Peter Graham Scott

Peter Graham Scott

Рождение : 1923-10-27, East Sheen, Surrey, England, UK

Смерть : 2007-08-05


Peter Graham Scott


Three Wishes for Jamie
Adapted from Charles O'Neal's 1949 book, this follows the lighthearted adventures of a late 19th Century young man named Jamie McGrew, the three wishes granted to him in a dream by a fairy queen, and the unusual way they come true. His first is for travel (he goes from Ireland to a life of horse trading in Georgia); his second, to marry the girl of his dreams; the third, a son with the gift of poetry and the ability to speak in the ancient Gaelic tongue.
The Canterville Ghost
A young American couple inherits an English castle, only to find that it is haunted by the spirit of a disgraced ancestor, doomed to stay on the estate because of his cowardice. The only way he can escape is if one of his descendants performs an heroic act, something he intends to get the husband to do.
Триумфальная арка
Экранизация романа Эриха Марии Ремарк. История любви в предвоенном Париже. Равик – талантливый немецкий хирург, бежавший из Германии, где подвергался пыткам и допросам за содействие евреям, охвачен жаждой мести своему обидчику, которого мельком, несколько раз видел в Париже. Однажды ночью на мосту он встречает женщину, с отчаяньем глядящую в серые ноябрьские волны.
The Master of Ballantrae
The Master of Ballantrae is a 1984 TV movie based on the 1889 novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.[2] It was a co production between the US and England for the Hallmark Hall of Fame
Jamaica Inn
The respected squire of a quiet Cornish village is in reality the leader of a gang of murderous pirates who attack passing ships, kill their crews and steal their cargoes.
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
Egyptologist Robin Ellis and American reporter Eva Marie Saint uncover King Tut's burial site but wealthy profiteer Raymond Burr tries to make sure that the valuable artifacts in its chambers never leave the country.
Five Survive
The gang genuinely believe they have helped a farmer - even though he has been bad-tempered with them and does not deserve help - by rounding up what they suppose to be his stray cows.
Up for the Cup
Unable to obtain tickets for the local Cup Final, the gang build a viewing platform atop a tree near the garden of an enemy householder. Their presence there, as always, causes considerable chaos.
Up the Creek
The Ski Wheelers
When old Mr Brown gives the gang some skis, they resolve the problem of the lack of snow by fixing the skis to roller skates. Havoc results, but it's the two nasty louts who steal the skis who are arrested by the police.
That's all We Need
The gang unknowingly steal the tools of a demolition gang in order to build themselves a headquarters, which the foreman accidentally destroys when he drops a lighted cigarette into a box of dynamite.
Time Flies
While out on a map-reading exercise, Andy and the gang arrive at a spooky church tower, reputedly haunted by the ghost of a drowned seaman. The disagreeable sexton mistakes them for the ghost, while, unaware of the terror they've inspired, the gang take tea with the vicar.
A young wife is becoming very distraught over the fact that her husband, a secret service "spy" for England, has changed his mind about transferring away so that he can spend more time with her and their young son. He has grown cold and distant towards her; she thinks it 's because of the secretiveness of his work. Meanwhile, an American spy comes to England and is induced to help the British "team" with an undercover spy ring. When this spy ring is over turned the "bugs" that crawl out from under its rock shocks everyone!
Mister Ten Per Cent
Percy Pointer's passion in life is the theatre, and all his spare time is devoted to the play he is writing.When it's finished it arrives on the desk of a London impresario, at a time when he wants to stage a flop.
Father Came Too!
When Dexter Munro and his new wife Juliet get married, they decide to escape Juliet's meddling father by buying a rundown cottage and doing it up themselves. But when the cottage proves to be more ramshackle than they thought, and the scale of the repairs needed far out of their budget, the newlyweds are forced into calling on Juliet's father after all. Before long he's employed incompetent builder Josh Wicks, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
