Pedro Armendáriz Jr.

Pedro Armendáriz Jr.

Рождение : 1940-04-06, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Смерть : 2011-12-26


Pedro Armendáriz Bohr (April 6, 1940 – December 26, 2011), better known by his stage name Pedro Armendáriz, Jr., was a Mexican actor who made films and television series from United States and Mexico. Pedro Armendáriz Bohr was born in Mexico City, to Mexican actor Pedro Armendáriz and Carmela Bohr. Armendáriz appeared in the James Bond film, Licence to Kill as president Hector Lopez. He also appeared in: Amistad (1997), The Mask of Zorro (1998), The Mexican (2001), Original Sin (2001), In the Time of the Butterflies (2001), Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003), And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself (2003), The Legend of Zorro (2005), and Freelancers (2012). In November 2011, Armendáriz was diagnosed with eye cancer. He died of the disease on December 26, 2011, at age 71, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. His remains were buried at Panteón Jardín in Mexico City.


Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.


From Inside
Domingo Altamirano
Carmen Altamirano was buried alive at 2 years old by her parents. 30 years later, she will have to dig up her past.
Gabriel Baez
Фильм расскажет о сыне убитого нью-йоркского копа, который вместе с двумя лучшими друзьями поступает в полицейскую академию, а после ее окончания парня берет под крыло бывший напарник его отца капитан Вик Сарконе, командующий оперативным отрядом по борьбе с уличной преступностью.
В доме отца
Miguel Ernesto Alvarez
Армандо Альварес обычный парень, не особо видавший жизнь. Да и как насладиться ею, когда он вынужден проводить все своё время на ранчо своего отца. Да все осложняется еще и тем, что он английского не знает. И это просто катастрофа для человека, который не может покинуть родную Мексику, чтоб на некоторое время вдохнуть свежий воздух свободы. А тут еще их семейный бизнес не заладился на ранчо, возникли финансовые трудности, отцу срочно требуется немалая сумма денег. И в этот момент, словно спаситель, приезжает его брат Армандо Рауль со своей новой невестой. А у него все хорошо, он очень успешный, умеет вести свой бизнес, да и долг отца обещает погасить. Но…
Картель жаб
The real life story of Andres Lopez Lopez aka "Frecita" during his years involved with the Colombian Cartel aka "Cartel Norte del Valle"
Guillermo is an old man who has wasted the best years of his life due to the belief that there is still much time to live. After the death of his parents, Guillermo takes refuge in his house. The days were long and the years passed until he meets someone who shows him a world he has never seen before.
El baile de San Juan
Marqués de la Villa
It is the final decade of the 18th century in New Spain. We are in Mexico City, inhabited by local adventurers, native inhabitants and Europeans of every kind. In these surroundings, our characters, Jerónimo Marani, court choreographer, Giovanni, his mestizo son, and Victoria, the daughter of the most prominent family in the city, who is in love with Giovanni, live a life of love and aversion, court intrigue and popular grievances, Viceregal dogmas and dreams of freedom. Mexico´s war of independence is only a few years in the future.
Sin Memoria
Beto wakes up in his apartment not knowing where or who he is. He does not remember anything from his past. On the floor is a passport in the name of Marcelo Peralta. Trying to regain memory and their own lives, reveals a number of elements that will be intertwined with each other in unexpected course of events, such as theft, fraud and passionate love.
A girl pretend to be a princess in order to have a better life, but insted is send to look for a flower that will help her people.
Don Julio
Three novellas are connected by the character of Don Julio. The old man lives alone in a hacienda which is being absorbed by the huge Mexico City. Don Julio escapes from the surrounding reality into the world of memories. Images from the past are so strong that they reawaken his old love for aunt Cecilia and young Clotilde.
Christmas, Inc.
santa claus
With Christmas approaching, Santa Claus has to contend with the fact that the North Pole is melting and find a way to rid the holiday of its capitalist nature.
Divina confusión
The Greek Olimpian Gods engage in the human life experience to its full intensity, for which they choose Mexico City's trendy night club: "Olimpus Dancing Club". Once living in the mortal's world, the naughty Eros (with help of a gang of ill-behaved gods), is responsible for unleashing a forbidden passion that disrupts the lives of the members of two families of not-so-simple mortals.
Looking for Palladin
Police Chief
Brash young Hollywood talent agent Josh Ross (David Moscow) is dispatched to Guatemala, where he's assigned to locate missing star Jack Palladin (Ben Gazzara), a man Josh has never met but can't stand due to Palladin's long-ago relationship with his late mother. Despite receiving no help from the amused locals, Josh eventually finds his target hiding out as a cook at a restaurant but discovers that persuading the reluctant actor to return to Hollywood will be an uphill climb. Talia Shire costars in this independent comedy.
The Last of the Just
Padre del Toro
A religious thriller that centers on a theory: 30 people have been chosen by God to maintain the balance of world as we know it. These "Chosen Ones" have been methodically exterminated throughout history and it is now time to take out the last of the them.
