Ronny Jhutti

Рождение : , London, England, UK


A political thriller directed by Jono Smith.
Эксцентричный мультимиллионер подписывает соглашение о «прекращении» своей жизни. Выбирая гроб для похорон, он знакомится с подписавшей аналогичный договор молодой женщиной. Проблемы возникают после того, как они влюбляются друг в друга и пытаются расторгнуть заключенные контракты…
Морпехи 2: Поле Огня
Морской пехоте США в очередной раз поручили очень ответственное и смертельно опасное задание. Они отправляются в одну из стран на Ближнем Востоке, в провинцию Гильменд. Морпехов преследуют вооруженные до зубов боевики. Сквозь град пуль и шквального огня от взрыва снарядов американские военные идут к выполнению поставленной цели. Но удастся ли им выполнить задание и остаться в живых?
Cash and Curry
Cash and Curry is a fast-paced, comedy-drama, set in multi-cultural London. Raj and his friends are tired of being "errand boys" at the bottom of the food chain. Ambition, leads Raj and his friends into the middle of a gang war between two of the biggest drug lords in London: Gabbar and Isaac. Realising the consequences of his actions, Raj seeks refuge in the countryside with an old friend, Tony. Based in an old abandoned farm, Tony runs the largest pirate DVD manufacturing operation in London. To elude capture, Raj and his friends are forced to submerge themselves in farm life. Meanwhile, Gabbar and Isaac are hunting down Raj and his friends - but who will find them first
Nina's Heavenly Delights
A feisty young woman returns to Glasgow to run her deceased father's curry house.
Banglatown Banquet
Middle-aged Muslim Bangladeshi women struggling for their freedom as they leave the familiarity of their Bangladeshi community and set out on a voyage of discovery.
Twelfth Night, or What You Will
Multicultural version of the Shakespearean tale Twelth Night, Made in modern day society featuring Anglo-Indian cast.
Bollywood Queen
A cross cultural romance set in London's East End about a young girl of Indian heritage.
Wild West
A young Pakistani, living in England thinks that he is a cowboy and dreams of leading his country music band to success in Nashville. He meets a young woman who leaves her abusive husband and joins their group as a singer, but when they get a break with a record company, the company is only interested in her. Taking the proceeds of the sale of their family home, they finally set out to achieve their dream in Nashville. There are several comic sub-plots as well, the main one revolving around a biker gang out to get the family.
Immaculate Conception
A childless British couple visit a fertility shrine of Gulab Shah in Karachi run by eunuchs and set off a huge culture clash.