Archivdirektor Haiduck
Leopold, Diener bei Lichtenfels
Oberst Alfred Redl heads the military intelligence department of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Frequent letters from the Russian Empire, however, make him suspect of sharing his knowledge with unauthorized authorities.
Hofrat Leonhard
Биографический фильм о великом австрийском композиторе Франце Шуберте (1797-1828). За свою жизнь он не нашел признания и добился успеха только благодаря исполнению одной из своих композиций незадолго до своей смерти - ему был тогда 31 год. Он умер через год после Людвига ван Бетховена, которым он восхищался. Вся его жизнь была одним великим мучением: болезнь, бедность и несчастная любовь. Терезе, которая также любила его, было категорически запрещено жениться на этом бедном человеке.
Cabinet Chief
It is the year 2000 and the World Global Union is in charge, although other countries are allowed to elect their own government leaders, as long as they support the Union. When Austria's newly-elected president, played by Josef Meinrad, makes his inauguration speech he declares Austria independence and issues an edict ending Austria's financial support for the Global Union.
Dr. Kirnberger
Geßner, Diener
В канун Нового 1900 года Пауль Хольцгрубер начал новую практику в качестве рентгенолога. Молодая Максимилиане Фрей — его помощница, и они годами работали бок о бок, помогая людям. Хольцгрубер неоднократно указывает на опасность радиации для Максимилиане, но молчит о язвах на своей руке и сильной боли, которую они причиняют. Максимилиане познакомилась с вдовцом Акселем фон Бонином и полюбила его. Но ей ставят неизлечимый диагноз — рак. Чтобы избавить Акселя от неизбежного горя из-за её надвигающейся смерти, она оставляет его...
Vienna, sometime around 1680: Augustin makes fun of Leopold I mistress and in doing so, stirs up the passions of the people against the luxury-enjoying rulers, who neglect their people. He is arrested and sent to prison. When the plague breaks out, he manages to get out of prison, but accidentally ends up in a mass grave for victims of the plague
When two Russian captains of cavalry came to a German post station one of them recalls what happened long time ago. He begins to tell the story: Ten years ago a comrade of them made a resting at the post station and fell in love with the station master's daughter. He promised everything to her and finally convinced her to come with him to St. Petersburg. When both arrived there she had to realize that her captain never had the intention to marry her.
Studienrat Waser
Arzt von Denise
Двое молодых вокалистов Дениз и Рене после прослушивания приняты в трупу. С первого взгляда они полюбили друг друга, но их счастье было недолгим: тяжелая болезнь легких прервала жизнь Рене…
1936 Austrian film.
Im weißen Rößl (English title: White Horse Inn or The White Horse Inn) is an operetta or musical comedy by Ralph Benatzky and Robert Stolz in collaboration with a number of other composers and writers, set in the picturesque Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria. It is about the head waiter of the White Horse Inn in St. Wolfgang who is desperately in love with the owner of the inn, a resolute young woman who at first only has eyes for one of her regular guests.
Johann, Diener
Ten years after the end of World War I, Austrian soldier Franz leaves Russia and returns to his village, where he is reunited with Frieda, a woman who believes he is her long-lost son. She seeks him out and greets him with such loving joy, that Franz doesn't have the heart to tell her the truth. He stays with her and when he gets to know his new girlfriend Annie, he begs her to hide his true identity from Annie. Annie, for her part, has seen through this charade already, but chooses to say nothing and to continue to care for Franz.
"The Tales of Hoffmann" - The story of the poet Hoffmann, who falls in love with a mechanical doll, loses his mirror image in Venice and finally liberates his lover from the clutches of a sinister doctor.
Graf Zdenko von Borotin
The long dead ancestress of a noble family returns to haunt her last two remaining descendants. She can not rest until the entire family line has passed away. When she reappears, the household knows it is an ill omen. The patriarch of the family is old, and without a son. He is eager for his daughter to marry. She has her eye on a handsome young nobleman named Jaromir, but he isn't quite who he appears to be. This may be the opportunity the restless spirit has been waiting for for so long...