Rémi Waterhouse


Manon Lescaut
There is nothing we can do against the call of love. Amiens, 1713. Des Grieux is a noble young student, wise for his years, who's preparing to become a knight of the Order of Malta. With a fine future as a teacher of rhetoric ahead of him, he meets a young commoner, Manon Lescaut, a candle maker's daughter. It's love at first sight.
The Landlords
Directed by Rémi Waterhouse, Mille Millièmes is centered around an eccentric ensemble of apartment residents. Kindness is noticeably absent among their quarters, as demonstrated by a dating pair of neighbors whose request to have their apartments connected was flatly denied. To make matters worse, beggars gathering at a charity event are cruelly tormented by various tenants during the Christmas season. Last but not least is the Portuguese concierge whose services are in danger of being replaced by a more cost-effective alternative, and a widow whose recent loss earns her no sympathy from the rent-demanding landlords.
The Landlords
Directed by Rémi Waterhouse, Mille Millièmes is centered around an eccentric ensemble of apartment residents. Kindness is noticeably absent among their quarters, as demonstrated by a dating pair of neighbors whose request to have their apartments connected was flatly denied. To make matters worse, beggars gathering at a charity event are cruelly tormented by various tenants during the Christmas season. Last but not least is the Portuguese concierge whose services are in danger of being replaced by a more cost-effective alternative, and a widow whose recent loss earns her no sympathy from the rent-demanding landlords.
Scenario Writer
Неотразимые модницы и экстремальные тусовщицы Эдди и Патриция привыкли шокировать мир своими экстравагантными выходками. В 60-х годах они потрясли Париж и Вудсток, в 70-х ими восхищалась вся Ибица, а в 80-х они не пропустили ни одно дефиле своего кумира Жана-Поля Готье. Но минули девяностые годы, и вот уже дочь Эдди, серьезная и самостоятельная Сафран, удивленно смотрит на свою мать и ее взбалмошную подругу, которые всё еще не утратили любви к шампанскому и сумасшедшим вечеринкам. Конечно, современной молодежи трудно понять стареющих бунтарок, по-прежнему считающих себя стильными и сногсшибательными, но Эдди и Патриция не унывают — XXI век сулит им уйму невероятных приключений, а уж они научат новое поколение веселиться до упаду!
Je règle mon pas sur le pas de mon père
Sauveur (Savior) needs someone to save him, and so he begins to look for his father, a fast- talking ladies' man. The son becomes attached to his misanthropic father, and soon a crippled woman photographer and a gigolo with a killer smile also enter the scene, and the situation becomes more and more impossible.
Je règle mon pas sur le pas de mon père
Sauveur (Savior) needs someone to save him, and so he begins to look for his father, a fast- talking ladies' man. The son becomes attached to his misanthropic father, and soon a crippled woman photographer and a gigolo with a killer smile also enter the scene, and the situation becomes more and more impossible.
Версаль, 1780 год. Двор Людовика XVI. Грегуар де Понселудон прибывает из своего провинциального поместья в Париж, чтобы добиться аудиенции у короля и решить серьезную проблему мелиорации заболоченных земель. Но прежде чем получить доступ к его величеству, приходится преодолевать барьеры, воздвигаемые придворными. Здесь более всего пригоден решительный дух и воля к победе.
Children of Chaos
Is there still a chance for Marie, an unwed young mother and a former drugs addicted prostitute, who is sent to a reformatory school?
The Compromise
a relationship is tested in the midst of workers' strike.
The Cheat
In the docks of Bordeaux a well-known homosexual was murdered. Police Inspector Michel Verta starts investigating, when he falls in love with Bernard, a handsome young musician. This not only threatens his family life but also his integrity, for he is married with a child and Bernard is one of the murder suspects.
Поруганная любовь
Николь, молодая жительница Гренобля, однажды вечером была изнасилована четырьмя парнями. Она думает, что никогда не оправится от этого шока. Жених отдаляется от нее. По совету подруги, Николь подает судебный иск...