Paul Hagen

Paul Hagen

Рождение : 1920-03-19, Copenhagen, Denmark

Смерть : 2003-05-19


Paul Hagen was one the most famous Danish actors after the Second World War. He was born on 19th of March 1920 in Copenhagen. His father was painter named Åge Falck Rasmussen, his mother was an opera singer named Anna Hagen. Hagen was accepted into Frederiksberg's theatre school in 1944. He finished his education as an actor in 1945. He had his debut as an actor in 1944 in the play "Livet er jo dejligt" on "Riddersalen" in Copenhagen. He then worked at Aarhus theatre (until 1951). In 1953 he got famous for a song he made for "Fiffer Revyen". The song where entitled: "Lille Lise let-på-tråd". He worked in various theatres throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. He finally said goodbye to theatre in 1998. Hagen had his debut in film in 1952, with the film: "Kærlighedsdoktoren". Hagen subsequently worked in 118 movies, plus TV series. In 1961 he worked with Preben Kaas, in "To skøre ho'der", were both of them wrote, produced, directed and acted in. In movies he frequently played a friend of the hero or a bright sidekick. Hagen had much success in the Danish film-series: "Støver-filmene", "Soldaterkammerater-filmene" and "Sengekants-filmene". Other notable appearances in film are: Bussen (1963), Hvis lille pige er du? (1963), Martha (1967), Ballade på Christianshavn (1971), Olsen-banden på sporet (1975) and Walter og Carlo - op på fars hat (1985). He married twice; first time with actress Asta Esper Hagen Andersen, with whom he had a son - Esper Hagen, who later also became an actor. He later married a woman named Alice Martens. On TV Hagen got very famous, throughout Denmark, with his role as the animal shop-clerk Clausen, in the very famous Danish TV series "Huset på Christianshavn" (1970). Hagen also acted in "Krummernes Jul" (1996). He died on the 20th of May 2003 and is buried in the cemetery: Langø Kirkegård, on Lolland.


Paul Hagen
Paul Hagen
Paul Hagen
Paul Hagen


Bølle Bob
The Crumbs 3: Dad's Bright Idea
Svendsen - Caretaker
The Krunborg family has new problems: a freshly painted house that won't dry, a tent with holes and a car that won't go anywhere and much much more.
The Return
The protestant priest
Jesus returns to Earth, gets involved in a terrorist group, but keeps his integrity.
Farcial action fun with Bertil and Hugo, who do menial jobs at a big city hotel. Bertil is about to marry and has put money aside for his bride's morning gift. Only Hugo has kind of borrowed the money and blown it all on a wrong bet in a pigeon race. Together, they obviously have to get rich quick. When a diamond seems to be lying around for the taking, the hotel is virtually on its head.
Hvor der er vilje, er der vej
Carl August Lorentzen
Walter and Carlo - Up on Daddy's Hat
Walter's a handsome airline steward who catches the eye of Inge, winner of Malaga's Miss Moonlight contest. Carlo is a motor-mouthed goof who has a "heel bar" (a combination shoe shop and tavern); his companion, Elly, is shooting a video of him. Inge discovers she's an unwitting smuggler, bringing diamonds into Denmark in the heel of a sandal she's won at the beauty contest.
Банда Ольсена - парижский план
Продолжение истории, начатой в предыдущем фильме. Поскольку все попытки завладеть деньгами в предыдущей части проваливаются, то для успешного проведения "последнего дела" Ольсен и его друзья вынуждены задействовать в "операции" Ивонну... и продолжить начатое дело в Париже. Ведь время не ждёт, подготовка к серебряной свадьбе Кельда и Ивонны продолжается, а денег для юбилея нет. Будет ли им сопутствовать удача в этот раз?
Danmark er lukket
In the future, Denmark has been made a nuclear waste dump and the Danish language is banned.
Под знаком стрельца
Dr. Schmierkäse
На этот раз режиссер Werner Hedmann выдвигает русских в роли шпионов из СССР. Своего рода боевик но с типичным датским привкусом порно. Жанр как всегда комедийный с знакомыми уже актерами. Несомненно фильм удивляет опять таки сюжетом, судя по костюмам то и бюджет наверное не малый. Картина разворачивается в Копенгагене шпионы, шпионки снова оздоровительный профилакторий. В паузах между стрельбой и погонями откровенный секс, лесбийские сцены, тренажерный зал с удивительным оборудованием и по всюду тетки с голыми попками.