One Long Night
Don Ricardo
Richard Macedo, is a young Mexican-American businessman from Orange County whose life is changed over the course of one night through a series of off beat encounters with the denizens of Mexico City.
Jose Maria and his sister Mercedes are archaeologists who have been given a grant to study the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom Juan Diego, an ordinary man living near the hill of Tepeyac, witnessed in December 1531.
Filmmakers in Action
What is the state of cinema and what being a filmmaker means? What are the measures taken to protect authors' copyright? What is their legal status in different countries? (Sequel to “Filmmakers vs. Tycoons.”)
A Wonderful World
Director del Periodico
A fairy tale about the political and socioeconomic realities of Mexico.
Легенда Зорро
Governor Riley
Спустя 10 лет Алехандро обещает Елене и сыну Хоакину расстаться с маской и вечными приключениями, но воплотить эти планы в жизнь не удается, поскольку зреет новый заговор, бороться с которым может лишь всесильный Зорро…
Killing Cabos
Oscar Cabos
Two young men get involved with some criminals while trying to free the tycoon they kidnapped.
El segundo
El Mayor
A Tejano rancher hires an oil worker (Hank Jacobs) to pick up an artifact of the ancient world which will bring him immortal life.
Приемные матери
Лелея заветную мечту, шесть американок приезжают в далекую латиноамериканскую страну, чтобы усыновить детей из местного приюта. Дожидаясь выполнения всех формальностей, они живут в экзотическом мотеле, которым заправляет не менее удивительная и непредсказуемая сеньора Муньос. Эти женщины так непохожи друг на друга, их прошлое увлекательно, а будущее непредсказуемо, и теперь они надеются обрести счастье и смысл жизни. Увы, будущие матери не знают, что им предстоит пройти множество испытаний в этой чужой и непонятной для них стране. Что победит — отчаяние или материнская любовь?
Однажды в Мексике: Отчаянный 2
El Presidente
Этот фильм — продолжение истории о гитаристе Эль Марьячи. На этот раз он пытается помешать могущественному наркобарону Баррильо свергнуть президента Мексики.Это задание он получает от продажного агента ЦРУ Сэндса, который не хочет рисковать собственной жизнью ради спасения жизни главы чужого государства. Приключения Эль Марьячи начинаются на фоне грядущей революции, всеобщей неразберихи и кровной мести.Главный герой, ставший известным благодаря превосходной игре Антонио Бандераса, великолепно справляется как с гитарой, так и с пистолетом, и, несмотря на все трудности и раны, всегда добивается успеха.
Тайна отца Амаро
El Presidente Municipal Gordo
Почти наши дни. Одно из государств Латинской Америки. Социальные катаклизмы, восстания, нищета, перемены, но традиционные религиозные устои незыблемы. Молодой падре Амаро, недавно принявший сан, нарушает строгие правила, влюбившись в молодую прихожанку.
Времена бабочек
Captain Peña
В ноябре 1960 года на северном побережье Доминиканской Республики обнаружили три женских трупа. Полиция установила, что тела принадлежат сестрам Мирабель, которых все называли Бабочками. Официальной версией гибели девушек стала смерть в результате несчастного случая. Но слишком странные обстоятельства трагедии заставили власти и журналистов провести дополнительное расследование, в ходе которого выяснились шокирующие факты из жизни Бабочек...
Murder at El Meneo
Don Manuel
In this crime parody, two fumbling detectives try to solve a murder without getting murdered, seduced, or outwitted in the process.
Jorge Cortés
Когда увлечение оборачивается страстью, когда женщина становится наваждением, когда разум срывается в бездну, любовь превращается в смертельный поединок. Богатый кубинский торговец Луис Антонио Варгас собирается жениться на американке. Приближается время встречи с долгожданной невестой, и взволнованный жених уже представляет себе невинную скромную девушку, которой предстоит разделить с ним жизнь. Но ожидания Луиса не оправдались — в его судьбу вторглась роковая женщина. Сила очарования и магия соблазна способны сделать счастливым любого… и погубить каждого.
Mexican Policeman
Мелкий гангстер Джерри Уэлбах получает в один день сразу два ультиматума. Его босс — главарь банды — требует, чтобы Джерри срочно разыскал в Мексике бесценный антикварный пистолет, прозванный «Мексиканец», или… незамедлительно вернул все долги. Его подружка Саманта тоже ставит вопрос ребром: или она или банда. Из двух зол Джерри выбирает меньшее, и отправляется в Мексику за пистолетом. Но вскоре выясняется, что заполучить «Мексиканца» мечтает не он один. Но и два профессиональных киллера…
Entre los dioses del desprecio
An expert on disarming alarms leaves prison to do a job.
Пока не наступит ночь
Reinaldo's Grandfather
Фильм рассказывает о яркой истории жизни Рейнальдо Аренаса — известного кубинского поэта и писателя.
