Far from relegating its dreamtime visions to a nostalgic prelapsarian past, Indivision fuses its depiction of nature with the new means of communication and creation engendered by the internet. The mute Lina, who writes keywords and questions all over her body, emerges as a paradoxical teenage warrior for our troubled times: she believes herself to be a superheroine, gifted or cursed, who holds the fate of the whole world in her hands.
In the 50s and 60s, deep in the American countryside at the foot of the Catskills, a small wooden house with a barn behind it was home to the first clandestine network of cross-dressers. Diane and Kate are now 80 years old. At the time, they were men and part of this secret organization. Today, they relate this forgotten but essential chapter of the early days of trans-identity. It is a story full of noise and fury, rich in extraordinary characters, including the famous Susanna, who had the courage to create this refuge that came to be known as Casa Susanna.
Жизни трех женщин связаны с неожиданно появившейся коробкой с дневниками, фотографиями и аудиокассетами, которые напоминают о печальном времени в прошлом.
Mysterious poetic story of long-lasting discord between beautiful sisters unfolds in Malaysia and Japan.
Бездетные супруги усыновили младенца и получили на это согласие его биологической матери, 14-летней девушки. Но шесть лет спустя в счастливую жизнь семейства вторгается женщина, совершенно непохожая на ту милую девушку. Она утверждает, что является настоящей матерью мальчика, и хочет вернуть его. А если пара против, то её устроит и круглая сумма.
В мастерски реализованном и универсальном документальном фильме, напоминающем «Отрочество» Линклейтера, режиссер рисует картину пятилетней жизни двух подруг в городе Брив-ла-Гайард и погружает нас в жизнь сельской молодежи во Франции 2010-х.
Документальный фильм рассказывает о грандиозном бразильском политическом скандале, в ходе которого первому президенту-женщине Дилме Русеф был объявлен импичмент, бывший президент Лула да Силва получил 12 лет тюрьмы, а к власти пришел местный Трамп Жаир Болсонару.
This film is from the project Unconformities, comprised of artworks made up from the material of surveyed land, extracted from coring construction sites in Paris, Athens and Beirut. These cores bare their "unconformities"—temporal ruptures, natural disasters, geological movements—in full view, revealing a constant cycle of construction and deconstruction that is the defining feature of civilisations past and present, with each using the stones of the last. History appears not as layers but as actions, a kind of palimpsest mixing epochs and civilizations. These poetic recompositions question the dominant forms of narrating and representing history, but also address debates around the Anthropocene.
The story follows the social intercourse between a cameraman, Masaya, with a visual impairment, and Misako who disconnects from the world.
It's been four years since Sylvie's son Felipe was abducted by his father Pablo after their divorce. Having been let down by the French officials who had succeeded in tracking both them down, only to let them escape again, Sylvie has now decided to take matters into her own hands.
Elisa, on a verge of divorce, leaves Paris with her son Noe to settle in her hometown of Dunkerque to find the biological mother who gave her up for adoption 30 years before.
'Olmo and the Seagull' is a poetic and existential dive into an actress's mind during the nine months of her pregnancy as she must confront her most fiery inner demons while trying to rewrite a new philosophy of life, identity and love. Underlying this hybrid film is mounting tension over what is real and what is enacted when one is performing one's own life.
The master of a dorayaki pastry store hires a 76-year-old woman whose talents attract customers from all over. But she's hiding a troubling secret. Life's joys are found in the little details, and no matter what may be weighing you down, everyone loves a good pastry.
On the Japanese island of Amami, despite lacking parental guidance, Kaito and his girlfriend Kyoko try to find their place in the world. While Kaito suffers from the absence of his father, who moved to Tokyo after his birth, Kyoko must come to grips with her mother’s terminal illness.
What is striking when you talk with mathematicians is that sparkle in their eyes, and their sudden joyful voice trying to share with you a concept, a theory. They continuously use words such as invention, beauty, freedom. You then ask yourself : how such a rich language, this quasi-philosophical proposition about the world becomes rejected by a majority, 'the only discipline where one prides itself to be bad at it'!
Petra heads to New York in search of her older sister after a long time of being separated. They are both movie actresses and heirs of the wounds of the Brazilian dictatorship. But Petra has only a few clues: home movies, newspaper clippings, a diary...