Банда Ольсена - полный вперёд
Эгон стареет. Он теряет былую хватку и страдает склерозом. Из-за этого все его грандиозные планы в последний момент рассыпаются, как карточные домики. Не желая признавать старость, Эгон пресекает попытки Кельда и Бенни поработать в ногу со временем, под началом племянника Ивонны. А сама Ивонна учится летать, т.е., водить машину. Что из этого получится? Видимо, неплохое зрелище...
Bedside Sailors
In this Danish sex comedy, a young woman pretends to be a man in order to win a job as machinist's mate on a freighter. When she is discovered, they are already at sea.
Прыжок в постель
Глава крупной инженерной фирмы - трудоголик, который пренебрегает своей хорошенькой молодой женой и это приводит к тому, что она присоединяется к службе "эскорта". Все идет хорошо, пока не нанимают эскорт-службу, чтобы развлечь клиентов инженерной фирмы на вечеринке свингеров.
Банда Ольсена идёт по следу
Наконец-то банда Ольсена может почивать на лаврах. Миллионы, солнечная Испания... Что ещё может не хватать дружной компании. Разве что датского сыра, датских булочек и дождя. И, возможно, совсем чуточку - приключений... Ведь приятно, чёрт возьми, иной раз прокатиться с ветерком по железной дороге в кабине машиниста.
Girls at Arms
First Lieutenant Prås
A comedy about girls joining the army in Denmark. Marianne joins to keep up a long family tradition as her brother won't. Both her brother and her boyfriend find her decision difficult to accept.
Come to My Bedside
A handsome young sunlamp salesman's amorous endeavors with his wife become too inventive for her, and she leaves him to return to her mother's house. He takes up bachelor life with gusto, and beds many of the women who come to comfort him.
Nøddebo præstegård
Ny filmatisering af den klassiske danske julefortælling om studenten Nikolaj og hans to ældre brødre, der holder ferie hos den rare præstefamilie i Nøddebo. Præstens døtre Emmy og Andrea Margrethe interesserer i høj grad Nikolaj, men det bliver hans brødre, pigerne forloves med.
Pigen og drømmeslottet
Bette Ras
Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.
På'en igen Amalie
Advokatfuldmægtig Larsen
Bedside Romance
A girl inherits a string of industrial concerns that will become bankrupt by the inheritance tax unless the girl marries the son of the owner of a competing industrial concern.
Bedside Highway
In this Danish sex comedy, precisely opposite goals lead a young official of the Department of Roads and Traffic and all the women of the local village to end up in the sack. His goal is to get them to sign papers allowing a new highway to go through the middle of town. Their goal is to get him to re-route the highway.
Bedside Head
The young headmaster of a boy's boarding school has decided that due to the virility of his young charges, they are a sort of national treasure. He believes that his school should become co-educational as soon as possible. In order to raise funds for the changeover, the boys stay behind during their summer vacation and temporarily convert the school into a love hotel.
Bedside Dentist
Thomas, a naive young dental student, faces a rather difficult challenge. His millionaire aunt, a bit of a sex nut, will give both him and his dental school millions if he can prove that he is sexually able and skillful. His schoolmates hear rumors of this trial, but understand the challenge to be for him to keep his celibacy.
Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie
Comedic western, where the 4 guys this time have to help find a gold transport. They get help from the cunning girl Shannahoo.
Скандал в старом городе
Dyrehandler Clausen
Residents of the old house are quite happy with their existence. But once they find out that the authorities plan to demolish the entire neighborhood including their house in order to build a business center they decide to unite and fight the plan...
Hooray for the Blue Hussars
Revolution My A..
A comedy about a Danish private detective, normally just occupied with cases about unfaithful spouses, is suddenly involved in murder, arms deal, revolution in Guateragua, briefcase full of money and the Danish intelligence agency.
Tough Guys of the Prairie
Wild West Danish comedy.
Bedroom Mazurka
Herbert Holst
Max (Søltoft) is a popular teacher at a public school who needs a new schoolmaster. In an effort to entice him to take the vacated position, the boys hire a stripper to seduce the sexually inexperienced scholar. The wife and daughter of the former headmaster also wish to tutor the teacher in their own private lessons in human sexuality.
1. brandmand
This three-part movie begins with a young woman married to an older, cold-hearted man in the year 1200. Two rivals have a swordfight over the affections of the woman. Part two takes place in 1910 and finds an amorously unfaithful wife taking on her many lovers while her unsuspecting husband lurks nearby. The final part finds a count and countess engaging in extramarital affairs in France during the 1840s.
