Пара пытается построить отношения, борясь с психологическими травмами и деменцией.
Luis, an 18-year-old Mexican boy with indigenous roots, enters the Heroico Military College with the hope of securing a better future. There, he encounters a rigid and institutionally violent system designed to make him a perfect soldier.
Elena is in charge of the library in a private school. His monotonous life is affected when a new child arrives at school with whom he is obsessed and whom he treats like his son. One day he decides to take him away, generating a crisis in his real mother, Andrea, who will do everything possible to get him back.
Казалось бы, что может быть спокойнее жизни в элегантных гостиничных люксах и на размеренных пляжах Акапулько? Однако, случай может нарушить тихий порядок состоятельной пары, и нарастающая напряженность начнет раскрывать тайны каждого.
Lalo is a teenager tormented by the recent death of his dad, and being forced to move to an old house with his grandmother Elena. After taking his dad's old wristwatch, the ghost of a young girl begins to haunt him. Now, Lalo's life is in danger as he tries to unfold the mysterious ghost who keeps frightening him, hoping to stop her from dragging him for good.
A middle-aged man calls into question his life choices and his own morals after a flirtation with a teenage girl at the beach.
Роскошная свадьба представителей высшего класса прерывается явлением непрошенных гостей - в стране начинаются бунты, сопровождающиеся ростом классовой ненависти и всплеском насилия.
Брат Франсиско погиб на стройке, где они вместе работали. Не дождавшись компенсации от владельца здания, он разрабатывает план мести.
Uzi is the name of a firearm, but also is the diminutive of Uziel, who used to be a hitman in his youth. Now he lives crushed by guilt. His crisis deepens when he helps in a childbirth: the force of life fascinates him, and he does not understand how he was able to destroy it in the past.
A spoiled girl is sent to her family's ranch to work during summer vacations.
Алисия — трудоголик-руководитель, которая внезапно теряет работу и семью. В процессе восстановления она общается с соседкой и помогает ей в ее бизнесе. Именно так ей удается быть самой успешной бизнес-леди в стране. Во время этого процесса она пытается отвоевать своего мужа, но понимает, что ей придется научиться балансировать между работой и семейной жизнью.
Three people with insomnia get together at a supermarket where they share their experiences.
"No One Will Ever Know" - An anodyne environment and a perennial lack of affection, push Lucia and Braulio to turn in the fiction world; to materialize their dreams. Neither inclement reality can stop them.
Angélica and José Luis have been married for thirty years and they have always lived at the same house; first with their son, Daniel, and now, by themselves. Their daily routine is threatened when José Luis loses a leg in a car accident. When they try to restructure their life, they realize their relation was already fractured and opt for silence. However, they begin a passionate search for all they have lost. José Luis takes refuge in a sexual fantasy about his young nurse, while Angélica tries to remain just as contained as she always has for so many years.
A man loses his job an his girlfriend, but he really wants to start dating his best friend.
In 1815, during the Mexican Independence movement, a group of soldiers fighting for Spain take shelter at a ranch where a group of sisters support the other band, the insurgents who are fighting for freedom.
Дождливым вечером 2 октября 1968 года 8 человек ждут на остановке автобус до Мехико. Небеса, кажется, решили отдать все что у них есть без остатка. А в это время на станции происходят загадочные и ужасные вещи.
Ramona is 84, and she has announced that she is ready to die. While her family is making the preparations, however, she changes her mind.
Lidia is a responsible and dedicated maid for a hugely wealthy, elderly Tijuana matron who loves only her pet whippet. Rafael is a quiet and dignified janitor who buys a new pair of shoes to celebrate his imminent retirement from the large corporate facility where he's worked for 30 years. When Lidia's boss dies, leaving everything to her dog, and Rafael's plans get derailed, they both turn to criminal subterfuge to get what their harsh lot in life has denied them.
Pilar loses the one thing in life that mattered to her and, from that moment on time stops. The present begins blending with the past, and the heroine withdraws into a world of her own. An intimate drama about the extreme emotions connected to the loss of someone on whom our lives depend.
We are always told that love lasts forever like in children's fairy tales, but the reality is that people change and relationships expire.
A story about the unexpected meeting of two couples in a seaside hotel, one formed by two young Mexicans and the other two foreign retirees. The four decide to wait together for the arrival of a hurricane that never comes; this allows them to have a profound experience that will change them forever.
A story of love of money and power. A story of courage and bravery. It is the life of José Fierro, a man who faces the consequences of his acts when he decides to go all out; of his wife Ana Luisa, who wants to experience love and eroticism beyond what is permitted. A brave movie that reflects the best and the worst of humans, but is also a tragicomedy (as is life), full of humor, hope and self-sacrifice: the reflection of a country undergoing a permanent financial crisis, produced by the Tequila effect, but which has the virtue of not letting itself be defeated.