His Most Serene Highness
This historical drama depicts the waning days of the life of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, the 19th century president of Mexico who, in 1847, waged a war against the United States that ultimately cost his nation half of its territory
Закон Ирода
В маленьком мексиканском городке молодой простак, член партии PRI по имени Хуан Варгас назначен временным мэром после того, как предыдущий мэр был убит разозленными жителями. Недостаток средств не позволяет ему работать на благо города и тогда попросив помощи у своего начальника, секретаря председателя партии, он получает томик конституции Мексики и револьвер — ему сказано, что единственный закон — это закон Ирода: «поимей их до того, как они поимели тебя».
На границе
Владелец небольшого банка на мексиканской границе — Эд Грэнджер дает охраннику банка Джейку Барнсу дополнительной задание: выяснить, с кем ему изменяет жена. Джейк очень рисковал, так как именно он наставлял рога своему боссу. Больше того, любовники намеривались ограбить свой банк. Но дело было в том, что и этим банком, расположенном в тихом месте, и самим Джейком давно уже заинтересовались профессиональные грабители.
Маска Зорро
Don Pedro
Стареющий герой, отдавший все силы борьбе за справедливость, проведший десятилетия в темнице, потерявший жену и дочь, передает свои знания, умения и черную маску молодому отчаянному бойцу, который отныне и будет сражаться с теми, кто вершит зло.
General Espatero
Основаный на реальных событиях, фильм повествует о невероятном путешествии рабов африканцев, которые захватывают работорговый корабль «Амистад» и пытаются вернуться на родину. После того как власти наконец арестовывают корабль, рабов отправляют в Соединенные Штаты, где они попадают в тюрьму по обвинению в убийстве. Начинается процесс, затрагивающий основы американского правосудия и привлекающая внимание всей нации. Но для самих подсудимых это прежде всего борьба за свои права и свободу.
Abogado Defensor (segment 'Sangre entre mujeres")
The human and divine justice are exposed through five real life stories related to the legal processes of a prison. The cases presented are: "I want to stay in jail", "Blood between women", "The raped prostitute", "The kidnapped policeman", and "Euthanasia or murder?"
Эсмеральда приходит по ночам
Rossellini, tenor husband
Эсмеральда замужем за пятью мужчинами одновременно, и теперь ей предстоит объяснить судье, как это вышло.
Two Crimes
After being falsely accused of a murder, Marcos runs away to the small and quiet town of Cuevano. There he finds that the family matters are more complicated than his.
Old Max remembers the time as a child when he was taken to the jungle where he met a prophet, a circus man and other weird characters.
Guerrero Negro
Like a Bride
Two Mexican Jewish girls of come of age in Mexico City during the 1960s
The Cisco Kid
General Montano (as Pedro Armendariz)
This update of the 1950 western TV series changes Cisco and Pancho from wandering heroes of the old west to somewhat anti-"gringo" Mexican revolutionaries.
Pedro Riel
Vagabunda is the story of young girl (Flor), well aware about her seductive skills, who arrives from an unknown place into a small town in Verazcruz where she is protected by the widowed father of a family who has two sons; one married and the other one lame. After weighting possibilities she ends up dividing the family to get the benefits of the family patrimony causing the married man to killed his pregnant wife, fact that is covered up by his father. At his sister in law's funeral, the head of the family announced his wedding with Flor which takes place before the burial. But since the now widowed son was cheating with Flor, he ends up being killed by his father as he did when killing his pregnant wife, Perla, giving this initial sensual movie a tragic end.
Тумстоун: Легенда дикого запада
1871 год. В США закончилась гражданская война. Фермеры, грабители, золотоискатели, убийцы, воры — все отправились на поиски состояний. Нам расскажут легенду о шерифе Эрпе, который отказался от своей работы, чтобы начать нормальную жизнь со своей семьей. Его друг Док Холлидей, южанин и игрок, тоже решил зажить нормальной жизнью. В городе Тумстоун нашли месторождение серебра, началась серебряная лихорадка. Там и решили они осесть. Но в то же время там же организовалась жестокая и огромная банда убийц.
Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7
Student nurses join some doctors to work in a medical station a few hours flying-time from the Mexican town of Catamaco. One of their planes goes down due to an engine malfunction and crashes in the rain forest. This is the story of the attempts to save the lives of the passengers (both nurses and doctors).
Extraños caminos
During the rainy Christmas season, a troupe of five actors who are college students lose their way in the mountains of Hidalgo when they try to take a short cut. With their van in need of repairs, they are stranded in a village where a local boss, Don Elias, pays peasants to log the forest illegally. The five collegians have little sensitivity to village ways and are shocked to be treated as foreigners in their own country. When two of them witness assaults on the town's priest and on a harmless simpleton, and when Don Elias frames the troupe for murder, their cries of innocence fall on deaf ears. Vigilantes call for their deaths and give chase. Will anyone help them?
