Ivonne Fuentes


Mexico City, 1973. Director, screenwriter, film editor, producer and costume designer. She studied communication studies at Universidad Iberoamerican Noreste in Tijuana, BC. Later, she studied at CUEC, majoring as a filmmaker. She studied an arts history diploma course at Instituto Cultural Helénic. With the help of the FOPROCINE and a grant from the FONCA, she made her first feature documentary El viaje del cometa, which has participated in several festivals and won the jury's special mention at Guadalajara Film Festival in 2009. Since 2002, she has been art director at several movies: Adán y Eva (todavía), La Sangre Iluminada, Norteado, Adiós mundo cruel, Caja Negra, Miss Bala, Juego de niños, Chávez, Carmín Tropical, Plan Sexenal, El peluquero romántico, y and tv series Niño Santo. She has been nominated for the Ariel awards for best setting and for best art direction for the movies Rito Terminal, El crimen del Padre Amaro, Adán y Eva (todavía), and Norteado. Presently, she is working in a series of engravings and collage for an installation at the art gallery Casa Valencia in San Diego, California. She is also working in her second feature documentary El verde.


Production Design
Luis, an 18-year-old Mexican boy with indigenous roots, enters the Heroico Military College with the hope of securing a better future. There, he encounters a rigid and institutionally violent system designed to make him a perfect soldier.
Amores Incompletos
Art Designer
The Black Minutes
Art Direction
In the late 1970s, a group of young cops lead by ex-musician turned detective Vicente Rangel will face the darkest minutes of their lives while attempting to catch a serial killer of young girls in a corrupt oil town in the Gulf of Mexico.
Рабочая сила
Production Design
Брат Франсиско погиб на стройке, где они вместе работали. Не дождавшись компенсации от владельца здания, он разрабатывает план мести.
Buy Me a Gun
Production Design
In a timeless México where women are disappearing, a girl helps her dad, a tormented addict, to take care of an abandoned baseball camp where the narcos gather to play.
The Romantic Barber
Production Design
Victor, a 37 year old hairstylist at Mexico, has a really standard routine: he works, plays domino, watches soccer and cleans his house. He also likes romantic music and old classic mexican movies. But suddenly, he has to break this routine and go to Rio the Janeiro.
Sexennial Plan
Production Design
Mercedes’ fantasy turns into a nightmare. Juan’s greatest fear takes the shape of a strange man entering his house. The city has fallen into chaos and anarchy, so it's going to be difficult to get some ice for the drinks; but tonight, Mercedes is an object of desire to men, so nothing else matters.
Сесар Чавес
Production Design
История жизни известного американского правозащитника, борца за гражданские и социальные права трудящихся Сесара Чавеса.
Мисс Пуля
Art Direction
Это история 23-летней Лауры Герреро из приграничного штата Тихуана, девушки из простой семьи, которая очень хочет принять участие в конкурсе красоты. Случайно став свидетельницей перестрелки в ночном клубе, она попадает в лапы бандитов из самого влиятельного в городе наркокартеля. В постоянном страхе за свою жизнь и жизнь своих родных Лауре приходится выполнять задания главаря банды — Лино.
The Journey of the Comet
A couple of retired teachers transform an unused school bus into a mobile home. With the help of a few telescopes, a pension, and a heartfelt dream, they begin their journey to the most isolated parts of Mexico to teach a little astronomy to the public schools across the country for free.
The Journey of the Comet
A couple of retired teachers transform an unused school bus into a mobile home. With the help of a few telescopes, a pension, and a heartfelt dream, they begin their journey to the most isolated parts of Mexico to teach a little astronomy to the public schools across the country for free.
Lila Downs - Lotería Cantada
Art Designer
Stories of Disenchantment
Costume Design
In a world devoured by an invisible force known as disenchantment, the stories of three characters intertwine: Diego, who tries to make a movie about the dreams of Ximena, an adolescent experiencing her sexual awakening, who is secretly in love with him and who, in order to help him in his bizarre project, leads him to Ainda, a conceptual artist with bat wings, with whom the naïve filmmaker falls madly in love. Ainda is attracted by the purity of the young people and seduces them both, which leads to a magical moment in the lives of all three. But soon the young people discover that their beloved harpy’s heart belongs to a being from beyond the grave. Then the idyllic relationship of the three characters begins to crumble and they do everything in their power to prevent it, as the dark force of disenchantment closes over the city.
Тайна отца Амаро
Set Decoration
Почти наши дни. Одно из государств Латинской Америки. Социальные катаклизмы, восстания, нищета, перемены, но традиционные религиозные устои незыблемы. Молодой падре Амаро, недавно принявший сан, нарушает строгие правила, влюбившись в молодую прихожанку.
Production Design
In 1870, four different stories happen in four different places in the world.