During the Mexican Revolution, Leandro and Odón, two war vultures, find a zebra. They mistakenly believe this to be an American horse and thus begin a journey in search of General Obregón, who they assume, will appoint them as colonels given their peculiar beast of burden. They partake in several adventures during their journey.
Butch Fenton, major of American army, comes for Villa's head and he's gonna get it. The "Punitive Expedition" proved to be the last major campaign of the U.S. Cavalry. Mexican revolution is the first social movement of the century.
Лаура живет в меланхолии, она переживает из-за своего прошлого в Оахаке. День за днем она живет в одиночестве, пока не решает, что этому пора положить конец. Лаура встречается с Артуро, который поможет ей справиться с болью существования.
Stuck in a world of dreams and nostalgia, Pat struggles to forget the limelight and fleeting fame of his glory days. When a beautiful young woman named Ana saves his life, Pat agrees to drive her to her ancestral home, in hopes that she can save him from his own past. Unpaved roads treat the pair to a bumpy adventure full of anger management, Beethoven and The Doors, as the journey proves to be full of lessons and revelations.
Being kidnapped shatters a brother and sister's harmony, forcing them to confront their desires.
Амбициозные планы отца занять место мэра Мехико под угрозой. Его любимая 18-летняя дочь Адела славится далеко не спортивными достижениями или благотворительными акциями. Юная строптивица гордится своими многочисленными тату, пирсингом и… арестом за недостойное поведение. Связанный по рукам и ногам выходками дочери, папочка решает найти изящный выход из создавшегося положения. Он записывает ее в известную Академию для Юных Леди — заведение, надежно зарекомендовавшее себя своей единственной и неповторимой методой превращения любой бунтарки в идеальную «богиню домашнего очага». Так оно и было до того момента, пока туда не ступила нога Аделы. Любая попытка директрисы наставить Аделу на путь истинный переворачивает всю школу вместе с ее колоритными ученицами вверх тормашками. Интересно, кому удастся выиграть решающий матч?
In 1970, a missile veers off course and crashes inside the Zona del silencio. Two locals watch Americans recover the missile, but when they go in after them, something goes terribly wrong. Thirty years later, scientists arrive to investigate all the unexplained phenomena in the region.
Почти наши дни. Одно из государств Латинской Америки. Социальные катаклизмы, восстания, нищета, перемены, но традиционные религиозные устои незыблемы. Молодой падре Амаро, недавно принявший сан, нарушает строгие правила, влюбившись в молодую прихожанку.
Set in the west, Cuenta Saldada tells the story of Vicente (Gerardo Albarrán), a man who is injured when he is singing. The protagonist is so bad that he is on the verge of death, but he resists because his family needs him urgently and resigns himself to live until everything is in order.
Главный герой - русский, попавший после войны из фашистского плена в Мексику и проживший на чужбине большую часть жизни, теперь возвращается на родину с дочерью, пережившей сильный нервный стресс.
"Cilantro y perejil" is a comedy about couples from the same family, hit by the economic crisis in Mexico. The plot turns around the eternal question of whether it is worth it to live as a couple. The conclusions are fun, unpredictable and very human. After ending a ten-year marriage, Carlos and Susana try to fall in love with other people without success. As the days go by, Carlos realizes that without Susana he is unable to do many things, including distinguishing cilantro from parsley.
Alejandra and Ana are college friends, both are virgin and hope to find the love of their life soon. Ana meets Miguel, but they agree to just be friends. Alejandra meets Esteban, a well known womanizer.
A conflict arises between the people of the town and the local priest when they have to decide how to represent certain biblical episode.
1941, Jose Antelmo Cruz regrets his past while writing a novel and falling in love with a prostitute.
Virginia and Nacho, is a poor marriage, living precariously on their meager salaries, insufficient to support his child nine years of age. Until fortune smiles and Nacho wins a late model car. But sometimes it's better that luck will smile.
Chapter 15 of the series 18 decades of life in Mexico in the twentieth century. Images of the cultural, social and political life in Mexico from 1970 to 1974. During the presidential term of Luis Echeverria Alvarez fantasies of prosperous and modern country it dissolves; Mexico live in political crisis. It is a time of omnipotence, barbarism, and violence intervention: the world seeks new ways. In Mexico, it held the World Cup, unionism is strengthened and inflation responds to the continuing economic imbalances.
Старый холостяк Бенджамин до сих пор живет со своей сестрой Микаэлой в скучном маленьком городке. Его единственным развлечением является проводить свободное время вместе с кучей старых мужчин, играя как дети. Бенджамин влюбляется в красивую и молодую Нативидад. Сначала, он пишет ей любовные письма. Потом, когда эта стратегия не удается, Бенджамин и старики планируют похитить ее и ждать, когда она влюбиться.
A Mexican romance by Dana Rotberg.
Post-Production Manager
A psycho with a hair fetish is caught in the act of disposing of a body and the lonely housewife that witnesses it must fight for her life.