Code... Death: Frontera Sur
Two American soldiers travel through the woods to stop the sinister colonel.
Los años de Greta
Elderly woman bonds with other senior citizens for emotional support.
Death and the Compass
In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)
Moonlight Sonata
A high-strung love triangle of mystery and suspense arises between Julia, a beautiful and ambitious woman who, helped by Raúl, her lover, kill her husband.
Highway Patrolman
Sargento Barreras
A naïve rookie in the Mexican highway patrol must adapt in order to survive as he contends with widespread corruption, dangerous drug runners and the consequences of his often morally gray actions.
Любовь во время истерии
Associate Producer
Томас - молодой плейбой со шлейфом брошенных подруг. Но когда Сильвия, жертва одного из его приключений, пытается отомстить, показав «положительный» тест на СПИД, Томас впервые ощущает реалии любви и смерти.
In the wake of the Mexican Revolution, a band of pre-teen boys are forced to rely on their own resources for survival.
Camino largo a Tijuana
Juan (Armendariz) lives in a trash depository in Mexico City. He knows Lila (Pereyra), a drug addict rich girl who reminds him of his long lost daughter. Lila is kidnapped by drug dealers and Juan feels responsible for her. He takes the long way to Tijuana to rescue Lila. (Written by Maximiliano Maza
The Legend of a Mask
A reporter starts investigating the life of the recently deceased wrestler "The Masked Angel"
Ke arteko egunak
One day, Pedro Sansinenea left family, friends and country, an environment that drowned him. Twenty years later he returns to the Basque Country for several reasons, where he finds old hatreds, new conflicts and even a dramatic love story.
¡Maten a Chinto!
Don Chinto
During the Christmas season of 1944 in the Pacific coast port city of Manzanillo, hotel manager Chinto loses his temper and assaults "Inés," the homosexual cook. Inés complains to the police, but when several patrolmen come to arrest Chinto, he pulls a pistol and shoots them. The authorities soon lay seige to the hotel; Chinto's employees, oddly enough, follow his orders without question and assist him in barricading the hotel's doors and windows. The guests include U.S. consul Kraft and Pamela, the blonde mistress of a Mexican businessman (whose Mexican wife is also staying in the hotel). Chinto has been having an affair with one of the maids (who, unknown to him, is pregnant with his child), but he begins a brief sexual liaison with Pamela (she asks him "Who taught you English?" and Chinto replies, "George Raft").
Старый гринго
Pancho Villa
По роману Карлоса Фуэнтеса. Американская учительница и стареющий американский журналист соединяются судьбой во время мексиканской революции 10-х годов нашего века. Они оказываются в армии Панчо Вильи в компании молодого революционного генерала. Напряженна драма живо воссоздает атмосферу времени, батальные эпизоды сняты масштабно, а мастерство звезд - на самом высоком уровне...
007: Лицензия на убийство
President Hector Lopez
Не успев как следует насладиться прелестями семейной жизни, молодожен Феликс, агент ЦРУ и старый друг Джеймса Бонда, на собственной шкуре познает все коварство и жестокость колумбийской наркомафии. Его красавицу жену умышленно лишают жизни, а его самого бросают на съедение акулам. Агента 007 безусловно не устраивает такое отношение к его друзьям и он, нарушив все инструкции и приказы, но не забыв прихватить с собой множество хитроумных примочек из шпионского арсенала, отправляется на поиски кровожадного наркобарона.
Angel in the Night
Comandante Gallardo
A respectable family is shot by a gang brutally together. Only the mother survives the perfidious raid. They, although psychiatrist, finds the way back only laboriously in the everyday life. However, then you play the chance one of the members of a gang in the hands. A young fellow which does not finish on his part the recollections and takes up unsuspectingly the help of the doctor. This recognizes immediately that the illustrated case is more own to her. Now the woman knows only one: Revenge. Under drugs her patient reveals details and names. As a result through various tricks and in varying disguising she approaches to the single members of a gang. It begins a hunt on life and death...
Romelia's Secret
The way three different generations of women view virginity and the mystery that a love story hides.
Lovers, Partners & Spies
Retired international police agent, now suburban housewife, is asked by her former partner to help him catch a serial killer.
Les pyramides bleues
Elise is content being the lover of Alex, a wealthy magnate who lavishes her with attention and money. When she gets religious and decides to hide from him in a French convent, Alex hires agents to bring her back.
Биографический фильм о полковнике Уильяме Уокере Норвелле, воинском начальнике и авантюристе, задумавшем группой в 45 бойцов в 1853 году `освободить`мексиканский штат Сонора и создать свою, так называемую, непризнанную республику. А позднее, будучи командующим Первого Американского батальона пехоты осуществить агрессивное вторжение в Никарагуа (1855)...
