Конец XIX века. Цыганский табор претендует на земли барона Шеймуса Лорана и, видимо, не без оснований. Барон санкционирует живописную расправу над табором, но одна цыганка успевает его проклясть. Что-то страшное грядёт - это чувствуют деревенская детвора и малолетние отпрыски барона, начинающие видеть странные сны. Расследовать дело прибудет уже когда-то имевший дело с чем-то подобным криминалист Джон Макбрайд.
The Old Vic in association with Bristol Old Vic, Jonathan Church Productions & Global Creatures’ present their Olivier Award-winning production, A Monster Calls. Thirteen-year-old Conor and his mum have managed just fine since his dad moved to America. But now his mum’s very sick and she’s not getting any better. His grandmother won’t stop interfering and the kids at school won’t look him in the eye. Then, one night, at seven minutes past midnight, Conor is woken by something at his window. A monster has come walking. It’s come to tell Conor tales from when it walked before. And when it’s finished, Conor must tell his own story and face his deepest fears. On publication, A Monster Calls became a bestseller with children and adults alike with its dazzling insight into love, loss and healing. It garnered huge critical acclaim, including an unprecedented double win of the Carnegie and Greenaway Medals for outstanding children’s literature and illustration.
When events at work prove too stressful for Douglas Knott, a diligent and extremely busy office manager, he decides to throw a sickie. Unfortunately, his attempts to enjoy a day off are soon sabotaged by the insidious voice of his conscience. Literally.
Переживая болезненное расставание, Бен впадает в бессоницу. В освободившиеся 8 часов он начинает работать в ночную смену местного супермаркета, где главной задачей обслуживающего персонала является времяубийство. Неожиданно Бен обнаруживает в себе необычную способность останавливать время, что даёт толчок его художественному таланту.
Ben is an art college student in London, whose imagination runs wild as he works the late-night shift at the local supermarket. What do he and his colleagues do to pass the long, endless hours of the night?
Rita and Sue are two teenagers living on a run-down council estate in Bradford, who both share a job babysitting for Bob and Michelle's children. Whilst giving them a lift home one night, Bob decides to take Rita and Sue up to a deserted, country-side landscape. Clearly knowing what he has in mind, Rita and Sue are only too happy to oblige and both have a sexual encounter with him that becomes a regular occurrence.