The Song of the Red Ruby
A young, idealistic business student has ambitions to be a concert pianist, but his obsession with beautiful women keeps him from achieving his goal. To earn money for his tuition, he takes a job as headmaster of a small girls' school. There his weakness for beautiful women is put to the test when he is pursued by a bevy of sexy coeds.
Банда Ольсена в ловушке
Второй фильм из сериала о приключениях троих мошенников. Стремясь хорошо выглядеть в глазах женщины из службы социальной реабилитации, Эгон Ольсен на время забывает о преступлениях. И, когда американские гангстеры вламываются в национальный банк, а полиция думает, что это его рук дело, он разыскивает настоящих преступников, чтобы доказать свою невиновность... Но, как давно известно, благие намерения ведут в...
Along Came a Soldier
A soldier seeks justice against a group of men who murdered a prostitute.
Kys til højre og venstre
Банда Ольсена
Эгон Ольсен, лидер маленькой воровской шайки, решает сделать её самой известной в Дании. Для этого он планирует организовать своё «ограбление века»: выкрасть из музея Копенгагена бесценное произведение искусства. Проблема в том, что экспонат надёжно охраняется, а коллеги Ольсена по банде — далеко не самые толковые люди.
Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run
The German bear Fido from Münich is sweet, easygoing and nice, and just loves Danish soldiers. Thus, the bear marches together with the recruits and even wants to share their beds in this strange Danish comedy.
Nyhavns glade gutter
Danish family film directed by Carl Ottosen
"Марта" - очень старый и ржавый грузовой пароход, плавающий в водах Средиземноморья. О нём почти забыл владелец, датская судоходная компания. Команда пользуется этим в своих интересах, ведя очень удобную и роскошную жизнь на борту, успешно борясь с финансовыми проблемами. Внезапно владелец судна, вынужденный срочно использовать именно этот пароход, попадает на корабль, причём в самый неподходящий момент. Он дисциплинированный человек и, конечно, не удовлетворен состоянием судна и команды...
Love Thy Neighbour
Bådebygger Myserud
Love Thy Neighbour (Danish: Elsk... din næste!, German: Vergiß nicht deine Frau zu küssen ) is a 1967 Danish-German comedy film directed by Egil Kolstø and starring Walter Giller.
The Reluctant Sadist
A poor dandy embezzled large sums of money and buys the title Marquis De Sade to impress the upper class. The film premiered as "I am a Marquis."
The Loose Tile
Sigfred dioecious is an acidic man. Teacher and can not really hate children. When he one day a tile in the head, change his behavior, however, significant. He is cheerful and have a huge appetite for life. Sigfred wife's first unhappy that he is so happy girl, but when she gets him made ​​normal again, she will be disappointed. She wants her new husband back ...
The Girl and the Viscount
Bastian Gyldenstjerne
Danish family film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Tre små piger
Grev Rambow har mistet sin formue og må nu bo til leje sammen med sine tre døtre, Beate, Marie og Annette. Grevens eneste håb er, at døtrene gifter sig tilbage til fordums rigdom. Så da tre bejlere melder sig, bliver de nøje målt og vejet. Alt går som planlagt, indtil den rige Hertuginde de Groos vil have sit skvat af en søn gift med Beate. Den desperate greve slår straks til. Men Beate er forelsket i en anden, og nu må pigerne stå sammen, så de alle kan få den, de elsker. Det er en sand stjernebesætning, der stiller op til den sang-, sjov- solfyldte ”Tre Små Piger” - baseret på Walter Kollos operette fra 1927. Instruktør Ebbe Langberg har æren af at instruere Poul Bundgaard, Susse Wold, Malene Schwartz, Daimi, Ove Sprogøe, Bodil Udsen, Karl Stegger og ikke mindst sin 26-årige lillebror, Jesper Langberg i en film, der er lige dele underholdende lystspil og imponerende flot udstyrsstykke. Stærke kræfter bag en musikalsk storfilm - på DVD i Nordisk Films 100-års jubilæumsår.
I, a lover
Torbjørn Pauce
Mor bag rattet
Jensen længe leve!
The Girl and the Playboy
Morris - butler hos Jens Møller
A millionaire gets amnesia after a hit to the head and now he has to rediscover his past and decide what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
It's Nifty in the Navy
Svend Nielsen
It's Nifty in the Navy is a 1965 Danish comedy film directed by Finn Henriksen and starring Dirch Passer.
Passer Babysitting Girls
Caretaker Alf Thomsen's very effective "alarm clock" comes once again in operation, and has again succeeded in getting him up to speed, despite their incessant discussions back and forth. Everything is peaceful and idyllic. Sleeping city housing block, with the famous staircase is to embark on a new day
Summer in Tyrol
Photographer Schmidt
Summer in Tyrol (Danish: Sommer i Tyrol) is a 1964 Danish comedy film directed by Erik Balling and starring Dirch Passer.