Mariana Mariana
Carlos (adult)
The story runs in the 1940s Mexico City. A schoolboy (Carlos) falls in love with his best friend's mother (Mariana). Carlos is impressed because this family is not like the ordinary mexican families of the time, because they have many expensive American things, although they are not rich. The drama begins when Carlos gets out of school to go to declare his love to Mariana, and is discovered by his teachers.
Persecución en Las Vegas: 'Volvere'
Herencia maldita
Mexican feature film
A Walk on the Moon
A Peace Corps volunteer, bubbling o'er with idealism, learns to his delight that he has been assigned to a remote, backward Colombian village. When he arrives, he is confused by the cynical attitude of his predecessor
Убийство в трёх актах
Col. Mateo
В Акапулько, в замке экстравагантного и гостеприимного хозяина — миллионера, происходит светский раут. Гостям, элегантным дамам и господам, среди которых - сам Эркюль Пуаро, предлагают перед трапезой прохладительный коктейль. В один из бокалов подмешан яд...
Maine-Ocean Express
"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).
Three of Cups
Cipriano Melquisdor
While touring the towns, two revelers meet a beautiful woman who awakens greed and passion in both.
El puente II
Mexican feature film
The Humiliated
Executive Producer
Four nuns are raped by a group of lepers. Although they all turn out to be pregnant, their status is hidden from them in the convent.
Treasure Island
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Wandering Lives
The engineer
Two traveling projectionists tour the villages of the mountains showing films in order to save money and build their own theater.
Treasure of the Amazon
Pablo / Zapata
An adventurer and his buddies race a former Nazi and others to diamonds in the South American jungle.
Sangre en el Caribe
Secuestro sangriento
Violent Stories
Five surreal short stories make up this Mexican anthology film.
El billetero
A poor family hits the lottery.
La silla vacía
The Heart of the Night
El Ciego (Domingo)
A young deaf-mute who lives and has intercourse with a blind man much older than she, inevitably attracts a shy driving instructor a strange, hallucinatory underworld, populated by those beings whose mutilation, impaired physical differences, have become rejected of society.
Matar o morir
Mexican rancher goes to Texas to track down his son's murderer.
Los dos carnales
Pre-teen, and his orphaned best-bud, live by their wits while his mom is serving a prison sentence.
Cosa fácil
Hector Belascoaran Shayne
This is a story of revenge, as detective Shayne's own clients sabotage his actions, and leave him blind in one eye. The cases then become personal and Shayne vows to destroy the guilty.
Huevos rancheros
Two "naughty" comedy episodes with naked women and bodies of water.
Días de Combate
Héctor Belascoarán Shayne
A private detective starts a game of cat and mouse with a psychopath who strangles women who leaves messages on the bodies of his victims.
In the Land of Light Feet
During his vacations, 12-year-old Manuel travels by train with his mother to the Sierra Tarahumara to spend a few days with his father, who works in the mountains with the indigenous people protecting nature. Manuel befriends Jesus, who takes him to his town and teaches him the customs of his own. Both children discover illegal loggers.
El día que murió Pedro Infante
Mexican feature film
The Captain
Президент компании нанимает сыщика, чтобы разыскать его дочь, пропавшую во время путешествия по Мексике. Ему в помощь он даёт своего сотрудника, такого же "человека-катастрофу", как и она, полагая что это поможет быстрее напасть на след. В поисках девушки "невезучие" переживают массу умопомрачительно смешных приключений.
Trail of Death
Alberto Villamosa
Thriller directed by Arturo Ripstein.
Жена министра
Inspector Romero
Благодаря протекции своей любовницы, графини Монтенегро, юный жиголо Рафаэль получает непыльное место садовника на вилле министра Фернандеса. Здесь на привлекательного парня обращает внимание молодая супруга политика Тереса, испытывающая недостаток внимания со стороны мужа. Вскоре Рафаэль становится любовником женщины. Тем временем на него выходят представители левой террористической группировки, требующие от молодого человека помощи в похищении члена правительственного кабинета.
Novia, esposa y amante
Aspiring actress finds herself sidetracked from her goals when she gets romanced-up by her director. It's all downhill from there.
Evita Peron
Cypriano Reyes
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
Псы войны
The Captain
Деловые круги Запада заинтересованы в том, чтобы свергнуть диктаторский режим в небольшой африканской стране. Осуществить переворот предложено командиру группы наемников Полу Шеннону. За определенную сумму командир соглашается выполнить операцию и приступает к ее подготовке. Дворец диктатора взят приступом за одну ночь. Контракт выполнен. За исключением одного пункта…
Me olvidé de vivir
Julio Iglesias, internationally famous spanish singer, ends his Europe-wide tour in Paris. Before setting off to perform in America, decides to take a brief holiday in the quiet and peaceful Contadora Island in Panama. There, he meets Claudia, a german archaeology tour guide, for whom he'll start falling for, possibly jeopardizing the whole future of his concert tours.
