Dagmar Mielke


Stalin – Leben und Sterben eines Diktators
Editorial Staff
What happened in 1953 in Stalin’s secret dacha in Kuntsevo? The last five days of the dictator. Bizarre and abstruse. The film presents narratives about the life and death of the scrupulous power seeker Stalin. A life full of cruelties and red glamour which ended 70 years ago in his secret dacha in Kuntsevo. The almighty suddenly powerless.
Everything Will Change
Commissioning Editor
In a dystopian 2054, three young rebels go on a journey to find traces of the long lost beauty of nature, hoping to discover what happened to their planet.
The Case of Bruno Lüdke
Commissioning Editor
The incredible story of Bruno Lüdke (1908-44), the alleged worst mass murderer in German criminal history; or actually, a story of forged files and fake news that takes place during the darkest years of the Third Reich, when the principles of criminal justice, subjected to the yoke of a totalitarian system that is beginning to collapse, mean absolutely nothing.
The Divided Soul of America
Commissioning Editor
Under the Trump administration, USA is a deeply divided country. One side feeds populism and religious rectitude in a monochromatic landscape, painted white, lamenting for a past that never will return. The other side fuels diversity and multiculturalism, a biased vision of a progressive future, quite unlikely. Both sides are constantly confronted, without listening to each other. Only a few reasonable people gather to change this potentially dangerous situation.
DJ Punk: The Photographer Daniel Josefsohn
Commissioning Editor
Nobody captured the atmosphere of 1990s Berlin better than German photographer Daniel Josefsohn, who died in 2016 at the age of 54, leaving his mark in advertising with his irreverent aesthetic and punk sensibility. It was his spontaneous, imperfect images shot for an MTV campaign in 1994 that first made him famous.
100 Years of the UFA
Commissioning Editor
The intricate history of UFA, a film production company founded in 1917 that has survived the Weimar Republic, the Nazi regime, the Adenauer era and the many and tumultuous events of contemporary Germany, and has always been the epicenter of the German film industry.
Искандер по прозвищу Гагарин живет в деревне Кунгей возле космодрома. Жизнь жителей деревни размеренно течет от одного взлёта ракеты к следующему. Пока однажды с неба не падает прекрасная космическая туристка Джули. Жизнь Гагарина перевернулась. Он влюблен без пямяти и готов ради Джули на все — отдать ей свадебное платье матери, поставить в юрте ванную и даже уйти из деревни. Сможет ли француженка оценить его жертвы, если она потеряла память и теперь отзывается на казахское имя Кокетай?
Cloud 9
Associate Producer
A romantic drama about a woman who enters into an affair after 30 years of marriage.