Mord for åbent tæppe
Oluf Svendsen
Handlingen udspilles på et teater, hvor skuespilleren og teaterdirektøren Poul Bech (Preben Mahrt) bliver skudt ned af sin medspiller Eva Berthelsen (Susse Wold) midt under en premiere. Manuskriptet siger, at han skal skydes ned, men ikke at det skulle være med rigtige kugler! Alle på teatret har tilsynelandende en grund til at ønske ham død. Der skal dog endnu et drab til, inden det lykkes at finde morderen.
Taler foran Folketinget
Directed by Knud Leif Thomsen
Majorens oppasser
The Danish minister of defense decides to join the army incognito to observe. This causes CHAOS. It also causes him to meet the major's daughter. He ends up becoming the major's orderly which gets him closer to the daughter.
Dust for all the Money
Smart sælger
Three Girls in Paris
Three girls in Paris is the story of three Danish girls (Ghita Nørby, Susse Wold and Hanne Borchsenius) traveling to Paris, but after having placed suitcase and money on the hotel and takes off in the city, they forget what it's called and where it is located. They are helped by a Parisian taxi driver, and meets a series of typical French.
The protagonist is a jovial bus driver, well beloved by his passengers, essentially the whole community around him. The bus, however, is old, and needs to be replaced. The bus driver himself is also needed as a handyman for all the people around him, assisting with stray cattle, household machines, children's homework, errands of all kinds, and at one occasion, assisting birth. Progress is however leaving him behind, and the local county council plots on a solution, involving a new bus and driver. The community revolts, and the local midwife (married to the mayor) intervenes with all the locals to keep the bus driver, who ends up keeping his job in a new bus.
Hvad med os?
A Day Without Lies
A Day Without Lies
Frøken Nitouche
Oppasser hos ritmester Schmuck
Frøken Nitouche is a 1963 Danish comedy film directed by Annelise Reenberg and starring Lone Hertz and Dirch Passer. It is based on the operetta Mam'zelle Nitouche.
Hvis lille pige er du?
The Girl and the Press Photographer
Bastian and Lene are a good couple, as a journalist and press photographer. They take turns to get ideas for how to get a scoop for the magazine "Tit og Lyt". They agree to play husband and wife so that Bastian can get an apartment. Lene is deeply in love with Bastian why she gets their mutual friend Soren to send a man from the housing authority. He says that they most have one child to stay in the apartment.
Friends at Arms: Causing Mischief
Henrik Didriksen (617)
Still Dust on the Brain
Det Støver Stadig er den anden film i den populære "Støv-serie" (Støv På Hjernen, Støv For Alle Pengene). Atter stod Arvid Müller og Aage Stentoft for det festlige manuskript, der introducerede nye sæder og skikke på det danske boligmarked. Man genkender let det lille samfund i "sovebyen", men store omvæltninger har fundet sted siden sidst, for beboerne på Solvænget har - med kommunestøtte - købt den ejendom, de bor i, og (- så kom noget, dengang, helt nyt) hustruerne har måttet tage arbejde for at klare økonomien! Helt forrygende er fru Rigmor Hansen (Bodil Udsen) som bestyrerinde af et Quick-vaskeri. Hendes "sandheder" om det nye dagligliv i Danmark sidder klokkeklart - og er evigt unge. Ejendommens første generalforsamling med gutterne i opgangen - og aflæggelse af første års regnskab, er gyldne scener fra dansk familiefilms guldalder.
Crazy Paradise
Poul Ibenholdt
Romantic comedy, based on the discovery that eggs from a particular island provide men with great virility and make them irresistible.
Prinsesse for en dag
17 -year-old May will by crook career on " the boards " - she will show that she can sing and have talent - and in its endeavors sticking her " a spoke in the wheel" for many. Several are the hardships she exposes its surroundings , to reach his goal. Although the whole thing is a joke - it becomes pretty " serious " when she torpedoing - with a bull's-eye - an engagement , then the " blow up " and with it, the economic basis of the Danish Advertising Television - the film is! But everything ends well - as befits - engagement and øresund television rescued .
The Boy Who Loved Horses
Oles stedfar
Dust on the Brain
The story centers around the busybody housewives of a modern Danish working class neighborhood of the 1960's. A remake of the Norwegian comedy film from 1959.