Sound Editor
Bambi was born Jean-Pierre Pruvot in a tiny Algerian village in 1935. Even as a child, she refused to meet the expectations of her extended family, choosing instead to find a way to become the woman she always knew herself to be. A Cabaret Carrousel de Paris performance in Algiers in the 1950s proved to be all the encouragement she needed to emigrate to the French capital, assume the stage name of ‘Bambi’ and lead the life she longed for on the music-hall stages.
Bambi was born Jean-Pierre Pruvot in a tiny Algerian village in 1935. Even as a child, she refused to meet the expectations of her extended family, choosing instead to find a way to become the woman she always knew herself to be. A Cabaret Carrousel de Paris performance in Algiers in the 1950s proved to be all the encouragement she needed to emigrate to the French capital, assume the stage name of ‘Bambi’ and lead the life she longed for on the music-hall stages.
В Гонконге во время дежурства исчезает полицейский. Никаких улик и зацепок нет. Однако надежда на раскрытие преступления есть — нужно обратиться к гениальному детективу Буну, на счету которого не было ни одного нераскрытого дела. Единственная загвоздка в том, что детектив Бун шизофреник и был уволен из полиции за то, что подарил начальству свое ухо.
Meet the Japanese Mafia's latest son: a 20 year old named Naoki, part of a surging, decade-long wave of juvenile delinquency in Japan. As Naoki rejects school, jobs and family, his desperate mother decides to take one last chance to save him--by handing him over to the Mafia for one year and letting him choose his own path.
Сигэки живет в доме престарелых. Он счастлив, ему комфортно в обществе других обитателей заведения и доброго и заботливого персонала. Особое внимание ему оказывает Матико, одна из сотрудниц. Но ее тайно преследует потеря ее ребенка. Отпраздновав день рождения Сигэки, Матико решает вывезти его на прогулку по сельской местности. Во время поездки по живописным проселочным дорогам машина из-за оползня попадает в кювет, и именно отсюда герои отправляются в свое путешествие к открытиям. Сигэки решительно направляется в лес, и Матико остается только следовать за ним.
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Cheyenne, a journalist, decides to leave Paris after being laid off and to settle down in the middle of nowhere, far from the society she hates. The trouble is that she leaves Sonia, her true love, behind. The latter, a teacher who loves her job, refuses to give up everything - including her comfort - to follow her. Sonia makes all the efforts in the world to forget Cheyenne, whether in the arms of Pierre, a charming anarchist, or in those of Béatrice, a gay woman who soon proves perverse and dangerous, only to realize that her heart belongs to Cheyenne and nobody else.
Based on a controversial French novel, Lila Says tells the story of a quiet young poet named Chimo who develops a crush on the pretty, blond Lila, a girl who recently moved into his Arab ghetto with her aunt. When the leader of a rival gang also falls for Lila, the ensuing love triangle initiates a journey of sexual discovery -- and sets off a chain of devastating events.
Twenty years after David Cronenberg prophesied the dark side of the Internet age in Videodrome, acclaimed French filmmaker Olivier Assayas updated it for the New Millennium in his startlingly prescient Demonlover, a chilling exploration of the nexus between sex and violence available at the click of a button.
Nabil returns to Beirut with the ashes of his father who died abroad. He tries to overcome his bereavement while his family insists on respecting rites and customs by burying a non-existent corpse.
An examination of Charles Chaplin's final starring film.
Bahman Kiarostami's charming documentary about mourners-for-hire who are called upon to attend funerals in Iran. With an understated, lighthearted style, Tabaki provides a fascinating view of a peculiar occupation within this religious culture, offering, in the process, an insightful portrait of the society as a whole.
Жозеф и Хлоя кочуют по сиротским приютам и изоляторам для малолетних преступников, нигде долго не задерживаясь. Они брошены родителями, но немая Хлоя в моменты нервного возбуждения с точностью и скоростью автомата складывает мозаику дома, в котором они когда-то жили. Жозеф изо всех сил старается защитить Хлою от внешнего мира, но психологи уверяют его, что он манипулирует сестрой, внушая ей собственные подсознательные страхи и желания. Жозефу трудно разобраться, где истина, ведь им с сестрой по 12 лет. И все же они отчаянно ищут свой дом, пытаясь раскрыть тайну своего сиротства...
Sound Editor