Christopher Wesley Moore

Christopher Wesley Moore


Christopher Wesley Moore


A Stranger Among The Living
After narrowly avoiding a school shooting, a young teacher begins to suspect death has more sinister plans for him.
A Stranger Among The Living
After narrowly avoiding a school shooting, a young teacher begins to suspect death has more sinister plans for him.
У Ксении одинокая рутинная жизнь. Но она разбавляет ее ролевыми играми АСМР. Филипп постоянный зритель её канала и инициатор их встречи в реальной жизни.
У Ксении одинокая рутинная жизнь. Но она разбавляет ее ролевыми играми АСМР. Филипп постоянный зритель её канала и инициатор их встречи в реальной жизни.
Blessed Are the Children
After getting an abortion, Traci Patterson begins to suspect that something sinister is following her and her friends.
Blessed Are the Children
After getting an abortion, Traci Patterson begins to suspect that something sinister is following her and her friends.
A Star Is Stillborn
Frank Mancini, a driven Australian stage dad, pushes his children and long suffering girlfriend into the entertainment industry in search of his own delusional dreams of stardom.
Ryan McNamara has been beaten, abused, witnessed slaughter, and been subjected to sexual torture. But that's nothing compared to what Ryan is about to do.
Ryan McNamara has been beaten, abused, witnessed slaughter, and been subjected to sexual torture. But that's nothing compared to what Ryan is about to do.
Ryan McNamara has been beaten, abused, witnessed slaughter, and been subjected to sexual torture. But that's nothing compared to what Ryan is about to do.
Ryan McNamara has been beaten, abused, witnessed slaughter, and been subjected to sexual torture. But that's nothing compared to what Ryan is about to do.
Ryan McNamara
Ryan McNamara has been beaten, abused, witnessed slaughter, and been subjected to sexual torture. But that's nothing compared to what Ryan is about to do.
Gingerdead: The Adventures of Nella & Nello
Bruno Zipes/Wanda/Jack
In this quirky re-telling of the Grimm Brothers classic, Hansel and Gretel, two white trash children escape the clutches of their abusive stepfather and into the hands of a devious witch and her demonic bakery in post-Katrina New Orleans. Pilot episode for the Bruno Zipes "Storytime" series!
Lock In
What promises to be a stormy night of fun, costumes, and pranks turns deadly when a group of high school seniors, who are staging an elaborate senior prank, find themselves trapped on campus, tormented by someone from the town's dark past who's returned for bloody vengeance. One by one, the students disappear until only a few remain to battle the fiendish psychopath whose identity reveals a gruesome twist that no one could have ever suspected Lock In is a perfectly terrifying homage to the gory slashers of the 80's that's sure to make you scream in delight.
Lock In
What promises to be a stormy night of fun, costumes, and pranks turns deadly when a group of high school seniors, who are staging an elaborate senior prank, find themselves trapped on campus, tormented by someone from the town's dark past who's returned for bloody vengeance. One by one, the students disappear until only a few remain to battle the fiendish psychopath whose identity reveals a gruesome twist that no one could have ever suspected Lock In is a perfectly terrifying homage to the gory slashers of the 80's that's sure to make you scream in delight.
Lock In
What promises to be a stormy night of fun, costumes, and pranks turns deadly when a group of high school seniors, who are staging an elaborate senior prank, find themselves trapped on campus, tormented by someone from the town's dark past who's returned for bloody vengeance. One by one, the students disappear until only a few remain to battle the fiendish psychopath whose identity reveals a gruesome twist that no one could have ever suspected Lock In is a perfectly terrifying homage to the gory slashers of the 80's that's sure to make you scream in delight.
Lock In
What promises to be a stormy night of fun, costumes, and pranks turns deadly when a group of high school seniors, who are staging an elaborate senior prank, find themselves trapped on campus, tormented by someone from the town's dark past who's returned for bloody vengeance. One by one, the students disappear until only a few remain to battle the fiendish psychopath whose identity reveals a gruesome twist that no one could have ever suspected Lock In is a perfectly terrifying homage to the gory slashers of the 80's that's sure to make you scream in delight.
The House of Covered Mirrors
Many secrets lie burried in the North Woods...but should they be unearthed?
The House of Covered Mirrors
Many secrets lie burried in the North Woods...but should they be unearthed?