Friends at Arms: On Autumn Exercises
Henrik (617)
Den grønne elevator
Hans og Mona beslutter at give deres respektive ægtefælder lidt at tænke over, ved at blive fundet i en kompromitterende situation under en fælles ferie. For at lette den lidt akavede stemning, beslutter de at søge hjælp i barskabet, hvor de får mikset en potent cocktail sammen, som de døber Grøn Elevator. Det bliver starten på en munter aften.
Peter's baby
Holgersen - flypassager
Peters baby is a 1961 Danish comedy film directed by Annelise Reenberg and starring Ebbe Langberg.
To skøre ho'der
To skøre ho'der
Paul Jensen
Friends at Arms: Operation Camel
Henrik Didriksen (617)
As part of the U.N. patrol in Gaza, A group of Danish soldiers run into a series of misadventures.
Friends at Arms: Marching Out
Henrik Didriksen (617)
A military comedy about disobedient and playful recruits.
The Poet and the Little Mother
Poeten and Lillemor are making their living on his writing, but the general interest in modern poetry is low and their income very small. A creditor is dogging them, when a sudden bequest gives them some breathing-space. They buy an old house in a small village, where living is cheaper than in Copenhagen. The villagers are distrustful towards the newcomers. After a while the baker, the butcher and the grocer won't give Poeten and Lillemor credit anymore. Also the old creditor is back dogging them. Should Poeten renounce his high poetical standards and write simple verses for popular music, to get money?
Friends at Arms
Henrik Dideriksen (617)
Every year, thousands of young men are summoned to undergo an education where completely different demands are made than in civilian life. The soldiers must be in perfect physical form and they must learn to deal with modern weapons.
6-Day Race
Søren Kristensen
Semi documentary on a famous cycle race in Copenhagen. The story is about the competition between the riders as well as about their private and marital struggles.
Verdens rigeste pige
Journalist Lund
Danish comedy from 1958.
Tag til marked i Fjordby
F. I. Duus
Tag til marked i Fjordby is a 1957 Danish comedy film directed by Poul Bang and starring Dirch Passer.
Henrik og Pernille
Night Girls
Mand der bliver rullet
A whirlwind romance between a Danish storeclerk and an American G.I. in Copenhagen takes them to a dance club base for prostitutes, whom she befriends and whose pimp he antagonizes.
Jeg elsker dig
Tre piger fra Jylland
Three girls (around 20 years old) who have grown up in different parts of Denmark get a strange letter. It turns out they are sisters, and will inherit from their late mother, if the can stay together one month in the same house. They end up in a lot of (romantic) trouble, because of speculations of who their father(s) might be.
Taxa K-1640 efterlyses
"Spætten", taxachauffør
Kristiane af Marstal
Hvad vil De ha'?
Danish Black & White Movie from 1956 starring 32 of the most popular danish actors...
Det var paa Rundetaarn
The Heir
Mads Olsen
Anders returns to Denmark to visit his ill mom too late. Her lawyer tells him he's the illegitimate child of an estate owner. He goes there incognito and works on the big farm and falls for the maid and later for a gold digger.
I kongens klæ'r
Kjeld Petersen plays a merchant who has stolen his clothes when he is out take a dip in the Sound. He stopped by the police, and they find a call to military service in his pocket, after further complications lands him at the barracks, where he came under the loving care of 66 (Dirch compatible) and 65 (Ove Sprogø). So the stage is set for lots of fun and games, in the right old style.
A Sailor goes ashore
Frederik Larsen (Lau Lauritzen Jr.), a sailor and has sailed since he was 15. Now he has lost the desire for a sailor life, especially after his best friend Bob was lost in a hurricane. When his ship docks at Copenhagen, shortly before Christmas, he signs off with all his hire on the pocket. He seeks accommodations in sailor home Bertel, located on the nice side of Nyhavn. Here he can stay and eat for very little money. He delivers his kitbag to the concierge Henrik (Mogens Hermansen) before he was lured by accordion music and the laughter that comes to him from the "naughty" side of Nyhavn. In the Cafe "The black sails", he accidently joins Inger (Lisbeth Movin) at the same table, whose profession is not in the phone book, although it is the world's oldest. Inger is in the company of an unemployed stoker Vladimir W. Olsen (Poul Reichhardt) that is full of scams, and has a good mood.
Steen, Mogens' bror
Jan går til filmen
Fourteen-year-old Jan and his companion Erling appear as extras in a film being filmed at Nordisk Film's studios in Valby. A mysterious burglary at the studio's fine mechanics workshop gives the two healthy boys the opportunity to act as detectives.
Father of Four
Everyday portrayal of a single father with four children
Ta' Pelle med
2. Kontorist