Mamá solita
Mexican feature film
The Flight of the Stork
An erotic model has three lovers, one of them is the father of her child. Which of the three will be?
Пожизненное заключение
Javier Lira "El Tarzán"
Бывший преступник шантажирован коррумпированным полицейским и вынужден совершить преступление.
Survival Run
A group of teenagers drive out into the desert in search of sex, beer, and general good times. When their van breaks down, they find a group of prospectors who welcome the kids and offer them a place to stay until they can get help. It soon becomes evident, however, that there is more to these prospectors than they claim, and soon the teens are fleeing for their lives.
Estas ruinas que ves
Raymundo Rocafuerte
In this sexy romantic comedy from Mexico, the life of a college professor is turned upside down when he falls for a former student, who is already pledged to marry another man.
Felipe Leyva
Клаудия Берналь прибыла в США, беременная от своего любовника-кинорежиссера Фелипе, который поселил ее в доме на берегу моря. После того, как его жена узнает, она нанимает мужчин, чтобы изнасиловать Клаудию и сфотографировать акт. В итоге Клаудию арестовывают и по обвинению в проституции и нелегальном пребывании на территории США депортируют обратно в Мексику, а ребенка отдают Фелипе. Теперь Клаудия хочет только одного – вернуться в США за своим сыном, ради этого она готова на все.
Crónica íntima
Mexican feature film
Small Privileges
Class differences in Mexican society are expressed in the life and behavior of a young couple member of the burgoisie that will soon become parents, in contrast to their servant and the fatal consequences she suffers due to an unwanted pregnancy.
La plaza de Puerto Santo
The town's leading families decide to step down and let average citizens take responsibility for city government, from Mayor on down.
Horseback drama set in Mexico just before the Revolution.
La casta divina
Abel Ortiz Argumedo
Chronicle Caste War in Yucatan held in the nineteenth century, where the land and the people were the property of the landowners, who called themselves " divine caste ". On one hand, General Salvador Alvarado organized the revolution; on the other, the landowners hire Colonel Ortiz Argumedo to organized the defense of their autonomy. Don Wilfrido, one of the masters, do not hesitate to send his son to fight to maintain their wealth and privileges.
El complot mongol
In the context of a visit by the President of the United States to Mexico, there is a threat that China will attack his life. Policeman Filiberto is commissioned to avoid it, at any cost. His searches in the Chinatown will lead him to endanger his life, while he will find love in the young Marta.
Longitud de guerra
Manuel Chávez
Based on the novel Tomochic by Heriberto Frías; tells the story of the rebellion of the inhabitants of the village of Tomochi, Chihuahua, against the government of Porfirio Diaz in 1891. Mexico's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1976.
The Passion of Berenice
Rodrigo Robles
Berenice is a young woman with traditional customs who lives with her godmother in a quiet provincial town. The appearance of Rodrigo in his life will cause him a profound and unusual transformation. The calm without major shocks in Aguascalientes turns out to be just a disguise, an illusory cover-up of what will really happen.
The Pact
Raul Mateos
When they were children, siblings Sergio and Teresa made a promise to never leave each other. An unhealthy co-dependence developes into adulthood.
Большое приключение Зорро
Emilio Walter
Тяжелое время наступило в Калифорнии — здесь бесчинствуют и бандиты, и солдаты. Дон Диего де ла Вега — человек высокого происхождения, и не может открыто выступать против произвола, но как Зорро он не жалея сил защищает угнетенных, отмечая свои подвиги буквой Z. Однако когда на Педро, брата Диего, нападает грабитель и оставляет на месте преступления знаменитое Z, Зорро должен найти преступника и очистить свое имя.
Темнее ночи
Четверо девушек переезжают в старинный дом, доставшийся в наследство одной из них по завещанию умершей от сердечного приступа тёти. Единственное условие этого завещания — присматривать за любимым чёрным котом графини, Бекером.
A Home of Our Own
Police Captain
The story of Father William Wasson, who founded and operated a home for abandoned and orphaned children in Mexico.
Los caciques
A bad man holds the power of life and death over the inhabitants of a village... for no apparent reason... and he's fond of torturing them, tying them to crosses and leaving them to die. A cowboy with necromantic powers comes along and leads a rebellion to overthrow that reign of terror.
The Log of the Black Pearl
Archie Hector
A young stockbroker, Christopher Sand, inherits an old ship named "Black Pearl" along with a medallion that is the key to a sunken Nazi treasure. But there are other people looking for the sunken treasure, people who will stop at nothing to gain access to the medallion.
Traiganlos vivos o muertos
Luis Cabral
Они - последняя надежда человечества. После глобальной ядерной войны, тщательно подобранную группу из 11 человек отправляют глубоко под землю, в специальный бункер, где они должны оставаться то того времени, когда поверхность Земли снова будет пригодна для жизни. Избранные должны наследовать Землю. Однако под землей они оказываются не одни...