Bitter Harvest
A pretty young woman will do anything to escape her deadly dull existence in the backlots of Wales. But when she reaches the bright lights of London is the price too high?
The Cracksman
Ernest Wright's peerless prowess as a locksmith comes to the attention of a tough big-time crook, who feels that the little man would be a valuable asset to his crime kingdom. In order to inveigle him into a series of jobs, he sets up a beautiful hostess as a trap, into which the hapless Ernest inevitably falls..!
Капитан Клегг
XVIII век. В прибрежный английский городок прибывает отряд капитана Колье, намеревающегося пресечь деятельность местных контрабандистов. Вскоре до солдат доходят истории о бесчинствующих на здешних болотах всадниках-призраках. Всадников считают проклятьем, наложенным на здешние места легендарным пиратом Клеггом, но Колье не склонен верить в подобные сказки.
The Pot Carriers
New inmate Rainbow has just been imprisoned for a year for his part in a fight over his girlfriend Wendy. After being assigned to kitchen duty, he becomes involved in a food-trading racket. When the scheme is betrayed to the prison's governor, its prime mover is threatened with an extended sentence - unless Rainbow can come up with a way to save him.
The Big Day
A drama unfolding in the business world where shrewd methods are adopted by a boss to select a suitable yes-man for the Board.
Let's Get Married
A medical student who is thrown out of his university, ends up working in a laundry and rebuilds his confidence with a relationship with a fashion model.
Devil's Bait
The police, with the help of a baker, try to find the owner a loaf of bread accidentally poisoned with potassium cyanide.
The Headless Ghost
Three teenagers encounter a ghost who is in limbo until he retrieves his lost head. They do their parts to help him find it.
A local government official leads a double life when organising a breakout from a prison.
A local government official leads a double life when organising a breakout from a prison.
The Big Chance
A clerk sees his big chance to escape a humdrum existence, but his resolve is tested as many unexpected obstacles arise.
The Big Chance
A clerk sees his big chance to escape a humdrum existence, but his resolve is tested as many unexpected obstacles arise.
Account Rendered
Police find that everyone had a motive for the murder of a wealthy woman.
The Hide-Out
An insurance investigator in London attempts to thwart smugglers trafficking stolen lambskins infected with anthrax.
Escape Route
When nuclear scientists are kidnapped and smuggled behind the Iron Curtain, an FBI man and a British agent are assigned to catch the kidnappers.
Shadow of the Eagle
During the eighteenth century the Empress of Russia sends her lover to kidnap her rival for the throne.
A British coastal command pilot is charged with neglect when it is thought that he has sunk a British submarine rather than a German U-boat. Unable to live with his actions, he volunteers for a deadly mission. His girlfriend meanwhile tries to prove that he is innocent.
The Perfect Woman
In need of cash, Roger Cavendish and his valet take a job escorting the perfect woman for a night on the town. She is in fact the robotic creation of Professor Belman, but it turns out rather to be the Professor's niece Penelope doing a pretty good imitation of the perfect Olga who winds up with them in the bridal suite at the Hotel Splendide.
Брайтонская скала
Ричард Аттенборо сыграл роль Пинки, жестокого психопата, главаря банды подростков, промышляющей в курортном Брайтоне. Пинки хочет разделаться с своим подельником, который когда-то его предал, но его подручные слишком глупы и неопытны. И к тому же в дело вмешивается официантка Роуз, у которой слишком хорошая память на лица.
A look at life in the Fenlands (a coastal, marshy plain in eastern England) in 1940's.
A documentary about the precursor to the Arts Council, the wartime Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA), featuring an introduction by education minister R A Butler, an art exhibition in a factory and live music and theatre performances in various English locations.
A Chance to Dance
Mandy, a young ballet dancer, joins a Ballet company in Bristol run by dance director Daniel. Mandy becomes infatuated with principal dancer Paul while Daniel becomes increasingly disenchanted with his star ballerina Isabelle.