics they learn are how to glide properly and how to stop. Most maneuvers conducted by figure skaters are based on figure eights, figure threes and loops. Other areas of the arts and entertainment mesh with figure skating, such as music, fashion and dance. The most famous professional revue, the Ice Follies, incorporates many other aspects of entertainment into their show beyond the basic ice skating.
The Great Heart
This short film tells the true story of the heroic sacrifice of Father Damien, the Belgian priest who suffered a living death in order to bring hope and God's comfort to the lepers confined on the Hawaiian island of Molokai.
A look at various predictions Nostradamus made, such as the American and French Revolutions.
This Pete Smith Specialty short showcases former heavyweight boxing champion Max Baer with various sparring partners in the ring. Slow motion is used to illustrate how Baer uses his skills.
It's in the Stars
Musical short about a fraternity and a sorority that call a halt to dating between their houses to improve their grades.
It's in the Stars
Musical short about a fraternity and a sorority that call a halt to dating between their houses to improve their grades.
Penny's Party
Prudence Penny and Gwen Lee give more cooking tips in Technicolor
Equestrian Acrobats
This Pete Smith Specialty showcases the Cristiani Family, a circus act. They mount and dismount moving horses and perform acrobatic feats while riding them.
Penny Wisdom
A Pete Smith Specialty short on saving an important dinner after the household's cook suddenly quits.
Beautiful women allow men to crack whips and throw horseshoes at their heads.
Let's Dance
Choreographer Dave Gould and his students demonstrate various tap dancing steps. Also featured are an adagio and Russian sword dancers.
Trained Hoofs
This short film focuses on how racehorses are trained.
A short film showing the Irish contact sport known as hurling, which is similar to, but much rougher than, American football.