Guns and Guts
The Abandoned Husband
Rene Cardona Jr.'s bloody Mexi-Western is the story of a hired gun that wants to complete his last big job so he can retire with his prostitute. The job consists of killing a sheriff who keeps himself hidden away inside an old monastery. A series of double crosses culminates with an excessively bloody Wild Bunch inspired massacre inside the monastery.
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa
William Law
A gunfighter is appointed sheriff of a town that is terrorized by a gang of criminals.
Когда самое страшное в истории человечества землетрясение накрывает Южную Калифорнию, Лос-Анджелес встает на дыбы, а ударные волны разбивают вдребезги судьбы его жителей.
Смертельные преследователи
Чтобы отомстить за убийство жены и сына, шериф маленького техасского городка выслеживает грабителя банка и его банду, ушедших от погони в Мексику…
Не бойся темноты
Francisco Perez
Салли Фарнэм с мужем переезжает в родовое викторианское поместье, где несколько лет никто не жил. В подвале девушка обнаруживает прекрасный камин, замурованный кирпичной кладкой, а дверца для уборки пепла оказывается надёжно запечатанной. Плотник говорит, что сделал это по просьбе прежней хозяйки дома, бабушки Салли, и уверяет, что новым хозяевам стоит оставить всё как есть. Но любопытство девушки берёт верх, и она откручивает винты дверцы, тем самым выпуская на волю жутких демонических существ.
Душа чернокожего Чарли
After the end of the Civil War, Charley fights against a group of Southern soldiers seeking to reignite the Confederacy.
Jesse James
A greedy land developer steals the land from an Apache Indian tribe. His plan involves shooting most of the Apaches but an Apache warrior survives and gets revenge.
Великолепная семерка снова в седле
Pepe Carral
Шли годы, и Крис Адамс, бывший заводила Великолепной Семерки, решил остепениться. Он живет в небольшом городке вместе со своей женой Ариллой. Но Великолепной Семерке нужно снова собираться в дорогу — подонок по имени Донован перестрелял половину мексиканского городка. В ходе разборок выясняется, что в эту историю замешена и семья Криса.
Sucedió en Jalisco
Romantic conflicts set against a Mexican Revolution backdrop.
Ni solteros, ni casados
Young couple's honeymoon is interrupted by an emergency at the groom's workplace. How long will it take them before they can make conjugal nookie?
Simon Fuegus
A man thought-dead comes home to find that his wife has sold their ranch and married a Mexican revolutionary.
Killer by Night
Dr. Carlos Madera
A doctor trying to fight a diphtheria epidemic comes into conflict with a police captain who is using all his resources to track down a cop-killer.
Primero el dólar
In a spectacular manhunt, a band of outlaws race cross-country with a million dollars and a newly married couple. A dramatic story of greed and sexual passion for the possession of a large fortune and the love of a brave and beautiful woman.
Trio y cuarteto
(segment "Cuarteto")
Una vez, un hombre...
Young factory worker becomes apprentice to an alchemist, and he ends up going to the moon to repair equipment belonging to The Three Fates.
Vuelo 701
A plane blows up shortly after take-off during the credits. Then flashbacks detail the stories of all the passengers who booked flights on it.
Siete muertes para el texano
When the Texan returns to the town, seeking to secure his fortune, the sheriff of the place asks the Texano to come to the aid of a dear friend. Seven frightful ones, on a pillaging expedition, have assaulted the cabana of a hunter and kidnapped his young daughter. When the Texan arrives there, he finds only the hunter who desperately asks for his aid. Both men initiate the ferocious persecution, until one by one they manage to end the seven strangers and also manage to save the beautiful young person.
Su precio... unos dólares
A woman hires four gunmen, Trinidad, Doc, Satan and The Renegade to rob a bank, but things don't work out as planned.
Macho Callahan
A man tricked into enlisting in the Confederate army is later thrown into a hellish stockade on desertion charges. He eventually breaks out of the prison camp, reunites with his old partner and sets out to kill the man who was responsible for his being in the camp in the first place. However, after accidentally killing a Confederate officer, he finds himself pursued by a gang of vicious bounty hunters intent on collecting the reward put up by the dead officer's widow.
Джон Чизам — справедливый фермер, обеспокоенный вторжением скупщика земли Мёрфи на свои земли. Формально Мёрфи все делает по закону: открывает магазин, банк, снимает неугодных и назначает нужных людей на ключевые посты в штате. Но за всем этим скрывается грязный умысел — всеми правдами и неправдами прогнать Чизама с его владений…
Los juniors
Young rich kids, disinherited by their parents, turn to blackmail as a source of income.
The Phantom Gunslinger
The Phantom Gunslinger is set in the town of "Tucca Flats." The peaceful life of the town is disrupted by the arrival of a gang of bandits, including Algernon, Big Sam, Cookie, and some others. The sheriff leaves town, but not before naming Bill as his successor. Bill, unfortunately, doesn't carry or even know how to use a gun, and the outlaws take over Tucca Flats. But with the help of some Indians, a suit of armor, and springs on his shoes, Bill manages to run the gang out of town.
How to Kill my Husband
Juan - Ricardo's coworker
Dissatisfied wife has elaborate daydreams about murdering her husband.
Las impuras
El golfo
Tired of the monotony of her work, Mary O'Hara, executive of an important American company, travels to Acapulco for a few days in search of love and adventure. On the beach, her high hopes fade, since she only meets unscrupulous playboys. She declines all offers she gets until she meets Pancho el Golfo, a young man who makes a living as he can.
Patsy My Love
Written by future Nobel-prize winner Gabriel García Márquez, this is the story of Patsy, a wealthy debutante with an acute sense of living and boundless curiosity. She falls in love with an older man (Julio Alemán) whom is married and mediocre, and thus learns the hard way about unhappiness, marring her rose colored world.
Гражданская война в США окончена. Бывший полковник армии Севера Джон Томас перегоняет большой табун лошадей в Мексику. В то же время бывший полковник южан Джеймс Лонгдон так же отправляется в Мексику — вместе со своей семьёй он хочет начать новую жизнь в чужой стране. Их пути пересекаются, когда они подвергаются нападению мексиканских головорезов. Теперь бывшие враги должны объединиться, чтобы общими усилиями противостоять банде преступников…
Super Colt 38
Billy Hayes, the marshal, discovers that the bandit whom he has been pursuing so long, and who has for months been torching his county, is none other than an old friend from childhood. Upon being confronted with the truth, the friend draws his gun, and Billy is forced to kill him in justifiable defense. Overwhelmed by guilt, he renounces his office and swears to never use arms again. He rides off toward the town where he and his old friend grew up together. Upon arriving there, he soon becomes involved in a dangerous situation, where Billy must decide whether he will fulfill his promise to keep away from arms, or intervene to save the honor of a woman and the life of an innocent man.
La marcha de Zacatecas
Villistas, army officers, heirs and heiresses all gather at the home of a recently deceased hacendado. Everybody has an agenda, everybody butts heads in comical ways. Or not so much.
Memories of the Future
Teniente Flores
A story where the Cristero Rebellion creates a story of love, passion, and betrayal. When the Federal Rosas and his lover arrive in a town, a local woman feels strangely attracted to him. The woman will surrender under the pretext that the population is liberated when in reality she wants to consummate the passion that ignites her.
The Vampire Girls
Carlos Mayer
A wrestler tries to break up a covey of vampires, led by the King of Vampires.
Everything In Vain
Gunfighters kill all family members of farmer brothers Mario and Fernando Almada, after the tragic event, they seek revenge.
Los Asesinos
Starring Nick Adams in his final role, a lone cowboy rides into a small Western town that is besieged by a gang of hoodlums in search of treasure. The search leads to an all out war between the town bosses, a family of crooked ranchers and other unsavory characters. But when Shannon (Nick Adams) enters the picture, they may have met their match...
El corrido del hijo desobediente
Father and son butt heads over a mutual girlfriend, mostly.
There are not Crosses in the Sea
A mute fisherman helps another whose boat capsizes, he dies and leaves behind a girl whom he raises as his own daughter.
The Bandits
Three Americans get involved into the Mexican fight against the French Intervention.
La soldadera
While waiting for a train which will take them on their honeymoon, two newlyweds, Juan and Lázara, are separated by a federal army commander who is going around enlisting men to fight against the revolutionaries. Traveling with the troops, Lázara follows Juan until he dies in a battle against the Villistas. From that moment on, the young woman's fate will be in the hands of whoever happens to win the latest contest, an uncertain fate for someone whose only wish is for a home of her own.
Los tres mosqueteros de Dios
Three priests resort to desperate long-shots (like quiz-shows) to raise money for their parish.
Amor perdóname
Arturo Solano
Businessman Carlos meets Ana María in a Mexico City nightclub. He escorts her home, and makes a date for the next day. Ana María is actually a prostitute whose pimp, Arturo, thinks Carlos would be a good client, and urges her to be nice to him. They fall in love, and Carlos proposes marriage to her, indicating he must return to Puerto Rico soon.
Matar es fácil
Gustavo de la Rosa
Among Delia, a socialite, and Jorge a bohemian cabaret pianist, begins a relationship that ends in tragedy.
El temerario
Crooked dude schemes to deprive stepdaughter of her inheritance after her mother dies.
Los gavilanes negros
Three masked horsemen vs. crooked saloon-owner and his henchdudes.
El cachorro
El Cachorro is falsely accused of two murders; right after he's arrested flor those crimes, another murder is committed and he has to clear himself of that accusation. We never find out what happened about the first two deaths.
Fuera de la ley
Three outlaws get arrested, and the fourth tries several times to break them out of jail. Also, there are can-can girls.